This Bed of Rose's - DYJ


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Part of my job was to protect Rose. She was death on drunks. Normally when a man came by, I'd stay in the barn until I heard him leave. If a drunk showed up, I was to make him leave, "... by whatever means I could." I got pretty good at talking drunks down. A few I had to be more forceful and a couple I had to encourage to never return.

I'd reached my height by this time and, with the regular meals and the hard work, I was filling out. It got so no one wanted to mess with me.


The first Christmas I was at Rose's place seemed somewhat special to her. I cleaned up the place spic and span and helped Rose put up some decorations.

"Dutch, there is a special guy coming today. He is a judge in Denver and has been a really good friend."

I was starting to get mad when her "friends" came by but, she was so good to me, I put up with it.

One day I was in town buying some supplies — one of my jobs — when I ran into Julie. She had filled out some also and was lookin' real womanly. I realized how much I missed her — even loved her. I talked to her for a minute and then I got bold — I knew her dad still didn't like me anymore but Julie was now a woman grown.

"Julie, I miss you. Could I take you to the dance tonight?"

Her face turned ugly and she slapped me. "Howdare you. You are living with that wh ... whore and sleepin' with her too as if I didn't know."

She turned and ran away and I was hurt. Rose was a good woman that bad things had happened to. I wasn't sleeping with her! My heart was heavy as I drove the wagon back to her place.

Things went on and then one day she got me started with planting rosebushes all around the yard and put in a picket fence. It came out real pretty but I didn't realize for a long time what Rose was gonna do. I found out on my birthday!

I'd butchered two hogs and took the meat into town. When I came back I saw a new sign by the gate in front of the house. I didn't understand for sure what it was all about until later but the sign said:

Rose has retired. If you really want to pluck a rose help yourself to any of the roses in the yard. Be careful though; the Rose in the house has thorns.

I knocked on the door and Rose sent me around back. She had the tub set up on the porch and was pouring hot water in it when I got around the corner of the house. I looked at her a little sheepishly — with the mess from the hogs and the dust, I was pretty rank smellin'.

I could see she had some of my clean clothes stacked on the bench. I stood there waitin' for her to leave. Finally I was getting embarrassed.

Rose shook her head a bit, laughing. "Dutch, you ain't got anything I haven't seen before."

So I undressed and kneeled in the tub. She looked hard at me, nodding like she'd been right about somethin'.

When I dried off with one of her nice towels and put on the clean clothes, I knocked on the door. The lamps were off — the only light was a birthday cake with a bunch of candles on it. I realized with a shock that I was eighteen today! As I got closer I saw she was dressed with only a thin, really pretty robe — all pink and stuff.

With a quiet, almost shy voice, Rose said, "Dutch, blow out the candles. I'll make the wish for you."

It was dark now, a little light filtering through the shutters. She took my hand and led me into her bedroom. When we came out that night, I was a man and I knew I loved Rose. Not the same way I loved Julie but Julie had pushed me away ... and Rose took me in.

She fixed some pork chops and put a big jar of applesauce on the table. After we finished, I did my best to demolish the cake. Rose brought some coffee and started talking. She told me the whole story of what had happened to her.

"Dutch, that's not the life I dreamed about. It's hard for a woman to live alone out in the country like this." She looked down at the table then looked up with pride and resolution showing on her face. "I'm quittin' with the men! No more. Did you see that sign out front? I'm gonna need your help to make the men understand.

"I care a lot for you, Dutch. I know you're a lot younger than me, but you have been my rock for the last year. If you will have me after all the men that have been out here, you will be my only man."

I stared at her lovely face, glowing in the lamplight. I stood up and taking her hand I led her back into the bedroom.

Over the next year I came to love Rose in a special way. I tried to get her to marry me, but she refused. She taught me about women and how to pleasure them.

The second Christmas I was there was different because no one was coming over: it was just Rose and I. We did the same thing as the first year – cleaned everything and put up a bunch of home-made decorations. I'd caught a wild turkey so we a big dinner.

That night when I went to Rose's bed was special. We came together in a fierce coupling – Rose was showing a depth of passion I'd never seen in her before. Later I made slow, gentle love with her. I woke in the night and heard her crying so I put my arm around her, holding her tight, until she fell asleep again.

I started taking her into town with me when I went in and openly walked around, her hand tucked under my arm. I saw Julie once and she turned red when she saw me with Rose. She ran away and I didn't see her for a while.

I heard later she was going with Joe Johnson. He was just a flash cowboy with no bottom to him. Well, he got her pregnant then moved up to Montana. I guess Julie was just starved for affection with her dad gone all the time, her mom dead and me being as good as dead to her. She had been easy prey for Joe, a man fully experienced in telling girls lies and making them believe him. He had promised her marriage and a home but he sure never meant to. It was good he left the area 'cause I knew I would have killed him.

It liked to break Julie's dad. I saw him in town one day when she was about four months along.

"She sits around all day cryin'. She's not eating right and I don't know what to do."

He did apologize for what he'd done to break us up.

"I shoulda known none of it was your fault what happened. Things would have been better if you would had come to live with us and married Julie."

I shook my head sadly and patted him on the back.

I don't know how long things would have gone on like this until one day I'd been out hunting antelope. I had bad luck on a couple of shots so I turned for home early. As I got close I saw a man riding away hard, spurring his horse viciously. I got Paint running as fast as I could and jumped off before he was fully stopped and ran into the house. Inside I saw Rose lying on the floor — her clothes were mostly tore off and her face was bloody. She looked like a steer had kicked her. Her cheekbones were caved in and her nose was barely visible.

I leaned over her, crying now, but she was dead. Something died in me then because Rose was a good woman that had bad times. I covered her with a blanket and ran out to my horse, taking off after that man. I knew I was going to kill him.

I ran poor Paint hard — she was never the same after that — and gradually caught up with him. Taking careful aim so as not to not hit him I shot the horse out from under him. He went flying and landed hard.

I jumped down and saw he was dazed — I could see Rose's blood all over his shirt and hands. I wanted him to know what was happening so I grabbed my canteen and dumped it on him and jerked him up. I looked him in the eyes and I told him what I was going to do to him.

I took a measured swing and hit him as hard as I could in the breadbasket. He collapsed to the ground again, sobbing for breath. I picked him up and hit him in the face like he had done to Rose. I guess I went a lot crazy ... I was lying on the ground crying, sobbing and felt an awful pain in my hands. I looked at one and saw a broken bone sticking through.

I looked over at the man; he was dead. I suppose I shoulda felt bad but I didn't. It was like butchering one of the hogs — it was just a job that had to be done. I got back on Paint and walked him over to the nearest ranch. I borrowed a horse and rode back to Julesburg. I talked to the sheriff and told him everything. He took me over to the doctor and got a couple of men and a team to pick up the two bodies.

The sheriff came back and took me aside to talk to me.

"Dutch, I think you were a bit confused when your horse threw you when you shot that drifter's horse. I mean, falling on your hand like that had to put you in shock. When you killed that guy's horse he fell on his face. Poor guy must have died instantly."

I knew the sheriff — Johnny was his name — had been a regular at Rose's and that they had been sorta friends.

The minister didn't want Rose buried in his graveyard but somehow Johnny convinced him. No one would dig the grave — maybe they were afraid of their wives — so Johnny dug it himself. There were only four people there. There was an older lawyer, Johnny and myself. At the last minute Julie surprisingly showed up with a Bible.

Julie read some from the good book and said a prayer. We all muttered "amen". The lawyer told me to stop over at the saloon after I was done. I expected they wanted something strong to drink.

I stood looking at Julie. She had a pinched look to her face and showed nothin' like a smile. She was showing pretty big now and looked awkward.

"Dutch, I'm sorry about Rose. I know she meant a lot to you and no one should have to die like that."

She stopped for a bit, tears coming to her eyes.

"Dad told me what he said to you. I was wrong just like he was. You're a good man, Dutch, as good as anyone. I miss you terribly, and I wish ... I wish it had turned out right."

She gave me a quick awkward hug and turned away, walking fast. I could see her shoulders shaking.

I sat down on the grave, drops of sadness leaking slowly from my eyes, and said goodbye to Rose. I was going to miss her and I had no idea what I was going to do now.

I got up, ready to go back to Rose's place — I didn't know what else to do. I felt disconnected — as if I was drifting. As I went past the saloon, I remembered that the lawyer wanted to see me; Lance somethin' I think was his name.

I went in and saw them at a table in the back. There was a bottle on the table and a glass in front of the extra chair. Johnny nodded at me to sit and poured me a shot. He held up his glass and said, "To Rose."

We all drank the shot down and I sputtered a bit but did okay. The lawyer looked at me with a look of speculation on his face.

"I'm Lance Albright. I've never met you formally but I've seen you around." He paused while the sheriff poured another drink. You probably don't know about this but Rose left a will. Everything she has goes to you. She has quite a bit of money. Judge During in Denver was a very good friend of hers and has been investing it. Are you with me so far?"

I was a bit stunned by this revelation — this was about the last thing I'd expected. I emptied my glass and nodded.

"Now Rose really liked you. She felt you had some bad breaks just like she did and wanted you to have a chance. The Judge has it set up for you to go to school back east, a school called Harvard in Boston. Have you ever heard of it?"

I'd heard of Boston of course but not Harvard so I shook my head.

"Everything will be taken care of. Come August you will take the train back and go to school. She wanted you to be a lawyer. Is that okay?"

I was numb by this time — I wasn't sure if it was the whiskey or the talk ... or both.

So it worked out that way. The day before I was to leave I went to see Julie.

"How are you feeling, Julie? You look good."

"I'm doing okay, Dutch. The baby is due in October; I guess I'll do okay. I heard you were going away to school."

I told her all about it. "I'd like to write you if that's okay. I'll be back summers. The lawyer, Lance, said I can work with him for those months."

"I'd like that, Dutch. I'd like that a lot. I'll write you too and let you know what's going on here."



I'm finally here at Boston. It's been a challenge since I haven't finished my education. Rose made me work hard so I'm strong in some subjects but in others I'm way behind. I had to get a tutor and study a lot at nights when everyone else was out drinking beer.

I think about you a lot — wishing things had been different. I hope people forgive Rose. She was a good woman that had a hard life like I did.

How are you? Are you feeling okay?




It was good to hear from you. I'm doing okay but I'm as fat as a pregnant heifer (Ha, Ha). The baby is due next month.

I also wish things had been different. No one was loyal to you and Dad and I were as bad as anyone. Rose was the only person that believed in you, that saw what a good man you are.

Tell me about your school and Boston. Are there a lot of pretty girls there?

Dad says hello and asks one more time for you to forgive him — even as he mutters, " ... though I sure as hell don't deserve it."



Dear Julie,

I've been asked to join the boxing team. The coach saw me working out in the gym and said I was good enough to be on the team. I'm excited about that.

There are a lot of pretty girls here — but none that can hold a candle to the girls in Julesburg. Shucks, Julie, I mean none are as pretty as you are.

I have to learn to dance. My roommate goes to a lot of parties so his sister is teaching me how to dance. I don't like it much.



Dearest Dutch,

I'm a momma! I have a little boy; he is so big! It's the strangest feeling in the world but a wonderful feeling. Before you ask I'm doing fine.

I just wish someone else had been the father — guess who I have in mind. I was so stupid. It's my own fault for being so mean to you.

It would be so nice if my baby had a father who ... who could dance ... and box! Dutch, I did a bad thing. I named the baby Dutch after two of the finest men I've ever known. Please don't hate me — I'll change it if you want.

Love, Julie


Dearest Julie,

I'm touched and honored that you named the baby Dutch — I just wish itwere mine. You sound happy. That's good because this could have been a really bad time for you.

Tell your dad I understand. I don't think I'm the one to forgive him ... forgiveness has to come from within.

I had to laugh about your comment about dancin' and boxin'. Now you can add shootin'! I've joined the Massachusetts Rifle Association. In the first match held at the Walnut Hill range outside Woburn, we shot at iron targets at different distances. I shot at the 800, 900 and 1000 yard targets and had a second and two firsts and was the overall champion on points. The club members are a great bunch of guys.

One of the member's father has a lot of money and this guy was saying I should marry his sister! Isn't that funny?

Love, Dutch


Darling Dutch,

I don't think you would be happy with a lot of money. I know you are learning to dance and everything but don't you miss the wide-open skies here?

Wow, that's something about the shooting contest. You should be proud of yourself. I know that little Dutch and I are.

Dad said to tell you thanks for your kindness. He feels a lot better. I do too, but I miss you. I'm really lonely. Even so I'm not going to go to any dances or to see anyone. We haven't talked but I want to be there for you if you ever find it in your heart to forgive me.

I've loved you since I was a little girl but I was stupid and I've probably lost you.

Love, Julie


Dearest Julie,

Today is Christmas Day and I feel very lonely ... and alone. It was three years ago today that everything happened at home with my mom and dad and all.

I feel you close in my heart. Your love is like a seed that by proper nurturing grows and grows.

I grow homesick more each day. I am tired of the crowds. I want to see you, Julie.

All my love, Dutch


At the end of the school year I rode the rails home as tired as I'd ever been. I was excited about seeing Julie again — I was ready to hold her in my arms. I just hoped she would be receptive.

I didn't want to tell her yet but in a couple of years the University of Colorado would be establishing a law school in Boulder. It would be a lot less expensive than going to Harvard. It had been a wonderful experience for me to go there and I'd have to say it matured me a lot ... but it wasn't home.

The plan was that I would be a clerk for Lance until the new law school opened – and then summers after that. Meanwhile I would be spending as much time with Julie as I could and I planned some surprises for Julie come Christmas. I'd talked to enough people that I thought I had the details all right.

I didn't tell Julie the date that I was coming. We had continued our letters back and forth and I felt we knew each other much better than we had before. Our letters gradually became more intimate and we shared our dreams and hopes for the future. I knew there would be some problems with some of the people in town but I wasn't worried about that.

The train got in late in the day so I rented a horse and buggy (so I could carry all my luggage) from the livery stable and went out to Rose's old farm. I was sure it was going to be a mess after being gone for so long.

It was a warm spring evening but there was still a hint of the cold that was still in the mountains to the west in the freshening breeze. I was startled to see a light in the window. I thought maybe a vagrant had broken in and was staying there. I quietly opened the kitchen door and was startled to see the kitchen and the rest of the house sparkling clean. I walked into the living room and didn't see the object on the floor. I tripped over it and fell down hard making a lot of noise. I sat there stunned – lookin' with wonder at a broken baby rattle.

Suddenly there was a scream from the bedroom followed by the angry cry a baby makes when it didn't really want to wake up. I got to my feet as the door to the bedroom opened and a rolling pin came hesitantly out, searching for a target. I held still, now intrigued. Slowly, uncertainly, Julie poked her head out.

Seeing me there, she cried out, "Dutch!" and launched herself at me — knocking us both to the floor again. She was all over me, huggin' and kissin' like crazy ... the baby now caterwauling providing a noisy backdrop.

Julie finally heard the baby and ran to the bedroom to get him. She shyly handed him to me, "Dutch, this is Dutch," she said with a gleam in her eye.

It was amazing; the baby immediately stopped crying and stared at me. He was a beautiful kid and I could see a lot of Julie in him.

She took him back and rocked him to sleep and put him back in bed. She eased the bedroom door closed and came to where I was sitting on the sofa. She plumped herself down on my lap and with her arms tightly around my neck she started crying and berating herself:

"I'm so stupid, I'm so stupid. Oh, Dutch, can you ever forgive me?" And then shyly, "Dutch, I love you. I do, I love you so much. Can you ever forgive me for what I did to you? It was awful that the only one in town that respected you was Rose."

I just held her tight, not saying anything. I came to realize she was wearing only a thin sleeping gown for the warm evening. I was aware of her softness and curves and a faint scent of lilac coming from her hair.

I knew I could bed her there on the sofa but I didn't want it to be like that for our first time. I pulled her close and kissed her nose.

"What are you doing here, Julie? I mean, what is all this?" as I waved my arm at the room.

"I wanted it to be a surprise. I came out to clean everything for you. It was really a mess. But I thought you were coming tomorrow, and ..."