Destiny Awaits


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"Look Coll, you've proved your point, you've forced me to cum, can't you leave it there? Please?"

"Fuck that bitch, I want some pay back for all your teasing. Suck my cock and do a good job of it" He sat astride my face and forced his cock into my mouth, afraid of what he could do to me if I disobeyed I sucked on it, wrapping my tongue around it, tickling it on the tip. His breathing increased and an idea formed, maybe I could get him to cum before he could rape me. I tried harder opening my throat up and meeting him thrust for thrust swallowing his cock to the hilt and tickling his balls in my hands, I grasped his arse cheeks and sucked harder, he was trembling all over. I was sure he was about to cum when with a gasp he pulled away and started to laugh, "You think you're going to get away that easy? You've got another thing coming!" He moved down and started to lick my pussy I tried to kick him in the shoulder but he gripped onto my ankles, forcing my legs into the air. I could feel his tongue rasping at my clitoris sending tingles through my body but I refused to give in to him yet.

"Stop Coll, stop now... Coll for god sake stop it!" He licked my pussy a few more times, before lining his cock up to my pussy, teasing my clit with it, pushing against my hole.

"So bitch, are you ready for th..." but the breath had left him. I didn't understand. He was choking. His face was pure horror, his eyes wide. In his fight for breath he had released my ankles and I managed to struggle backwards, screaming. I watched horrified as he was lifted off of the table by what seemed to be something invisible around his throat. He was raking his fingers through thin air, clawing and scratching at what was attacking him and succeeding only in clawing his own throat, drawing trails of blood across his skin. His face was bulging and purpling. Whatever it was, was killing him and half of me wanted it. He deserved to burn in hell for what he tried to do to me, 'kill him,' I thought. 'Kill the Bastard!' but I knew I couldn't sit there and watch him die. Something within me wanted me to run for help, fight the unseen attacker. Do something. Anything. Unsure what to do and where to run I sat there wide-eyed in fear, sobbing as I watched him struggle for his life. Finally, to my horror, his eyes made contact with mine his mouth moved as if to say something to me, but no words formed. His eyes rolled back into his sockets and his body went limp. Task accomplished his body was thrown aside like a rag doll.

A huge and powerful figure appeared in the doorway, it was the gorgeous devil-man from the party except that he was bigger, fiercer, less human. The anger was still in his eyes and the power of what he had done radiated from him. His very presence was terrifying and I knew it was he who had attacked Coll. His eyes turned to me now cowering in the corner sobs racking through my body, consumed by guilt and horrified by what I had just seen.

"Come with me." He said in a gruff voice, with only the briefest glance at the body slumped against the wall. His lip curled with distain. I stared at him in fear and horror, what possibly could he want from me now? Slowly, hesitantly, I rose and followed him, scared and confused, but I realised, I was in no position to defy him.

Absently my hand reached up and touched the crystallizing blood at my temple and the events running up to this moment flooded my mind, the last images of Coll suspended by his choking throat then dumped on the floor limp and motionless, were as alive as ten minutes ago. Was he really dead? Had he died because of me? And I had done nothing to help him? The thought disturbed me deeply.

Silently, he led me further away from the party, up the stairs to the next floor and down more corridors. I was getting increasingly worried as to why he'd need so much privacy. He opened a door and motioned me to go in, I hesitatingly obeyed and he shut the door behind me.

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked quietly watching as he took off his jacket and draped it neatly over a chair. He turned to face me looking intently into my eyes, his face schooled and stoic, what expression was he hiding? Was it anger? Hate? Lust?

"Raven, I have been sent to find you, you do not belong to this world and it is time that you came home." He looked at me and I saw the honesty there but choose to deny it.

He said more but his words began to blur into one as he talked about destiny and fate, about other worlds and dimensions and a war that raged in his world between different races and that I of all people had some big part to play in ending it. It felt like some fantasy novel too far fetched to be real. I felt an anger inside of me boil to the surface that he would think that I could be so gullible and naïve to consent so blindly to him. This couldn't be real this was a prank devised by my spiteful work colleagues, I tried to see the humour in it all but I was so tired from the fight with Coll. Still he talked on.

I interrupted his monologue before it drove me insane, "Its ok, you don't have to say anything more I get what's going on here," His face looked relieved and he stepped slightly towards me, "This is a hoax right?" I said, trying to look good humoured. He paused and said nothing. I can take a joke, I tried to tell myself. I continued despite the pain and disappointment I saw in his face, "Well ha ha, very funny, so who was it? Did my colleagues that put you up to this? Where's the camera?" I looked around wildly for the laughing TV presenter, or joking colleagues but they weren't there. I turned and looked into his eyes, seeing that he was still deadly serious and my easy answer didn't exist. I backed away from him. "This isn't real, it can't be real." I whispered, I met the wall and slid down it.

He sighed. "I see that this is not going to be easy is it?" he said. "There is no choice here Raven, and No. This is not a hoax. A war is raging in my world and it will effect this one too if we cannot stop it." He forced a shrug and his expression hardened, "Well, what does it matter anyway? You are my betroved and I can take you by force if I must."

Since when was I betroved?? I felt that anger coming back to me giving me a confidence that didn't feel "What? Are you drunk? Insane? on drugs or something?" I spat. "Why me? What difference can I make?" ... "Betroved? Since when? By who?" ... "WILL SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?"

"I realise all of this is a little hard to take in Raven," He paused and closed his eyes as I scoffed once more. He waited, willing himself patience "But I don't have much time" the frustration evident in his voice. "The gateway closes tonight for another year. By then it may be too late."

Stubborn as an ox I sat on the floor, my back against the wall and folded my arms. I wasn't going anywhere until all was explained to me.

"How do I know if you're on the right side?" "How do I know that you aren't making the whole thing up?" He sighed and sat down opposite me, his stoic expression gone for now, his hard exterior had all but melted away. A twinge of guilt gripped at me, I had been a little bit hard on him.

"I guess you don't, I guess there's no real way of knowing either. You must go with what is in your heart. Only you can know that." His voice was soft now, gentle. Was this a ploy to get me to trust him? Or was he truly as tired as he looked?

"But you said I don't have a choice?" I asked, "what if my heart says otherwise?"

"No, Raven, I'm sorry to say you don't have a choice. I'll try to answer your questions true fully and perhaps you can decide for yourself whether you will come willingly or not. But if you haven't decided by dawn, I'll make the decision for you. I must deliver you to my people. If you are not with us, you are with them. If I don't take you, they will. Like it or not you will play a part in the battle to come" he looked as though he wanted to comfort me but thought better of it. I looked at my watch, it was two o'clock already, the party would already be winding down downstairs, the last drunken stragglers singing as they wander home to their beds, or someone else's beds. I sighed for the first time wanting to join them in their carefree existence.

"I guess I'd better ask some questions then hadn't I?" I sighed "why me? What have I got that you need so badly?"

"Did your mother ever tell you about your lineage, your destiny?"

"Not really, she died..."

"When you were ten. I know. Did she tell you where she came from?" I shook my head. He sighed, "I guess you were too young. Well, you and your mother were brought to this world when you were born. You see, your birth had been foretold. Our seers had prophesised that a girl would be born with raven hair and dark blue eyes and her coming would turn the tides of this war. Why? We do not know. Many of us believe that that girl will be a great and skilled warrior. Some believe that she would have powers greater than anything we have seen before. All we do know is that the one the prophecy speaks about is you."

"But, how can you know that, I mean sure I've got black hair and dark eyes and my looks are unusual maybe between humans. But there must be hundreds of girls like that in your world. Surely?"

"Well no, there isn't. Our world consists of a balance of light and dark. Everything has an opposite. The women in our world are fair, the men dark, women's eyes are blue the men's brown. No one lest not a girl ever before has black hair and the shade of the blue in your eyes, like sapphires." He shook his head, "Never before. You may be able to buy these sexy little fallen angel outfits in this world but the reality is, until now there has never been a dark angel in the history of our world."

"Okay, So everyone is certain it's me but surely one of these seer guy's could have made a mistake or something?"

"Yes it has been known, oracles cannot account for free will, nothing is certain and things can be changed especially if you know what is foretold and deliberately try to change it. That is why we brought you here, if the others knew about you they would do everything in their power to get to you. You are safer here than in any other world"


"Because aside for one night a year they can't come here. Neither can we. If I do not return to my world before the gates close at dawn I will loose my power and it will never return. Your power hasn't been awakened yet but once we have come together and awakened your power and once we have returned to our world you must never come back here."

"But if you came won't the others?"

"They won't risk it until they are sure of what you are. But they are close. They've noticed our interest in you they know that I have been guarding you and so have attempted to prevent us from waking you."


"Our power source is at the heart of our bodies, in fact just to the right of your heart, it lays dormant until we make love to each other. The seed of your lover carries an amount of his power with it, if the power is missing, as is the case with a human. Your abilities do not form, and it never will form thereafter. The instinct inside you has prevented you from mating with a human willingly and I think even you thought it was odd that so many were unable to bear your rejection and tried to take matters further than you were willing to go.

"If the others believed that we wished to awaken someone from this world they would prevent us by taking that persons virginity. They cannot do it personally because they cannot enter this world except at Halloween but they can enter and manipulate the minds of the rejected lover and suggest that they should just take it. The desire is already there and some need little convincing. If they succeeded in this we would loose our greatest hope."

"So why now? Why this year?"

"Like I said before they have noticed our interest in you and may soon sense your potential. If the others realised the power you held within you I have little doubt that they would come to this world themselves regardless of the risk and just take it. Your power would be corrupted and you'd be little more than a slave to them."

"If they could stop you anyway, why was it safer for me here?"

"We'd rather you had no power at all than power bound to them. It would be relatively easy for them to get to you in our world especially when, at the time of your birth they were getting more and more powerful and more of our kind had already been lost to them.

Earth was the last safe place left, with you here we always knew that when you were old enough to begin your training we come and take you home."

"What about my mum?" I asked, "Did you think about the fact that she'd loose her powers?"

"Of course we did, but she insisted that she came with you even at the price of her powers."

"And my powers? If everyone looses their powers when they come to earth then how will I have mine?"

"Providing I awaken you and we leave before dawn." he glanced at the window, "your powers will be safe."

"So," I scoffed again, "we have sex and when you come inside me I'll have super powers? And then what?"

"I don't know exactly what kind of powers you'll have, everyone has their own talents. Once you have your powers I will take you back to my world where I will train you. However, I should warn you that when your virginity is broken an amount of the power of the one who breaks that seal joins your own binding you to him teacher – pupil, lovers... or sometimes even, master – slave.

Once made that bond will never be broken, you are joined mind to mind, heart to heart and soul to soul."

A shudder went through my body at the thought of being a slave bound to an evil master who knew my thoughts and feelings, my darkest desires and deepest secrets. I was starting to get some realisation of the torment he could inflict by just sending crude and nasty whisperings through my head, filling my mind with images of all those he tortured or killed, of all of the women he raped and abused in gruesome detail. The thought filled me with fear, but what disturbed me the most was that sooner or later it would break me and I would be lost in his mind either as a mind numbed zombie like wreck or evil and twisted, revelling in his cruelty and glorying in fear and pain.

"So what does all this mean?" I asked uncomfortably

"It means, " said Erromas, "That I would never leave you, I'd be by your side always and if you ever need my help I will always be there."

Despite his romantic and gentle words doubts crowded my mind, could this be an act? If he had the power to control me afterwards, how can I be sure he wouldn't use it? He could be one of the bad guys trying to trick me into consenting to being his slave, an image of Coll's lifeless body rose unbidden to my eyes. But then if he is so powerful how come he hasn't just taken it? I had to buy more time.

"I don't know you. If I let you do this then you'll have control of me, there would be no escape. You could just be tricking me into being your slave." fear and panic began to grip me, "there is no way I can make a decision tonight it's just too soon." I started for the door, "I'm sorry, but you're asking too much!" I reached the handle but before I knew it he stepped in front of me, cutting me off.

I had pushed him to the end of his patience I knew it. His eyes had grown dark and menacing, he took off his shirt and flung it to the floor. His face grew stronger and more powerful as his body contorted and transformed in front of me. I backed away in fear as the sexy mysterious man I had met just hours before became a magnificent and dangerous demon. He was stunning, with bronze skin and deep dark eyes, the muscles on his chest rippled as he rolled his shoulders and two great black leathery wings sprouted from his back reaching down to trail on the floor behind him. He had all the beauty and grace of a great stallion but all the danger of a wild and angry lion.

"My time has run out and the decision has to be made." He said firmly. "If I have to take you by force, as a slave for my people... then so be it!" he growled and as he began to come towards me as though in slow motion realisation, horror and fear began to sink in. To bind me to him he must take my virginity and I was powerless against such a creature as him.

I cried out and run to the window, it was locked and the streets empty. I could see the smallest line of colour was appearing over the horizon and dawn was fast approaching.

Like Coll a few hours before, I suddenly found myself gripped around the waist and lifted off of my feet. He turned me around in mid air to face him as I grappled with immaterial and invisible bonds. I kicked and prised at what was holding me but I was fighting just nothingness and empty space. I looked at his face and into his eyes. His face was serene, a mask of calm as though lifting me was no effort at all. My clothes began to unbutton themselves and slowly one by one they slid to the floor. With no bra and my panties lost in some conference room downstairs I found myself naked in front of him, my long raven hair tumbling down over my breasts and belly.

He did nothing for a while, until slowly he released his breath in one long slow sigh. "My god, your beautiful" he breathed. He brought me down towards him until I could feel the heat radiating from his body. Reverently he kissed my shoulder and neck. His hands reaching up to cup my breasts and trace my hips, wrapping around the small of my back as he pulled me into him, placing my hands upon his firm, hot chest he bent his head and took in my scent, smelling my neck and my hair as his fingers rubbed and massaged my back. Despite my earlier fear and anger, I relaxed into him my hands rubbing his chest and reaching around him as he kissed around my face building up the moment before he took his first kiss. When it happened it was deep and sensual but more and more urgent as I kissed him back my tongue seeking his. Soon he was shrugging out of his trousers, his hardness pressing against my belly. I found myself getting more and more aroused even though the sensible part of me was still screaming at me to get away. But I couldn't help it, I was fuelled by a passion that was almost primal and his every touch was electrifying to my skin.

I reached down and grasped his massive hard cock. Massaging it with my fingers, he groaned in pleasure and pushed me up against the wall. Holding me still with one hand he knelt down and trailed kisses down my belly and the tops of my thighs before burying his face in my mound. His fingers opened me up and he pushed them inside me as his tongue found my clitoris and gently licked and toyed with it until I was moaning in pleasure. He glanced at the window briefly as the sky was beginning to show the orange pink hues of dawn and whilst I was still following his gaze, he plunged his cock deep into my virgin body.

I gasped in pleasure and pain as my hymen yielded, ripping open to give him entry, my body desperately trying to stretch to accommodate him. But at the same time a need to take in more to go faster and harder was consuming me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and fucked him back for all I was worth as sweat glistened on both of our skin. Panting and moaning I felt the pressure build inside of me.

"You could never be my slave," he whispered, "You will be my princess" he plunged his cock deep inside me, pushing both of our bodies over the edge, shooting his hot seed deep within me.

The orgasm lasted for what seemed like an eternity and as my body shook and trembled I felt a new change come over me, I felt as though somebody was straightening my body forcing me to stand tall. My body began to feel strong and powerful, I could feel the blood pulsing in my veins full of energy and power. My shoulders shifted slightly as though I was stretching my muscles for the first time, moving outwards to make room for something new. I felt an ache build between my shoulder blades as I felt bone and sinew grow and bend, the muscle wrapping around it, I felt pressure on my back like a heavy weight was being strapped to me and then a tingling as my skin grew around my new limbs and feathers grew to cover it.