Amber's Enslavement Ch. 04

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Amber is shown more of what slavery is and is collared.
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Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/02/2022
Created 06/20/2008
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Chapter 4

The Collaring

Leesha woke before Amber. That wasn't very surprising. Amber had been through quite a bit, both emotionally and physically. Her body was worn out and her mind was taking refuge in sleep. Leesha smiled at the memories from last night. Advanced trainees were always so enthusiastic to show what they've learned. As she remembered the events leading up to the pleasant ones, she frowned. Leesha had never heard of a captive asking to effectively be punished. She wasn't looking forward to informing Garth.

Always one to get the hard duties out of the way first, Leesha rose and walked towards Garth's quarters. Outside his curtain, she asked, "May I come in, Master?"

"Enter," came the reply from beyond curtain.

Leesha entered as Capri, another slave, was caressing Garth's cock with her prehensile tongue. Leesha smiled at the look of pleasure on her Master's face. She knelt beside the bed and waited for Garth to address her. She knew it wouldn't take long for Garth to climax. Leesha had felt that amazing oral digit in her own pussy. Sure enough, Garth was cumming a short while later, Capri's mouth engulfing the cock as he did.

"Thank you, Capri. You may return to your normal duties." The slave master turned to Leesha. "What are you doing here, Leesha? Shouldn't you be with Amber?"

"Master, Amber's still asleep and I need to report something unusual."

"Unusual? Is something wrong? Is Amber okay?"

"Yes, Master, as far as I can tell. I don't think there's anything wrong; it's just that I've never had this happen before. Amber asked me to spank her last night."

Garth sat up, his eyebrows rising. He'd never heard of a captive asking for pain before. The Venturers carefully screened out anyone who might be a true masochist. "Did you spank her?"

"Yes, Master. I consulted with Bressala and she advised that I should. I didn't inform you at the time because Amber asked that I not do so."

"Why? Did she give a reason for wanting to be punished?"

"She didn't want to be punished, Master. She said she wanted to know if her arousal at the punishment was because she enjoyed seeing someone in pain or if the thought of her own pain was arousing. She said that she'd rather die than live as a sadist."

"I see. The fact that she felt that way is proof enough that she wasn't…isn't a sadist. What was her reaction?"

"She was aroused, Master. In fact, her arousal under the paddle was easy and fast. She begged for an orgasm when I finished. She tastes very yummy, Master."

Garth smiled at that last comment. Leesha could be described as a connoisseur of pussy juice. Lords knew she enjoyed giving oral pleasure to other slaves, especially female slaves. Her skill was such that she was in high demand by female clients.

"You did right, under the circumstances. In the future, Gods forbid that this should happen again, inform me no matter the wishes of the captive. Tonight, encourage her to paddle you. Let's find out how much she's turned on by inflicting pain."

"My pardon, Master. Is that wise? If she's aroused, she'll think she's a sadist again, won't she?"

"I don't expect her to be aroused by it. It would be a shock if someone as terrified as she is of being a sadist was actually aroused by giving a spanking. Be sure to take your orgasm from the spanking."

"Yes, Master. She'll be waking soon. I should probably return."

"Yes, do that. I'll be by to collect her in an hour."

"Yes, Master."


Amber woke, her ass tingling with residual pain from the spanking. The other lingering feeling was far more pleasant. Her pussy was remembering the incredible orgasm she'd had the night before. Reaching between her legs, she found herself wet and sensitive. Her fingers lingered, playing with the lips of her cunt. As her desires grew, she increased the attention she was giving herself. Soon she was gasping in pleasure as her fingers caressed the inside of her pussy.

"Good morning Amber." Leesha had walked in on the captive. Amber's hand pulled away in embarrassment. "Would you like me to do that for you?"

"Yes. No! Oh God! I don't know. This is so humiliating."

Leesha sat down next to the blushing girl. "Amber, there's nothing wrong with wanting sexual pleasure. As a slave, you'll be trained in how to make self pleasure enjoyable for others watching you."

"People will watch me masturbate?"

"Amber, we're slaves. It's not like we have any privacy. Do you want to cum before your morning meal?"

Leesha's hand rested on Amber's leg, covered by just the thin blanket on the bed. She trembled with need; her own hands having brought her close to the edge. With her eyes closed, Amber gave a small nod. Leesha pulled the cover back, exposing the sopped pussy underneath. With one hand, Leesha pulled Amber into an embrace while the other hand started caressing the needy pussy. Leesha's skilled hand re-ignited Amber's climbing arousal.

Contrary to Amber's desire, Leesha didn't go back to penetration. Her fingers merely stroked Amber lightly, playing with the wet folds of sensitive flesh. Amber grabbed Leesha in a fierce hug, clinging in fear of she didn't know what. In no time at all, she was humping her hips against Leesha's hand, trying to increase the sensations. The skilled slave kept the light caresses up, avoiding Amber's thrusts with deft movements.

"It's okay, Amber. Let me take you; show you just how good it can be."

"Please, I'm losing my will to…"

Amber's plea was lost in a moan of bliss. While she couldn't remember, Amber's body had never felt this level of pre-orgasmic pleasure. From this level, Leesha took her even higher. Two fingers entered Amber's cunt and she cried out in ecstasy; ecstasy without orgasm.

"What are you…oh…doing?"

"This is the pleasures of a slave. What would you do to cum right now?"

"Anything!" Amber cried in both agony and desire. She knew she was telling the truth. If the collar was put on right now, she would accept slavery in a heartbeat. She could feel her resolve failing her and, this time, she'd asked for it.

Leesha kept up her sensual assault, keeping Amber on the edge for another five minutes. When Leesha touched Amber's clit, the captive screamed as her body shook with a mind-numbing orgasm. Her pussy released a flood of fluid to coat Leesha's hand and the bed beneath them. Amber's body locked up, rigid as waves of intense pleasure swept conscious thought from her mind. Leesha held Amber tight, her hand still caressing Amber's quivering pussy.

"How's that for a wake up call?"

"Oh God, Leesha. What are you doing to me? I don't want to be a slave, damn you!"

Amber pried herself from Leesha's grasp and fled to the toilet room. As Amber tried to regain her wits, Leesha sucked her fingers, cleaning Amber's juices off, one by one. When Amber returned, her pussy and legs were clean and her eyes were red from tears.

"I know you mean well, but, please, I don't want to be a slave. Don't make me a slave."

"Amber, you're already a slave. You just haven't been collared yet. The selection process is nearly infallible. It's been years since the last captive rejected slavery."

"But it's so wrong. Slavery is wrong; I can feel it in here." Amber pointed to her heart. "If I choose to be a slave, I just know I'll be denying something that's a vital part of who I am."

"You can't know that, Amber. You have no memories."

"I know that! I just know, okay? I don't know how, but I do. Slavery is death. I'd rather be truly dead than be in that living death."

Leesha didn't know what to say. She'd never heard of anyone even coming close to the dread and hatred of slavery that Amber was showing. Unable to respond, Leesha retreated to duty. She left Amber to fetch the morning meal.


Another person was also confused by Amber's vehemence, though not by the subject. Inclon stared into the viewing stone, watching the captive as she cried softly at her fate.

"Amber," he whispered, "how are you so sure? Why are you so close to remembering? Why isn't the potion working on you as it should?"

Rising from his seat, he pulled back the curtain insulating his study from the rest of his quarters. Justilia, his personal slave, stopped what she was doing and knelt before him. He looked at her nude body, wishing he had the youth to be able to enjoy her more than once a day. He breathed a sigh of resignation, one Justilia had heard before.

"Justilia, would you fetch me the Venturer's report on the captive, Amber?"

"Of course, Master. I'll be right back."

Several minutes later Inclon was studying the report. Halfway through it, he stopped and looked into space, thinking to himself. "No wonder she's terrified of becoming a slave if she has some access to her memories. If the potion was working properly on her, this wouldn't be an issue, but she's obviously remembering, even if not consciously. Ironically, if she hadn't been given the potion, she would probably accept slavery as well." Inclon feared for Amber's life. He was beginning to doubt that she would ever accept slavery, not if this report was accurate. He decided he needed to talk with the Venturer in person.


Garth showed up at Amber's room just as she was finishing her morning meal. Her eyes were still red, but she'd regained her composure. Garth released her chain and fastened her cuffs behind her back. With a practiced ease, he flicked the leash and guided Amber on her way.

"Where to this time?"

"We're going to see the more pleasant side of being a slave."

Amber believed she knew what the answer would be before she asked, "How can being a slave be pleasant?"

"Amber, being a slave isn't all about sex, though most slaves see sex as one of the good things about their position. Slaves do much in our world that's good. Our first stop is someplace you've already been."

"Where's that?"

"The medical quarters."

Amber wondered what there was to see that she hadn't already seen there. Slaves never got sick, from what she'd been told, so just what happened besides treating slaves with the fixative? When she passed through the curtain, Amber was shocked to see a different room. Her ability to navigate the tunnels that made up House Grantlo hadn't developed yet, partly because she hadn't accepted that the house would be her home.

More surprising was what was in the room. There were eight beds, four of which were occupied. Even more surprising was that the four people were clearly sick. The three women and one man looked weak and had blisters on their exposed skin. A slave was doing something with one of them.

"I can't go any farther. I don't want to risk catching Tempura. You go ahead. The fixative will keep you safe. Talk to Helena, find out just what she does."

With some trepidation, Amber entered the treatment area. The slave looked up, a smile on her face. "Hello, you must be Amber. I'm Helena."

"Hi. What's wrong with them?"

"They're suffering from Tempura. That's a nasty little disease that can leave one a cripple unless it's treated. The treatment's fairly simple, but giving it exposes the doctor to the disease."

"So you give the treatment because you're immune?"

"Exactly! Would you like to help for a little while?"

Amber looked at the four sick people. All of them looked pitiful. Unable to help herself, Amber felt compassion for the sick people.

"How do I help them?"

Helena walked over to a small table and picked up a clay pot. She motioned Amber to join her at the side of one of the patients.

"Remember, the treatment is simple. Take the ointment and rub it into the blisters. They'll probably burst when you do; that's all right."

As she talked, Helena rubbed ointment into the blisters. They popped as she did so, releasing a yellowish fluid. The ointment fizzed when it contacted the fluid, leaving nothing behind. As each blister was treated, the woman's face showed mild pleasure.

"There's another jar on the table. Why don't you take it and start treating him." Helena pointed towards the man on the next bed. "Be sure to treat all the blisters."


"Yes, even the ones on his cock."

Amber blushed at the thought of touching someone's sexual areas. Gulping, she started treating the blisters, having the same effects on them that Helena had. As the man responded to the treatment, his face easing from the discomfort, Amber felt a sense of accomplishment. It felt good to help heal this man.

They treated the other two as well. Amber knew what was happening to her. This was good; to help people in pain was worth doing. To be able to protect others while doing it was even better. While she treated the people, she cried softly, tears running down her face. Soon, they were finished.

"Helena, is this all you do?"

"No, I serve in other ways as well. When I'm not with my patients, I'm available for any use the Masters and Mistresses may wish of me."

"So you're used for sex too?"

"Of course. Healing is very satisfying, but sex is fun."

"Don't you ever feel taken advantage of?"

"No, why would I?"

"You wouldn't understand. I'd better go." When she was back out in the hall, she slapped Garth. "I hate you!"

Garth looked at his captive in shock. He'd never had a captive hit him before. As he re-cuffed Amber's hands behind her back, he asked, "What was that about?"

"I wouldn't mind being a medical slave! You're making it so hard to not want to be a slave." Amber was practically in tears.

"Amber, that's my job. I'm supposed to be convincing you to accept being a slave. I really don't understand where this aversion to being a slave comes from. It's not like you have anything else you can aspire to. Amber, you can't go home, you can't live here without being a slave. Why are you so resistant to the only life you can know?"

"Garth, it'll destroy me, I just know it. Please don't make me be a slave."

"Amber, if not slavery, then it'll be death. I don't want to see you dead, so I'll continue to try to convince you that slavery is worth accepting." As he attached the leash to her cuffs, he continued. "Come on, we have more to see."

Garth directed Amber through the tunnels. Garth truly didn't understand where Amber's feelings came from. He'd never been a Venturer; had never seen the societies where the captives came from. In his eyes, slavery was a legitimate and beneficial institution for both the slaves and the slaves' owners. In fact, on Destran, he was correct. Slavery was advantageous to the slaves. They lived long, productive lives of service and joy. The laws protecting them were the strongest laws in the Empire. He had no knowledge of worlds where slavery was an evil; a system of degradation and objectification of the victims.

It didn't take long to reach his next destination. At a curtain, Garth took a cloak from a peg on the wall and draped it over Amber's shoulders. The effect was to cover her in a surprisingly modest manner. The action made sense once they entered the room. Beyond this next curtain was a room full of children with a slave speaking at the front of the room. Garth held Amber and himself in the back of the room, silent as they listened. The slave was one of the slaves with the lithe figure and pointed ears. Amber would later learn that the race was called Elves. The female Elf stood in front of the children dressed in a simple robe.

"Let's review what we already know about magic," the slave started. "The essence of magic, mana, infuses all living things. Mana is the stuff of life. Where it flows, there is life. Prior to the discovery of mana, the races of Destran were unable to determine for sure, just what was alive and what wasn't. All the old means failed in some way, for some species. Wizards manipulate and shape this primal force to bring about changes to the world.

"The first law of magic is that nothing can be created or destroyed. Magic changes things. For example, the spell of fire creation causes something that isn't burning to ignite. The effect and cause is much like using flint and steel, but much faster. The fire isn't created, but instead, the substance is heated up until it burns.

"The second law of magic is that mana cannot be lost. When a wizard manipulates mana, he or she doesn't use it up, but moves it, concentrates it, changes its resonance, or disperses it. This law guarantees that magic will always be possible. It may become more difficult if the mana that's available is tightly bound to the life it's part of, but it can still be used.

"This second law also makes alchemy possible. Remember, life is where mana flows. When a creature dies, the mana stays inside it; it just doesn't flow any more. This allows the alchemist to take organic matter and blend it to produce potions. Potions allow magic to be used in areas where there isn't a wizard.

"How many of you have read your scrolls?" Nearly all the hands went up. "Good. Felin, what's the third law of magic?"

A young man stood up and answered. "The third law says that magic can't take or give life."

"Right. Wizards can manipulate the flow of mana, but they can't make mana flow where it doesn't already flow and they can't stop the flow of mana that is flowing. Don't, however, let yourselves be fooled into thinking that magic can't kill. If the wizard creates a raging fire around you, it will kill you."

The slave continued asking questions of the students as Garth directed Amber back out of the room. The cloak was removed and hung on the peg next to the three other robes and cloaks as well as another empty peg.

"Were the teacher and I wearing clothes because of the children?"

"Yes, of course. Students come from all over Destran to be taught in Helshenti schools. They bring a wide variation of nudity taboos and we respect the strictest of them. Most societies believe that children below a certain age should be shielded from full knowledge of sexuality. They differ only in what that age limit and the knowledge level is."

"What if a child slips out and wanders the corridors? They could accidentally stumble on a sex training session."

"The curtain is enchanted. No one under the age of 18 can pass through that curtain, nor can anyone pass through it unclothed. The children enter the classroom from a different curtain. That curtain is enchanted to prohibit any slave from passing through it."

"Why is a slave teaching?"

"Slaves are understood by anyone they talk to. These students come from all over the planet and speak a wide variety of languages. A slave who's to be a teacher must learn much."

"That first day, after I woke up for the first time; you said House Grantlo trained sex slaves. Yet your slaves are doctors and teachers."

"We do train sex slaves. Elosia is fully trained in all aspects of sexuality and pleasing others. She just happens to also be a teacher. She'll be expected to provide service in the house like every other slave or trainee."

"I see. Is there anything a slave can't do?"

"They can't practice magic. Even if they have the spark, the collar interferes with their ability to manipulate mana. I suspect the wizard's guild did that on purpose. A slave wizard would break the guild's monopoly on magic. They can't marry or hold political office. They can't kill."

"And they can't be killed."

"Not with any ease. I'd prefer not to test the whole decapitation thing. We should move on, there's more to see."

"What's next?"

"Lunch. I want to introduce you to more of our slaves."

"So I can hear more wonderful testimonials about slavery?"

"If you wish. You can ask them anything you wish."


"Yes, you can ask them anything you wish. You may even find things that slaves don't like about slavery."