The Gift Ch. 03

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More is discovered of the creature's past.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/27/2009
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In an effort to escape my pursuers, I have taken shelter in a small cave behind a waterfall. I stumbled upon it quite by accident and it's lucky I did. Less than 15 minutes after I crawled into this squat cave did I hear the poachers approach. Against the bright moonlight, I could discern their silhouettes through the cascading waves. Although I do not know the language they spoke, I could sense their frustration as their efforts to find me were fruitless.

They lingered for only a few tense minutes before moving on to canvas another area of the jungle. I lay still for several more, fearing their return. Poachers in these parts of the world are known for their cruelty to both animals and man alike, so I thought it prudent to conceal myself deeper in the cave. Although I could barely squeeze myself past the narrow opening, after only a few feet, it began widen.

The floor sloped downward until the ceiling was about twelve feet high. The walls also widened forming a large cavern. I could detect no other connecting tunnels besides the one I had emerged from. The place seemed of unnatural make as there were no stalactites or stalagmites. Even the walls themselves appeared to be hewn as if by some rudimentary tools. The oddest feature was that the whole chamber was illuminated by what appeared to be moonlight shining up from a small pool in the center of the room.

I moved closer to the pool's edge to try to discern the source of the light when I heard something flutter behind my head. I swiped behind me thinking to shoo off some manner of jungle pest when I caught its reflection in the pool. The blurred image revealed something larger than the typical insects I had encountered these last few weeks. It also moved with purpose and speed as it deftly dodged my attempts at swatting it.

I spun around quickly to face the creature but it moved with me, easily hovering right behind my head. I jerked around a few more times but to no avail. As my curiosity and frustration grew I heard chimes like laughter emanating from the creature. I faced the pool again and held still trying to focus on its reflection. After a few seconds the thing stopped flitting about and landed softly on my shoulder.

I gasped as I gazed upon its reflection in the watery mirror. It appeared to be a tiny woman, no more than six inches tall. On her back were translucent, insect like wings. Through the soft ripples in the water I could also make out long blond hair that cascaded down over her shoulders onto a naked pale body.

She chimed again in laughter and like a bolt flew from my shoulder and into the pool, sending a blast of water into my face. As I wiped it away from my eyes I saw the entire cavern come to life with these creatures. Nearly ten of them danced and zipped around the space singing in their language of bells.

This went on for about five or ten minutes until at last they began to take more notice of me. Their flitting about began to encircle me and they zoomed near my head and through my legs until one of them finally knocked the hat off my head.

"Now that is quite enough!" I said in a raised voice both flustered and overwhelmed.

At that they all paused and stared at me, their wings a furious blur to keep them aloft.

"That's better," I said grumpily as I stopped down to retrieve my hat. As I did one of the creature flew right at me and hit me square in the chest. I felt as if I had been kicked by a mule and I landed flat on my back. One of the creatures then landed on my chest and began chiding me in a ringing, sing-song kind of language.

I lay there motionless, with a newfound respect for their strength. As she continued her tirade I could not help but study her naked body. This one had shorter bright red hair that fell to just above her shoulders. She was slender and well proportioned for a woman of six or seven inches in height. Her hips were narrow and her breasts were proportionally large for her body. If she were human I would have guessed her to be about 25 years old.

She must have caught me studying her figure because she stopped chanting and stared at me. A sly smile crept across her face and she glanced down toward my trousers. Embarrassingly, a small bulge had formed at my crotch and I brought up my knees to try to hide it. Almost instantly two other creatures fell on my legs pinning them back down. The red haired one on my chest waggled a finger at me before flitting down to my waist.

I tried to pull myself up on my elbows but another two creatures slammed into my shoulders. I looked from side to side at my captors to find they were identically proportioned to the red haired one save for different hair color and style.

I then felt my shirt being lifted up and found the red haired creature hard at work at my waist. She left out a short chime and two more creatures flew down from the ceiling and began unbuttoning my shirt. It took only seconds before it was flayed open revealing my bare chest. The red haired one gazed at me before moving her hands toward my belt and trousers. Her strong, deft hands had the buckles free in the blink of an eye.

I tried to protest by sitting up but the creatures on my shoulders beat their wings hard against me and I could not budge. My efforts at freedom were hardly given a second glance by the others. Soon my trousers were pulled down to my ankles, undergarments and all.

My engorged rod sprang free and I could hear the creatures on my shoulder let out a muffled squeak. I could see the naked, winged creature on my left shoulder staring at it, mesmerized. A small pink tongue shot out and licked her lips as my cock twitched slightly, continuing to grow in the cool damp air of the cave.

The red haired creature now stood facing my cock. This gave me an unobstructed view of her tight backside. Her toes wriggled and squirmed twisting themselves up in my lush pubic hair that covered her feet. My cocked bobbed with approval at the sensation and at this she dropped to her knees so she was now face to face with my engorged head.

Slowly she reached a hand out and gently brushed the side of my cock head. I sucked in a breathe at her soft warm touch and my muscles tensed This squeezed a small glistening bead of precum to my slit. She paused for a moment, not breaking skin contact, and I noticed all eyes were fixed on her. I could feel her warm breath as her face hovered over me. With one slow, precise movement she licked the precum off my tip without even grazing my sensitive head.

This action triggered the rest of the room into action. Another pair of creatures landed quick and hard on my hips. The blonde gently fell onto my sack while a purple haired one wrapped her arms delicately around the base of my shaft. Two more blurs landed on my thighs forcing my knees flat against the ground.

Meanwhile the red haired creature on my stomach flipped onto her back and grasped my cock head firmly with her hands. She stroked small circles with her palms against the sensitive flesh and danced her tongue along its bulbous edges. Lifting my head slightly, I could see her feet were flat against me with her knees apart revealing her glistening pink slit. It gyrated and wiggled at me as she continued to massage my cock head. I watched as her warm juices leaked down her ass and thighs.

The purple haired creature on my shaft had now straddled my hard member. She squeezed me tightly with her thighs, ankles hooked underneath like a vice. The heat and moistness of her sex radiated throughout my length. Her pussy lips were forced apart as she ground her hips down against me. She arched her back in obvious pleasure while groping her breasts with her hands. Of the creatures I saw today hers were larger than the others by a good margin. Her small hands seemed to disappear in the fleshy globes.

It was then that I felt new activity at my balls. The blonde one had been joined by another of similar hair color. Each seemed to be favoring one of my testicles and giving it undivided attention. They massaged and kneaded each with the utmost care and thoroughness. They sat beside their respective charge wrapping their legs around it to hold it close. This lifted and separated them from each other causing a pleasurable tightness in my scrotum. Not only did they use their hands but I could feel the soft soles of their feet and wiggling toes against each one. Periodically they would also draw their warm tongues across the thinly stretched membrane of my scrotum.

With all these simultaneous stimulation I was sure I would explode at any minute. However when the wave of orgasmic pleasure was about to peak, in uncanny unison the creatures slowed or even paused their ministrations. This pushed my arousal higher than I thought possible. It took a sharp dive however when I felt the creatures standing on my thighs begin to move my knees up and apart.

When I looked down I saw a blur pass underneath me and a soft pressure against my ass. I moved with a jolt of protest but at this point I had so many of them on my body, I could barely move. They simply beat their wings to hold me fast with their uncanny strength.

Down below, slick hands began to massage my taint and ass crack. She pushed against my taint firmly, forcing me to relax my pelvic muscle while coating my crack in a slippery fluid. I gasped when I felt her slender arm penetrate me. My rectum contracted reflexively against her. Her fingers danced inside me searching for that small walnut sized organ. In no time her deft fingers located my prostate. Wrapping her fingers around it, she rhythmically squeezed, sending new waves of pleasure through my brain.

This finally tipped the scales and my entire body tensed. This time, the creatures did not let up. The building pressure at the base of my cock released and thick ropes of cum shot onto my chest. Immediately the creatures converged on the seed, literally diving into my steaming

spunk. The ones on my legs, shoulders, and the few still hovering in the air fell into the sticky mass.

My cock pulsed again as my orgasm continued. The only creatures who remained in place were the ones on my balls and in my ass. My rectum spasmed around her hand and she squeezed my prostate firmly, lending a forceful assist to the second shot that erupted from my cock. This time however the red haired creature was kneeling in front my tip waiting. She was only an inch from the tip when the jet blasted her in the face. She was knocked to her back, thick cum coating her face, hair and torso.

Now the purple haired creature had moved toward my tip. Still straddling my cock she had moved forward so that her legs were now firmly wrapped around the base of my cock head. She leaned forward spreading my slit with her hands and diving in with her tongue, just as my third forceful spasm let loose a hot load down her open throat. She gagged and gurgled in delight as my cum foamed around her mouth and dripped down her chin. Her limbs went limp in ecstasy as she slid off my cock in a pool of frothy cum.

Eventually all the creatures had gathered in an orgy of white, cum covered bodies as I continued to erupt load after load on top of them. The blond haired ones continued manipulating my balls by thrusting and squeezing them while the one in my ass continued to press hard into my prostate with every ejaculation. Soon even they tired of their milking and moved into the mass of creatures swarming in my juices.

It was then I realized they weren't just covering themselves in my semen, but actually ingesting it. Little by little the creatures were licking it off me and each other. At first they moved faster than a blur, but as they licked and preened, they grew slower and more docile. The ones who had begun feasting first had slightly swollen bellies and lay exhausted in my spunk. The others, who had not yet had their fill, proceeded to clean them. They licked and slurped cum off each others breasts, faces, and necks. They lifted and cleaned each arm and leg with their mouths, even sucking what little they could find between fingers and toes. Legs and ass checks alike were spread wide as tongues plumbed one another's depths. Every inch of every creature, including myself, was being examined and licked for every last minuscule drop of seed.

Soon there was no more, and every creature lay heavy and prone on the cave floor around me. Only two yet remained on my stomach seemingly fast asleep. For a long while I studied their tiny bodies. Their perfectly shaped breasts rising and falling in time with their deep breathing. The red haired one, which I now figured as the leader, was on her side, head buried in my chest hair. One of the blonde twins lay further south, nestled against my slowly shrinking cock. She had stayed near my cock to the very end, squeezing out and devouring every last fresh morsel.

That's when I heard the voices. The rough male voices of the poachers. Survival instinct kicked in and shot up like a bolt, forgetting all about the two creatures for whom I was their bed. The voices came from the cave entrance and I hurriedly looked around for an escape but found none. In the process I spied my clothes and grabbed them while my brain frantically tried to come up with a plan.

Throwing my pants back on I crept toward the entrance of the cavern. I heard the rushing water of the small waterfall outside and beyond that the muffled voices of the poachers. I did not understand the language but it appeared they were arguing. Then, a gun went off a lot of screaming and yelling. More gunfire erupted and then silence.

I crawled on my hands and knees down the narrow passage that had led to the cavern and peered out. I saw men in military fatigues with weapons drawn standing over dead bodies. The local army had arrived and caught up with the poachers.

I slowly emerged from behind the waterfall with my hands raised. Instantly weapons were trained on me and a few of them were yelling.

"American," I managed to get out as I dropped to my knees, my hands in the air.

One of the men, more decorated than the others, stepped forward and motioned for them to lower their weapons.

"I am Captain Blaine," he stated with a very rough accent, "Are you Doctor Traugott?"

"I am," I replied relieved that I had been recognized.

"You are a very lucky man," he said, "we had almost given up the search. Most lone men die out here in the wild."

"I would have been if it were not for you and your men, Captain," I said as he helped me to my feet.

"May I ask doctor, how did you hide from them for so long? These poachers know this jungle very well."

"Another bit of luck, I suppose. I discovered this waterfall and hid in a cave..." I trailed off.

As I turned to gesture toward the waterfall I realized it was no longer there. In its place were only a few large boulders and some trees.

"Doctor," the Captain said nervously, "there are no waterfalls in this part of the jungle. In fact the nearest stream is ten miles away."

I rushed over to boulders to examine them. I searched for cracks or hollow areas but found none. They had not been touched in an age.

"Come doctor, the heat of the jungle can do crazy things to a man's head. We must be getting you back."

I silently complied with the Captain, while my mind wrestled with what had just happened. The soldiers led me back to their camp and gave me some food and my own tent for the night. In the morning we would begin the trek back to civilization.

That night as I peeled off my clothes I felt something soft in one of my jacket pockets. I knew instantly what it was and with great care, retrieved the creature. With excitement and fear I held her close to my face. In my hand I could feel the rhythmic breathing of her deep sleep. I had not imagined these magnificent creatures after all.


Aaron had come to the end of the journal entry. Earlier that day he had visited him Mom's house on the pretense of needing some old textbooks from the attic. Using the previous day's vision from Aurora as a guide, he found the old chest containing several of his grandfather's old things. Among them was on old logbook belonging to John's great grandfather. It was very old and weather worn. Apparently his great grandfather was some type of biologist or zoologist and explored many far corners of the world. This passage was from his time in the a section of the Amazon rain-forest. The latitude and longitude coordinates were listed.

John sat there on the edge of his bed and closed the journal carefully. He had a lot more studying to do but it was late. He stared at the sleeping, blonde headed creature in the cushioned box next to him. He loved watching her naked chest rise and fall with her slow, methodical breathing. His eyes feasted on the curvature of her hips and slender legs. He remembered what it felt like to feel her soft soles on his skin and her micro toes wriggling against him.

He also very badly wanted to try and communicate with her some more. He wanted to know more about her and her species. Had she stayed with his great grandfather since leaving her home? Had she been passed down to his son, like his grandfather had given her to him? John could only assume the answer was yes. The passage the John had just read was the last in his great grandfather's book. Perhaps there were others, but they were not in the chest when John had searched it earlier.

John gently closed the lid to Aurora's box. He then got undressed and laid down in his own bed, when an idea entered his mind. He pulled out his phone and opened his Maps App. He punched in the coordinates listed in the journal and watched the app work. It zoomed out from his current location, flew down across the equator into the Amazon rain forest, and zoomed into a nondescript area of the forest only a few miles from the Atlantic coastline. John zoomed in further and hit the satellite image view. It took only a few seconds before it rendered a shoddy, pixelated image of treetops. Contained within the image however, was an obvious break in the treeline forming a circular clearing.

John stared at it for several seconds. He dropped a pin in his app, saving the location in his phone. He wasn't sure how or when, but one day, he was going to go to that clearing.

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LynchjimLynchjimover 1 year ago

why why did you stop I loved this story plus it has such a varied future please give it another try.

JohnConnorJohnConnorover 3 years ago

I am new to this series, and very glad you continued it! I'm looking forward to the next installment.

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