Class Reunion


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"Do you like that song?" Kevin asked, breaking her thoughts.

"Why do you ask?"

"You have a big smile on your face as if it's the best song ever recorded," he explained.

Rachel laughed. "Is it that obvious?"


"It's always been a favorite of mine. I first heard it at my sister's wedding. I was the maid of honor and the best man asked me to dance. From then on, I was hooked on it."

"The song or the best man?" he teased.

"Both," she laughed. Kevin liked her laugh. It was strong, yet delicate at the same time, almost like a stiff springtime breeze. It was pleasant and pleasing to his ears.

He was enjoying her company very much. Perhaps it was because he hadn't been out with a woman for four years, but he found her attractive and he enjoyed conversing with her. Rachel's intelligence was easy to see, but she didn't flaunt it, nor did she "talk down" to Kevin, but treated him as an intellectual equal. Kevin hated the term "dumb cop" and he heard it all of the time from misinformed people who thought that anyone who could breathe could be a police officer. On the contrary, many departments were requiring their officers to have at least an associate's degree in criminal justice. For a person as gifted as Rachel to speak to him as she did, Kevin was impressed and intrigued.

Without thinking, he said, "I may not be the best man, but would you like to dance?"

Shock and surprise would be the two words that best described Rachel's thoughts at that moment. It had been a very long time since anyone had asked her to dance and for it to come from someone whom she had just met and was attracted to, it caught her completely off guard. Although the song was almost half over, she didn't care.

"Thank you. I'd love to," she said, her eyes dancing unnoticed across his face.

Kevin quickly stood up and helped Rachel out of her seat. As she stood up, Kevin thought that she would never stop. When she reached her full height, Kevin had to look up at her slightly, which was very rare indeed for him, his height being 6'2". He led her to the dance floor where he took her hand with his left and let his right hand rest lightly on her back near her waist. Kevin guided her effortlessly to a corner where it was least crowded. Although a bit rusty now, Kevin had been a skilled dancer with Annie when she was well and they went out every weekend to various clubs in the area.

The song ended too quickly for both of them, much to their chagrin, as Kevin let his hand fall from her waist and began to lead her back to the table. Another slow love ballad began to play and Rachel stopped, pulling on Kevin's hand slightly. He looked back and Rachel motioned with her head to come back to the dance floor. Kevin cocked an eyebrow and smiled.

"You talking to me?" he said softly, pointing to himself.

"It's my turn to ask you to dance."

"Well, that's an offer I can't refuse."

The song was fairly long and had different tempos throughout. Kevin gently led Rachel through some easy swing-style turns and maneuvers and she was delighted. She was not that good of a dancer, but he made her feel like Ginger Rogers. Once again, the song ended much too quickly and they decided to go back to the table for a rest.

"Where did you learn to dance like that?" she asked, duly impressed.

"Oh, Arthur Murray's home lessons," he said with a wink. Seriously, he said, "Actually, Annie taught me. She was an unbelievable dancer." His mind drifted back to her for a second as he remembered evenings together dancing to the radio. When he came back to reality, blue eyes were staring intently at him.

"You miss her an awful lot, don't you?"

"You're quite perceptive."

"It's not too hard to see."

"I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to bring her along this evening."

"Don't be sorry. There's still times when I miss Lawrence, although I don't know why. We went our separate ways and I thought I would be over him quickly, but there's still things about him that I miss, that I'll treasure forever. It's been seven years and I still think about him occasionally."

They fell silent, each in their own thoughts. Kevin looked down at his hands that were resting on his legs and saw the wedding ring still on his finger. He could never come up with the courage even to move the ring to his right hand as some widowers do. It was so much a part of his life. So much a part of their life. It had been sized perfectly when it was purchased, but now, it cut into his finger as he had gained weight throughout the years. He doubted that he would even be able to take it off should he so desire, and he didn't. Kevin had tried to take it off previously, but he always was unable to do it, unable to take that one final leap. He remembered once again, that Annie, clinging to life on her death bed had wanted him to be happy, wanted him to marry again. Her body was wasting away, but her spirit was strong and her mind was clear. She asked him to lay beside her, that she wanted him near when the time came. He put his arms around her thin, fragile body and held her close, being careful not to hurt her. Annie's bony hands took his strong, fleshy ones and squeezed them. She could not see the tears streaming down his face as he wept silently behind her and out of her sight. He held her long after she quietly passed and her hand had slipped to the mattress. Kevin would never forget those last few hours and he was forever grateful that he was with her when she began her new journey.

Kevin wiped his eyes with his fingers before the tears began to fall. He cleared his throat and looked back at Rachel, whose hand was touching his sleeve out of concern.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

Kevin nodded. "Just memories coming back. Sometimes they hit me when I least expect it." He patted her hand in appreciation. "I'm okay, really."

The DJ decided that the dance floor wasn't crowded enough, so he started to play "The Electric Slide".

Kevin looked at Rachel and gestured to the dance floor. "Want to try it?"

"Oh my God, I haven't done that for years," she replied.

"Let's go, then." He took her hand and they joined the rest of the participants. Kevin remembered the moves and became the leader, so to speak, as everyone watched him and tried to follow his lead. Rachel fumbled and stumbled around, but she enjoyed it very much.

As the evening grew late, the crowd started to thin and Kevin started to feel tired. It had been a long day, having worked overtime and then rushing to get to the reunion on time. He had a bit of a drive ahead of him to get home to Florissant and he didn't want to stay much later. Rachel had gone off to be with the other committee members to discuss plans for the next day and to make sure that everything had been taken care of and paid for that evening. He looked down at his ring once more. He knew that it was time to take that next step, time to let Annie go just a bit and begin a new start for himself. He smiled as he knew that Annie would be watching and urging him to do it. He pulled at it gently and it came off without too much of a struggle. Kevin held it in front of his eyes and he stared at it for a few seconds. Slowly, he brought it his lips and kissed it. He loosened his tie and unbuttoned his top shirt button and pulled out the necklace that hadn't left his sight since his mother gave it to him when he was sworn in on the St. Louis Police Department. It was a medal of St. Michael, the patron saint of police officers. Kevin unhooked the clasp and slipped the ring onto the chain. Placing the necklace around his neck again, he found peace again for she was now close to his heart.

He walked Rachel to her car when it was time to go. She lived in Sappington and they would be leaving in opposite directions. It was a very warm June night and Kevin had taken off his suit jacket. They reached her car quickly and she stood near the door facing him.

"You've made this a wonderful memory for me," she said. "It's been a long time since I've had this much fun. And to think that I wasn't going to come."

"Well, I'm glad you came and I'm glad you called me," he replied. "You are coming tomorrow, aren't you?"

"Of course. I'm on the committee, remember?"

"Ah, yes, the committee."

Rachel looked down, wishing she didn't have to go. "Save me a spot for lunch, will you? I mean, if you don't mind."

"Mind? I'd really like for you to sit with me. I really liked being with you tonight, too. It's been a long time since I danced that much. Thanks."

"I better get moving," she said softly, not wanting to go. "I really had a wonderful time." She bit her lip as she thought of something. "After this is over, I mean the picnic tomorrow, I'd really like to keep in touch. We don't live that far apart..."

Kevin looked at her and smiled. "I'd like that very much. Perhaps I can have you over for dinner sometime. I make a mean tuna and noodle casserole."

Rachel made a face. "Yech, I hate tuna," she laughed.

"Well, fine then," he said in mock anger. "What do you like?"

"Anything but tuna."

"Salmon?" he asked.






"Wait a minute, you said you only didn't like tuna."

"I lied. I hate all seafood."

"Is that really all you hate or is there more?"


"Great answer."

"It depends."

"On what?"

"On my mood that day."

"Wonderful. That narrows it down."

Rachel laughed. "No, really, the only food I don't like is seafood."

"I'm sure that I can whip up something else."

"I'd like that." She looked at him and smiled once more before she unlocked her car door. "I really should get going. I have to get up early." She opened the door and stood there momentarily, waiting to see if Kevin would make a move. He did, but he only moved forward to hold the door for her. Slightly disappointed, she got in gracefully and Kevin closed the door for her. "See you tomorrow, Kevin," she said through the open window as she started the car.

"See you," he replied.

The car roared to life and Rachel placed it in gear. Kevin stepped back and she drove off while looking at him through her mirrors. Kevin watched until he couldn't see the red tail lights anymore in the distance.

The picnic had a much more relaxed atmosphere and everyone had a wonderful time. Kevin and Rachel sat and talked most of the day at one of the many picnic tables set up. She was wearing a tee shirt that read, "Plant physiologists do it in the dirt." and Kevin thought it was hilarious. He burst out laughing when he saw it for the first time. Her blue denim shorts showed off her legs nicely. Her dress that she wore the previous evening had made it difficult for Kevin to judge her bust size, even when they were dancing close, but he could see that she had a full breasts that seemed to be medium sized. He was never that good of a judge when it came to size anyway. He could never buy clothes for Annie because they were either too big or too small for her. Rachel definitely had a body befitting a woman much younger than her forty three years. As they were talking, Rachel's hand found ways to touch or be near Kevin's. He was surprised at first, not expecting her to be so forward, but he found that he liked it and welcomed it. She had her wavy brown hair tied back in a yellow scrunchie, matching her purple tee and shorts. Kevin had on a nondescript red sleeveless shirt that showed off his broad chest and large biceps. He also wore blue jeans, although he wished he had opted for shorts, too.

They ate together and laughed as Kevin told her funny stories about things that he had seen during his life as a policeman. He left out disgusting things or times when he was in immediate danger, but she was amused and Kevin was pleased.

"You know, they have a ride along program where you can ride on patrol during a shift," he told her. "I could take you out sometime if you like."

Her eyes lit up. "Really? That would be wonderful! When could we do it?"

"Any time you'd like. I work Monday through Friday on the day shift. It's not that busy, but you'd get an idea of what it's like."

"That would be great, Kevin. My schedule is pretty flexible, so I could do it pretty much any time I want."

"Great. Just let me know and I'll set it up."

"I will."

"Hey, we could even buy some powdered donuts for breakfast," he teased.

"I think I'll just have my usual coffee and toast, thank you very much," she countered.

The rest of the day went splendidly. Every once in a while, they would separate and mingle and Rachel actually started to have a good time talking to former teammates and other classmates. And it was Rachel's idea to start up a volleyball game. It was your basic backyard game with very few rules, but one could see that she had quite a lot of skill left, no matter what she said. Rarely did a ball get past her at the net, and on a few occasions, she pounded the ball to the ground over or through whomever tried to block it. Kevin was very impressed with her athleticism and agility as he watched from a distance. Rachel had tried to get him involved, but he politely declined her invitation. After a couple of games, Rachel decided that she had enough play time and excused herself from the game.

"You," Kevin pointed to her, "should be playing in a league."

Rachel smiled as she drank some water. It really did feel good to be playing again, even if it was just backyard rules. She would have to think about joining a league and see if she could fit it in her schedule.

"And you don't know a thing about volleyball. I'm really not that good," she replied.

"You could have fooled me."

"You must be easily fooled," she countered.

"Only by volleyball playing biologists."

"Volleyball playing plant physiologists," Rachel corrected him.

"Okay, volleyball playing plant psychologists. Whatever!" he said.

"All right, that's enough," she laughed before she finished off her bottle of water. "I better stop before you can make it any worse than it already is."

They spent the next hour together talking and watching the reunion take place. Rachel was proud that it all went well and there were no major problems or mistakes. It was getting late in the day and people were starting to pack and leave. Rachel looked over the exodus with sadness. It had been a good reunion and she was very glad that she had a hand in it. She had made one new special friend and had gotten to talk to many others. She would be leaving soon, and she was sad about that, too. She began to gather her belongings and place them on the table in front of her. Rachel looked around for Kevin, but didn't see him. She didn't think that he would leave without saying good-bye, but her heart sank a bit at the thought. She looked around again without success, sighed, and reluctantly began to take her stuff to her car.

Kevin emerged from the restroom and headed back to the reunion. He, too, saw that it was thinning out and he looked for the familiar purple shirt amongst those still there. Not seeing her, his eyes searched the parking lot where he spotted Rachel at her car. Knowing that she wouldn't hear him, even if he yelled, Kevin began to run in her direction.

Busy rearranging her trunk, Rachel didn't see the hulking, off duty cop running towards her. Deep in thought, she didn't want to believe that he would do that to her, actually leave without saying anything to her. She didn't know what to think. Rachel never thought that she would get that upset over someone whom she barely knew, although she thought she knew an awful lot about him in such a short period of time. Barely knew wasn't correct. She considered him to be a good friend already and she thought he would feel the same way about her. Now, she wasn't so sure. Rachel slammed the trunk angrily and took a few steps towards the driver's door.

"Hey Rachel," a familiar, but out of breath voice said behind her, "wait a minute."

She turned back and saw Kevin running to her. He was perhaps twenty yards away. She looked at him, hands on hips, and smiled, her anger totally gone.

He stopped short of her and bent forward, his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath.

" least...said good-bye...before you left," he wheezed, waiting for an answer.

"I thought you had gone already," she explained. "I didn't see you anywhere."

"Can't a guy the bathroom? I'll give you...some warning next time, or should I ask permission?" His breathing was starting to return to normal.

"You're silly," she laughed. "Are you always this out of breath after running? I would hate to see you chase a criminal."

"Hey, I'm old, fat, and out of shape, so give me a break," he replied. "Besides, that was over seventy-five yards!" Kevin looked back over the distance that he had covered and then back at her. "So, you were going to leave?"

"I have an important experiment that I have to start on very early tomorrow. I don't have set hours to work."

"How early?"


"That's quite early."

"I know. That's why I to leave."

"I gathered that since you explained it to me in such a succinct fashion."

"I did?"

"You did."

"Well, now that you understand it so thoroughly, perhaps I could say good-bye now and start my journey home."

Kevin paused. "That sentence was so long, I almost fell asleep," he teased.

"That's not very nice," she pouted, her arms crossing over her chest.

"No one's ever accused me of being nice."

"And with good reason."

"Now, who's not being nice?"

"I'm always nice, but I really must be going."

"Okay," he said. "Can I give you a call sometime? Maybe I can cook you something for dinner one evening when you need a break."

"I'd really like that. Thank you."

"Could I have your number? It's usually easier for me to call someone that way."

Rachel shook her head in amusement. She reached into her pocket and produced a business card for him. She found a pen and jotted her number on the card for him. "Here you go. I want to make this as easy as possible for you."

Kevin laughed when he saw it. She had written the numbers large enough that it covered the entire card. "I guess I'll be able to see that!" He tucked the card inside his wallet and looked back at her. "What's the best time to call you?"

"I'm usually home by five o'clock. If I don't answer, you can leave a message or you can try my extension at work." Rachel moved closer to the car door before turning. "It was really good to see you again today."

"I enjoyed seeing you again, too, Rachel."

Rachel paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts before she spoke again. "I really wasn't looking forward to this weekend, Kevin." She reached for his hand and took it. "Now, I hate to see it end. I had a wonderful time, mostly because of you."

"It's your fault. You called and made me come."

"I wouldn't consider it a fault, but I did call you and you came. Thank you."

"You're very welcome," he smiled. "I had a great time, too."

"Good," she said. She pulled him close and gave him a quick hug before letting go and opening her door. She got in as Kevin stood nearby wishing that she didn't have to leave.

"I'll call you," he said.

"I'll be waiting," she replied, flashing a broad smile his way. Rachel closed the door, started her car, and waved to him before she slowly drove away. Kevin watched until her car disappeared and walked back to the reunion knowing that he would be calling her soon.

"2 Mary 37 in service," Kevin said into his radio.

"2 Mary 37, clear. 0730 hours," the dispatcher replied.

Kevin and Rachel buckled their seatbelts and Kevin began to explain what might lie ahead. "There will be times when I won't want you to come out of the car until I know it's safe, otherwise, you're allowed to come with me on most calls. If I tell you to go back to the car, do it without question and stay there until I get back. Understand?"
