Lilies and Roses


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Ted drank another glass of water, paused a moment to collect his thoughts, then said, "I was on vacation when John made the decision to hire Ron Clark. Our CFO, Mr. John Pound and Mr. John Jensen, the HR manager recommended Ron to John. They suggested that Ron's expertise was needed in both marketing and sales. They told John that we needed to expand our business and Ron would be able to get it done. John's college roommate, JR, owns a construction business in the Dallas area and John asked him about Ron. It seems that Ron was working for JR, but some kind of internal problem had come up, so JR asked John to hire Ron as a favor to him just to get Ron out of town.

JR's Construction Company went out of business about 6 weeks after Ron left. A huge amount of money came up missing and still hasn't been found. In addition, one of their competitors undercut JR's bids on some sizeable business contracts. Without new contracts and missing that money, they were forced into bankruptcy. After John told me what had happened in Dallas, I started worrying. Now, after this weekend's events, it seems that I was right. I know that you are helping me as a favor to Fernando. Thank you for that. I have come to the conclusion that the Harvey Construction Company has come under attack and I don't want a repeat of what happened in Dallas. I would like to know if you could bring in some computer people and some financial people to help the company."

Jorge had listened to the entire incredible story. "Let's get something to eat first. Then we will talk again."

They went to the kitchen and ate with Fernando and the kitchen staff. When they finished the meal, Jorge asked Fernando to join him and Ted in the private room.

After they were seated, Jorge addressed Fernando and said, "As usual, old friend, your instincts were right. I can and will help with everything here. I agree with your assessment of Mr. Johnson here. He is an honorable man who is looking out for the welfare of others. Both he and his company are the target of thieves and I am going to help."

Looking at Ted, Jorge continued, "Tomorrow at work, Mr. David Jones will come to your office concerning a marketing idea. He will need to show you on your computer. You will have a long meeting with him."

Jorge allowed himself a smile. "David will tell you what he needs from you after showing you his presentation. My financial advisors and accountants should be able to have answers to you in a day or two. In the meantime, have you considered what actions you wish to take?"

Ted had been considering his actions since Friday night and was fairly certain he was doing the right thing for himself. Nodding to both men, he answered, "Yes I have and I have decided. First off, I will want a divorce from Megan. With her cheating and her criminal behavior, I need to protect myself. This wasn't some fling she had, but a full blown affair lasting for months and I will never forgive that. In addition to that, I want to file civil lawsuits against Ron Clark for identity theft and breaking up my marriage. I will press criminal charges for whatever crimes he committed against the company. Because Megan has been helping in the identity theft, I will press criminal charges against her. Finally, Greg and Gretel Howard have been at least complicit in the identity theft. I don't know yet whether any criminal charges other than conspiracy can be filed, but I will press any criminal charges against them. I haven't seen Freddy's surveillance tapes, but if there is evidence against them, I would also like to sue them for breaking up my marriage. I hate crooked professional people of any sort. Finally, I will also press criminal charges against anyone else in the company who is helping Ron Clark. I would like to know how he got a credit card in my name. I'm certain that Mr. Pound and Mr. Jensen at the least are helping him in some way and I'm sure conspiracy charges will stick in both cases.

Oh, and by the way, Tabitha and I were going to look at Freddy's tapes on Friday evening, but now I think it should be done sooner. I haven't asked her, but I'm sure she will be getting a divorce. I think I would like us to see the tapes tomorrow evening. Fernando, I think you and Jorge should see them too. How about 6pm at the company meeting room? A tape machine, computer, and television are already in place. We use them for presentations."

Jorge agreed and said, "I will contact Tabitha tomorrow morning and tell her. After we watch the tapes, I will prepare the divorce papers for both of you and we can set a time for serving them."

Fernando then said, "Wait. Freddy called me and said he found another tape. This one is of the lobby area. He said that Ron Clark identifies himself as Ted Johnson. When you leave here, Ted, stop at the hotel and get that tape. You can watch it tomorrow night also."

"I'll go do that now," Ted replied as he stood up. "I thank you both for a most interesting evening and an incredible dinner. I will see you tomorrow." Then he shook hands with both men and left the building. The driver started the Escalades' engine as Ted got into the front seat.

"We have to go to the Marriott so I can pick up a tape at the front counter," Ted told the driver. "Then we can go get my car."

The driver just smiled at Ted as he said, "Yes, I know."

+++++++++++++++ Chapter 5

The end of an interesting discussion

The trip was uneventful and soon Ted was back at the sports bar. Since he was already here, he decided to use the restroom first and then decided to get a beer. He had told Jorge that he was buying a couple of cold ones, his treat, and Megan had overheard him. Coming out of the restroom, he decided to go sit at the bar and watch the game on the television. People sitting in booths at sports bars don't normally tend to flinch during commercials. Ted spotted the movement going to the restroom, so he stopped by the booth on his way to the bar.

"Hello Greg. Hello Gretel," he said as he was walking past. "Yes, I am here. No, I do not wish to join you. I am going to the bar to watch the game. Since I know that you are just dying to know, my friend Jorge and I went back to his motel to look at pictures of his family. When Megan comes back from the bathroom, tell her I'll be home later. Thank you."

Without waiting for an answer from the slightly astonished couple, he went to the bar and ordered a beer. He sat on a stool between two other guys, drinking his beer and munching on the free snacks. A few minutes later he noticed the group leaving through the front door. None of them looked at him.

After the game, Ted drove home to a darkened house. He went directly to the bathroom and showered before going to bed. Megan was already in bed. He wasn't sure whether she was awake or not and he didn't particularly care. He crawled into bed and settled down for sleep. As he started dozing off, he felt her turn towards him. Breathing quietly, she slid an arm under the covers and lay her hand on his shoulder. He ignored it and went to sleep.

He woke the next morning laying on his side with Megan pressed in behind him with her arm around his stomach. It almost felt normal to wake up this way, the same as they had for so many years. After a moment he slid out of bed and went to the bathroom. He got ready for work and headed for the door. He smelled coffee in the kitchen. Megan had gotten up and was cooking breakfast. He could smell bacon and eggs and the toast popped up as he stopped by the door. She was wearing her old blue terry robe cinched up tight and her bedroom slippers. She turned as he stopped and said, "Want some breakfast? I can fix some for you and the coffee is ready."

"Sure, why not. I might as well since the coffee isn't ready at work yet," he replied.

"How was your reunion with Jorge? I told Gretel that he called and you went to catch up last night. Greg thought we should go and welcome him to town. I wasn't aware that we wouldn't be welcome to meet him, even after the tantrum you threw. I'm really sorry that we intruded on your evening," she said only a little bit sarcastically.

"You didn't intrude. I watched the game at the bar while you three were able to talk about me," Ted replied feeling defensive. "It was good seeing an old friend. I'd forgotten how much fun we'd had when we were younger. We weren't there at the bar for much more that greetings. He told me that he is a recovering alcoholic and didn't want to screw his life up by hanging around bars. He said it was bad enough the first time. I agreed with him. We went to his motel and got caught up there. If I'd known about his alcoholism, I certainly wouldn't have suggested meeting in a sports bar. As it was, we ordered in a pizza and drank sodas."

Megan fixed their plates and sat down across the table from him. They ate quietly. Ted didn't rise to the bait about their being unwelcome. She didn't bother offering an apology. 'Well, hell,' he thought. 'She doesn't apologize for anything she does or says anymore, so why should it matter this time.' He ate while thinking that the gulf between them would never be bridged. It was too big and he couldn't go back in time to stop it. Of course, now that he knew she was cheating, he could care less about bridging any gulf. He finished eating and put his dishes in the sink.

Megan stopped him by asking, "What time will you be home this evening? Are you going to be eating here or do you have other plans?"

"I don't know when I'll be home," Ted replied. "That asshole Clark was talking yesterday about moving Jenny over to HR. Some kind of nonsense about needing her to help with that new sensitivity training being implemented. I'm about fed up with him and his bullshit. He keeps taking people from my team and not the others. He keeps pushing for me to quit and, by God, I might just do it."

He paused a moment, wondering how far he should push this. He didn't want to tip anybody off or make them nervous. This had to play out, regardless of anyone's feelings. But at the same time, he had to stay in 'character' as the unsuspecting doofus standing on the trap door they had set up.

Then he continued, "Of course, that means you will have to find a real job. You know, the type where you get paid for what you do. I'm fairly certain that any job I get in this town after I quit will not be for the same extravagant salary I'm getting now. You can start thinking about how we'll get by without my salary until I can find another job."

"I'm thinking that I should invite John and Martha Harvey here for a pool party this Saturday. Since Joan and Timmy are both coming in for the weekend, it would be nice to kick back and grill some steaks or something."

With storm clouds gathering on her face, Megan glared at Ted and leaned back in her chair. "Oh, really now," she started, "you are going to invite people over for a pool party. Thank you for discussing it with me. It is so nice to know that I have input when planning and having parties in my house. When will I be informed as to what you are serving? Thank you for considering whether or not I might have had anything planned for the kids while they are home, or even whether or not they want to be around your boss or work friends. Are these people going to be invited, even if you quit? Have you thought about how long you will be out of work? How are you going to pay for the steaks and other food if you are out of work? We don't have enough money to get the things we need now, so what will happen next?"

Megan was on a roll as she continued, "I was going to check and see if tickets were still available for the museum's grand reopening. I haven't brought it up for discussion with you yet, because I didn't know if you were going to be working or not. I suppose I should be grateful that you have decided to let me know this far ahead of time rather than just springing it on me Saturday morning. Gee, Ted, this sounds like so much fun. Since it seems that you have made the guest list, might I beg that other people be allowed here for your party, or is adjusting your plans permitted? Like you said, consideration and communication are two way streets."

The sarcastic response struck a chord in Ted. 'Ah,' he thought. 'Now the façade shows its tattered edges.'

"Thank you for the breakfast," he said. "Concerning a party, I was just thinking out loud. No, I don't have a party planned. I also didn't have a clue whether you would be here or not, nor whether you would be at all interested in a pool party. It's obvious I haven't said anything to the kids or asked them. They're probably in class and I couldn't ask them until tonight anyway. Therefore, since nothing is planned, no adjustments are needed."

Then Ted thought he would take some digs at her also saying, "In addition, don't get a museum ticket for me. It seems that any time reservations are needed, I end up working. It must be really boring going to all these events either by yourself or with Greg and Gretel. This time, the kids should be able to keep you from being lonely. At least you haven't said anything about finding a replacement for me. Or should I add a 'yet'? A gorgeous woman like you hanging with Greg and Gretel all the time. I'll bet that Greg is getting worn out from all that dancing, first with you and then Gretel. Do all three of you get out on the floor and dance? Or have you found a dance partner on your own to help keep you interested in dancing? Not that it makes any difference to me because I'm working."

She sat there looking at him with uncertainty crossing her features, possibly wondering if she had overreacted too quickly.

"I will give you credit though," he finished. "That was a really good attack and the extra sarcasm was a good touch. It made me realize just how little we know about each other anymore. I think I need some time to consider just where I fit into this family, if indeed a family still remains." He turned to leave for work, then stopped at the front door to say, "Don't wait dinner for me. After this fun breakfast, I think I will eat somewhere else tonight. Someplace that doesn't serve extra stomach acid for dessert. See if you can come up with another nasty ambush for the next time we indulge in a conversation. Or not. You could just go back to ignoring me instead. That wouldn't take any effort at all with all your practice."

He went out and closed the door quietly behind him. He noticed as he drove away this time that she didn't watch him from the window.


Chapter 6

The cavalry arrives

Ted was sitting behind his desk going over the data needed for the next marketing analysis when Callie brought in a young man with a briefcase. "I'm sorry to interrupt you," Callie said. "This is Mr. David Jones and he says he has an appointment with you about some of his marketing ideas?" This last was said as a question because he didn't have an appointment on her calendar and she was curious.

Ted stood up and moved to shake his hand, "Hi, David. Come on in. I've been expecting you." He then turned saying to Callie, "It's all right. It wasn't an official appointment, and I'm sorry I didn't let you know. I can handle this from here, thank you. We will need privacy for our meeting." This was their code in reference to Ron Clark. The nosy bastard was always interrupting or sneaking around eavesdropping. He was the poster boy for hostile work environment and workplace harassment if ever one was needed.

After closing the door behind Callie he said, "Just a minute, David, while I close this out. Ok now. Jorge said you would need to work on my computer, correct?"

"Correct Ted, and I thank you for your time. Could you give me a quick overview of your work here, the network, and the programs that are in use throughout the company?"

Ted had a white board he used in various meetings, so he used it to give David a visual representation of the company. It went a lot faster that way. When Ted had covered everything, he asked for questions.

"No," David replied. "I should have everything I need in just a few moments. Please just bear with me. Oh, and as far as you know, does everyone here in the company use the same servers or do people keep data on their own work stations?"

Ted thought a moment and then shook his head. "I don't really know if anyone is using the hard drive in the workstation they use. Company policy is to keep all company related information on the server. You can use this machine to get anything you need and you are authorized to access any and all programs or computers in the company. It would make sense to keep any nefarious plots off the main server and bury them in personal workstations, I suppose. I hadn't thought of that before. Maybe the company needs a new written policy on that. Of course it would make even more sense to not write anything down in the first place." Then he smiled and said, "How do you like your coffee. I need a refill."

David smiled back and said, "Black, thank you."

Walking past Callie's desk, Ted asked her if she would like some coffee. Callie nodded and went back to work. Ted got the refreshments and took them back to the office. Callie said thanks as he put the cup on her desk. She liked how he treated her as a person and not his personal valet or servant. That was a major reason she respected him and she knew others in the company felt the same way.

Ted set the coffee for David on the desk as David leaned back and smiled. "All done and thank you. Yes, I found information on several hard drives. Not to be pushy, but I suggest hiring an IT Manager for the company. It could save a lot of heartache down the line. You might also wish to impress upon the other employees to back up their data on a regular basis. I have copies of some policy letters that I have seen over time and I will get some copies of them for you. You don't have to use them, but they would make a good basis for any kind of IT policies you implement later on. Sorry, I digress. Now, I wrapped up all the data, copied it into an attachment file and emailed it to myself. We should have something for you by this evening." Finishing his coffee, he picked up his briefcase and left. Ted heard him thank Callie for her time as he walked past her desk.

Callie was immediately back into Ted's office quietly asking, "Who was that guy? He doesn't do marketing or sales, at least with any company around here that I know. What is going on?"

Ted motioned to a chair and she sat down. He thought for a moment, then asked quietly, "Who's side are you on?"

She looked surprised at the question and started to reply, but Ted held up his hand and shook his head to stop her. He'd seen a furtive motion in the other room. Raising his voice Ted asked, "What do you want now, Ron?"

Ron stepped out from behind the door where he had been hiding.

Giving Ted a scowl he said, "That is Mr. Clark to you. I'm wondering if you are going to have those projections done on time this week. You must be way ahead on the data if you have time to sit here and put the moves on your secretary. By the way, who was that man who just left here? I wasn't notified that any outside people were coming into the building today. You are responsible to me, remember?"

Ted sat expressionless through the little tirade while waiting for it to end. Callie hadn't moved or looked around, but Ted had seen the scowl on her face when Ron had accused him of making moves on her. It made him wonder if Ron was trying to get into her pants also. That thought made his blood start to boil, so he went into chill mode.

When Ron finally stood there without speaking, Ted decided that the little rant was over. Without moving or changing his expression, he replied, "First, I am right where I need to be with working on those projections. Second, I am not putting moves on my secretary. We were going over the presentation setup. Third, that man who just left was Mr. David Jones. He has a marketing idea he has been working on and he wanted my opinion. Fourth, please take note how quickly you get answers to your questions when you ask them instead of hiding behind doors to eavesdrop. It could take all day getting answers that way. Finally, don't ever let me catch you pulling that bullshit in this office again or I will go to HR and file a harassment complaint against you. Now, I have work to do. Callie, go get started as we agreed. Thank you."