
I'm just a guy with a wild imagination who likes to put it on vitual paper. After channeling ideas to fan fiction for some time, I've turned my hand to original stories and characters. Though I try to keep things as realistic and believable as possible, I do believe fiction, no matter how realistic, can contain some elements that require the reader to suspend some disbelief. All my stories are strictly fantasy, having no basis in real events. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy writing them.

Though I do not often respond to comments, I do read them and appreciate the feedback. While I do like seeing requests for sequels and have some in the works due to those requests, I usually only post complete stories. I don't like reading a story and waiting for parts that may never come and won't do that to those that read my tales. If I've posted it, consider the story finished.

I use all feedback as a way to improve my writing as well as to understand what works and what doesn't. I have received some great advice and hopefully that shows in the progression of my writing. For those that simply write "You suck," well, your comment sucks. There is nothing actionable in that comment, nothing I can take from that to understand why I suck so thank you for enabling my sucking.

Thanks for reading!


Tampa, FL



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16 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
90My Favorites
7Series Published

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