Sister's Surrender


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But when the lights had gone out, Kayla's wishes had turned darker. Forbidden fantasies and secret lusts had tortured her nights for years. Over time Kayla had suppressed her secret fears and desires but somehow her sister had brought them surging back to the surface.

Sara whispered in her ear. "What did you say Sis?"

"You... I want you." Kayla moaned.

"What do you want me to do?" Sara purred in her ear as the fingers glided over her nipple again.

The last shred of Kayla's will were seared away by the heat in her core and she breathed, "Take me... I'm yours."

With the admission, Sara seemed to become even more sensual and commanding. She got up and stood before her helpless sister. "Yes Kayla, I will take you. Everything that you are is now mine."

A wave of euphoria flooded through Kayla with her surrender. Her long suppressed desire to submit to her sister had finally come true. She regained control of her body and hissed out "Yes Mistress." as she fell back into the overstuffed couch. Her hands started to wander over her body caressing her breasts and rubbing sensually between her legs. Her boxer shorts were quickly soaked with her wetness and the scent of her filled the room.

Sara leaned down and hovering over her said softly, "Now we'll never be apart again, Sis." She kissed Kayla softly on the lips. "I love you Kayla."

Kayla lay under her, unable to control herself. She felt the intense buildup of heat between her legs and knew that the climax building in her wasn't far off. "I... I... love you... too." She gasped.

With a gentleness that surprised Kayla, Sara carefully undressed her. When Kayla was completely nude, Sara crawled onto the couch, straddling Kayla's face. "Now Sis, taste me."

Kayla looked up and saw Sara's clean shaven sex just inches from her nose. Sara was still wearing her short skirt but with no panties underneath. Wanting to obey, needing to obey, Kayla raised her head slightly and breathed in. The heady, musky sent of Sara's excitement filled her mind and fueled her own fire. It was the scent of raw passion and unbridled lust.

Raising her hands, Kayla held her sister's ass and pulled her face up. Her first taste of her sister's sex was everything she had ever imagined in her darkest, most perverted fantasies. The rich, salty sweet taste of Sara's lust flowed through Kayla's mouth and seemed to fill her very soul. Kayla moaned again as she buried her face farther into her sister. Her tongue pushed ever deeper into Sara, eliciting moans from the younger woman.

"Oh, that's right sweetie, lick it all up." Sara groaned.

Kayla lost track of time as all of her existence seemed to center on pleasuring her sister... her Mistress. She worked her tongue as deep as she could into Sara, tasting her deepest reaches. After a time, she moved the tip of her tongue over to her sister's clit and began to work gently on the hard little nub. Sara's reaction was immediate. Her moans went from long and luxurious to sharp and intense.

"Oh, fuck.... fuck... fuck..." Sara groaned as her hands grabbed Kayla's head and held her tight. "Oh, I'm... I'm..." Sara shrieked as a climax overtook her.

Kayla sucked Sara's clit between her lips and flicked the little button with the tip of her tongue as Sara came over and over again. She felt the wetness of her sister's lust soaking her face and though she wanted to drink it all in, she didn't want her sister to stop cumming. Watching Sara cum was giving her more excitement than anything else she had ever known. Even with nothing touching her she could feel her own climax was very close. Her body was tensing up and the heat in her sex was almost unbearable.

"Cum for me." Sara gasped.

Kayla did. With a cry of release, an orgasm more intense than anything she had ever imagined ripped through her body. The dark room filled with lighting as burning pleasure tore into her mind, ripping away all thoughts. A burning animalistic scream tore from her throat as she writhed under her sister. The climax seemed to go on and on in surging waves, each bigger than the previous. She was only dimly aware of the heavy bulk of her sister's body collapsing down onto her as the endless train of bliss rolled over her. Instinctually, she clung to her sister's body, hanging on for dear life as another climax thundered through her. With each assault of pleasure her mind seemed to dim a little more until all she could see was a small point of light like the far end of a tunnel. At the far end was Sara, panting with her lust.

"Are you ready Sis?" She heard Sara's voice. It echoed in her head as if from a great distance.

Kayla looked at her sister through the haze of ecstasy and a gradual understanding bloomed in her. Her sister's predatory smile now revealed a set of wickedly sharp fangs where before there had been none. She now understood what had happened to her sister, what she had become. Sara was a vampire.

Oddly, that realization didn't bother her as much as she thought it should. Her sister was her Mistress and whatever she wanted, Kayla would submit to.

"Yes." She nodded meekly.

Smiling with a new lust, Sara bent and gently kissed the side of Kayla's neck once before sinking her fangs deep into her flesh.

Kayla cried out as her world exploded with a new assault of pain mingled with intense pleasure. Brilliant light flared in her eyes and with a slow decadence, the world around her faded out.

* * *

The first thing that Kayla noticed upon waking was that she felt wonderful. Better, in fact, than she could ever remember. Her body felt fresh and strong, almost as if were brand new. The afterglow of her multiple climaxes only added to her feeling of euphoria. She took a deep breath and let it out in a long, luxurious sigh.

"Welcome back."

Kayla looked over to see her sister sitting in a chair a few feet away. She smiled lazily at her new Mistress. "That was amazing."

Sara smiled, "It get's even better when your transformation really starts to take hold."

Kayla's eyebrows drew together in confusion. "Transformation?"

Sara pulled back her lips revealing her razor sharp fangs. "Remember now?"

Kayla sucked in a breath as her eyes went wide. Her hand shot to her neck and she felt the deep puncture wounds, just beginning to heal. Oddly, there was no pain from the wound.

Kayla looked to Sara, "So you're a... a... "

"Vampire." Sara finished for her. The same little smile was back on her lips, "And soon, very soon, you will be too."

"But I don't know anything about how to be a..." She paused, fearing that to give voice to her thoughts would somehow make them real. After a long moment she continued, "... a Vampire."

Sara rose and came to sit next to her. She lovingly traced a hand over Kayla's cheek and down the side of her neck. "You will. I'll teach you everything you need to know. Trust me." She leaned in and kissed Kayla softly on the lips.

Kayla broke the kiss to say, "I do."

"Good." Sara stood and went back to her chair. "Now I want you to do something for your Mistress."

Kayla felt herself slip into a more subservient role at the mention her sister's title. "Yes Mistress?"

"I want you to pleasure yourself." Sara said, settling herself deeper into her chair.

"Mistress?" Kayla asked a little embarrassed.

"Don't question your Mistress! Now get your fingers busy. And you had better enjoy it." Sara snapped, a heat seemed to flare in her silver eyes.

Ashamed and a little frightened, Kayla began to tentative play with her sex with her fingers. To her surprise, even a light touch with her fingers sent a warm ripple of pleasure through her body. Her fingers quickly fell into the familiar rhythm that she had often used when masturbating. One finger worked rhythmically in and out of her sex, occasionally detouring to circle her clit. The other hand went to her breasts and began rolling one of her nipples in her fingers. A soft sigh passed her lips.

"Good girl. I knew you had it in you." Sara said, leering at her sister. "Have you ever masturbated for anyone before?"


Sara smirked, "Do you like it?"

"Yes." Kayla said in a long soft moan.

"I'm glad because I like a good show." Sara said.

Kayla continued to stroke her sex and fondle her breasts as her sister watched. The room quickly filled with the scent of her sex. The only sound was the wet squishing noises of her fingers inside her sex, punctuated occasionally with soft moan. After several minutes she felt a growing tension and her moaning grew more urgent.

"Getting close?" Came Sara's voice.

"Yes!" Kayla cried. The movement of her fingers was getting faster and faster as her climax approached.

"Now listen carefully Kayla. You're not allowed to cum till I say you can. Do you understand?" Sara said in a firm voice.

"Oh Mistress... please! Please... I need to... to... cum!" Kayla pleaded between moans.

"No!" Ordered Sara. "Not until I say you can. Do you understand?"

"Yes... Mistress."

As Kayla continued to finger her sex her cries and moans became increasingly urgent. She was long past the point where normally she would have climaxed. Her heart hammered in her chest and her moaning was almost a constant whine now.

A rattle in the kitchen startled her and she jerked partly upright.

"I didn't tell you to stop." Sara said with a sneer.

Kayla pleaded frantically, "But... that's the door! It's Mandy coming home. I can't let her see me like..."

"I said keep fucking yourself." Sara ordered in a firm, quite voice.

Kayla's fingers obeyed even before she registered her sister's words. She felt a new heat rising in her face and it wasn't from the passion burning through her. It was shame. Any second Mandy would walk in and catcher masturbating in front of her sister. She couldn't even begin to think what Mandy would do.

The door closed and Kayla heard the click of Mandy's high heels moving towards the living room, then her voice, "Hey Kayla, I didn't think that you'd still... holy shit!" Her eyes went wide as she walked into the dimly lit living room and saw Kayla's performance. She stared in shock for a moment before stammering, "Oh I'm sorry to... ah... to... interrupt!"

"You're not interrupting anything." Sara's voice purred from the darkest corner of the room.

Mandy's head jerked around, "Who's there? What the hell is going on here? What are you... Sara? Is that you Sara?" Mandy blinked her eyes trying to focus in the dark.

"Yes Mandy, it's me." Sara's voice came back.

"Sara where... what..." Mandy paused for a moment and appeared to be trying to gather her wits.

Kayla looked at her friend as her face burned with shame. She couldn't stop her fingers from working away between her thighs and she couldn't keep the moans of pleasure from escaping. "Mandy..." she moaned. Mandy still had on her Halloween costume and Kayla couldn't keep from staring at her. Mandy was dressed in a classic French Maid's uniform complete with white thigh high stockings, apron and headpiece. She was even holding a feather duster. Kayla had always known that Mandy was pretty but never really felt any kind of attraction for the girl. Now suddenly she was seeing Mandy in a whole new light.

"Kayla, what the hell are you doing?!" Mandy finally managed to ask. "Would you stop doing that? It's disgusting!"

"I can't." Kayla panted.

"What do you mean you can't? Just stop it!" Mandy demanded.

"You don't really want her to stop Mandy." Sara's voice drifted across the room.

"What?!" Mandy whipped her head around to look to Sara. "Of course I do! She can't... she... she needs to stop... "

"You don't want her to stop Mandy. In fact, you like watching her, don't you?" Sara's words seemed to crawl slowly across the dark room.

Kayla looked at Mandy, now knowing full well what her sister was doing to the girl. Mandy's eyes were now locked on Sara and her mouth hung slack. After a long moment, she slowly turned to look back to Kayla. Her wide, crystal blue eyes appeared dazed and unfocused.

"Mandy, isn't Kayla hot? Doesn't she look sexy fucking herself like that?" Sara asked.

Kayla watched as Mandy's head twitched from side to side just a little. She was still fighting Sara's control but was clearly loosing the battle. She tried to turn her head but her eyes stayed locked on Kayla's performance.

Sara rose and walked over behind Mandy, "Admit it Mandy, watching Kayla finger her cunt is getting you hotter than you've ever been before. Can't you feel the heat between your legs Mandy? Isn't it hot?" Sara's voice purred.

"Yes..." Mandy breathed.

Kayla could see a wicked grin of triumph spread on Sara's face. She leaned in closer behind the slightly taller Mandy, almost but not quite touching the back of her neck. "You like watching because you're a little slut. Isn't that right Mandy? Aren't you a slut? A lesbian slut?"

Mandy groaned and her hands rose to clutch her breasts. "I... I..." Her head twitched from side to side again as she fought the feelings rampaging through her body and her mind.

Kayla watched the drama before her in a state of erotic torture. Pleasure tore through her mind and rampaged through her body completely out of control but Sara's hold on her body still wouldn't allow climax. Kayla thought that if she didn't cum soon she would lose her mind. She let you a long, urgent moan.

"Give in to it Mandy." Sara was speaking again. "You know you want to. You know you want her."

Mandy was visibly shaking as she fought now. "No..." she breathed. But even as she spoke, one of her hands made its way under her skirt and started to work away between her legs. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she whispered, "Oh Kayla..."

"Go get her Mandy. She want's you as much as you want her. She wants you to taste her sex. Go to her Mandy, go make her scream." Sara gave her a gentle push.

Haltingly, Mandy went to her knees between Kayla's spread legs. "Oh Kayla... I..."

Sara knelt down beside her, "Taste her Mandy, drink in her ecstasy."

The sight of the two beautiful women kneeling before her was almost too much for Kayla. She feared that the torturous pleasure that tore through her soul would go on endlessly. The room faded around her while she teetered on the ragged edge of madness but the pinnacle of euphoria, that blissful point of total release still eluded her. Try as she might, her body obeyed Sara's commands and refused to climax. She whimpered in desperation, "Oh please Sara! Sara...Sara..." Thin wails escaped her then she panted out, "Please... please...please..."

Sara ignored her as she leaned in even closer to Mandy's ear. "Do it you slut. Eat her cunt." She whispered harshly.

Her resistance finally collapsed and Mandy haltingly leaned in to nudge Kayla's hand out of the way with her nose. Tentatively, with just the tip of her tongue, Mandy took her first taste of Kayla's sex.

The first taste seemed galvanize Mandy's surrender. She slowly melted into Kayla's sex and within moments was delving her tongue deep into her darkest recesses with a passionate abandon.

"Oh Mandy!" Kayla cried out under the new assault. She hadn't thought that her delight could go any higher but she was wrong. The heat inside her body continued to rise even faster under Mandy's ardent tongue lashing. Kayla collapsed backward into the deep couch cushions and lost herself in the torrent of ecstasy. Looking down the length of her nude form she could see the top of Mandy's head as it worked away between her thighs. Sara was hovering just over Mandy's shoulder kissing Mandy gently on the back of the neck. She looked up and locked eyes with Kayla for just the briefest moments. In that glance Kayla knew what was about to happen. She opened her mouth but Sara spoke first.

"Cum for me, Kayla." Sara said, her words hissing slightly through her fangs.

Kayla's universe exploded in a blinding flash of brilliance that seared all conscious thoughts from her mind. Unbearable pleasure, terrifying in its intensity, ripped through her helpless body. Her screams of passion tore through the room and seemed to shatter the very air. She writhed for what seemed like hours under the relentless assault of Mandy's now eager tongue. "Mandy!" She managed to cry as her peak passed. Looking down again she saw that her sister had flipped up Mandy's skirt and was fingering the prone girl's sex.

Through her euphoric haze Kayla could sense that Mandy was nearing her own climax. Her movements were becoming erratic and muffled moans were joining Kayla's own cries of delight.

"Are you ready Mandy?" Sara asked softly.

Mandy only moaned in response.

Sara looked up and locked eyes with Kayla again, her grin spread and twisted into something darker, almost malevolent. The sudden chill to the air in the room took Kayla's breath as much as the continued stimulation of Mandy's tongue. "Watch close Sis, I promise you'll enjoy it." Sara hissed. Then after giving Mandy's neck one more gentle kiss, sank her fangs deep into the girl's neck.

A gout of burning euphoria welled up in Kayla at the sight. The euphoria turned to ecstasy as she heard Mandy's shriek of pain mingled with unbearable bliss. She climaxed again sharing Mandy's pleasure if not her pain. Finally unable to bear any more she fell back and slipped from the world of the living.

* * *

Kayla reclined sensually in the overstuffed chair in a dark corner of the club. Sara was perched on the arm of the chair and Mandy sat languidly across from them. Colored lights flashed to the rhythm of the thundering music as the crowd danced and drank.

The form fitting, low cut black dress Kayla wore did more to accentuate the perfection of her lithe new body than she could have imagined. She smiled inwardly as she looked down at herself. Just a few short weeks ago she would never have dreamed of dressing in anything so provocative. Far from the old Kayla who had been rather shy and conservative, the new Kayla exuded a strong, confidant sexuality that emanated from her like a physical force. Without looking she knew that every eye in the club was secretly or not so secretly stealing glances at them. Every man and even most women were completely captivated by mere presence of the three women. Kayla felt her sensual supremacy and luxuriated in it, reveling in her new power over lesser beings.

"So," Sara began, "see anything that catches your eye?"

Kayla looked out across the room and spotted the woman she had seen earlier. "Yes." She hissed. "I do."

"Well then..." Sara bent down and kissed her passionately on the lips. Their mouths opened and their tongues danced. Kayla could feel her sister's fangs and was careful not to cut her tongue. Sara finally broke the kiss, got up and went to sit with Mandy. "Go get her."

Kayla felt her own fangs come in with the eager anticipation of the night's coming wickedness. "Yes Mistress." She hissed and turned, heading into crowd.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This has the makings of a wonderful series. I'd love to read more of this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
So sexy

This was a twist but I was so turned on i am praying to god I have this as a dream tonight this is a really sexy story.

sil3ntsil3ntalmost 9 years ago
i want more

I would love to see more

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Been hoping to see a sequel.

AerikaRAerikaRover 11 years ago
5 Stars!

Incredibly well written story! The entire thing was worth reading.

spankingfunforspankingfunforabout 12 years ago
Kayla is Saras sexy vampire slave!

Kayla was turned into a vampire slave slut by her sister Sara.Sara taught her about how to please their bodies and minds to complete exstacy!Her roommate Mandy came home to be also turned and learn about real Lesbian exstacy. Now three happy beautiful women with Sara as the Mistress and sexual pleasure their goal!

NobleKorhedronNobleKorhedronover 12 years ago
A+++ - nice job.

Hi. I was blown away by this. One Q. though - are we talking your garden-variety Dracula-type vampire?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
More please

Wow, what a story, I give it 5 stars..!! Would be great if you could write a sequel or similar stories. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
What's happening next?

I hope you continue this story into a novel.

PoutineFanPoutineFanover 15 years ago
Absolutely amazing

Wow... I don't know how I missed out on this story for so long. A perfect blend of creepiness and erotica... my hat's off to you :)

NobleKorhedronNobleKorhedronover 15 years ago

A+! I'd give you more, but that's the highest score in my gradebook! I enjoyed that immensely... And what actually made it touching is that despite being "turned" Sara was prepared to treat her mortal sister as something of an equal, which, to say the least, is unusual for any kind of vampire....

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
hot story

this was a fantastic piece. not over written, nice to not have any males in it, and very hot. I agree that the typos and other presentation errors were annoying but that didn't detract from the overall quality of an imaginative piece of writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
loved it

Surprisingly sexy between sisters. I dont think that it needs a male, sensuous and sexual behavior between the same sex is also involved in a lot of vampire stories.--I

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Nice combination of eerie and hot.

As mentioned, the typos are a bit distracting, but overall an enjoyable read (in a cat that doesn't appeal to me, so very well done!).

FusionnéeFusionnéeover 17 years ago
Interesting story!

Good Luck with the contest

Abs & Vana

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