The Narc


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"Command phrase potty mouth," Jill said. "I expect an apology Lizzy."

"Fuck y-mmmhhhgh." Elizabeth found it difficult to talk with three fingers thrust into her mouth. She summoned all her will and managed to pull her hand free.

"Fuck you. I'll kill you. I will!" Jill spat. "I will...ahh...what the.."

Of its own volition, her newly moistened fingers stroked, then began to pump in and out of her sex.

"Oh...what have you done to me?" Elizabeth moaned in helpless dismay. "This is impossible." Once her fingers managed to take her to a generous boil, they pulled free, leaving her on the brink.

"" she groaned in dismay. Then moaned a louder "No," she she saw where her fingers were heading. "Not there...not like th..."

"Mmmphhhuhh." she groaned as her fingers pressed against her tightly clenched lips. 'I'm too smart for that." Elizabeth thought.

However, just then her other hand came up and clamped her nostrils together. Her head began to pound as she was deprived of oxygen. Her lips opened of their own volition and her sodden fingers thrust past the defenses of her lips and into her mouth, forcing herself to taste the bitter tang of her arousal. Once they seemed satisfied they resumed the intense fingering, only this time the fingering lasted a fraction of the time as she was already very nearly on the edge of orgasm and they seemed determined not to let her reach a satisfying climax.

"Are you still driving Lizzy?" Jill asked.

"No." Elizabeth panted.

"Good, I'd hate for you to get in a wreck."

Please make them stop, Elizabeth wanted to beg, but instead she had her soaked fingers thrust into her mouth once more.

"Oh Dear," Jill giggled. "That sounds very sexy. I hope you are some place private or that could be very embarrassing to explain to someone."

Elizabeth burned in humiliation. She was so caught up in her predicament and the fact that she'd been sold out by her own subconscious, she'd forgotten she was on the side a busy street.

"Please..." Elizabeth begged when her mouth was free once more. "Make it stop."

"That's better." Jill said. "Now what is your name?"

Poor Elizabeth was panting now. Her breath coming in gasps. Her fingers pushing in just once now. She was so close, that was all they could manage without setting her off. Unfortuneatly, that meant very little time for her mouth to be free of their presence.

"L-l-lizzy." Elizabeth blurted in that same squeaky voice, emphasizing the L as if it were the sexiest letter in the alphabet.

"Now do you want to be rude to me again," Jill said. "Or have you learned your lesson?"

"I-I." that same squeaky voice. It was the voice of a timid girl. No cop could ever be a cop with a voice like that. She'd been beaten. Beaten by this horrible eighteen year old bitch. Waiting for her fingers to be removed once more. "yes..." she finished.

"Good girl," Jill said. "Now say it all together like a smart girl."

"Yes - mmpphhhh...I've mphhhh... - learned - my ahh...mmmphh...lesson." Elizabeth panted between fingerings and cleanings.

"Miss Pierce." Jill said.

"Miss...mmpphhh... Pierce." Dear God, the girl was a monster, but Elizabeth was helpless.

"If I have to ask you once more to use proper sentences," Jill said. "I'll have to put you back under again."

"Please no..I mean...Please ah...don't do that..Miss Pierce. And ah..Yes ... I've learned my lesson Miss Pierce..please." Elizabeth's face felt as if it were on fire. The shame as she said most of this with three sticky fingers thrust into her mouth. By now. a car had pulled over in front of her. The embarrassment of them seeing her outweighed the embarrassment of Jill hearing her talk with her mouth full. " over...Miss Pierce..."

"Are you going to be a good girl and come straight to school Lizzy?"

"Yes .. Miss ...Pierce..." A man had exited the vehicle and was walking her way. "He' Pierce..please...Miss Pierce..."

"Command phrase Good Girl Lizzy," Jill said. "Why don't you drive off you silly twit? Sometimes I wonder if you have a brain."

I'm not doing this of my own volition you big-boned bitch, Elizabeth thought to herself, but wisely kept her mouth shut. Instead, she threw the car into gear and gave the man walking to her car a guilty shrug. But his eyes weren't looking at her face, they widened in disbelief while staring much lower. This time Elizabeth wisely waited until she was safely past to look down at the engorged wet lips of her denuded sex. Her cheeks burned in abject humiliation as she tugged futilely at the hem of her too short skirt.

"Are you safely away Lizzy?" Jill asked.

"Yes." Elizabeth said.

"Yes what?" Jill said.

"Miss Pierce," Elizabeth added.

"Remember Lizzy," Jill said. "Come straight to school. Unless you have some more naughty ideas. If so, feel free to explore them. I have lots of wicked punishments lined up just in case you decide to be naughty. Are you going to be a good girl Lizzy?"

"I'll be a good girl Miss Pierce." Elizabeth said through gritted teeth. Seething with anger, she gave the finger to her phone, as a futile attempt at rebellion.

"She just gave you the finger Miss Pierce," Elizabeth volunteered helpfully and not consciously.

"Did she now?" Jill asked. "I wonder which punishment I can pick? Oh I know a particularly embarrassing one for her."

"Please Miss Pierce," Elizabeth said. "I..I didn't mean it. I was...I was being stupid."

"That's the spirit Lizzy," Jill said. "I tell you what. I'll save my punishment for another time, if...if you'll punish yourself."

"What...what will I have to do?" Elizabeth asked with dread.

"A small thing really," Jill said. "Since you like pointing fingers, I want you to raise your finger whenever a teacher asks a question in any of your classes. I'd recommend you raise your pointing finger instead of your middle finger."

It sounded like a small thing. However, Elizabeth could put two and two together. She was supposed to be undercover and getting on the side of the bad kids in school. This business of volunteering every answer like some kind of over-eager nerd wasn't going to help her in this respect.

Also, dressed as she was, she wanted to stay in the back of the class and draw as little attention to herself as necessary. This was going to call attention every time she raised her hand.

Worse, the teacher's were going to call her Elizabeth, and she was pretty sure that Command Phrase Bad Lizzy still applied. There was one way to be sure.

"Miss Pierce, if a teacher calls me by my real name will I? ahh.. Will I?"

"What is your real name?"

"Lizzy" It came out again, despite the fact that Elizabeth thought Beth as hard as she could. The shortened moniker was embarrassing, but even more so the way she emphasized the L in that high and squeaky voice.

"Then why are you asking such a silly question," Jill laughed. "I'm sure you'll correct them, very nicely and very politely, if they happen to call you another name by mistake."

" least don't make me do that...ah Miss Pierce.

"I don't like whining Lizzy," Jill said. "Nice girls aren't whiners. And here I brought an extra pair of panties with me to school. I guess I'll just go inside and see you this afternoon at basketball practice."


"You don't tell Lizzy," Jill admonished. "You ask. And you do it nicely. And you call me Miss Pierce. This is your last warning."

"Please wait..Miss Pierce. I'd like the panties please."

"That's a start Lizzy," Jill said. "But you were whining, so I'll have to do something else for the whining. So not only will you raise your hand whenever a teacher asks a question, you're going to use that same finger to frig yourself between classes.Now, what do you have to say about that Lizzy?"

God no. But Elizabeth kept the comment to herself. Instead she steeled her nerves, took a deep breath, and said, "Thank you Miss Pierce."

Poor Elizabeth's mind was a blur. She was going to have to finger herself between classes. Well, she could go the restroom, and she only had to do it a few seconds to meet the letter of the law.

"She's lying Miss Pierce," Elizabeth blurted. "She's planning to do it for a second or two at the most."

"That just won't do Lizzy," Jill said. "I expect you to frig your twat until your fingers become unruly."

"Yes Miss Pierce." Elizabeth said. Inwardly cursing herself. Shut your mouth she told whatever subconscious part of her that was ratting her out.

"Full sentences dummy. I won't ask again," Jill said. "Now what are you expected to do."

Elizabeth's face burned in anger and humiliation. "I'm expected to ...masturbate my vagina-"

"Good girls masturbate and good girls have a vagina dummy." Jill said. "Bad girls frig. Bad girls have twats. This is your last chance dummy."

"I'm..I'm expected to classes Miss Pierce...until my fingers become...ahh I forgot what you said."

"Unruly dummy."

"Until my fingers become unruly...Miss Pierce."

"That's better Lizzy." Jill said. "And since you were such a good girl, and good girls get presents. I have a bra you can wear to class."

"Thank you Miss Pierce," the relief was obvious in Elizabeth's voice. She could almost feel human again.

"I'm glad you like it," Jill said. "My bras were too big, but I figured my sister's would fit just fine since you're wearing her clothes. The bra is a trainer, but I bet it'll fit just fine."

Elizabeth's cheeks burned a deep shade of red. She could just picture herself in a too small bra to go with her too small clothes. A trainer would take what little mounds she had and shrink them even more. Though it would hide the state of her nipples.

"Thank you Miss Pierce," Elizabeth managed. No whining she told herself. Hiding her nipples was better than the alternative.

"That's the spirit," Jill said. "I'll expect you to do your part at basketball practice. Towels. Water. Cheering. The whole bit. You won't have to go down on the whole team, but you will have to go down on me until I'm satisfied. You better plan on a good hour of oral ever day."

"Yes... Miss Pierce," Elizabeth said. To think that she was actually thankful at the news. She'd reckoned she was going to be a slave for the whole team.

"But when we win," Jill said. "You'll have to go down on the whole team."

"I..I.." No whining, Jill told herself. No whining, but how was she going to get out of the awful task. She'd have to make sure the team lost, that's what she'd have to do.

"She's going to try to make sure you lose," Elizabeth volunteered. Her conscious mind wanting to punch subconscious mind in the mouth.

"That's good to know," Jill said. "A good idea, but, I'm not sure if you've figured it out yet - I have played around with your head a little Lizzy girl. And you're not going to have an orgasm, no matter how much you want one...unless we win.

"You bitch!" it escaped from Elizabeth's lips, and she instantly regretted it. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Miss Pierce. Please..don't..."

"Pull over Lizzy." Jill said.

Poor Elizabeth knew that punishment was coming, and she had no choice but to pull over her car.

"Have you pulled over?"

"Yes but-" I'm in front of homes where someone could see me out the window.

"Command phrase potty mouth," Jill said.

No. Not again. This time Elizabeth didn't resist two fingers thrust into her mouth, to be withdrawn, and then thrust into her down below.

She gave a grunt at the abrupt penetration, but quickly turned into a mewl of desperation. She was horny as hell.

Back to her mouth. While she sucked her fingers clean, she used her free hand to cover her privates with her skirt. Her nostrils flared as they entered her again. She looked around nervously. This time there were no cars around.

She gave into her fingers. lightning danced in her loins. Perhaps this was a way around the orgasm rule?

No sooner had she thought it, than her hand slapped her sex with a wet smack.

"Oh!" Ouch that smarted. Her orgasm fled. Then her fingers resumed the thrusting into her sex and then her mouth. She was not going to be able to orgasm.

"I..I'm sorry Miss Pierce. I was..being stupid."

"Yes you were," Jill said. "You know what happens to girls with potty mouths Lizzy. Now I want you to keep frigging that twat and cleaning those dirty fingers until I say stop or do I need to give you another command phrase."

"No Miss Pierce." Elizabeth slid her fingers into her sex and resumed pumping. She was tempted to try to bring herself off, but by now she knew the futility. She brought her fingers up to her lips and cleaned them. Back down to pump...back up to clean...down..up...down..up...oh God...she was lost in a dark haze of desire.

"So do you want us to win or lose Lizzy girl?" Jill asked.

By now the need had grown so deep it was almost painful.

"Wiiiinnnnn" Lizzy moaned. This was clearly going to be a much more difficult assignment than she'd planned.

"Good girl Lizzy," Jill purred.

The End

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Mr_AndersinMr_Andersinover 2 years ago

Ok I hate to be That Guy.

But this story doesn’t work on so many levels. The main character has all agency taken away from her and was helpless in her own body.

That took me out of the story like a cold shower.

And the hypnotist girl must super powers. She read Beth’s mind and re-wrote how her body and mind work to such a degree that a trained police officer and undercover narc willing gives up her cover which is the One Thing that could get her fired at best and KILLED at worst.

And the parts that were trying to be sexy felt cringed because it was all sexual assault and was very rapey.

There is a definitive line between a mind control story a story about hypnotism and a non-consensual story yours had nothing to do with the former and all the latter.

Then on top of all of that the tale ends with MC “being punished’ and Fin. Beth has no life anymore and lives to serve a 18 year old girl with prof X power set.

Some homework for future stories look up what hypnotism actually does and how it works and also look up how to label a non-consensual story as such that way the reader isn’t blindsided with the story that is listed under my control with extreme sexual situations that may trigger someone.

Rant over.

dagmara_subdagmara_subalmost 5 years ago

One of the best mind control stories here :) Wish there was second part.

HypnoFreakHypnoFreakalmost 10 years ago

This is a good story it needs to be continued!!

DiannahDiannahabout 11 years ago
4 stars

A very good starting point, that screams for more!

TheTank247TheTank247over 11 years ago
Real Good Story

I love this story and the first one.. I hope you do a part 3, maybe Jill goes to college and runs into Amy and gets her back?

ResidentWeavilResidentWeavilover 11 years ago

Interesting MC aspect. Good dialog. Engaging plot.

But it does leave things hanging. I would love to see more.

ann24ann24over 11 years ago
another great story

I loved this story. So hot and sexy!! I love to read your stories.

subway1952subway1952almost 12 years ago

This is one of your best stories, and that's saying a lot!!! I love your stories!

DontJudgeMeDontJudgeMealmost 12 years ago
Great work!

As always: 5 stars.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggalmost 12 years ago
Clearly, you've stepped up your ( wicked ) game .

Congratulations ...I think. 5 stars - I don't know how this story doesn't get an editor's choice .

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