Paranormal Activity Reduction Act

A 3-part Story Series.

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Sexy PARA facilitators risk their souls to transition evil spirits

Started: 10/29/2023

Updated: 01/01/2024

The author is still actively writing this series.

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Series Introduction

Ghosts, specters, phantoms, spooks, poltergeists, spirits… by any name, these unearthly beings are rarely seen, but are no less real. With the passage of the Paranormal Activity Reduction Act in 2012, highly skilled facilitators, under the auspices of the United States Government, began their concerted efforts to transition all spectral beings into the afterlife in the name of compassion and humanity.


Attached to anchor points, these tortured souls are imprisoned between life and death… unable to continue to the afterlife… unable to return to their corporeal bodies. With humanity’s new understanding of these ethereal beings, property owners can request assistance under PARA to rid themselves of unwanted spirits. Facilitators, working within the guidelines established by PARA, engage with the trapped souls, offering support, comfort, and closure to detach them from their anchor points and to facilitate their transition into the afterlife.


However, not all spectral beings long for release from their otherworldly prison. Some, often the most evil and malignant, seemingly delight in inflicting terror and hardship on those who can sense them. If spirits refuse to transition, PARA empowers the facilitators to forcibly transition the malevolent spirits by using the confluence to sever the connection to their anchor point.


A confluence between human and ghost is often a long and exhausting struggle. Only the bravest, most powerful facilitators dare to attempt a confluence with an apparition, for once human and spirit merge, there is no retreat… and there can be only one survivor.


These are selected transcripts from cases involving two of PARA’s most powerful and decorated facilitators as they engaged in combat with evil spirits… risking their very souls to defeat the spiteful ghouls that dwell among the living.