Valentine's Day in Lockwinnock


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The small jet began to buck in the turbulence. The seatbelt sign started to flash. Heavy clouds could be seen outside the cabin windows. The PA system announced that Glasgow was enveloped by a severe snowstorm. The plane would need to circle for a short period but that they had been given permission to land. However, they would be the last plane to do so because the airport was being closed due to the storm. Aaron removed his wallet from his pocket, inserted his credit card into the air phone located in the back of the seat in front of him. He dialed his apartment hoping to get Beth. He got the answering machine. "Hi hon, as you probably already know the weather's lousy. They have delayed our landing. I will be home soon. Keep the home fires burning, OK? It's Aaron. Oh, how stupid of me of course you know that. Bye."

The landing was a nail biter, getting his luggage was chaotic and took an eternity by the time he arrived outside the terminal there were no cabs left. He spotted the airport bus and made a run for it.

The ride into Glasgow was accomplished at a crawling pace. There was now about 6 inches of snow on the ground and traffic was snarled. The driver dropped him off just before the hotel zone. He had only about 6 blocks to walk to the apartment. His pace was slow. It was hindered by his wheeled suitcase, which became a miniature snowplow as it dragged behind him. He finally had to carry it, but that made going even more difficult. As he passed Lindy's, he stopped and ordered some fish and chips to go. It was unlikely that Beth, if she were there, would have diner waiting. As he approached the stairs to his apartment building and fumbled for his keys, he did not know what to expect. After all, he was 30 hours late.

Beth sat in the dimly lit apartment, sipping a glass of wine, and watching the snowflakes. The glow of the streetlights spotlighted them as the wind whipped them about. She thought of her day, contemplated the silence, and watched the snow build up on the windowsill. There was the sound of a key in the lock. The door opened and Beth rushed to greet Aaron. She kissed and hugged him. "Sweetie, I'm so glad to be home," he said in an exhausted tone. She continued to hug him as she tipped her head back and looked into his eyes. Aaron could see tears running down her face.

"I've missed you so much! Where the hell have you been?" She softly beat her arms against his chest.

"Mostly in an airplane trying to get back to you and this fucking snow didn't help," he replied with an exasperated tone. I brought us some dinner, fish and chips from Lindy's." He handed her the bag. "You didn't make dinner did you?" Beth started to laugh as she wiped away her tears. "Just spread them out on a plate and put them in the micro..."

"I know, I know, damn it! I didn't become a complete fool while you were away!" Beth's anger boiled out in the words and she hit Aaron hard on the arm as she turned away embarrassed by what she had just said. The blow didn't hurt it just deflated him. Aaron let his coat fall in a heap on the floor. Then he turned and dragged his suitcase down the hall to his bedroom. Beth bit her lip. Placed the bag containing the fish and chips on the hall desk and then hung the overcoat over the desk chair to dry. A glove had fallen from one of the pockets.

She picked it up. Beneath it was a business card, she picked that up too. On one side, it read Gravely Pharmaceuticals with a London address and phone number. Hand written on the back was "Please let me be you canvas again. Love Sandra." Beth quickly stuffed the glove and the card back into the pocket, grabbed the fish and chips, and fled to the kitchen.

Clangs and bangs announced the clean up of the kitchen mess from the previous night. Beth was angry about her outburst and peeved about the note. "Who the hell was Sandra? Love, Sandra! Christ!" As she loaded the dishwasher, a wine glass slipped from her hand and shattered on the tile floor. She cleaned up the shards as best she could then she heated up the fish and chips in the microwave. Just as the microwave chimed, Aaron appeared at the kitchen door. He was dressed in a bathrobe and slippers. He looked tired. His shoulders sagged and he looked dejectedly at the floor. He bent down and picked up a stay shard from the floor. "I broke a wine glass, I'm sorry." Beth explained.

"Yeah," was all he said as he placed the piece of broken glass in the garbage. Beth served the fish and chips and wine at the kitchen table. Conversation was stilted and centered around the Valentine's Party the next day and the storm. When Aaron finished eating, he rose, placed his dishes in the dishwasher, and approached Beth's chair. He placed his hand on her shoulder, bent down and kissed her hair and whispered, "I really missed you the last three weeks. I really did." Slowly his hand slid off her shoulder. "I'm really tired, I need to go to bed."

Aaron slipped off his slippers and hung up the robe in the dressing room. He entered the bathroom and stood before the sink. He knew he would find comfort in routine. He brushed his teeth. He shaved, and then he turned on the shower. Of all the renovations he had made to the apartment, he was most proud of the shower. It was 4 by 6 feet with a bench along it longest side. There were six showerheads and a steam generator. He entered by the sliding door and turned up the pressure and allowed the cascading water to beat the tensions and disappointments out of his body.

He did not notice the presence of Beth until she slid open the shower door and entered. Aaron stood rigid. Beth hugged him. She looked up at him. Streams of water pelted into her face. She closed her eyes, hugged him harder, and said, "Oh Aaron I missed you. Baby, I missed you so much."

Aaron could only sigh and say, "I know, Beth I know."

Her body slid down the front of his. Her hands began to massage his navel and his thighs. Soon they found his cock and balls. Aaron leaned back and turned off the overhead and side showerheads. He reduced the pressure of the other showerhead until the spray was only a fine mist upon their backs. "Look's like this little man had quite a workout lately," Beth commented as she began to manipulate his dick.

"Hard night with the Palm sisters, "Aaron quickly countered.

The picture of the business card flashed through he mind. Nevertheless, Beth chose not to dwell on that but instead focused on what was in front of her. Beth's fingers guided Aaron's limp dick into her mouth. Her tongue wagged back and forth across the underside of his cock. It grew more turgid. Beth tightened her lips around his girth and forced his foreskin back with a bobbing movement. Aaron gasped as hot breath flowed over his glans and fingertips tickled his balls. His back arched as he took a deep gulp of air. All harsh words and actions were forgotten.

Beth looked up into Aaron's eyes. She felt the head of his cock move against the roof of her mouth. She sucked hard and twirled her tongue against his cock. His member grew even more rigid and began to throb. She fingered his balls still, he did not cum. Beth worked her index finger into his anus and bobbed faster. Her neck was becoming sore and her jaws ached. However, she could not, would not stop. She had to make him come and soon. Her finger wriggled and found his prostrate. She brushed it. Aaron drove forward into her mouth and exploded. His sweet cum spurted against the roof of her mouth. She swallowed as much as she could, the rest dribbled out of the corners of her lips. Aaron smiled and quipped between gasps, "Now that's the homecoming I had hoped for." His dick slid from her mouth and she hugged his thighs. She felt absolved.

The trek to Lockwinnock began early. Together they had loaded the old Mazda 4X4 pickup and after several attempts made it through the drifts that filled the service laneway of the apartment building and into the nearly impassable streets. They double-parked outside Lindy's. Aaron had phoned ahead. The toasted fried egg sandwiches were ready and so were some of Ahmed's special poppy seed buns. Ahmed went to the back of the restaurant to preheat their thermos and fill it with coffee. When he returned he placed everything in a large brown paper bag and give it to her. "You and Mr. Aaron drive safe now." Beth tried to pay but Ahmed shook his head and hands, "No, no, no. You guys crazy. Be careful. The coffee keep you warm." He turned and walked back into the kitchen.

The drive out of Glasgow was difficult but the Mazda made slow but steady progress. The egg sandwiches had been a welcome start to the day but the coffee was the real surprise. It was liberally laced with brandy. They had been on the road for an hour before they saw their first car. It was a police car stuck in a drift. They stopped, conversed with the young policeman, filled up his thermos cup with coffee, ignored his warnings about the roads, and continued on their journey.

"Think he'll pull you over for drinking and driving after he tastes the coffee," chuckled Beth.

"Have to catch me first," replied Aaron. Three hours later, they were approaching Paisley. Here the snowstorm had been much less severe. Only about 4 or 5 inches of snow had fallen there. However, it did make it difficult to negotiate the narrow streets that surrounded Beth's flat.

When they slid to a stop in front of Beth's door Aaron said, "Look luv, you go up and get whatever you need. I'll stay in the truck. We can't block the roadway."

"Aaron, I would appreciate a hand," she countered emphatically.

"Look, I can't leave the truck here unattended. It blocking the ro..."

"Jesus Christ! Just for once, I'd wish you would not follow the rules. You're so..." whatever she said was drowned out in the reverberating slam of the passenger door.

When Beth brought down the first load of boxes and bags, the little red Mazda truck was not there. "Fucking typical" she muttered. She did not notice the second set of tire tracks in the street's snow. When she returned with the second load of shopping bags and her suitcase, she found Aaron loading the truck.

"Here let me help you with..."

"No, I can do it myself," she said curtly. He stepped back, watched her swing her packages and suitcase onto the truck bed. He shook his head as he watched her slip and almost fall as she approached the passenger door. Aaron pursed his lips as he heard and felt the slamming of the passenger door. After a deep breath, he closed the tailgate and secured the canopy door. Upon entering the cab, Aaron found it colder on the inside than out. He started the truck and they silently continued their journey. Fifty yards down the road, they rounded a curve and Aaron had to drive up on the sidewalk to get around the ambulance. "They arrived shortly after you entered your apartment," he quietly said. Beth said nothing; she just slumped down in her seat.

As they left Paisley, the roads began to improve. Driving became easier and Aaron's thoughts turned to the small square velvet box, he had squirreled in the side pouch of his carry all. He finished the rest of the coffee and allowed its warm burn to relax his mind. He tentatively reached over and touched Beth's thigh. He felt the gentle pressure of Beth's hands on his.

Slumping down in the passenger's seat, Beth felt like an ass. Why had she exploded at Aaron like that? She couldn't find the words to explain or to say I'm sorry. So, she just stared out the window at the passing white dessert. Then she felt Aaron's hand touch her right leg. A sense of relief filled her. Automatically her hands encompassed his and drew it into her thigh. She luxuriated in its warmth and feel.

Beth moved slightly in the seat and Aaron's hand moved against the mid seam of her jeans. Now every minor motion of his hand caused the seam to transfer the pressure of his movement to her clit. It was a delicious, warm, feeling. Beth felt her nipples harden and her moisture begin to flow. An erotic peace soon replaced her gloomy funk.

Lockwinnock had been spared the major snowfall. Only a light dusting of snow covered the greens and the fairways of the golf club. The little Mazda easily followed a set of tractor tracks as it climbed up the access way to the 15th hole and Aaron's cottage. Aaron momentarily winced and anxiety grew in the pit of his stomach. Since they left so early in the morning, he had not phoned Ian. The cottage would be cold and damp and there would be nothing to eat. "Oh shit, how will Beth take this," he thought to himself.

To his surprise and he approached the cottage driveway, the gate was open. Wisps of smoke came from the chimney. "Ian Robertson, you are the best!" He thought to himself.

Beth entered the cottage first. Aaron started to unpack the truck. It took some time to ferry the shopping bags, boxes, and cases into the cottage. He placed them just inside the door. Before he finally entered the cottage, he turned the truck around to prepare for the trip to the golf club and the party that night.

As he entered, Beth was just coming out of the bathroom. Her sweater was slightly askew and the top of her jeans was still undone. Her face was flushed. "I had to pee. I had to pee really badly." Beth offered the unnecessary explanation in an embarrassed tone. "Look what Charlotte and Ian left us. You have to read their note." She walked forward with a slightly unsteady gait. Aaron moved hesitantly. They both met beside the dining table. Beth wrapped her arms around his neck and planted a warm passionate kiss on his lips. The note crumpled in her hand as she helped him remove his coat. She spun around throwing the coat and note on the table. Beth pushed back into Aaron's chest and his arms wrapped around her waist. His hands pushed across her hips and navel and found the exposed skin at the top of her undone jeans. Aaron's fingers pushed down to explore her warm, moist pubic hair while his lips nuzzled her ear and neck. Beth purred. Her hands grabbed his wrists. Pulling his hands back she said in a husky voice, "Get out of those boots and join me in the boudoir."

Aaron entered the bedroom naked. He found Beth still in her sweater. However, her jeans and panties were in a pile on the floor. She lay on her back on the bed with her legs spread and her knees drawn up towards her chest. Her eyes were closed and a look of intense satisfaction covered her face. Aaron watched as her fingers slowly moved back and forth through her pubic hair stopping every so often to allow her fingertips to tap on the hood of her clit.

Beth heard Aaron enter the room and felt the mattress move as he climbed on the bed. She did not open her eyes nor did she stop the movements of her hands. Beth wanted Aaron to watch. She was pleased when she sensed his face near her fingers and felt his breath tease her pussy. Then his tongue began to follow her fingers. Holding his head, she guided him. His tongue tantalized her pussy lips. With long, wet strokes, he painted their edges and teased at the hood of her clit. He sucked, kissed and fondled her succulent hardness with his lips all the while massaging her belly and squeezing and pinching her nipples as his hands worked beneath the sweater. Beth squirmed, moaned and writhed with pleasure. Between gasps, she panted instructions and encouragement. Then his tongue penetrated her. His teeth grated against her clit. Her sweet taste and gyrations drove him on. Beth squirmed and uttered an elongated moan.

Warm simmering waves flowed through Beth. It seemed that Aaron's tongue was consuming her entire body. A continuous series of bright colours flooded her mind. Beth was racked with an uninterrupted series of pants, and involuntary spasms. However, her enjoyment was momentarily interrupted. Aaron's tongue movement ceased and was followed by a series of jerking movements. She attempted to pull Aaron's head further into her, but her grasp was broken. "Oh fuck, don't stop now," she begged.

Aaron rose up. His shoulders and arms pinned Beth's legs against her now exposed breasts. She felt his hardness slip inside her. Its gliding, rhythmic motion teased the walls of her vagina and new feelings flooded her mind. Beth matched his thrusts. Flaming, hot tension built up in her pelvis. She screamed. She gushed. She felt Aaron release into her with a groan and a shudder.

Beth and Aaron were fashionably late for the Valentine's soiree at the Golf Club. However, they were dressed for their parts and ready to participate in the murder mystery game. Aaron was to play the part of a philandering movie producer whose movie production company had been rescued from virtual bankruptcy by a switch to porno film production. Beth's character was his wife, the latest in a string of wives. This marriage was the result of a liaison commenced during the making of his most recent porno film. The short, tight fitting, deeply V'ed red dress that Beth wore conveyed perfectly the image of a porn star bimbo. It also made her the centre of attention of every male in the room.

Immediately after their arrival, Beth left Aaron to help Charlotte with the party. Aaron was impressed with the measures taken by his host and hostess. The party took place in the main lounge of the Lockwinnock Golf Club. The Robertson's had done a superb job of creating a Valentine's murder mystery environment. By the leaded casement windows were a series of tables laden with food, sweets, and wine and liquor of every description. There were "clue areas" located throughout the room at the lounge chesterfield and coffee table areas. By the main door was a stereo set that played background music and a microphone that allowed Charlotte or Ian to periodically give the game participants instructions and to tell them what to do in each clue area.

Beth's job, other than to be provocative eye candy, was to deliver the clue cards to the various tables at the appropriate times. The cards we stored in the library. Beth stood by the library door. From her vantage point, she could watch the entire party and consume the wine and appetizers brought to her by leering male party guests. The most persistent visitor was young Tommy Robertson, Charlotte's son. He plied her with wine while he stared at her breasts.

When admiring males did not block her view, Beth tried to watch for Aaron. Perhaps with eye contact, she could signal him and he would come to her rescue or at least stand guard. At the beginning of the party, Aaron seemed to spend a lot of time with Ian. He did not mingle with the other guests seeming to prefer the presence of his host. He seemed to be uncomfortable, almost shy. Yet, he did participate during each clue exchange. Gradually over the evening, Beth observed that he spent less time with Ian and more time with a few ladies of the party. By the end of the fifth round, he was spending most of his time with a pretty blond in her early thirties. Jealous thoughts crept into Beth's mind as she remembered the business card she had found earlier. By the beginning of the ninth round, Aaron and his little blond were obviously enjoying each other's company. Her resentment grew. She took another swallow of her wine and entered the library muttering, "I wonder if she'll be his next canvass?"

Aaron found the mingling difficult. What made it worse was seeing all the men paying attention to Beth. He was especially annoyed at the considerations of young Tommy Robertson. He seemed to follow her everywhere. Particularly disturbing was the fact that he always seemed to be touching her and leering. The only thing that was getting him through the evening was his conversations with Ian and a delightful young woman.

As the clues were being distributed for the ninth and final round, Aaron watched as Beth entered the library. A short time later Tommy followed. For Aaron the party stopped. All he could focus upon was the library door. After what seemed like an eternity, the library door opened.