Virtual Reality: Pokemon D/P Ch. 7


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Julia grinned triumphantly when she turned to me. Her body pressed against my side and her hand dipped down to rub against the bulge in my trunks. Her fingers curled around the tented fabric but discovered they could not fully close around my girth. I hadn't taken my eyes from hers and I witnessed the resurgence of her uncertainty.

With shorter breath, Julia let go and leaned back. Her legs wobbled a little as she tried to focus her attention back on the task at hand; the pokemon. It was easier for me to concentrate. Not only had I trained with Lita like this many times, I also had experience of the rest, which the swimmer could not match.

The next leaf flew slightly faster than the first and a good foot farther away as well. Once more, the mantyke dove underwater as instructed and pounced successfully on the leaf. A bit more hesitantly, Julia's hand brushed over the tip of my lust then sank between my legs to cup my testicles. Her fingers jiggled, slightly, and startled a gasp from me. I could no longer doubt that she had at least some experience with men when my loins contracted with a pulse of desire.

The mantyke tackled another leaf. My reaction had returned some measure of confidence to Julia. Rather than press against my side, she moved directly in front of me. Both of her hands dropped to caress me. As with last time, she avoided the obvious length and began to massage lower. Whether she knew from experience or not, she had quite accurately deduced that the most certain manner to getme to finish was not to go straight for the sensitive shaft but to overwhelm the pressure that built up within me first. Only after that would she need to switch tactics back to the more obvious.

As much as I began to wonder if I really would be able to hold out, I refused to cheat. Lita could spin the magic leaf anywhere I demanded and at whatever speed. There was no question that I could make the mantyke miss, but it wouldn't really gain Julia or her pokemon any more experience than if I had simply beat her in a battle.

It turned out I needn't have worried on that score. I hadn't noticed, distracted as I'd been by Julia's ministrations, but the manta had wobbled a bit on the last attack. This time, the leaf was just a hair beyond its range to strike. Julia gave a playful little pout at the miss. It was clear, however, she anticipated discovering what I might do in return for her successes.

I slipped around behind her, the easiest and most comfortable position from which to play. I toyed with the idea of going straight for her depths. I knew my fingers well enough that I could stimulate very similar feelings within her quickly enough. But I wanted to play. More, I wanted to luxuriate in those breasts.

My arms came up around her in a manner that pressed her arms helplessly to her sides. The deep plunge of her neckline tempted me thoroughly to slide my hands beneath and pinch and twirl her nipples. In three successes, she had yet to violate my swimsuit. If I did so then, it would invite reciprocation and her skill had already been proven more than a match despite the hindrance.

I forced myself to be content to cup her breasts and run my thumbs lightly across the hard forms where they were displayed through the fabric of the suit. I felt her chest swell with a sharp intake of breath. Her head tilted back to lean appreciatively on my shoulder. Her eyes were half closed. She groaned in pleasure.

Clearly, Julia appreciated my decision towards foreplay. Guys closer to her own age were mostly in too much of a rush to truly appreciate the fine art that prolonged the session and, in the end, made for a much more cataclysmic explosion. Whatever attention we paid to each other's bodies now would only make the end result more special.

I hadn't paid much attention to her firm butt. Although the bathing suit she wore was cut high on the sides, to expose her hips, the back still managed to cover most of her rather than form into a thong. It was actually a rather impressive design. I didn't notice until I felt her body lift and her muscular ass begin to rub against my straining trunks.

I wasn't entirely certain if that was fair. The loser of each round was supposed to be the one tormented. Still, I had put myself into a position where she could do so with minimal effort. Maybe next time I would have to chose a different angle. Then again, I really didn't mind the sensation. I wasn't even against losing this particular bet, aside from the fact that it would take a lot more effort to bring myself back around to the point where I could take her virginity.

After a few more seconds, my hands dropped and I stepped back. From the slightly dazed, satisfied, look on her face, I suspected that the grinding had nearly as much effect on her as it had on me. She'd already become a true believer in the concept of adult rules pokemon training.

The next leaf kept the same speed but moved a little farther out. It was an experiment to discover if the failure had been a fluke. Sometimes, even the best of battlers simply missed even the easiest of targets. I suspected that wasn't the case there, but Julia had the sense to switch tactics herself. "Mantyke, bubble!"

At least her pokemon had an attack suited to one of its types. A handful of slowish moving bubbles shot out of the manta's mouth and popped when they hit the leaf. "Not bad," I said with a nod. "It wouldn't work all that well to block an attack in a battle, since bubble is a slower attack, but you've proven your aim with it at least."

Julia beamed at the compliment and advice. This time, she sidled up against the front of my body. Her hands slipped between us, between both of our legs, to fondle me some more as she had before. The difference was that she rubbed my solid length with the cleft of her legs. We both moaned in pleasure. Whoever won, we both wanted to be ready to share the victory.

Her mantyke missed the next one. Given her willingness to arouse herself while she played with me, I returned behind her and allowed her to grind while I taunted her. The hard nipples were easy to find despite the thick material of her suit. I pinched and tugged at them while I cupped and massaged her breasts. I waited until a mewl escaped before I stopped.

Another hit and my body began to shiver with anticipation. It no longer mattered whether her pokemon succeeded or failed. All that concerned us was the ability to tease each other. At least, I'd thought that was the case right up until she dropped down in front of me.

"Oh gods." I muttered the moment her lips closed around the tented fabric of my suit. The offending clothing prevented her from pushing all the way to my base but it was more than enough to cause my length to jump wildly within her mouth. If she was going to go to those lengths, there was no way I could survive.

She only allowed herself a single bob forward and back before she retreated entirely and we returned to the training. It was enough to cause my legs to shake, however. Thankfully, I didn't even have to deliver commands to Lita or I don't think I'd have been able to concentrate.

I think my ralts picked up on my state of mind. Of course she would, she is a psychic type, after all. The next leaf was a little faster and farther than the standard progression called for. The mantyke missed and it was my turn.

Once more I pressed against her back. Before I could even begin, a groan escaped my mouth when her butt ground against my tormented shaft. It was my turn, however. My right hand closed around her, headed for her left breast. This time I gave in to my desire and slipped beneath, flesh to flesh, to cup and caress.

It was Julia's turn to moan. I wasn't through. My other arm curled around her hip and my hand traced a path down the seam of her suit and pressed firmly between her legs. Her hips rolled forward to encourage greater pressure and I gladly acquiesced.

It went like that. When her pokemon failed, I snuggled against her, plucked at her nipples and rubbed her swollen bud. When the mantyke hit, she took the next step, cinched up the bottom of my loose swim suit and fondled me directly.

The next time I was in control, my right hand wasn't the only one to sneak beneath her suit. It was more difficult to slip my fingers under the tight material at the crotch but what a delight I discovered. While we proceeded with her training, we remained in the shallow water, up to only our knees. Even the water from when she'd knelt to use her mouth had dried in the warm mid-day sun.

There could only be one explanation for the sticky moisture that covered my fingers with only the first caress. Focused on her ministrations, when it was her turn, or from behind her, when it was mine, I hadn't noticed how desperate she'd become. At the first brush of my skin, directly against that feverishly engorged pearl, her body sagged against my embrace and shook.

I knew I'd won. It hadn't been her climax, not yet, but she was much closer than I was. At that point, she'd have to deep-throat me to get me anywhere near the level of stimulation I felt from her body. While I certainly didn't mind that prospect, my own suit prevented it. She'd have to strip me first and I would, rightfully, point out that removing clothing during a challenge was a stipulation beyond the normal adult rules. I knew. After all, I'd once had to fight a series of battles where the state of undress of my opponents had been a severe distraction.

I continued to hold her even after I finally pulled my hands free. It took her a few moments to gather herself together. When she finally proved she could stand on her own, I loosened my grip. She glanced at me, her breath still shallow. It became ragged when I brought my fingers up to my mouth and began to meticulously clean them of her sweet cream.

" it always like this?"

I could see in her eyes that she wanted me to say that it was. I could sense that she wanted to go out and make a habit of challenging anyone and everyone she found even remotely attractive. Unfortunately, I had to relieve her of at least a little of her illusions.

"Not really." I admitted. "There's nothing that says you couldn't make a stipulation similar, of course. Maybe something like every time a pokemon falls their trainer gets fondled. But normally it's the heat of the battle followed by whatever the winner wants.

"Truthfully, you should probably expect to give lots of blowjobs. Guys like them and the younger ones won't be thinking as much about what you can get out of it. Hell, women want guys to go down on them too, since it's not all that common, but at least they usually want to have sex afterwards. If for no other reason than to keep the pleasure going."

The look in her eyes asked if that was really possible. I wasn't surprised. Youthful experiments generally revolved around trying one thing at a time. To a teen's mind, what was the point of eating a girl out, until she came, if he was just going to do anal afterwards?

Julia focused her attention back on her mantyke, the sign she was ready to continue. I nodded to my patient Lita and another multi-colored leaf flew. Julia had been less prepared than she thought and couldn't manage to croak out a command in time. Fortunately, her pokemon had gotten used to the process and took matters into its own fins.

When the mantyke's mouth dropped open, it wasn't another bubble that popped out. Instead, a high-pitched scream issued forth, visible in the way it stressed and compressed the air in front of it. Both of us stared wide-eyed. The little guy had learned a new move, supersonic!

The unanticipated attack missed.

A moment later, my body pressed against Julia's. My fingers slipped more easily beneath her tight suit. "Oh god." Her body had begun to shake with nothing more than the sensation of my hand against her. The moment my finger brushed against her mound her legs wobbled. My other arm wrapped around her waist this time and I carefully guided her to her knees, even as I began to press deeper with my questing fingers.

I could feel the tension in her body. Now that I'd relieved her of the need to keep her balance, she was frozen, on the very edge. I was more than willing to push her over. Two fingers sought and found her temple and pushed lightly inside to invade her core.

I was braced when her back suddenly arched against me. Her head dropped back and a scream of delight rocked through her. Her arms fought against the confines of my embrace. Her hips bucked and writhed against the hand that rubbed her overly sensitive bud and probed her quivering depths.

Julia's lovers had never reveled in the pleasure they brought her. They brought her to orgasm and that was that. In those moments, I could think of nothing else but the vicarious euphoria I gleaned from her unbridled release. I buried my fingers inside of her and then spread them as I drew them back out. The muscles of her core strained against my actions and sent her even farther over the edge.

The feel of my teeth, light against the back of her neck, nearly earned me a reverse head-butt in response. Her body bucked, hard, thrusting against my hands. Her screams echoed across the water, barely articulate as a one word mantra. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, God,YES!"

Moments later, Julia's arms flailed free. Her own body's reactions had thrown her free of my grip and only instinct had allowed her to catch her fall with her hands. I knelt there, behind her, while her body continued to work through the overwhelming climax. My hands were only now free and she hadn't had time to process that I no longer tormented her.

On her hands and knees, it was difficult for me to resist the urge to strip that suit off of her and take her from behind. The top half already hung limp in the water. She still hadn't noticed that my light nip had caught the knot that kept it together. It would only take a matter of seconds to drop both of our suits to our knees.

I started with my own. I unwrapped one of my precious stores of condoms and sheathed myself before I worked the trunks off my hips and around the rigid shaft. Once I had the suit trapped beneath my knees, I brought my hands to her hips. Julia acted on base instinct. When my fingers curled under the seam of her suit, she provided just enough resistance that it slipped off. As soon as it cleared her hips, her body rocked back, her chest lowered with her lust held high, demanding to be taken.

A dazed stare met me when I gently but firmly began to guide her hips to turn her around. With effort and concentration, Julia obliged. Once we were face to face, I sat back on my heels and began to guide her towards me. She smiled in wonder and her body complied. First her knees pressed against my hips and then she was fully in position.

Even the nervousness about my size couldn't find purchase in the stupefied expression that met my gaze. Her mouth hung slightly open and her chest thrust itself towards me. Cautious, I nuzzled the very tip of my length into her sopping folds. She moaned and another shudder raced through her body, reminding her she had yet to fully recover from my previous ministrations.

Inch by inch I slowly lowered her onto my shaft. She began to scream immediately. Her body fought to speed the process, desperate to enfold me and relieve herself of the unanticipated, unendurable, pleasure. My hands held her hips firm and dictated the speed with which she could descend.

As tempting as her pose had been, I could never have taken her from behind. She was too unused to the feel. I was too large and too long. The position would have allowed me the full length of my manhood and would have punched painfully into her. Instead, sitting on my heels, I was limited in my length, if not my girth.

Julia wrapped her arms around my neck and threw her head back in delight. The mere minutes that had passed were not enough to blunt the heat of her climax. It had been dulled, certainly, but the solid length that opened her slowly was more than enough to coax it back to full strength.

There was no art to the frantic manner in which she tried to bounce up and down on my lap. Still, if there was little skill, there was a desperate passion and longing that could not be denied. I calmed her haste with my hands, still on her hips. Her breath evened out in time with my slow, deliberate, strokes but her screams grew even more intense.

If she didn't know what to do, her body certainly did. With each thrust, her back arched and pressed her breasts forward to caress my chest. Her depths parted gratefully each time I pushed within and grasped longingly when I began to pull out once more. I believe her core wept constantly in a pointless effort to keep us lubricated but it quickly became lost in the water that surrounded us.

I lost myself in the simple joy that Julia exuded. What had long since become about pleasure and fun, for me, was still exciting and wondrous to her. I was reminded of how I had once been; unable to separate sex from an emotional relationship. Somehow, over the past couple of years, it had lost its deeper meaning for me.

A tear crept from the corner of my eye to once more be able to sense, even if only as a witness, the innocent power of the act.

Compared to some I'd encountered in my time in Sinnoh, my own climax was paltry. The rush of heat, the sense of release, the physical pleasure were all there. But it didn't compare with the endless bliss that Jenny had demanded of me. Nor was there a hint of the shared explosion with Cynthia.

It didn't matter. What mattered was how Julia's body reacted. The purely physical reactions of my body sent signals that she knew how to interpret. My rhythm became erratic. My lust began to pulse more strongly and swell even farther. And, yes, the condom expanded as my seed began to fill it. All of these things her primal mind noted and sent her even higher.

At last, my rhythm slowed to a stop. Nearly boneless, Swimmer Julia slumped forward. Her forehead rested against my chest. She dangled from limp arms, still wrapped around my neck. The solid strength of my hands on her hips held her upright.

"My god. That was so much better than anything else." She whispered through ragged breath. I couldn't help but chuckle. My own head bowed so that my forehead rested against the top of hers.

"Partly, that's because of the teasing we both did." I admitted. "Foreplay is a wonderful thing, especially if it brings the woman to climax before you even begin. But it's even more impressive, more powerful, when it's with someone you truly care about. Someone who cares about you."

Julia lifted her head and glanced into my eyes. I could see her skepticism. She thought that was just something that adults and preachers would say in an effort to trick youth into abstaining until 'the right time'. While the truth remained in my eyes, she still found it a little difficult to believe. She'd learn, eventually.

We parted shortly afterwards. I had confidence that her mantyke would at least be able to defeat the first few wild pokemon she found. More importantly, however, she'd also learned a bit more about sex, and the world around her. I had no doubt she'd dive headfirst into the wonders of adult rules. I also had little doubt she'd enjoy it immensely.

For myself, I'd been reminded of where I'd come from. I wasn't about to give up on adult rules, myself, but maybe it was time to take it a bit more seriously. It was time to remember who I was, who I'd been, once upon a time.

One more badge to go and I could challenge the final four. After that, I didn't know. For the first time in a long time, I wondered if I would be sent home when 'I beat the game'. Of course, the wonderful thing about the pokemon games, there was always something more to accomplish.