Walt's Gift


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At nine-thirty my cell rang. The courtyard suddenly was silent. I answered, knowing it was Linda.

"When are you coming home?" Not even a hello.

"How about between eleven-thirty and noon?"

"You said you would be here this morning!"

"I think eleven-thirty is still in the morning. It will take me an hour to drive there so even if I were up, dressed and fed I couldn't be there until ten thirty. Eleven thirty gives me a chance to eat, shower, and rent a car."

"OK. I'll call Forest Lawn and make an appointment for about one."

"Linda, can I ask you a question?"

"What?" I could hear a defensive tone in her voice.

"Did you know Dad had a lady friend?"

"I thought maybe he did, but he never introduced her to us." She paused. "Is that where you are?"


"Is she nice?"

"Would Dad pick someone who wasn't the best?"

"I guess that was a dumb question wasn't it?"

"Dad was with her for five years and he thought we expected him to mourn Mom forever. I know I never said anything like that."

"I did." I heard her start to cry. "I was so shocked that he wanted to bring her to my Thanksgiving Dinner that I made it plain I didn't like the idea. That was five years ago."

"Nice going. I'd like her involved in the planning of the service."

"Bring her with you. I want to apologize for five years of keeping her outside. What is her name?"

"I'll let you meet her as the biggest surprise of your life. Our Dad was the man with the biggest heart I've ever heard of. Between now and when we get there I want you to read the story in your Bible of David. OK?"


"Yeah. See you at eleven thirty." I hung up.

I looked from face to face and said, "You need to do whatever you want to get ready. Toss the notes away. We're going to meet as a family at Forest Lawn and plan Dad's funeral. All of us. By the way, Linda wants to apologize for holding you outside."

They didn't move. They looked at me as if I was an alien from Mars. Finally Helen said, "I cannot go. I need more time to get ready."

"I said you would be there. Are you making me a liar?"

"No. What do I wear? What is Linda like?"

"She is a little like Pat in looks. A little like a school teacher in attitudes and she loves to dance and laugh. She almost never wears enough make-up that anyone would see it."

Pat asked, "What will she wear?"

I dialed and when Linda picked up I said, "She wants to know what you will be wearing."

She answered and I thanked her. I looked at the ladies and said, "White pants and a teal tunic top. White sandals."

In seconds all the food and all the ladies were gone. Ten minutes later they were back.

"I need to rent a mini-van."

"Not necessary. Krystn has one and it's clean inside. We can use it."

"Do you know your sister's address?"


"My GPS will guide us right to her front door. Ready?"

We loaded into the van and soon were on the freeway. At eleven-ten we parked in front of Linda's house. Krystn hesitated for a moment then drove down to the corner. We talked as we waited.

"You know Linda is still going to be freaked when she sees that there are five of us." Maria worried.

"When we tell her about the apartment building she'll think we are the tenants and that just one of us was Walt's girl." Pat observed.

"What if she asks which of us was Walt's girlfriend?"

"Then you be honest. You tell my slightly dense sister that Walt loved each of you. I only say slightly dense because if she asks she didn't see it the first second she saw you. I did."

"Pat, how was it being with Nick last night?" Krystn asked.

"Incredible! He held me in his arms all night and didn't turn over once. We woke up in the same position as when we went to sleep."

"No fooling around?" Maria asked, her eyes wide.

"No. We were really exhausted. Nick is on east coast time, you know."

"Nick, may I sleep with you tonight?" Krystn asked.

I looked from one to the other and then at Krystn. "I don't know how the nightly decision has been made before and I don't want to disrupt a system that obviously has worked for years. That said, I would be honored to share my bed with you tonight. I want to know each of you better and more intimately."

Krystn started the van and turned it around. It was eleven-thirty. She parked in front of the house and we got out. I saw Linda peek out of the front window and then walk towards the front door. It opened as we came up the stairs.

I've known my sister all her life. Her face tells everything about her emotions. The door opened and she smiled the smile that says, "I'm really happy to meet you."

"Hi! I'm Linda. Please come in." She shook hands with each woman and repeated her greeting. When I entered she closed the door and pushed me into the living room. Jack was bringing a chair in from the dining room. I got one too and we sat in them, leaving the softer chairs and couch for the women.

"Linda and Jack, there are some things you didn't know about Dad. Dad bought an apartment building down at the beach some years ago. He has spent a lot of the last five years living there and taking care of the building and these five wonderful women. They, in turn, have cared for and loved Dad."

I pointed to each and introduced them to Linda and Jack. Linda waited to speak until everyone was introduced.

"I want to apologize to each of you. Five years ago I said something to Dad that shut all of you out and had my Dad close us out of a big part of his last years. I regret it. I beg you to forgive me. I was being a selfish little girl when I did it."

Jack got up and came back with two boxes of tissue. They were put into immediate use.

Pat spoke, "I forgive you. Walt talked a lot about you, Nick, and his wife, Barbara. I feel like we know you. I understand the feelings you had back then. He never stopped loving Barbara, you or Nick. I have been blessed that he loved me for the last five years too."

Another round of tissues.

Maria spoke, "I don't have the words to say what Pat just said. I moved in to the family four years ago. Walt interviewed me for the apartment in a strange way. He had a bar-b-que and sat me down with these women who decided I could be their sister and part of Walt's other family. I have been grateful for all the love and care every day."

"I'm Krystn. I love your Dad. I have loved him with all my heart for five years. He and his best friend introduced me to love and loving different from anything in my life. I cannot do anything with your apology except accept it. That's what Walt taught me to do. Accept love as it is offered. I do."

She sat back down and took a couple tissues. She passed the box to Linda and she took a couple too.

Linda stood and looked first at Linda, my sister, and then at Jack. "I'm Linda too, and maybe that's what you can call me; two. Walt was very special to me. Before I found the apartments I knew Pat at work. She was a good friend and when I left my abusive relationship Pat gently introduced me into the family. I didn't trust Walt at first. Nobody is that nice. The longer I knew him and my sisters the more I knew I needed... no, wanted to live with them. I have never regretted moving into the family. I don't need your apology. I forgave what you did a long time ago. I am sorry you missed out on sharing the love, the laughter, the bar-b-ques and the vacations with us. I'm sorry we missed knowing you face-to-face for the last five years. It is important to me to tell you what my heart says. I choose to love you... and Jack... and Nick."

Linda stood and hugged Linda two. They held on like they might fall without each other. I waited and then stood and wrapped my arms around both of them. Jack joined me. Seconds later we were all hugging and needing more tissues. No one really cared about the tissues.

We took two vehicles to Forest Lawn. An hour later the plans were made and the time set for the service. It was decided that we would have a short graveside service. Near the end of the planning I left the room to use the bathroom and when I came back I had been elected to conduct the service and say a prayer dedicating the grave. There were twenty hours before the service.

As we left the mortuary Linda invited us to go out to dinner together, so we could get better acquainted. Linda rode in the van and Pat and I went with Jack. They agreed on where we were going and we went.

At dinner I saw that my sister was not dense. She had quickly understood that Dad loved every one of the women. During dinner she asked what would happen to the apartments. Pat answered that she had helped Walt with his will and finances for a while and in the will Linda got a hundred thousand and the Pasadena house. I got the apartments and some money. Jack got the Buick. Walt knew Jack loved the classic Buick Riviera.

Linda looked at me and said, "What will you do with the apartments? You live in Newark. You have a job there."

"Not necessarily in this order but I will contact my boss and either transfer to our California affiliate or quit. I will have a big yard sale in Newark and what I don't sell or toss I'll bring to California. I will establish residence in apartment number one. I will have a bar-b-que to celebrate my Dad and to celebrate the start of the rest of my life."

Pat leaned over and asked, quietly, "Can I go with you to get your stuff? I can drive a bobtail."

I smiled. What a thought; a road trip with a beautiful woman.

When we left Linda and Jack that night I brought my suitcase with me. At home, in my thinking it was already home, I put things away. As I did the ladies hovered. Finally, Pat asked, "Do you want all of us here or should we go home?"

"I don't want you to go. I want some time to put my thoughts together for tomorrow. I want to hug each of you, kiss each of you... and more. I guess I'm like a little boy who has favorite books. I want to read all of them at once and I can't. Stay or go, it's up to you. At some point Krystn and I will be going to bed." I paused, thinking I was done. I wasn't.

"Before you go I would like to hold each of you. I have something I want to tell you, each."

Helen moved to stand in front of me and we hugged. There was no hesitation, no holding back. Her body and mine molded together as lovers, friends, soul mates. Our kiss was as tender and hot as any kiss I had ever had. It was full of promises that we both intended to keep. As the kiss ended I whispered, "I love you."

Helen kissed me and as that kiss ended she whispered, "I know. I love you too."

She touched everyone and left. Linda followed her. The ritual was the same. She tasted differently but just as wonderfully.

Pat joined with Linda in her last hug. Then Pat and I kissed and said good-night and I love you. Maria joined us in Pat's last hug.

Soon I looked and Krystn was standing with me in the bedroom. She was naked. Without speaking she helped me undress. The bed was turned down. She sent me into the bathroom and as I went I saw her climb into the bed. She got in next to the alarm clock.

Last thing I did before going to bed was to shave. Carl Sagan taught me that men shave in the morning to look good in public, men shave at night out of love for a woman.

Krystn moved to me as soon as I got in bed. We kissed. It isn't too often that a kiss is really a full body, mind and soul kiss but that one shook the foundations of my life. She gave me everything she could give. She didn't insist or force the giving... she just gave. When the kiss ended she whispered, "I decided to love you a long time ago. I love you. The best part is that there is nothing you need to do with that. There's nothing you can do about that. Toss me out, I'll still love you. Love me as passionately as I love you, I'll still love you. I'm yours. I will love you for the rest of our lives."

"You don't know me."

"Are you as honest as Walt?"


"Did you mean it when you told Pat you love her?"


"Helen? Linda? Maria? "

"Yes, yes and yes."

"What else do I need to know?"


"I want you to know some things about me. I love lots of touching, foreplay is something I can do for days. I love sitting quietly with neither of us talking. I love sharing food. Sometimes I make a meal of popcorn. I don't smoke and one glass of wine is my limit for a month. I don't and won't do drugs. I am both a screamer and a moaner. I'm dripping wet right now."

"Do you like having your breasts played with?"

"Yes! I can orgasm from it!

"Do you like a tongue touching your pussy?"

"Only one man has ever been there. If you are as wonderful as your Dad I promise to scream in joy."

"I have a quirk. I love licking and kissing puss and I like it best when you sit above me as I lay on the bed. Ride my face, as it were."

She shifted and I moved down on the bed a bit. As her leg went over my head I saw that she was indeed quite wet, and totally shaved. She held on to the headboard and lowered her pussy to my waiting tongue and mouth.

It wasn't long before we announced to the other apartments that Krystn had moaned and screamed in joy. She slid down my body until her wetness touched my cock. Then she did the magic that women who love sex can do. She slipped me inside without looking or using her hands. She moved so my entrance was slow and made with her whispered commentary.

"We are one. Now and always.'

"You fill me, body and soul."

"Enjoy me. I am yours."

We joined slowly and kissed, touched, caressed and fully pressed our lives together. As I approached my climax she knew and felt it. Krystn squeezed me and milked me until I was dry and wilting.

As I drifted towards sleep she was beside me, holding my cock in her hand and pressing her lips to mine. I whispered, "I love you. Now and always."

Moments later the alarm woke me. Another night had passed without me moving. Krystn shut the alarm off and rolled back to me.

"How do you like kissing morning breath?"

"How do you like kissing a mouth that last had your juices in it?"

Our answers were delivered with those disgusting mouths and neither of us was deterred at all. I thought she tasted like Heaven. She must like her own taste. Krystn opened to me again, in the light of morning, and I accepted. I spread her legs and nibbled my way to her center, taking delightful side trips along the way. When she was close and the moans became serious I moved up and entered her heat.

Together we offered the missionary prayer of gratitude and then the doggy song of joy. Krystn got noisy at the end and my kissing her only muffled the noise a little. I filled her without a single thought of birth control or STD's.

As I fell beside her and held her in my arms the door opened and Maria came right in. She was smiling and her eyes twinkled.

"I know it's a good morning! Breakfast will be ready in about half an hour. Nick, what would you like to eat this morning?"

"I may be pushing my luck here but I'll give you my honest answer. I'd like to eat you, Maria. Krystn, you are incredible, and I'll bet you are a bit sensitive right now. Why don't you shower and get your day started and let me see if I can nibble my way to Maria's heart."

Krystn got out of bed and kissed Maria who was undressing. She closed the bathroom door behind her. I heard the water come on and I heard Krystn singing.

Maria's lips found mine and our dance began. She was considerably shorter than Krystn and darker. She straddled me and bent for her kisses. I think that sometimes Maria rubs something spicy on her lips before she kisses. It was different, and wonderful. Our hands explored each other and made ourselves at home.

Maria offered her breasts to my mouth. I exhaled on one nipple, without touching it, and she moaned. I flicked it with my tongue and she arched her back. I sucked the nipple gently and she moaned louder.

"Nick, I am so wet I'm dripping. I want you inside me."

"Tongue or cock?"

"Both! Your cock!" Saying that she shifted and I was inside her. All the way inside her. I was ridden hard and when she came she matched Krystn's enthusiasm. As she trembled and slowed her motion I lifted my hips and showered her inside with my second load of the day.

When I looked past Maria's body I saw Krystn sitting in a chair on a towel with her hands in her pussy.

"You want more?"

She nodded. I waved her forward.

"My cock is done but my tongue still works, I think."

Krystn straddled my face and gave me her juices and her clit. I sucked on her clit and in a short while she screamed again.

We lay together on the bed resting and returning to something near normal when the door opened again. It was Pat.

"I know fucking is good but breakfast is getting cold. Krystn and Maria get out of here, you are a distraction. Nick, in the shower. Come on, people! Move."

We did as instructed, laughing. I got in the shower and Pat washed my body as I washed my hair and shaved. I tossed on clothes and we went to breakfast.

It was healthy and fun. We ate out on the courtyard tables while Krystn and Maria took some ribbing for being so noisy. Pat brought me a pad and a pen and sat by me after breakfast disappeared. She watched me write my thoughts for the service. She offered no suggestions. When I finished she read it and cried.

Pat sat in my lap and we kissed and held each other, letting the tears flow. Words were not needed.

When it was time to go we loaded into the van and went. An hour on the freeway and we arrived at Forest Lawn. At the gate we were directed to the site and saw a dozen chairs set up beside the casket. Jack and Linda were already seated.

Pat had thought of something I hadn't. She gave each person a pack of Kleenex and said when the service was over we would throw all our tears in the ground on the Kleenex. I stood, looking at her, stunned at how her mind worked.

The man from Forest Lawn spoke for about a minute then turned to me. I stood at the end of the casket and spoke.

"All my life I have been blessed by Walter John Peterson. Blessed by his love, his honesty, his ethics, and his heart. He taught me everything I know about being an adult and being a man. He showed me how to love a wife by how he loved my mother, and his second family. As I look at us I am aware that the legacy of his life sits here. He loved us and charges us to become the love, share the love, give the love so that whoever we touch is touched by his love, and ours." I paused.

"My prayer is that he is always present in our hearts, memories, and actions. That we carry on in joy, laughter and giving. He literally used his heart up, wore it out, loving all of us. I can think of no finer way to die. Amen."

I hugged everyone after they tossed their Kleenex into the vault where his casket would be. We walked back to the van and car and Krystn said, "I propose that I ride with Linda and Jack and that they come to our home. We can bbq and cook together and get to know each other better."

That is what happened. During the bbq we all talked and got Linda and Jack to share stories about growing up with Walt as Dad and father-in-law. My thoughts drifted to what needed to be done in order for me to really live in apartment number One. I went inside and called my boss at home in Newark. He understood, gave me his condolences and said he would do what needed to be done to transfer me to L.A.. I called my roommate in Newark and told him I was moving. He said he would organize a yard sale for the next weekend and asked if he could have first shot at some of my stuff. I said thanks and of course.

After Jack and Linda left I talked with my family. Pat could leave anytime I wanted as long as she was back before the twentieth to start compiling her month end reports. We decided to leave in two days. She called United and booked our flight.