Walt's Gift


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When it was dark and tired I said I was going to bed. Helen asked, "Do we need to ask every night if you want a partner?"

"No. From this day forward, I never want to sleep alone again. I never realized how I missed the love of being with someone in bed until you all brought that back to me. Since Diane died there has been an unacknowledged emptiness in my life. It is gone. I am so grateful for you all and each. I am alive again."

I didn't close the door when I went in. I showered and climbed into bed. A while later someone joined me. I didn't know who it was until morning. It was Linda. The two of us had breakfast alone and then went to her apartment. She showed me a drip that had developed in the bathroom sink. An hour later it was fixed. Dad had a wonderful room full of tools and repair parts near the back of the apartment building.

The rest of the day I visited the apartments repairing and making a list of things I wanted to do to and with these ladies.

As we sat having lunch on the patio Pat asked when I was going to ask about my inheritance. I wondered what she was talking about.

"Linda and Jack get the house and Buick. I get the apartments."

"Linda will get a check this week for one-hundred thousand dollars. Do you want to know how much your check is for?"

"I guess I do. I figured it was a hundred thousand, like Linda."

"None of us would ever say anything to Linda but when she cut us out Walt was really hurt. He didn't say that the distribution was based at all on the hurt, but I think maybe it was. It was also based on knowing what he was asking you to do after he was gone."


"Two point two million."

"You are serious?"

"Yes. I helped him with all the paperwork. It has been your money since the tenth of January. He found ways to give it to you so you wouldn't have to pay huge taxes on it."

"I think I should take all of us out for dinner tonight. Somewhere really nice. Know a place like that?"

"Yes, we do. Shanghi-Red's. Shall I make a reservation?"

"Yes. Is it far?"

"Half an hour tops."

"OK, then Shanghi Red's."

"It was Walt's favorite romantic restaurant."

"Mine too," I said.

After lunch I called my roommate in Newark and talked about the stuff he wanted and the stuff he was selling. I told him to let the bed go cheap, as well as most of my furniture. I wanted my chair and my stereo. He said he would not sell any of my clothes. I told him to sell all the winter clothes, or keep them for himself.

Helen came into my apartment and let me know she was going shopping and she wanted to know if I wanted or needed anything. I responded that I wanted a yellow pad and some pens. She smiled and showed me the stash of them in the credenza. I sat down and started making lists. Things to buy for the apartments. Things to get for my apartment. Things to remember to bring back from Newark.

I looked up from the lists and Pat was sitting on the floor watching me.

"Have you got some time for me?"

"Yes. What would you like?"

"Come with me, please. I want to share something with you."

She led me to her car and we drove a few minutes and parked. We were along side of a marina. Sailboats and power boats slipped past us. In the distance jets took off from an airport. She took my hand and we walked toward the breakwater. The air smelled of salt water, seagulls, sand and fish. Every fifty yards along the jetty there was a bench, facing the water. Out near the end of the jetty we stopped and I held her as we watched. We watched the gulls, the late afternoon sun as it approached the ocean, the various boats returning to the marina, and the other lovers walking the same path as we walked.

"You were married to Diane. I was with Walt when Diane died and he cried. He talked with us about how he worried about you."

"He was right to worry. I thought about jumping off a bridge. I thought about it more than once."

"I'm glad you didn't." She kissed me.

"I am too." I kissed her. "Why did you want to come here?"

"Walt liked coming here. I think he had a special place where he spent time with each of us. This was our place. I haven't talked about where he took anyone else with anyone else, so I don't know, but this is mine... ours."

"Do you like boats?"

"Yes, but not the ocean. I get seasick. Walt took me on a three day cruise to Mexico and I did fine but I went on a sail boat out there..." She pointed out from shore. "And I almost lost my lunch."

"I understand. No small boats."

"I didn't know what meeting you and being with you would be like. I thought I might be uncomfortable for a while. It wasn't like that. From the moment you called I felt like you have been in my heart forever. Loving you is easy."

"A week ago I didn't know you existed. My head still spins when I think about the promise I made to my Dad. I promised him I would love five women I had never met, for the rest of your lives! When we kissed in the hospital parking lot I was so safe I could cry. I already knew I was safe in your arms. Thank you."

"Where is Diane buried?"


"Can I go with you to her grave when we go back there?"

"Yes." I whispered. A gesture of love and comfort. Once again I was touched by how Pat's thinking worked.

We stood at the railing for a while. We walked a while. We sat on a bench for a while. Hunger arrived and sat with us for a while. Finally, he blocked the view and became insistent.

We held hands as we walked back to Pat's car. She called on her cell back to the apartments and after a short conversation she hung up.

"Our reservations are in an hour and a half. Want a snack to hold you until dinner?"

"A little something would be good."

She drove us to a place she knew, Paco's Taco's. She ordered and brought a box back to the car. Two sodas and two tacos. I'd never had a taco like that. I knew I would have more.

One taco was just enough. Two hours later I was at a table with five beautiful women in the restaurant. The Windowed wall of the restaurant where we sat overlooked the harbor of Marina Del Rey. The sail and power boats glided by and we saw the pelicans and sea gulls as the night deepened. Dinner was incredible! Each of us ordered something different and then we shared. Krystn had an idea. She said, rather than passing our plates to share we could trade seats for a few minutes. I liked the idea.

Helen said she wanted to taste what I had, so we traded seats. I had been sitting between Pat and Linda. Then I was between Maria and Krystn. Every few minutes we traded seats and each time people moved I got kissed. Some people at nearby tables noticed that I was being kissed often. They also noticed we were laughing and touching as we enjoyed the meal. As we neared the end of our meal an older, well dressed man came to our table.

"I have seen all of you here many times. Each time with an older gentleman. I wonder, is he Ok?"

"My father passed away last week. He's fine. We are celebrating his life and our memories of him. Since you knew him, would you join us for a glass of wine?"

"Oh, I'm sorry to have intruded. Walt was a wonderful man. I'm glad I knew him even for the little that I did know him. I cannot join you for a drink but I certainly am honored that you came here for the celebration of Walt's life."

He shook my hand and left us.

A few minutes later a raspberry crème brule was delivered to our table. The waiter said, "From the manager." We each tasted it until it was gone. A few minutes passed and I motioned to a nearby waiter.

"May I have our check please?"

"Your check isn't coming. The manager paid the check."

I thanked him and stood. I pulled out my wallet and left a one hundred dollar tip. Linda and Helen held my arms as we walked out. Krystn drove us home and I sat on the bench behind the front bucket seats. Maria on one side and Helen on the other.

When the doors closed behind us Helen said, "Let's meet in the hot tub in five minutes."

"It won't be hot in five minutes," Krystn said.

"Yes it will! I turned it on before we left for dinner!" Krystn said. She was pulling at the tie behind her neck that held her dress on her. When it was untied the dress slipped down off her shoulders showing that the dress and thigh high stockings were all that she had on. She had already stepped out of her shoes.

"Allow me to assist with the rest," I said. I knelt and slowly peeled the stocking down her legs, one at a time. I kissed around the tops of the stockings and ran my hands from her ankles to the tops before beginning to peel them down. When I had the first one off I kissed her bare pussy.

The others took off their clothes while I attended to Krystn. When she was nude I kissed her pussy again and tasted her nectar. She held my head for a moment and then backed away. I looked up at her and she said, "Do me, do us all."

I looked and saw Pat, Linda, Helen and Maria standing by me in just stockings and heels. I was already hard from playing with Krystn's legs. Seeing the others waiting, smiling, produced a stronger reaction in my already crowded boxers.

Krystn folded her clothes and draped them over a chair. She went to the hot tub. I concentrated on Pat, Helen and Maria in that order. I did not hurry. Maria watched me with each of her sisters and when I touched her legs she moaned.

"You Ok?" I asked.

"I am so turned on that I'm going to cum before I even get to the hot tub."

"Really? May I help?"

I did the exact same ritual with her that I had done with the others. When I kissed her pussy the first time she pressed my face into her slit and held me there. I tongued her clit and she screamed! Her body shook and she held onto my head like she might fall without it.

"I knew she wouldn't make it!" Helen called from the hot tub.

I finished taking off her stockings and then she undressed me. When I slipped into the hot tub I was greeted with touches and kisses. Each woman presented me with her wet tits to kiss and fondle.

We didn't have the bubbles on, just the circulating hot water. It was mostly quiet in our domain until Maria asked, softly, "Nick, If I kiss Krystn will you think I'm a lesbian?"

"No, because you aren't."

"I'm not?"

"Not in my mind. You are a woman. Who you kiss, who you are affectionate with does not define you. You define you. I'm beginning to think that the six of us are less me with five wives and more six lovers married in body and soul to each other."

"Do you feel married to us?" Helen asked.

"Yes. And the feeling gets reinforced every moment. I have no history of loving, intimately, more than one person at a time, but in my heart I see each of you as my life partner, my wife."

"You haven't known us for even a week."


"Can you say you love us as your wife in less than a week?"

"My Dad taught me not to lie. I'm not going to lie. I'm just telling you haw I feel and the commitment I'm making. At some moment in the future I may be upset or crazy and not feel like being married to one or more of you. I will still be married to you, committed to your life working, no matter how I feel at any given moment."

"Oh." Maria said. "You've been thinking about this, haven't you?"

"Yes. Almost constantly since I called Pat the other night."

"Nick and I are leaving tomorrow. I'm going to bed now. Anyone who isn't sleeping with Nick can join me, if you like," Pat said. She kissed each of us and stepped out of the tub. She gathered her clothes and went to number two.

I said, "She's right, we are leaving tomorrow. I want to go so I can get back, but I don't want to go." I kissed each of them and stepped out. My clothes were stacked and folded nearby so I gathered them and went to number one.

When my ritual was over I slipped into bed. Helen joined me. As she slid into bed she asked, "Would you join with me?"

"Yes. Tell me how to please you, please."

"Ever so slowly at first and then faster. I'm already very wet. I love it when Walt sucks my breasts hard, and pulls my nipples. After, hold me and kiss me."

"Earlier, you tasted so good to me. Can I lick you now?"

"I'll cum if you do."

"Would you like that?"

"Yes! Walt was really good at that. Krystn says you eat pussy as good as Walt."

"Do you scream?"

"No. I'm pretty quiet."

My lips went to hers and we kissed. She melded with me in that kiss. I used to believe the would surrender meant giving up. I discovered, in that kiss, that surrender means welcoming, totally. I kissed my way from her mouth to her breasts. Soft kisses all over her breasts and then on her areola nd nipples. I could surround her areola and nipple with my mouth, flicking the nipple with my tongue and I sucked the rest.

Helen's hands held my head tightly to her breast. I sucked and released, sucked and released. Her nipple grew in my mouth and Helen moaned softly.

I drew back, stretching her breast away from her chest until it popped from my mouth. When it did she moaned deeper and I moved to her other breast.

"Harder, Nick. Suck me harder, please!"

I did. With my hand I squeezed her other breast. As I sucked one I pinched the nipple of the other. I pulled it. Her moans became almost animal sounds. No words, just low rumbling sounds from deep within her. Her legs wrapped around my body and she started to thrust against me.

"I'm close," She panted. "Oh Honey, I'm close!"

I shifted above her and felt my cock find home. Somehow I found her entrance and slid inside her. Slowly. One long, slow, slide inside her tight, welcoming sheath.

When I was all the way in I held still. I stopped flicking her nipple and released the pinch of her other nipple. Her eyes popped open and she looked like she was about to speak. My hips began to pull back. As slowly as I could I pulled back until I just touched her outer lips. I stopped.

Seconds passed. Her mouth opened and she thrust against me. I kissed her open mouth and filled her pussy as slowly as I could manage.

"Faster! Please Honey, faster I'm so close! I want to cum! I want you to cum inside me!"

"Cum now, Helen. Cum now!" I slammed in all the way, hard. I pulled back and slammed in again. Both my hands grabbed her areolas and pinched. And again, slamming in hard pressing my pubic bone against hers with her clit trapped between us.

Her back arched, her body stiffened and she screamed! As the long wail started to wane she started to shake. I held on and enjoyed the ride. Long seconds passed and then she opened her eyes. I kissed her.

"You didn't cum."

"No, but I think you did."

"God, yes! Now, fill me! I want to be filled."

I shifted us until she was on her knees in front of me and I was sliding into her from behind.

"Helen, you feel so good! Hard and fast, I want to fill you."

My hips pistoned my cock in and out of her as my hands held her hips. I was getting close.

"Spank me! Slap my ass!"

My right hand slapped her ass cheek and as it did I spurted my first load into Helen. Pulse after pulse until I was done. I held on tight and rode the feelings. As I started to soften I pulled out and dropped to the bed next to Helen.

"Put your pussy on my mouth, Helen. I'm not done with you."

She looked at me like I was from Mars but moved over me and lowered her pussy to my mouth. I drank all the mixed nectar from her and brought her to two more orgasms as I did so. When she finally lay next to me we were both exhausted.

"God, Nick! Now I know what your Dad meant when he used the phrase, 'rode hard and put away wet."

Ten seconds later we were both asleep.

The alarm didn't wake us. Pat did. She walked in, stripped down and joined us in bed. She kissed me and said, "You certainly like eatin pussy don't you?"

I smiled and pulled her and Helen close. They kissed and Pat said, "Well, is he a keeper?"

Helen nodded and said, "I've never cum so hard in my life!"

"We know! You screamed last night! You woke Maria and I up."

"No! I don't scream!"

I smiled at Helen and nodded. She blushed.

"What shall we do for breakfast?"

"Let's go to Dinah's on the way to the airport!" Helen bounded from the bed. We dressed and did exactly that. Dinah's had twenty different kinds of pancakes and the service was good, fast and fun. Krystn dropped us at the airport and we were off to Newark.

As we flew I thought about how my Dad had changed my life again. I was sitting next to Pat, holding hands and still being able to picture and remember joining with Helen, Pat, Maria and Krystn. Linda made me promise that she was sleeping with me when we got back. I wondered what the next year would bring.

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WargamerWargamerabout 2 years ago

Typical Scorpio story.



DrakkarNoirDrakkarNoirabout 7 years ago
Another winner

I love the way your imagination works and the different scenarios you conjure.

A series based on these characters could be as good as Leaving The Navy which I conider to be one of your best

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
I want this in my life

I love this story and I desperately want this in my life. I'm 29 and married to a wonderful man who neglects me. He's a lawyer and he's married to his work. I'm too young to be a widow. I was a cheerleader in high school and I've kept my shape. What good does it do me??? I want someone to fuck me hard. I want to be used. I want to feel this kind of desire. Yes, I even want to be raped. I have considered so many scenarios.. Most of them are crazy. Most of them would involve far too much risk. I want to fuck a stranger. If I could do it without risking my reputation or my marriage I would fuck a stranger right away.

Please contact me if you have suggestions, ideas, or offers...


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
More chapters

For anyone who doesn't know, there are 3 more chapters to this story posted under "Scorpio44a".

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Tootsall, I noticed in another story, that Scorpio44 used the term "bobtail"' apparently referring to some sort straight truck. He is evidently unaware of the fact that, in the trucking industry, a bobtail is an unattached semi-tractor.

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