The Punk


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'There, not perfect but if you stay close to me at least you won't give the ticket-collector the wrong idea about what we've been up to on the train.' he said with a wry grin. 'Unless you want to report those two of course.' he added, more seriously.

'Oh no. I'd rather just try and forget all about it. I couldn't stand all the questioning - and they'd never find them now.'

'I think you're right.' he said as he helped her to her feet. She was surprised to find that her legs were decidedly wobbly and was grateful to have him to hold on to for support as they got off and made their way out of the station.

The streets were deserted, the lights creating dark, shadowy patches and as their foot-steps echoed from the surrounding buildings she was very glad that she didn't have to make the walk alone, grateful for the feel of his hand holding hers and when after the short walk they reached her block of flats it seemed only natural that she should ask him in.

'Would you like to come up for a coffee?' and for him to answer. 'Yes please. That would be nice.'

Once inside she asked him to put the water on to boil and headed for her bed-room where she quickly changed into a fresh blouse and made repairs to her tear-stained make-up. As she checked her face in the mirror she became aware of a strange feeling inside and, for just a moment thought the eyes she was looking into were not her own but someone else's - those watery, muddy-brown eyes of the thug, then they were replaced by Robert's, those deep blue, caring eyes. She shook herself, then, turning off the light behind her, returned to the kitchen to find that Robert was already making the coffee.

'That was quick.' he said when he heard her come in, then turning to look at her, added unthinkingly. 'That's a pity.' Then, embarrassed, went on. 'I mean, well, - I couldn't help liking the way you looked in the other blouse. he explained quickly.

Kerry smiled. 'It's still me inside it.'

'Yes, of course it is.' he replied, then left what he was doing, moved to stand closer and held her gently by the shoulders. 'How are you really feeling?' he asked. 'I mean - you know - shock. There can be strange after-effects, you know, once the adrenaline has stopped.'

She realised that his question was making her face what she had been trying to ignore, since almost immediately after he had chased the two toughs off the train. She had become vaguely aware of the first, faint stirrings while they sat talking and although it seemed unlikely that they were caused by simply the feel of his arm around her shoulder and the way his eyes kept dropping down to look at her - whatever the cause, she had realised that slowly she was starting to become sexually aroused by his nearness. A feeling that had continued to grow as they walked hand in hand from the station and now, as he stood so close, looking down into her eyes, was growing even stronger still.

But in spite of those rising feelings, she held her voice calm as she answered. 'Fine I think Robert. The shakiness seems to have gone. But if I had to think about what might have happened if you hadn't been there, then I think I might crack-up. And anyway I still haven't thanked you for everything you've done. So - thank you.' she said softly, reaching up to pull his face down and then to kiss him full on the lips.

His hands let go of her shoulders, his arms opened, drawing her closer as they slip around her, then as his lips returned her kiss he pulled her more tightly up against himself. She let one hand slip down his back and squeezed the firm curve of his bottom, teasing the hair on the back of his neck with the other and, as she moved herself against him he felt a pulse starting to beat as his cock stirred and then began to thicken.

The feel of his strong but gentle embrace added fuel to the fire that has been slowly growing inside herself and she became aware that the moist warmth, that had been centred between her thighs was now starting to spread through the rest of her body. When she felt his hands reaching down behind her, cupping her arse-cheeks then pulling her even closer she pressed herself against him and found that just the feel of the quickly growing hardness of him against her thigh made that inner fire burn even brighter.

Their kisses grew more demanding, his hands roaming freely over her and as he thrilled at the feel of her curves she felt his cock surging and ground herself even harder against it. Finally he tore his mouth away from hers.

'I want you Kerry.' he whispered gruffly.

'Yes - I know.' she answered quietly, trying to control some of her own inner turmoil. Pausing for just a second or two, looking up into the depths of his eyes, then realising that her own need was no less than his, simply said - 'Come on.' - as she turned, took his hand and headed for her bed-room.

Although she hadn't turned on the light there was enough coming through the open door for her to see the shape of him as they both began to quickly strip and she was pleased and further aroused by both the look of his lean but obviously strong body and by seeing the tight smile of appreciation on his face as he in turn watched her. Although she had always been self-conscious of the fact that her breasts were not as large as some and her legs shorter than she wished they were, her body had initially attracted many men, something else, perhaps her own lack of self-confidence, had always stopped her from getting too deeply involved.

Somehow, with Robert she already felt different. She had never before allowed herself to have sex after knowing someone for such a brief time - and she knew that she couldn't use just the excuse of the violent circumstances that brought them together.

Robert's mind was in a whirl, everything had happened so quickly. Less than an hour ago he had been leaving the party early, dejected by his previous girl friend's unexpected rebuff. Within that time he had met a new girl, rescued her from an assault, made a date and was now about to go to bed with her! And, as she stripped he could see that she was even more attractive than he had thought earlier, as he sat beside her on the train. Shorter than Sarah, shorter but curvier. Sarah's body had been almost boyish, long-limbed, small breasted and although sex had been good he knew she could never do what Kerry had just done, make it so obvious that she wanted him, physically needed him.

Other than the fact that the green and orange stripes through his hair still made him look a little odd, once Robert was completely stripped, his punk clothes just an untidy heap on the floor, Kerry felt her need welling-up even more strongly. Some chemistry was at work - powerful, wonderful chemistry - and she found that she could hardly wait to feel the strength of him holding her and the long hardness of him, that she could see silhouetted in the light from the other room, deep inside her.

She saw him take something from his back pocket and even in the dim light, recognised that it was a condom. She was on the pill, she felt sure Robert carried no unpleasant diseases and she wanted to enjoy what her eyes were staring at, in its natural state.

'You won't need one of those Robert.' she said in a low voice.

He turned and she watched as his cock came around to point directly at her, quivering. 'Are you sure?' he asked.

'Quite sure!' she answered, still staring at his gorgeous cock.

Yet, in spite of the strength of their need for each other and though they were then both completely naked, for several moments they paused, standing there just staring at each other - as though the mere anticipation of what they knew was to come, was sufficient excitement for those moments. But then, as they responded to the strength of the passions that seethed inside them, they came together, crushing their bodies hard together while their lips feverishly sought each other's mouth.

Kerry felt Robert's lightly haired chest grazing the jutting tips of her sensitive breasts and the heat of his fully erect cock pressing against her stomach as its rearing length was trapped between them and, digging her fingers into his well muscled arse, she pulled him even tighter against herself, wriggling in his embrace, thrilling at the feel of the swollen bulb of his cock-head rolling across her belly.

His hands, that had been exploring her thighs, arse and back shifted, held her steady as he eased himself away from her then as he bent down they took the weight of her swollen breasts and his mouth enclosed and gently began to lick and suck their dark red, swollen tips. The sensations were electric and the combination of his hands, squeezing and fondling her creamy flesh and his lips and tongue working on her spiky nipples soon stoked-up the blaze that had already been burning brightly inside her and made her sex feel as though it had been turned to liquid fire.

'I want you Robert. I want you now!' she gasped, pulling herself out of his arms, turning, getting up on to the bed and stretching herself out for him, her slightly bent legs spread wide apart, the moist pinkness of her pussy peeping out from between the mass of dark, curly hair.

Robert didn't wait but simply got up and kneeled between her inviting thighs, his quivering cock pointing, like an arrow at the heart of her. Leaning forwards to support himself on his arms, he looked down and watched as Kerry reached for him and, as he lowered himself she guided his cock-head between her puffy outer lips.

He found that in spite of the obvious tightness of her sex he slipped easily into her, the strength of her arousal had produced copious quantities of lubricant and a single, long thrust into the slick tunnel got the entire length of him buried up to the hilt. His groans mingled with her deep sighs of satisfaction as each experienced the pleasures the other's body started to provide for them.

At first Robert used long, slow strokes - opening her wide with the length and mass of his now fully engorged cock - and he could tell from both the sounds she made and from the look of utter bliss on her face, that Kerry was loving every single inch of him. Then he varied his technique, using first a series of quicker, shorter thrusts, followed by a couple of deep ones and, after several minutes of that he then started to tease her pussy-lips by using just the bulbous head, experiencing incredible thrills himself as they slipped back and forth over the smooth tautness of his cock-head and, every now and then, catching in the deep groove behind it.

But as he felt his own climax getting close and could tell from Kerry's increasingly frenzied responses that hers was even closer, he reverted to the full-plunging thrusts, right up into the very heart of her and felt Kerry's arms wrap themselves around him, pulling him down, her hips heaving up at him, urging him to thrust even faster, deeper, harder.

It took only a few seconds at that frantic pace - Kerry felt as though her entire body was turning to liquid, hot, turbulent liquid, at its centre a whirlpool, her sex. A whirlpool that got bigger and more powerful as the white-hot mass of Robert's cock continued to flash in and out of it. As the power of it increased she heard a voice, hardly recognisable as her own, starting out as a low wail but steadily climbing in pitch and volume to end as a loud shriek of utter bliss, as the whirlpool expanded and finally sucked her unprotesting body down into its core.

Robert had never seen or heard a woman responding so dramatically, the knowledge that he had brought her to such a pitch just added to the mounting excitement he was feeling as his own climax rapidly approached. The dam that had been holding back the mounting volume of churning semen inside his tightly swollen balls didn't just crack, it disintegrated, in an instant, allowing the entire reservoir to surge up through him, the narrow pipes increasing its speed and pressure as it scalded its way into his still pounding cock and was then pumped with a series of excruciating jolts, deep into Kerry's furnace-like sex.

They were like wild things! Heaving, clawing, groaning, shuddering together as his cock spewed load after load into her spasming body. Each burst accompanied by a deep grunt of satisfaction from Robert and a shrill cry of joy from Kerry. Again and again he thrust, hard and deep - again and again she took it, gratefully. Even when he was utterly drained, every single drop now lining the innermost recesses of her body, Robert still thrust, less powerfully and more slowly but still the force of what they had experienced together drove him blindly on.

Eventually of course they collapsed, their sweat-coated, violently shaking bodies clutched tightly in each other's arms, their gasping breaths drowning out the sound of their wildly beating hearts. Too exhausted to do more than lie there, giving their bodies the time they needed to recover from the forces that had taken them over - and then, still locked together, to sleep.

Chapter 4

A Striped Cat

Much later, Kerry was woken from what she knew had been an erotic dream. At first, because she could still feel the delicious sensations, she thought she was actually still asleep - merely dreaming that she had woken - but although they continued, she gradually realised she really was awake and the thrills she had been dreaming about were in fact real.

Reaching out, she turned on the bed-side light and looked down - there, between her legs was an orange and green striped head! In spite of the beautiful things Robert was doing to her pussy with his tongue - it looked so funny that she just couldn't suppress a small giggle. Robert lifted his head and grinned up at her, his mouth wet with a mixture of his saliva and her own juices.

'I thought you were never going to wake up. What's the joke?'

Kerry flushed and covered her smile with her hand. 'Sorry. It feels lovely, please don't stop. But it's just that when I turned the light on all I could see was your hair - it looked like, like some crazily striped cat.' And as she recalled that first sight and her reaction to it, she had to smother yet another giggle.

'Striped cat?' Then, as he remembered what he had done to his hair for the party, he realised what she meant. 'I'd forgotten all about the colouring - I wondered what on earth you meant. I suppose it must have looked a bit weird, just waking up, not really knowing what was going on.'

'Oh, I knew what was going on - it was lovely - I just got a bit confused about what was doing it, that's all. But, don't let me interrupt you any longer - please carry on, please!'

'O.K.' he said, then before diving back down between her thighs he grinned and added. 'I suppose you could say this is pussy to pussy!'

Kerry's laugh was cut short by a gasp of pleasure as she felt his tongue swirl around her sensitive sex, every now and then probing between its lips and then lightly licking over the quickly rising nub of her clitoris. Robert had obviously already worked her closer to a climax than she had realised because it was only a matter of minutes before she felt the sweet delight of it welling up inside her. It had none of the force of the earlier, shattering explosion but was, because of that, in some ways even more enjoyable - she was able to savour every second of its slow rise, relish the slower, more subtle changes taking place in various parts of her body and quietly anticipate the final peak, that left her shuddering with total satisfaction.

Even before her body had fully relaxed she pulled herself up and turning, then slid back down the bed until her face was level with his crotch, being thrilled to find that Robert's cock, in response to the excitement he had got from sucking her off, was fully erect, its plum coloured head swollen and glossy from the secretions that had oozed from it. Making herself comfortable, she lightly held the straining shaft in one hand, reached beneath it to cup his balls with the other and, opening her mouth wide, slipped her lips over the velvet smoothness of his cock-head.

As she heard him sigh with pleasure she felt him shift himself until they formed a classic sixty-nine position and then once more experienced the exquisite thrill of his tongue as it again busied itself with her sopping pussy.

The combination of what he was doing to her, the feel of the hardness of him in her mouth and hands and the all pervading smell of their mutual arousal was a powerful aphrodisiac for both of them and as Kerry gurgled with the variety of pleasures Robert was giving her she felt his cock growing even thicker and harder and beginning to tentatively thrust deeper into her sucking mouth. Sensing his growing need, she relaxed her throat so she could take him, all of him down into it - pushing her head forwards until her face was buried in the mass of crinkly hair surrounding the base of his cock. Feeling that, Robert began to thrust more confidently, the resulting shock waves of pleasure coursing up through his entire body and exploding like fireworks inside his brain's ecstasy centre.

All too quickly she felt the unmistakable signs of his rapidly approaching climax and though she wished she had had more time to enjoy the smell, taste and feel of his grossly swollen cock, she shifted her position slightly to give Robert even more room to move and, as his thrusting got faster and faster, took a firm but gently grasp of his balls. Her lips were forced even wider apart as his shaft swelled with the flood of semen surging up inside it and, when she felt the first jet shoot deep into her throat, her cheeks hollowed as she sucked him, swallowing fast as she powerfully vacuumed every single drop that he pumped into her.

As the explosive force of his climax shook him, Robert repeatedly thrust his stiffened tongue deep inside Kerry's pussy and, pressing his mouth hard up against the wetness of it, also began to suck - providing the final trigger for a second climax that he had sensed swiftly rising inside her.

Again, not satisfied with each merely giving the other an overwhelming orgasm, they continued sucking, pumping, probing until at last they were utterly sure that they had in fact totally drained each other - and their exhausted bodies fell apart, lying limply beside each other on the wet and cum stained sheets.

When she woke next morning Kerry wasn't really surprised to find that she was still tired and that as a result of all the attention Robert had paid it, her pussy was rather sore - but she certainly wasn't complaining about that! She let Robert sleep on while she showered and although she had half a mind to call her office and say she was sick, her conscience wouldn't allow her to do that. As she dressed she looked fondly down at him, smiling at the sight of his hair, which looked even more garish in the broad day-light, recalling how it had looked the previous night, buried between her thighs, finding that just the memory of that was enough to start-up faint stirrings deep inside herself. Pushing those into the background she finished dressing, made some coffee and then woke Robert.

It was obvious that he too was feeling the effects of their draining love-making but, unlike Kerry, he had no need to get up, his only lecture that day was around mid-day. He tried everything short of rape to get her to stay off work but though his words, kisses and caresses were more than tempting, she resisted and having made arrangements to meet for their time out together on Saturday, she left.

She spent the rest of the day feeling as though she was inside a sort of glowing bubble, nothing bothered her as she was sure nothing unpleasant could reach through the bubble and touch her. Her work-mates couldn't get much sense from her, she got on with her work and in between, drifted around with a faint smile of inner satisfaction on her face. What they didn't know was that inside her head she was replaying the events of the previous night, slowing or stopping the scenes that passed in front of her eyes whenever Robert's cock was in centre frame - lightly licking her lips and shivering a little as she remembered the feel and the taste of it as he pumped her throat full of his thick, sticky semen.