The Things We Do For Love


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"Is that what He want's me to learn?" she asked, licking my cum from her lips.

She was really trying to piss me off.

"Let's go downstairs. I owe you a beating and we can try out my new toy."

She led the way, her naked butt bouncing eagerly toward its date with the whip.

I placed her on the St Andrews cross. The leather restraints on the cross held her spread- eagled, facing me while I perused the selection of whips. I approached her with a thin leather crop.

"Please Mistress I have a meeting tomorrow morning, could you save that until Friday and use one of the cats tonight?"

She didn't seem worried or upset. Her request sounded quite reasonable but I was beginning to get an inkling about some of Richards's concerns.

"We have a date for Friday then." I said putting the crop back and taking a light flogger.

I gave her forty whacks, ten on each breast, ten across the belly and the last ten alternating between her wide spread thighs. She didn't cry too loudly, but the tears flowed freely. When I was done I used the pulley system to lower the entire cross to the ground and then strapped on my new toy. I popped the egg into place and turned it on. I didn't have any lubricant so I knelt by the head of the cross and allowed her to lick the massive dildo. Her eye's seemed to bulge as she slathered it with her own saliva.

I released her legs from the cross before I entered her. She wrapped them around my waist and then I fucked her. I mean I've played with dildos before and licked and kissed other women, whenever Richard allowed but this was the first time I really fucked another woman. It was powerful! My hips glided with slow deep strokes as I watched her lovely face. Her eyelids fluttered and her lips quivered. My tempo increased, she started to pant and sweat. My final relentless jabs drove her onto and then over the brink. It was only then that I remembered the egg vibrating against me. I came and just like a man I collapsed on top of her.

We showered together and she soaped, rinsed and dried me. I could get used to this.

We sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee and talking into the wee hours. A couple of girls at a pajama free pajama party. The only real problem was she was defiantly hung up on Richard being included. I assured her I could make it happen. It was nearly three when we crawled into bed. We slept in each other's arms.

Yeah Richard was pissed when I got home from work Thursday. I coyly tried to get him to spank me, to work out his anger. He wanted nothing to do with that. I told him it was his own damn fault. He was welcome to see Julie anytime but if he was going to throw her away simply because she made too much money, I wasn't going to be that stupid. She was my slave and he could play with her but don't even think of keeping her away from me.

OK, so it wasn't a great start at convincing him to be Julie's Master but I wasn't sure I was all that hot on that idea anymore. There wasn't much point in telling him about my Friday night date. He was pissed enough already.

He was home before me on Friday and we yelled at each other while I packed my overnight bag. I had thought about inviting him along but screw him, if he was going to act like that.

Julie picked me up again and we rode to her house in silence. I was fuming. I marched her downstairs as soon as we got there and made her strip. I pressed her back into the cross and buckled her in place. I suppose I should have used the crop on her back instead but I was in a bitchy mood.

"You might want to gag me, I can scream quite loudly." she said in that cloying sweet voice.

I answered her with a lash across the belly. She was right she was quite loud. I lashed her belly and thighs and breasts. The crop left delightful stripes that turned from pink to angry purple right before my eyes. I didn't stop until my arm was tired. I'd excised a good deal of my anger and she'd already fainted anyway.

I released her and gently lowered her to the ground. I cradled her in my lap, rocking her gently while she sobbed. When she was able to walk, I helped her up the stairs. She had a soothing ointment with a vaguely medicinal smell that I gently rubbed into all those nasty stripes.

I made her dinner and fed her while she lay shivering on the couch. She nibbled bits of roast chicken and candied carrots from my hand. We split a bottle of white wine and talked the night away.

The fourth time she brought up Richard's name I lost it.

"Look." I said, "You're my slave and Richard is my husband. He's not interested in you. If you please me I might get him to play with you once in a while but that's it."

It was darn close to the truth.

She was crestfallen. She fled from me, running up to her bedroom and slamming the door. Damn it, now I was blowing it and it was all Richard's fault.

I stood outside my slave's bedroom, talking to her through a closed door.

"Nothing is chiseled in stone Julie. He might come around."

"Why does he hate me Mistress?"

I sighed. "He doesn't hate you, He's just a little, well, uncertain about ... you know, all the stuff you have and we're not really in your economic class."

The door opened and she stood there with tears still dripping from her enormous brown eyes but a sly smile forming on her face.

Did I ever mention that slaves can be manipulative?

She pulled me into the room and we flopped down onto her bed. She chatted excitedly about how to assuage Richard's concerns. I knew better than to rain on this parade, I wasn't going to risk losing her. She was, of course, willing to give it all up or even give it all to Richard if that would help. I patiently explained it was a male ego thing with Richard. Trying to give him things would definitely put him off.

"So he can take something from me as long as I'm not giving it to him?" she asked.

She certainly had some peculiar ideas about men.

She was determined to find a way to assure Richard we were first and foremost his. She was excitedly clutching at my hand almost bouncing on the bed and her plans suddenly included "we". Eventually she wound down. She slept on her side and I cuddled against her back.

I woke about eight to find the insatiable little vixen daintily licking down between my legs. I pulled her head closer and rolled on top of her. I was kneeling over her, facing her feet. I pushed myself down on her chin, riding her face. When I was finished, I sighed contentedly.

She bounced out of bed and ran off to make my breakfast. Her stripes had started to fade. She seemed eager to get me back to the Metro station. Pushy little sub. Yeah, she was earning herself another flogging, on her back this time, maybe tomorrow.

When she dropped me off at the station she asked if she could see me early on Sunday, say before eight

I dreaded facing Richard wondering what I'd say to him the whole ride home. When I got there he didn't say a thing. I expected some yelling or screaming. I kind of hoped for his hand on my backside or maybe even his belt. His ignoring me was just plain scary. I tried to talk to him about what I was trying to do with Julie. We could share her. Hell! Hadn't I practically pushed him onto her? He didn't argue or fight or even sulk. He just gave me a shit-eating grin and went about his business.

Well two could play that game.

A courier arrived at 4 P.M. and insisted that only Richard could sign for the package. I asked him what it was and he just smiled and locked the mailing tube away in his briefcase.

Well fuck him!

We slept in separate bedrooms for the first time since we were married. It didn't seem to faze him in the least.

I set my alarm real early so I'd be gone before he woke up. When I quietly slipped down to the kitchen around six thirty, he wasn't home. What the hell was he up to? Well it didn't really matter; I had better things to do today.

Julie was waiting at the Metro and I hopped into her car. I noticed all she wore was a loosely tied silk robe. I was eager to get my hands on her but she seemed anxious to get home.

Once we were through the door, Julie dropped her robe. Her fingers trembled as she unbuttoned my blouse. She seemed as impatient as I was; she helped me out of my jeans and panties. Once I was naked, she embraced me in a heartfelt hug.

I wanted to take her right to the basement but she wanted to go out to the porch.

"Please Mistress, there's something I want to show you."

Impertinent little bitch, she was definitely earning her stripes.

She took me by the arm and led me to the porch.

What the hell, we had all day. It was chilly being naked outside this early in the morning.

There was really nothing to see on the porch. A hibachi glowed on the low table and a dark leather ottoman stood nearby. We stood shivering by the ottoman.

"Forgive me Mistress, but you should kneel."

My jaw dropped in amazement. I couldn't be hearing right.

"You're a guest in the lady's house. You should do what she asks."

I spun around, Richard was there leaning against the door frame with my overnight bag in one hand, his briefcase in the other.

There was no reason why I should feel guilty. He knew where I was. He could have come. That traitorous bitch was going to pay! I'd whip her bloody when I got my hands on her. Her hands pressed down on my shoulders forcing me to my knees. She was a lot stronger than her size indicated.

Richard spread my legs and strapped my thighs to the ottoman's legs.

There were tears in Julie's eyes as she pinned my arms at my side. The little Judas kissed my cheek.

"Please forgive me Mistress it was the only way."

After my knees were cinched to the bottom of the ottoman legs, Richard was bending me forward. My arms were lashed under the ottoman, squashing my breasts and pulling my shoulders down tight. A wide leather belt went around my waist and was drawn taunt. I couldn't even squirm. Turning my head to the side, I stared in disbelief at the two of them.

Richard went into the house. Julie opened his briefcase and pulled the mailing tube out. She was smiling.

"You'll pay for this you double-crossing little bitch."

She turned to me with an impish grin.

"Yes I'll pay Mistress and you can watch."

My mouth was too dry to even spit at her.

Richard returned with a second ottoman and set it kitty corner to my own about two feet away. Julie knelt and offered him the mailing tube. He popped one end open and a two-foot long rod slid out. It looked a bit like a barbecue tool; one end had a wooden handle but the other end seemed to be a circle of metal.

Richard passed it before my eyes. It was a cursive R about an inch and a half high.

He pushed the iron into the glowing coals.

Oh my God! This couldn't be happening.

Julie knelt by her ottoman and allowed Richard to bind her. She opened her mouth wide as he popped a ball gag into place. She turned her head to face me, her eyes pleading for forgiveness.

I could see the iron heating in the coals. A thin trail of smoke rose from the metal as machine oil burned away.

Richard waited. He began to whistle a silly little ditty, "The Things We Do For Love". The refrain would stick in my head for days.

The dark iron slowly lightened to a dusty grey.

Julie was making a mewling noise through her gag but I couldn't make any sense of it. Her eyes were still on me. She had to be terrified she somehow managed to look calm and accepting.

Now the iron began to glow red.

Richard pulled on an oven mitt and lifted the brand from the coals. He knelt behind Julie, patting her perfect little bottom one last time.

Her eyes flinched. Her bottom could do nothing but clench in fearful anticipation.

"One." he said.

His steady hand pressed the glowing iron into her cool flesh. Her eyes grew wide and I heard the hiss and crackle of searing flesh


Her feet flailed, beating uselessly against the porch decking. Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut but tears streamed down her face.


Skin parted and the brand sank a little deeper. Flames flickered around the glowing iron as flesh and fat vaporized.


I couldn't hear her muffled screams through the gag but her nostrils flared as she inhaled to scream again.

My mouth was open, my throat was raw, I was screaming instead.


I gasped for breath. I could smell the distinct odor of cooking meat. My sweet little bitch didn't deserve this.


Her head drooped, her feet stilled and her breathing slowed. Thank god, she fainted.

Richard's hand was steady as he pulled the cooling brand away. It hissed when he set it back into the glowing coals.

I felt a sudden chill of dread.

He placed an ice bag over the burn and fixed it in place with surgical tape. He gently removed the ball gag and then snapped an ampoule of smelling salts beneath her nose.

She woke with a start and a cry of pain.

That was just cruel.

"You bastard! Why'd you do that?" I screamed at Richard.

"She wanted to be wide awake when you decide. How could I explain it to her if I let her sleep through that?"

I wanted to keep yelling at him but Julie sighed softly. There was a blissful smile on her tear stained face.

"Will you need the gag Jackie?" Richard asked.

He held out the ball gag still moist with our slave's saliva.

Our lives changed forever in that ritual moment. Julie was ours now. Richard had claimed her. He wasn't playing Master any more; He was as hard and unyielding as the leather straps that held me.

I'd gotten exactly what I thought I wanted.

I know he loves me, even now, I'm sure that if I ask, no beg him, I could escape with nothing more than a sound flogging.

My mouth is open but the words won't come.

The brand is glowing again. I look away.

Julie gazes at me with adoring eyes.

His question still hangs in the air.

I draw a deep breath.

"Yes, I think I'll need it... Love." I whispered.

I stretch my mouth around the ball. He buckles the strap.

The iron glows brightly.

It is now out of my control.

Julie's mouth forms a perfect little O; a kiss floats in the air between us.

I hear the scrape of metal as he lifts the brand from its bed of coals.

Richard is behind me.

Julie's eyes widen and I squeeze mine shut.

Heat stirs the air behind me.


There is a roaring in my ears.

Richards's voice is soft and far away.


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nakedguyatxnakedguyatxover 2 years ago

I understand the comments about non-consent. It's not for everyone. But in the end, she does consent. Julie is sexy as all get out. I liked it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Love it

My god I love it..I have a tattoo my Daddy got me right above my labia and permanent bite scars on each tit and on the inside of each thigh ... but sadly no brand..

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Abuse happens, this story sucks

This story sucks. It is non-consent and abuse over-load. Shame on you. I found nothing erotic about it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Please warn readers of themes of non-consent

Please, put a warning on this. It sucks when a story turns from what appears to be consenual participation to non-consent and extreme physical pain without any forewarning. Seriously. One sentence at the beginning of the story. Not everyone wants to read about non-consent (and suprising a sub with an action as violent, permanent, and extreme as branding wirh no warning before play begins is non consent by many people's definition). Not trying to kink shame but please warn people before your story begins because not everybody wants to read about these things and they should be given the choice. This isn't an issue specific to you but I'm really hoping more authors on here take this seriously. It's genuinely difficult to find bdsm literature without non-consent when so many authors don't take a minute or two to put a little warning in the front or tag it as non-consent. P.S. your writing itself is really good, just want to encourage you to take a minute or two out of your day to put a little warning about the themes contained in your story. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
This won a Lit award?

There must have been thin compition that year. The story and characters are a muddled mess. The marriage relationship is not as solid as indicated and is made less solid through their mutual manipulations. The new sub has all the hallmarks of the crazy-sex bitch; it will all be super hot until she goes off the rails and the knife comes out. The ending is rushed and ill-fitted to the progression of the story. Bottom line, this is a head scratcher not a crotch rubber.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Unsafe, Insane, Non-consensual

Never before have I read a story on here that makes me want to vomit. This is rape--coercive and domineering without thought or care for the other's well-being. As a side benefit, both Wife and Sub are permanently damaged, and their relationship is torn to shreds.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

This is in response to Anonymous on 8/24: The Hell you say. The couple had heretofore only PLAYED at D/s. Given the circumstances under which this was done, what he did was coercive in the extreme. Should she grow to regret it, he can and should do a long stretch for rape-torture.

There's a REASON why the movie's titled "Eyes Wide Open". Hers were not. He proved himself, not a Master, but a willful child.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
put me in the confused catagory

The couple seem all over the place. No structure to the relationship, and as the story progresses, lessening concern for each other. New subbie is desperate and manipulative. That doesn't bode well for couple's future. And finally-the branding-put me in the 'oh hell no' column. Even for those who are into that, this was poorly done circumstances. How likely is wifey to say no when new subbie just did? Twists the consensual part out of shape. If I new these people, I would be worried. As to it being only fiction-a disturbing number of people DO take stories, tv, movies-all the make believe-as their pattern for real life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
To 'Just No'

Firstt off there are no 'rules' regarding D/s, especially when it comes to 24/7 relationships. Every couple makes their own rules - remember they both agreed to it. The only real 'rules' are that it can't be illegal and that it must be consensual. Safe and Sane too, but those are subjective. The branding was consensual. Granted most couples wouldn't get brands, if anything tattoos, but still. Second, this isn't meant to be realistic. It's not published. Hell even '50 Shades' isn't realistic. It's a fictional story on an erotica site - it's a fantasy, it dosn't NEED to be realistic.

That said, there are 24/7 slaves that do get a relatively permanent mark on their body - not brands but tattoos are done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Of course you wouldn't do this for real, this is a fantasy. It would be better if Richard wasn't so petty spirited tho, makes him seem more whiney than dominant.

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