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A ride home turns into seduction and slavery.
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Laura didn't like school. It was tough enough with all the studying and the homework, but, what made it almost unbearable was her mother. Laura loved her mother dearly, but her choice in men left a lot to be desired. It was her mother's fault that she didn't have a father. And it was her mother's fault that they were poor. That Laura didn't have nice clothes like the other girls. That she wasn't able to go to after-school activities. But most of all, it was her mother's fault that she had no ride home from school. That she was reduced to begging almost every day.

Laura felt like crying as she looked out at the school parking lot. It was empty save for one car. Well, there were always the few teachers that were left, but they would ask questions. Like, "Where's your parents? Why didn't you ride the bus?"

And there were answers she didn't want to give. Her mother was at work and they had moved into a new apartment, which was out of the school district. When they moved, Laura chose to keep going to the same school even though it was across town. Her best friend Betsy didn't mind taking her. It was only a mile or two out of her way. The only problem was, Betsy's father got laid off, and Betsy and her whole family moved two weeks into the school year.

Just then, Laura saw someone exit the gym. She cursed inwardly when she realized who it was. It was Kim Morris, stuck up bitch extraordinaire. Well, there was no help for it. She took a deep breath to calm her nervous butterflies, and set off at a pace to bring her to Kim's car, just as the girl opened her door.

"Hi Kim."

"Oh Hi Laura."

"Listen," said Laura. "My ride fell through today, and I was wondering. . ."

"Sure," Kim said. "Get in."

Laura couldn't believe her luck. Kim drove a Ford Explorer, and it was almost brand new. People like that never let anyone ride with them. Their rich parents were too worried about getting sued to allow their kids to tote anyone else around.

"Thanks," Laura managed to say, before getting in the vehicle.

"So," Kim asked. "Where do you live?"

Laura could feel her insides clench as she told. Another reason girls like Kim didn't give Laura rides, was that she lived on the poor side of town. Well out of the way from where Kim would be going.

"That's a little out of my way," Kim said. "You mind if we swing by my house first?"

"Sure," Laura said. Her mom wasn't due home for hours. Besides, it would be nice to see how the other half lived.

When Kim pulled into the drive of a very large brick home, Laura couldn't help but feel jealous. The garage even had an automatic door.

"Come on in," said Kim. "What time do you have to be home?"

"Not for a couple of hours," said Laura.

Laura did her best to contain her sheer amazement at the lavish house, but she couldn't help but let it show. The kitchen floor had real stone tile flooring and the appliances were stainless steel. There was even a fresh flower arrangement. "This is really nice," she said, running her hand over the smooth stainless steel surface of the refrigerator.

Kim winced. "You're not supposed to touch that," she said. "It leaves fingerprints."

"Sorry." Laura blushed. She realized her social status was showing like a red flag.

"There's stainless cleaner under the sink," Kim said. "You mind cleaning your prints off?"

"No," Kim replied. Actually, she did mind. She thought it was very poor form to ask a guest to clean, but she still needed a ride home. Besides, they were her fingerprints. It wasn't easy finding the supplies in a strange house, but eventually she found the cleaner and the paper towels and cleaned the surface of the refrigerator.

"Finished?" Kim called from the living room.

"Yes," Laura yelled back.

"Will you bring me a Diet Coke?" Kim said. "Cups are in the cabinet beside the 'fridge and the coke is inside. Watch the fingerprints. Do you know how to work the icemaker?"

"Yes," Laura replied. 'Do I look stupid?' she thought to herself. The lever on the front said press for ice. Although she did feel a little stupid when ice and water filled the cup. She dumped it out and tried again, this time moving the lever from ice and water to ice only.

"Thanks," Kim said, taking the cup from Laura without turning from the TV. "You like the Bold and Beautiful?"

"Yes, but I don't really get time to watch it."

"Oh that's right," Kim said. "You don't have a car do you? You probably don't even have Tivo. Anyway, have a seat." Kim pointed to the small footstool at her feet. "There's something I want to talk to you about."

"Okay." Laura sat down on the footstool. It felt a little weird sitting there on the uncomfortable stool when there was so much nice furniture around.

"Look, I know you don't have a car or anything. I've seen you out bumming rides from people everyday. So what I'm thinking is that maybe I can give you a ride . . .and you, you are going to have to pay me."

"I can pay you like two dollars every day," Laura said. She could brown bag her lunch and give her lunch money to Kim. Anything would be better than the current situation.

"Do I look like I need your lunch money?" Kim asked.

"No," Laura replied, blushing. Wondering how Kim knew it was her lunch money.

"Here's the deal," Kim said. "But first, I want you to promise that anything that goes on here . . . stays between *us*. Sort of like Vegas."

"I promise." Besides, since her best friend moved away, there was no one to tell.

"Good, cause if I hear about you telling, I will ruin you. You have not idea how bad I'll ruin you. Besides, no one would believe you anyway." Kim took a sip of soda before continuing. "When I was at cheerleading camp this summer, one of the girls had a birthday. Well, it was someone else's idea, but she ended up bare-bottom over each of our laps for three licks.

I'll be honest. I enjoyed it. The only thing was, three licks wasn't nearly enough. That's where you come in."

"Ah . . .Kim. . ." Laura tried to interrupt.

"Let me finish," Kim said. "I've got a car, which I can use to take you to and from school. I've got a pool you can use when we come back to my house. I've also got a Playstation and tons of other cools stuff. Really, I think I can make things much nicer for you, but it will cost you a spanking."

"I-I-I can't," Laura stuttered. God, it did sound nice though, rides for the rest of the year, to and from, a pool, and a friend. But a spanking? That would be like taking money for sex or something.

"Sure you can," Kim said. "What's the big deal? A few spanks. Look, I'll tell you what. Let me spank you five times right now. Just to let you see what it'll be like. I won't say anything. You won't say anything. It will be like it never happened. Then tomorrow, if we have a deal, all you have to say is, can I have a ride? And look, if it'll make you feel better, we won't even call it a spanking. We'll call it, a *ride*. Hmmmm?"

"Look Kim, I really can't," Laura protested weakly.

"Why not. Tabitha did it for nothing on her birthday. You, you're coming out way ahead. Come one. Just five measly licks. Just a little teeny tiny sp- I mean ride, and then I'll take you home."

Laura was silent, but internally there was a whirlwind of thoughts. Could she? Should she? Should she? In the end, she decided. "Will you . . . will you promise you won't tell."

"Cross my heart and hope to die," Kim said. She summoned all her willpower to keep the smile from her lips. Laura was going to do it!

"Okay," Laura said, blushing.

"Great," Kim said. "We'll do it right over the stool. If you don't mind that is?"

"Okay." Laura's voice grew meeker by the minute.

"Just get on your knees. That's a girl. Now lean over the stool. Forehead to the floor. Bottom up nice and high. Oh, that's perfect. Just perfect."

Well, it wasn't perfect, but it was almost perfect. Kim moved behind Laura and raised the skirt to her hips. When she caught the waistband of her panties, Laura finally objected.

"What are you doing," she said, reaching back, and keeping hold of her thin cotton panties.

"You're not going to be able to have them for this ride," Kim said. "But you can pull them back up just as soon as we're done."

With an inward groan, Laura reluctantly released her panties. Kim slid them down to the girl's knees, then stood up and walked around her classmate.

Examining her.

She really couldn't believe her luck. She had thoughts and fantasies of this exact moment ever since she had spanked Tabitha during cheerleading camp, but she never got the opportunity to make them a reality. Then today when she saw her chance with Laura, she seized it, grabbed it and never let go.

"Are you going to be okay," Kim asked, not really caring about the answer, only asking to delay the moment a little bit longer.

"Yes," Laura answered. She wished Kim would just do it and get it over with. She felt so vulnerable there with her bottom exposed.

"How old were you when you had your last spanking?"

"Twelve - I think," Laura replied. A shiver went down her spine and small chill bumps covered her lean bottom.

"If we do this again, I want you to count them out," Kim said. "But for now, just relax and let me do the work."

Kim knelt behind the Laura's upturned bottom. This was going to be ten times better than cheerleading camp, she realized. Where Tabitha had been athletic and toned, Laura was small and skinny. She was going to feel every lick. And Laura's pale pert bottom looked so cute as she tightly clenched her cheeks to avoid exposing her nether regions. It was almost a shame. . .almost. Kim drew back her hand, high over her head and let down with a mighty wallop.

Smack! "One!" Kim said as she leveled a heavy handed slap to Laura's bottom.

"Ow!" Laura cried in pain. Shit! It wasn't supposed to hurt. What the fuck? She didn't get a chance to complete her thought.

Smack! "Two!" Kim smiled broadly. Two angry red handprints decorated Laura's previously pristine ivory bottom. "Are you okay? You act like this is the end of the world or something?"

"Oww, it hurts! Whew, Jesus!" whined Laura, rubbing her two burning cheeks. Her modesty forgotten, she didn't realize the show she was putting on for her classmate.

"Don't be such a baby," Kim said. "Only three more. Go on. Move your hands."

Timidly Laura let go of her blazing bottom and clutched the bottom of the stool.

Smack! "Three!" Smack! "Four" SMACK! "Five"

With every lick Laura's ass rode further and further up the stool. Her long limber legs were splayed in every direction. Her spine arched. After the last lick had fallen, she fell back to the stool, hand darting to stinging flesh.

"Shit," Laura whined. "That hurt!"

"Hands off!" Kim demanded, grabbing Laura by the wrists. A struggle off wills ensued, which Laura quickly lost, finding herself clutching the back of the stool, her body on display for her classmate.

Kim stood and circled her prey. Handprints littered Laura's bottom, turning it into a work of art. Kim's art, signed by her hand. Her palm was hot and there was a kind of numb vibration coursing through it. Her palm wasn't the only thing hot. Taking care to stand out of sight of her classmate, she caressed her sex through her clothes.

God, how she needed to cum, but she didn't dare let Laura find out.

She circled until Laura's head was at her feet. "This is our little secret, yes?"

Laura blinked back her tears. "Yes," she whimpered. Oh God, yes.

"I'm going to pull up your panties now." Kim knelt behind Laura, and began to slowly slide up the girl's panties. "But I'm going to try not to touch where I spanked you, okay?"

"okay. . ." It sounded like a good idea to Laura. The last thing she wanted was for her bottom to hurt anymore. What she wasn't expecting, is what happened next.

Instead of pulling them into place, Kim parked the gusset between the red welted bottom cheeks, giving her a wedgie. The thin white material rose up between the lips of Laura's sex by accident. She heard a quick intake of breath, but Laura didn't jerk away. "Are you okay?" Kim asked.

"yes. . ." Laura was dazed, but she felt something stir within her. Was this turning her on? No, surely not!

"Good. It wasn't so bad, was it?"

"no. . ." Laura lied. Her ass was still burning. Throbbing in time to the beat of her heart. And worse, she had acted like a big baby in front of someone she desperately wanted to impress. She prayed she hadn't embarrassed herself too badly.

"You mind waiting here and watching TV for a few minutes? I have something I need to take care of," Kim asked.

"okay. . ." Laura had no problem waiting. God, how she wanted Kim to leave. It was all she could do to hold back the tears.

Kim hurried to the hall bathroom. She gave a parting glance, and saw that Laura was still propped up on the stool. Her red bottom cheeks still parted by her panties. Her skinny body gave a final spasm and then a shudder, and then the sobs started.

Closing the bathroom door behind her, Kim's hands were in a flurry as she pulled her jeans down to her ankles and slumped down the floor. Her hand darted beneath her panties. Deft fingers circled her clit. She pressed an ear to the door. She could barely hear Laura's soft sobs, but it was enough. To her the sobs were sweeter and sexier than any moan. She could picture those two perfect ivory cheeks littered by her red handprints in her mind.

Oh God. Fuck. Ugh. Ugh. Her orgasm rushed up through her body and consumed her. Her hips pumped of their own volition. She grabbed a towel that was hanging from the door and bit down on it to suppress her moans. Shit-fuck, she could barely move. It was a climax like no other, except maybe her first. God, she felt weak. Like she had been run over by a truck. It was a feeling she was going to feel again, one way or another.

Kim washed her hands and face to freshen up and she went back to the livingroom where Laura was waiting for her, sitting primly on the stool as if nothing had happened.

"Have you played the Sims yet?" Kim asked.

Laura shook her head. She had a hard time meeting her classmate's gaze. She felt used. She done this for a - a ride. If only she had parents like Kim. She almost started to cry again.

"Oh, you are going to love it," Kim said. "Let's play. You can just watch me at first, okay?"

"Okay," Laura said. She was feeling a little better. She had been worried that Kim would make her feel uncomfortable about the thing the - the ride. The ride that was causing her bottom to smart and throb. But, Kim acted as if nothing had ever happened and Laura was happy to play along. She relaxed a little more and settle back to watch Kim play the game she had on TV. The game seemed fun and Kim was very friendly. It felt nice having a friend.


The next day Laura promised herself she would get another ride from someone else. She would start first thing when she got to school and ask around. But, first period turned into second period. By lunch she had settled into a jittery mess. She put it off until after school and imagined herself finding a ride with someone else. But, inside she knew the truth.

When class ended, she made her way outside and waited. Maybe Kim had already left. It was in the hands of fate.

Kim walked out of the door chatting with two of her friends. Laura cringed inside, waiting for the girl to say something embarrassing.

"Hey Laura, you want to ride?" Kim asked.

"Yes," she said meekly, her pretty eyes flashing shyly beneath her bangs.

"Bye guys," Kim waved to her friends and walked off with Laura to her car. Laura couldn't help but shiver with pride the way Kim's two friends looked at her in disbelief. God, they were so jealous, she could see it in there eyes. Laura was glad she had made a new friend. As she got into Kim's nice new car, she couldn't help but think that her life was going to get so much better now.

"Take off your panties," said Kim. "I want you prepared for when I ride you later."


"You heard me. You know our deal. A ride for a ride. I'm not going to do it now, but I want you to always be ready. . .just in case."

"But-but," Laura stammered. Her hands slipped under her skirt. 'I can't believe I'm doing this,' she thought to herself, but she wasn't going leave the comfort of the car to go begging for another ride. Better the devil she know. Laura shyly slid her panties down to her feet.

Kim smiled at her new little friend, and drove toward home. On the way, she had a wickedly naughty idea and let her windows down. It had the desired effect. Laura's skirt was being blown by the wind. The poor girl hung tightly to the hem to keep from being exposed.

"Put your hands to your sides Laura."

"But-but." Laura started to, but then stopped. "Why?"

"That's ten licks for questioning me. Don't ever question me." Kim said. "Now hands to your sides. Actually, I have a better idea. Reach behind your back and hold unto the opposite elbow."

Laura reluctantly complied.

"Good. Now we are going to play a little game on the way home. We are going to look for red cars. I'm going to say 'ten spanks' and then twenty spanks and so on for every red car I see. But, if you see it first, you will take ten away from the total. . Do you understand?"

"Yes," Laura replied, her gaze still questioning.

"And you better look for them real hard because whatever we stop at is the number of spanks you get when we get home."

"Twenty spanks, thirty spanks, forty spanks. . ." Kim began.

Laura found out the hard way they were starting now. She was already so far behind, she began to panic. "Sixty spanks, fifty spanks . . ."

"Look behind you . . . over there to the right. Forty spanks, fifty spanks, sixty spanks."

Laura twisted in her seat, luckily she found two more red cars. "Fifty spanks, forty spanks."

Her dark muff was visible now between her pale ivory thighs. The wind not only played havoc with the hem of the skirt, but her dark brown curly locks danced as well.

"Your pussy is showing," Kim said. Her own pussy was turning to cream in her panties.

Laura let go over her elbows and moved as if to cover her nakedness.

"Don't you dare," Kim warned.

Laura's eyes widened like a deer caught in the headlights a full blush infused her cheeks. Kim didn't give her time to think.

"Fifty spanks," she said as she spotted another red car. Kim quickly pulled ahead in her invented game. Her friend was so embarrassed, she couldn't concentrate on finding cars while making sure to keep her legs tightly crossed and minimizing any movement that might raise her short skirt.

"One - hun - dred - spanks. . ." Kim said gloating. She squeezed her thighs tightly together. God, she was so close to an orgasm from the mere thought of wearing her friend's ass out.

Poor Laura's heart dropped at Kim's pronouncement. One hundred spanks. How could she ever bear it? Dear Lord, she wouldn't be able to sit down the next day . . .maybe not even walk. She had to somehow get back in the game. And she had to do it quickly. They were only minutes away from Kim's home.

She spotted a red car. "Ninety spanks." And then another "Eighty spanks."

Soon they were on the main drag in town. There were cars to be found in parking lots on both sides of the road. Both girls quickly began adding to and taking away from the total. Laura quickly forgot about her modesty and uncrossed her legs as she sought to find the red cars. She tucked a leg beneath her so she could quickly twist and turn in the passenger seat.

Kim eyed her classmate's spread crotch while she was unaware of being observed. Her pussy was exposed now, the whole bush. She could even make out the pink petals of her lips. And what a show the girl was putting on too. She was oblivious to Kim's lecherous gaze to busy looking for cars. Kim looked up and saw that an SUV had pulled alongside her car. And older middle aged man had spotted Laura's nakedness, his eyes widened in shock, but he made no move to stop looking.