The Novice Ch. 02

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Audrey is caught in a web of lust, depravity and seduction
10k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/12/2022
Created 07/27/2004
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Audrey raced along the leafy path toward the safety of the convent, her way lit by thin fingers of moonlight. Her shift fluttered against her thighs as she ran, her trembling fingers clutching the torn edges of her bodice together. She felt breathless, her skin dewy and hot, pulses of tingling heat curling through her belly.

She knew he was back there, intensely masculine, terrifyingly seductive. All she had to do was turn around, to surrender herself to the madness he so easily evoked inside of her.

And destroy any chance she had of becoming a nun.

Even now Lukas's words still echoed in her head. "Go now, before I take what it is you seek to deny me."

She gave a soft cry as she stumbled and fell to her hands and knees on the uneven path, her ankle screaming in protest. She sat back on her heels and brushed her long chestnut mane back from her face as she drew gulps of air into her lungs.

She gave a squeak of horror as long fingers wrapped around her upper arm and dragged her awkwardly to her feet.

She gazed up, unaware of how her exposed breasts with their tender rosy tips glowed in the moonlight as she focused on the shadowy features of Mother Superior.

"Novice," Mother said coldly in greeting. "How is it that I find you in a state of dishabille," Audrey winced as Mother's long fingers flicked her tight nipples painfully. "After curfew?"

Audrey hastily drew the folds of her bodice together, flustered at being caught and unsure how to begin to confess the multitude of her sins.

Even now, her body still throbbed where Lukas's fingers had stroked her lush folds until she melted, the feel of him as he probed against her tiny entrance, sliding that shocking thick male part up inside of her and stretching her uncomfortably until he came to rest against the evidence of her chastity. Audrey shuddered, a guilty flush staining her cheeks as she gazed up into the shadowed eyes of Mother. "I-"

"Save your lies, Novice. Father will no doubt wish to see you after prayers tomorrow morning."

Audrey barely held back a moan of horror. She would be forced to confess her wickedness to Father Matthews, and the mere thought of it scared her rigid. Would he discipline her? Would he lock her up? Would she be banished from the convent?

Audrey had known no other life than that within the confines of the convent. She had been raised by nuns who had cherished and loved her, and it was her sole wish to become a nun too so that she follow in their footsteps and help raise orphaned or unwanted children like herself.

It was only her old Mother Superior's belief that Audrey would in time come to desire a husband and children of her own that led her to refuse Audrey's wish to take her vows like the other novices. Eventually Mother had agreed that upon Audrey fulfilling a full year as a Novice at the convent at St Helen's, if Audrey still wished to become a nun, she could do so with Mother‘s full blessing.

Audrey had arrived at St Helen's a little over a sennight ago, and found herself struggling to cope with the many differences from the convent in which she had been raised. In many ways St Helen's was freer, without the rigid codes of dress and conduct expected by the elderly Father at St Agatha's. However, St Helen's was in other ways stricter and more demanding on the person. At St Agatha's, the body was viewed as a mere vessel, its functions to be tolerated and ignored. Yet at St Helen's, Audrey had found that shame of the human form was discouraged while purity was carefully monitored.

Audrey had never felt so conflicted as she did in those moments when she had witnessed Father Matthews towering over Beth as she lay on the pagan stone altar in the forest clearing, his hard straining flesh thrusting between her quivering buttocks as Beth moaned and writhed beneath him.

She had been warned all her life against the sins of the flesh, of the depravity and wickedness that would result. Yet how was she to resolve this with what she had seen Father Matthews do the other young Novice?

As she was marched back to her cell by Mother Superior, Audrey realised that before coming to St Helen's she had led a life sheltered from the sins and temptations of the flesh. She now wondered if she would ever be free of this yearning to have her young body caressed and to feel the hard press of male flesh between her melting thighs, and feared that her faith would be tested deeply in the coming year.


The kitchen was silent as Beth and Audrey washed the dishes after the breaking of fast the following morning. Audrey had not breathed a word to her friend of the intimate acts she had witnessed in the forest, and Audrey hated herself for the deception.

Audrey dried and put away the dishes as Beth washed, and together they wiped down the benches and put the chairs to rights. Audrey couldn't prevent herself from yawning, feeling immensely tired and weary. She had been unable to sleep, her mind in a turmoil of guilt and discovery. The mere thought of what she had done, of what she had seen, had filled her body with a restless yearning that kept her on edge and needing, wanting, something more.

Had this been what lay behind her old Mother Superior's refusal to allow Audrey to take her vows and finally become a nun? Had she wanted Audrey to discover the exquisite pleasure of a man's touch before she finally chose to live her life in the convent, one of chastity, poverty and duty?

Father Matthews had told her upon her arrival at St. Helen's that their ways were different. Had her old Mother known of this before sending Audrey to St. Helen's, and intended perhaps for Father Matthews to take the same liberties with Audrey as he did with Beth?

Audrey was dragged from her whirling thoughts as Beth placed a hand over hers.

"Do not torment yourself so, Audrey. I know."

"Y-you do?" Audrey gasped, blushing madly.

Beth merely smiled, looking suddenly older than her nineteen years. "I had hoped that you would follow me. I wanted you to see for yourself what it was like, to not feel frightened when your time comes. Father Matthews treats us all as his own."

Audrey trembled, her lashes lowering as she remembered the feel of Lukas moving inside of her, of the exquisite pleasure he had coaxed from her innocent body. Yet at the same time she had felt a burning uncomfortableness, as though he were tearing her apart.

Would it be the same with Father Matthews? Oh, god, the mere thought of it sent a bewildering quiver between her thighs.

"B-but isn't it wicked for a nun to lose her chastity and fornicate with a man?"

"There is no wickedness, Audrey," Beth assured her. "Father Matthews vowed before God to love, cherish and educate the nuns and novices under his care, and he does so with the full assent of the Lord."

"Oh," Audrey murmured, chewing on her bottom lip.

Beth brushed back a stray chestnut tendril from Audrey's eyes. "Let Father Matthews love you, Audrey, as only a priest can. As all of us at St. Helen's do."

Audrey was unprepared when Beth leaned forward, gently kissing the corner of her mouth. Audrey blinked, startled.

"We are all friends here, Audrey," Beth murmured, giving Audrey‘s hand a squeeze. "I want you to know that you can ask anything of me. Anything."

Audrey gazed into Beth's earnest eyes, indecision warring within her.

"Beth, I-" Audrey hesitated, blushing, wanting to confide in her friend, yet she struggled to find the words to express the confusion and uncertainty that plagued her.

The girls jumped apart as Mother Superior strode into the kitchen. Stern blue eyes swept over the clean benches and empty sink before narrowing on Audrey. "Father Matthews will see you now, novice."


Audrey hesitated before the closed door to Father Matthews's chamber and took a deep breath, trying to calm the churning in her belly.

Throughout prayers she had been plagued with memories of the wicked ways in which Lukas had touched and caressed her, making her face burn until she thought the other nun's could not help but notice her guilt. All the while she had been deeply conscious of the exquisite ache between her thighs where he had stretched her around him as he speared her with his hardness.

She could barely hold back a moan of shame as her nipples tightened into painfully hard buds beneath her habit. She was truly wicked! What would Father Matthews do to her once she confessed?

With trembling fingers she knocked softly against the door, all the while praying for God's guidance.

"Come in," a masculine voice commanded, and she opened the door with dread.

Father Matthews stood facing the large arch windows with his back to her, the morning sun turning his dark blonde mane to a rich gold.

He turned, and the breath caught in her throat as steely grey eyes pinned her where she stood.

"As you are no doubt aware, Mother Superior informed me of your nocturnal activities."

His kept his gaze locked with hers as he moved toward her, and she swallowed hard.

"Yes, Father," she murmured, feeling as though her every lewd thought was clear to his all-seeing gaze.

"Out of concern for you she carried out an inspection of your cell while you were at prayers." He stopped before her, so close that the tips of her breasts nearly brushed his chest, and the proximity forced her to lift her face to gaze up at him.

She watched with wide, dark blue eyes as his hand reached up and caught a stray silky chestnut strand and rubbed it between his thumb and forefinger.

"She was shocked to discover lice in your pallet. No doubt a result of your late night frolics in the forest."

Audrey's soft lips parted in shock. "Lice," she breathed, unable to gaze away from the penetrating grey eyes. She had overheard some of the elderly farmhands at St Agatha's complaining of the malady, and the itchiness it seemed to cause, yet it was not something Audrey or any of the other nun's at her old convent had ever suffered from.

"Yes, Audrey. Lice." He gently tucked the strand behind her ear, and she shivered slightly at the brush of his fingers against her sensitive skin. "The solution, while bothersome, is a simple one."

"It is?" she questioned hopefully, chewing worriedly on her bottom lip.

"Mother Superior has already brought to me the items I need to eradicate this pest from your person before it spreads to other members of the convent."

"Oh," Audrey murmured, gazing uncertainly at the items resting on a small stool by the desk that he indicated to with a sweep of his hand. A bowl of water, towelling, and a broad, flat blade rested on beside a small pretty pottery bowl containing a substance that looked like thickened cream.

Her fingers reached up to capture a soft, silky chestnut tendril. Her mane, falling in soft waves to just below her hips, was her single vanity. Vanity, she knew, was a sin, and something her old Mother Superior had despaired of Audrey every overcoming.

She knew that upon taking her vows as a nun that her hair would be shorn, but the eventuality had seemed a far time off. She gazed up at Father Matthews unhappily, but was accepting of her fate. If she were truly to become a proper nun, she knew she would have to suffer her punishments without bemoaning the consequences.

So Audrey was shocked when Father Matthews ordered her to remove her habit. At her hesitation, he pinned her with those all-seeing eyes. "You seek to disobey me, Audrey?" She quickly shook her head. "Then remove your habit."

Under Father's watchful gaze she fumbled with the buttons at her neck and slipped the white heavy gown from her shoulders. The habit pooled at her feet, and she stood there, head lowered, arm at her sides. She was unaware of how the thin shift she wore clung to the tiny thrust of her breasts with their taut rosy crowns, and did little to hide the triangular shadow between her thighs.

"Come, I want you here." He motioned to the large mahogany desk that dominated the chamber, its bare surface polished to a gleam. She took one, then two hesitant steps towards the desk, and gasped when his hands captured her tiny waist from behind. He lifted and turned her so that she sat with her bottom on the edge of the desk. She shivered at the feel of his warm hands burning through the fine shift to the bare skin beneath, in stark contrast to the coolness beneath her bottom.

As he touched her, she couldn't block the image of him, his large muscular form bent over Beth as she lay on the stone altar. Of his hand fisted in her mane as he thrust himself against the young novice's quivering buttocks. Audrey felt her heart begin to race.

Without warning Father Matthews gripped her knees and tugged her unresisting thighs apart and eased himself into the gap. She squeezed her eyes shut as he slowly removed the pins from her hair, so that it tumbled down her back in a mass of silky curls.

She didn't know where to look as his fingers lazily undid the ribbons of her bodice and drew the thin straps down over her shoulders until the tiny thrust of her breasts with their rosy tips were exposed to his steely gaze.

Her lashes fluttered close as his thumbs brushed across her tender nipples, before pressure on her shoulders forced her onto her back on the table.

She whimpered as she felt his hands drawing up the hem of her shift and the cool air swirl over the heated flesh of her secret place. She knew she should be used to him touching her there, yet each time she quivered, her body yearning for something more.

Audrey watched with wary blue eyes as he scooped up the soapy substance, and flinched at the coolness as he gently smoothed it over the triangle of chestnut down between her spread thighs.

"F-Father," she gasped in confusion, struggling up onto her elbows as his impersonal fingers massaged her there, feeling a heady pulse begin between her thighs. "I don‘t think-"

"Quiet, Audrey," he murmured as his hand splayed between her breasts pushed her until she was forced to lay back down on the desk. "I must attend to the breeding grounds of the lice, and it requires all my attention."

"Oh," she whispered, relief warring with shock as she realised he intended to remove the thatch of hair in her secret place, and not her mane.

She gazed up at the ceiling as his fingers covered every inch of her mound as he spread the cream over her, drawing soft whimpers from her as he stroked and tugged on her soft lips. Her breathing became hectic, her breasts rising and falling as he fingers touched her with a surprising gentleness.

A murmur of protest escaped her when the fingers stopped their magic. Her midnight blue eyes flickered open warily, only to discover Father Matthews kneeling between her spread thighs.

She shuddered as his hands forced her knees painfully wider. She felt breathless and weak, and prayed fervently that he didn't notice the wicked dampness seeping between her thighs.

"Do not move from this position, Audrey, otherwise I'll cut you."

She steeled herself for the press of the blade against her there, and her lashes flickered as she felt its cool scrape against her skin.

She felt as though every atom of her being was intimately connected with each stroke of the blade as he slowly removed the protective thatch of chestnut curls from her mound.

It felt as though days had passed as she lay there in unending torment, biting her lip to prevent whimpers from escaping her as fingers glided along her pink valley to grip a pouting lip, or peeled her pouting lips wide apart, allowing the cool air on her heated, damp flesh as he worked.

Her nub throbbed, and she felt depraved and wicked as the wanton heat between her thighs grew to the point of unbearableness. Relief washed through her when he dampened a cloth and gently wiped her between her parted thighs, catching up every last drop of soap.

The relief was short lived when the cloth slipped between her lush lips to stroke along the pink valley, lazily circling the needy nub hidden in their depths. She arched, her eyes flying to his, and her face flamed as she realised he had been watching her expressive face intently.

She was unable to gaze away as his finger, draped in the damp cloth, pressed against her entrance. She winced slightly, still sore from Lukas's trespass, and his steely gaze dropped to her secret place, and a frown creased his forehead.

"You are chafed here," he murmured, his fingers skimming down between her slick valley to probe the gate of her pussy. She squirmed as his finger pinched her plump lips and drew them wide apart as he inspected her without her soft triangle of curls to protect her.

"Have you touched yourself, Audrey?" he demanded, gazing upon her intimate pink flesh intently. Audrey froze, hating the blush staining her cheeks as the steely grey eyes lifted to hers, an imperious eyebrow raised.

She turned her face away from him, but he rose between her thighs, catching her jaw between his fingers and forcing her to look up at him. "Or did someone pleasure you, Audrey?"

She flinched guiltily, and his eyes narrowed. When she didn't, couldn't reply, he gazed down at her for what seemed like hours.

"Your loyalty to the sisters is to be commended, Audrey," he bit out. "But I demand your complete obedience. Now answer me, did one of the nun's touch you here?"

She whimpered as she felt his finger press against her gate, slipping up inside of her. She arched slightly as his finger delved deeper, searching, until he finally discovered the thin barrier of her maidenhead. She squirmed, wanting to close her legs, to hide her face from this humiliation but his fingers held her face immobile as he stroked his finger in her pussy. Yet at the same time she squeezed the invading digit, her young body's resistance melting under the exquisite torment of Father Matthew's finger caressing her tight walls.

As if aware of her body's betrayal, he forced two more fingers into her tight pussy, and she whimpered breathlessly.

"You have one last opportunity, Audrey," he commanded as a thumb pressed down on her throbbing nub, sending a shudder racing through her. "Tell me."

She couldn't speak as his fingers worked inside of her, lost to the sensations between her thighs. Helpless moans escaped her as his knowing fingers quickly drove her toward her peak, thrusting without mercy in her straining channel.

"Tell me," he demanded coldly. She moaned, unable to speak, quivering on the edge of release, her hands clenched into fists at her side, her breasts flushed with desire.

She gasped in distress as he brutally withdrew his fingers from between her thighs and gripped her upper arms, dragging her up into a sitting position.

Her lips parted, yet before she could utter a protest his mouth closed over hers in a punishing kiss. It was brutal, dominating, without mercy. Her senses swam as his mouth moved over hers, her fingers clinging to his gown as she helplessly drowned in the searing kiss, so different from the coaxing kisses Lukas had stolen from her.

He tore his mouth from hers, gazing down at her trembling lips. "Then you will be punished until you tell me the name of the person who touched you."

She had been schooled from birth to obey the dictates of the priest and nuns, yet his reaction to discovering her wickedness both shocked and frightened her. What would Father Matthews do to her when he discovered that it was a man, and not a nun, that had touched her?

As he left her to walk around the desk and pull open a draw, she hastily pushed down her hem and fumbled at the ribbons of her bodice with trembling fingers.

He came back to her, ignoring the tears trembling on her lashes and ordered her to "Stand up."

She weakly slid her bottom off the desk and stood before him, gazing up at him with fearful eyes.