Tammy asks Jimmy for Help

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Young lovers learn about each other.
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This could have been chapter 22 of The Lessons. However, I appreciate the feedback that stories that are not actually within the original theme of The Lessons are probably best classified separately. Nevertheless, the characters of this story did appear in an earlier chapter of The Lessons. In any case, please do provide feedback. There are a number of possible sequels to this story, and I would be happy to hear your suggestions for how to improve it.

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Ever since Miss Harding's biology class exercise (see Chapter 5) Tammie could not stop thinking about Jimmy Edwards, or at least his penis. She wasn't sure why. She just knew that she couldn't stop thinking about it.

It was the first time she had ever seen one. Well, that wasn't really true. She had seen plenty of drawings and pictures of them, and even real live ones a few times. Just recently she had seen her father's when her mother was helping her learn the latest tricks innovations in make-up. She liked these moments with her mother. In any case, her dad came in to put on his clothes after having taken a shower. He was behind them, but Tammie stole glances of him in the reflection of the vanity mirror. Thinking back on that, she now recalls that even that little episode had been unusually exciting. She had a hard time concentrating on eye-liners while his thing was swinging in the air. She thought about it for the rest of the evening.

She had also seen her brothers' penises a number of times, but these were again very innocent events, like when she walked in on her older brother Kenny when he was getting into a bathing suit to go swimming at the cottage. She was shocked to see how much he had grown down there. He was equally embarrassed that she saw him at all. She had wanted to talk about it, and, ultimately, to get a closer look. She even considered making a deal, letting Kenny see her thing if she got to see his. But, she didn't think that would be much of a deal. She didn't have any real thing to show him. She just had this little crease that she peed through. Of what interest would he have in that? He had much more to offer: his big tube thing sticking out and the bag hanging beneath it. She wondered though if she had made a mistake in not asking him to let her see it more closely.

The experience with Jimmy in Miss Harding's class awoke all of these past regrets and wishes. Jimmy had satisfied a lot of her curiosity. She actually got to see a boy get a full, complete erection and even an ejaculation. It had been an amazing experience, but it was so exciting and stimulating that time seemed to go by so fast. It was over before she could take full, or any, advantage of the opportunity. She never even asked any of the questions that swirled through her head and she had only briefly touched it. She hadn't even really helped him to have his orgasm, nor did she ever get to see what his orgasm stuff felt like. She wondered what it must smell like, or even how it might taste like, although she figured that just must be some sort of dirty perverted thought. That was in fact one of the questions she had. Would it be bad to taste it? She couldn't ask her parents about these things, and she was too embarrassed to admit to her friends that she knew so little.

She was also confused by the feelings of excitement and tension that were stirred whenever she recalled Jimmy's hard stiffness. She would feel like exploring herself down there when she thought about his masculine hardness. She even did it a few times. She imagined seeing again his big hard thing, sticking up so high, the red ball at the end, and she would just rub and rub and rub her little clittie. She would get so awfully wet when she played with herself. If she did it long enough she would even get these waves of pleasure, which she realized must be orgasms. It sure felt good.

Well, she just had to talk to Jimmy. Now that she was all grown up she was not about to act childish about it, and she certainly didn't want to miss another opportunity. She wasn't sure though that he would just let her see it again. He had only pulled down his pants before because Miss Harding made him. Maybe he might being willing to let her see his if she let him see hers? She was kind of scared though. Whenever she started to approach him she would get all tongue-tied and chicken out.

Eventually, though, after days, even weeks, of ruminating, she eventually decided that she just had to stop acting like a little kid and assert herself. She was going to do it tonight. She was determined. She knew that there was a very good chance that he would require that he be able to see her thing as well, so she put on some special undies along with the college uniform. Just thinking about this made her all nervous and excited. She put on her very best panties and bra. They were pink with all sorts of lace. They were in fact the only ones with lace that she had. She had bought them herself without her mother knowing about it. She found herself getting tingly, even a little wet, when she pulled up her panties, knowing that maybe later Jimmy would see her in them. She couldn't resist feeling herself down there as she thought about it. She felt so warm, and it felt so good to touch herself, thinking about Jimmy seeing her dressed only in panties and bra, maybe even pulling them down. Wow, that would be something! She circled a finger around her button, as she liked to call it.

But, she quickly stopped. She knew if she kept playing with herself her panties might get wet, perhaps even stained, and then she would have to change them. She really wanted to wear these panties. She had to be more careful. It wouldn't hurt though to play with her boobies. It felt good to touch them, to rub them, to squeeze them. She liked how her nipples got so stiff. They poked out real far. You could easily see them through the lace of the bra. She so hoped that Jimmy would like her boobies. They were so small though. He had probably been with lots of girls. Heck, she hardly knew any girl who didn't have larger breasts than her. Maybe she shouldn't do this. It would be so awful if he in fact wasn't even interested in seeing her body. It wasn't much to look at. She knew she was pretty but she didn't really have a woman's body.

She was even wearing braces. Only a few girls she knew at college were wearing braces. She hoped that Jimmy wouldn't mind. She knew that boys didn't like braces, and they made her look so young. It probably didn't help that she also wore round spectacles and liked to wear her hair in pigtails. It had taken quite awhile to braid them. Today she was using little butterfly hair bows, one pink and one light blue. Her mother said that she looked very pretty with them. She had to agree, although her mother would not agree with why she was trying to look so pretty tonight.

Tammie went to the campus game room. It was a place to hang out, meet people, and play all sorts of board, pinball, and computer games. She knew that Jimmy would be there, as he was invariably there on Wednesday nights. She wondered if she should have put on perfume, but it was against college rules and the monitors often patrolled the student center in the evening to look for violations of the dress and demeanor code. Mr. Harrington, the Chair of the Student Disciplinary Board, was known to patrol these halls himself some evenings. Tammie actually found Mr. Harrington to be kind of cute but he was also very scary. No, it wasn't worth the risk. Wearing the lacy panties was already very dangerous. She couldn't imagine Mr. Harrington asking her to show them to him. But, golly, if Sara could be spanked right in front of everyone in class (see Chapter 1) you never knew what might happen. It would be worth the risk though if Jimmy liked her panties.

Jimmy was there, as she expected. She immediately had second thoughts as soon as she saw him. He was such a good looking boy. To Tammie he looked like Justin Timberlake. She really liked NSYNC. 'A boy as good looking as that won't want me,' she thought. But, he was known for being considerate and nice. He wouldn't be mean or anything. So, she put on her best smile and strolled up to him.

"Hi Jimmy!" she exclaimed, rapidly waving her hand at him with a big smile, her braces shining brightly. "Whatcha doin?"

"Oh, hey Tammie," Jim replied. "Nothing much, really, just hanging out." He smiled sweetly at her. He actually did like Tammie. He would have even asked her out but he was worried that she would be afraid that he would expect her to do a lot on the first date, given what they already had done in class. Or, actually, what he had done. He was very embarrassed for her. He could tell that she had been quite uncomfortable during the whole thing. She probably thought he was some sort of pervert. "Do you know Nick and Alex?"

She didn't know Nicholas, although she knew that he was one of Jimmy's friends. Tammie did know Alex. He was in her math class, along with Jimmy. She blushed when they said hello. Alex had been present during Miss Harding's class exercise. Jimmy noticed her reaction. This only reinforced his concern about her feelings.

Jim invited her to join their pinball game. They were playing one of the old pinball machines that was modeled after a James Bond movie, Goldfinger. They played for about a half hour. It was a nice way to break the ice. The game offered a distraction to fill awkward silences, as well as a point of conversation. Tammie took every opportunity to brush up against Jimmy. She particularly liked to stand up close behind him and put her hand on one of his big shoulders when he was playing. She could pretend that she was standing so close because she was trying to get a good view of the pinball action. She even leaned in a few times and pressed a breast against his arm, which was actually a little tricky as he was using his hands and arms to play the game. He didn't seem to mind though, even when her presence might have contributed to a mistake.

She wasn't sure that she was actually having any effect though. She wondered if he was even noticing that she was pushing her breasts against him. They were so small that he might not be able to feel them. She tried turning them side to side as she pushed them into his arm. She could feel her nipples get hard with the friction, but he didn't seem to be getting the message.

However, she was at least encouraged by the fact that he would at times stand close to her as well. When it was her turn he would also get behind her, at least if Nicholas or Alex wasn't there first. Jim would stand directly behind her and look over her shoulder, at times placing a hand on her shoulder, her side, or even her hip. He was careful though not to touch her anywhere personal.

While she was shooting she would jump and squeal, and at times turn her head to smile at him, and then miss her shot because she had been looking at him. It was pretty evident to an outside that she was trying to get his attention, and perhaps even more. Nick and Alex at least got the message. A couple of times they exchanged knowing glances.

"Hey Jim, we gotta go," Nick finally said.

"You're kidding me," Jim replied. "We usually play for a couple of hours."

"Yea, I know," he acknowledged, "but Al said he would help me with my history paper." It was a pretty good excuse. Both of them were in a history class in which Jim was not enrolled. He wouldn't know that there wasn't any such paper.

"Yea," Alex concurred. "This guy needs all the help he can get. I should have told you about it before but it's gotta be an early evening for us."

"Well, sure, the grades are more important than this game, I suppose."

They said their goodbyes and left Jim alone with Tammie. Tammie was very glad they left. She had been trying to think of an excuse to get Jim alone but just couldn't come up with anything that wasn't totally obvious. The fact that Nicholas and Alex had to leave early was a tremendous stroke of luck. Now she had Jim to herself, now she could talk to him about stuff but, then, that also meant that she had to broach the topic.

"Well, I guess it's just the two of us, Tammie." Jim smiled at her, leaning on the pinball machine. Tammie stood awkwardly in front of him, fidgeting with her skirt.

"Yea, that's right." A moment of doubt swept over her. "You can go, if you want. You don't have to stay here, with me, you know." Well, that was pretty pathetic, she thought. She had just said essentially the opposite of what she wanted to say. She had wanted to invite him to go somewhere with her so they could be alone, not invite him to leave.

"No, that's fine. I'll stay."

"Good!" Tammie replied, a little bit louder than she had wanted.

Another awkward silence followed.

Jim spoke up. "But, I'm a bit tired with this game. You wanna go to the student lounge and get something to drink?"

"Sure!" Tammie gleefully replied. Now they could actually, maybe, talk, and she could ask her question.

Walking to the student lounge in fact provided a good opportunity for Tammie to broach the topic. She didn't really want to be looking him in the face when she asked. It was less personal to talk side by side, and she didn't want to have to try to hide her disappointment and embarrassment if he said no.

"Jimmy, can I ask you something?" she tentatively probed.

"Well, sure, Tammie." He wondered what was on her mind.

"Um, well, you remember, you know, the exercise we did for Miss Harding."

Jim's face reddened. No way would anyone forget that. He could even feel a bit of a swelling just with her bringing it up, but he was also afraid that she was going to tell him how awful it had been for her and he could feel some anxiety rising as well. "Gosh, yes Tammie, sure." He turned to look at her as they were walking. "I'm really sorry about that."

He was sorry about it? Oh no! "What do you mean?"

"Well, I mean, I sure hope it wasn't too upsetting or anything."

"Oh no, Jimmy, no."

"I didn't do anything to make you mad or anything, did I? Because if I did I sure am sorry. I only did that stuff because we had to."

"Oh, I know that Jimmy. No, I'm not mad or anything. No, that's not it all."

"Yes, well, good. I'd feel terrible about that. You're a good girl, and I was kind of concerned about that."

Tammie wasn't sure how to take that. She liked hearing that he was concerned about her feelings, and there was nothing wrong with being a good girl, but maybe he was saying that he just didn't think about her in that kind of way. There was another moment of awkward silence.

Jim could tell that she was having trouble saying what was on her mind. "What was it that you wanted to ask me, then?"

"Well, it's just that, um, actually, I thought it was a good, a useful, I mean, experience and I wanted to learn more about that sort of thing." Finally, she said it. She felt so much better. It was now out there.

"What sort of thing?" Jim wasn't sure he knew for certain what she meant.

"Jimmy!" Tammie complained. Wasn't it obvious? She realized that she had to say it explicitly, although she did so almost in a whisper. "You know, sex things."

Jim was not expecting that. "You want to know more about sex?"

Tammie was now real glad that they were walking side by side. She felt awfully embarrassed. He sounded shocked. She was feeling a little silly. Her face must be beet red. Maybe she did make a big mistake. She responded shyly, "Well, yes, yes I do. Is that bad?"

Jim could again feel his dick swelling. He had never had a cute girl, actually any girl, actually just want to talk to him about sex. But, he really didn't want to take advantage of her. "Shouldn't you talk to your parents about that?"

Now he was being the silly one. "Are you nuts?" she exclaimed. "I can't talk to them about that. They are so old fashioned. My mother would just have a fit."

"Well, then how about Miss Harding or Mr. Peters? They seem pretty open about that sort of thing."

He just wasn't getting it. Are boys dense or what? She was just going to have to come right out and say it. "I want to learn about it, um, with you, Jimmy. I was kind of hoping that you would show me, you know, things."

Now he really felt some growth in his slacks. He stuck a hand down his pocket to shift his cock, as well as to try to keep it from noticeably poking out his slacks. "Me? Really?" There was again silence as Jim tried to figure out precisely what she was saying. "Um, sure, Tammie, whatever you want, you know, I'd be happy to help."

"Goodie," Tammie exclaimed. Finally. Now it really had been said and, best of all, he said yes! She was beaming. Oh shoot, she thought, she better check something first. She turned to look at his face for this one. She wanted to be sure he was being honest with her. "You don't have a girlfriend, do you? I mean, you're not dating somebody regular like are you?"

Jim didn't really understand why that should make any difference in talking about sex, although he would admit that if he did have a girlfriend it might be difficult to explain to her that the talking was all innocent. His erection clearly indicated that it was not. But, fortunately, it was a moot question. "No, no, I'm not seeing anyone right now."

"OK," Tammie replied, but said loudly to herself, 'Good!' She then said, "I know a place we can go. I mean, if you want, if it's ok, you know, to do this right now."

"I'm pretty much free for the evening." He smiled at her. "I am at your service, my dear, to command as you see fit."

Tammie giggled. She took him by the hand and led him to the auditorium. It was nice holding his hand, like they were actually boyfriend-girlfriend, and he didn't seem to mind it at all.

When they got to the auditorium she took him to the projectionist room. This was an excellent place to be safely alone. It wasn't particularly romantic but it was sound proof and you could lock the door to keep anyone from entering. Nobody would be coming around tonight. She had checked the schedule the day before and it was empty for tonight. She led him into the room. Once they entered she locked the door. "We don't want anyone coming in unexpectedly, you know."

Jim was beginning to realize that this was more than just some questions. He used his hand to hold his cock against his body. He wished the college would allow them to wear jeans. Jeans are so much better at hiding an erection than these black dress slacks. He was even wearing loose hanging boxers. He could feel his mouth getting dry. Tammie was 18 but she was such a cute girl. She reminded him of her little sister. During the class exercise he couldn't get the image of his sister out of his mind, and that had made him very uncomfortable. Now though Tammie reminded him of somebody entirely different: an internet model that he liked, Ashley Lightspeed. Ashley was much safer for this sort of fantasy than his little sister. They were both just pixie girls. They were only 5 ft (95 pounds). Jim could tell that Tammie might even be a little smaller in her figure (Ashley is 31B, 25, 31). Both have straight blonde hair, often worn in pigtails. They especially resembled each other facially. Both were very pretty with blue sparkling eyes, rosy cheeks, and a youthful but playful innocence. One distinction was that Ashley didn't wear braces. In addition, Ashley only rarely wore her glasses. Jim couldn't help but wonder if Tammie also resembled Ashley down below.

"Well, Tammie, um, what did you want to know?" He hoped that he wasn't obviously perspiring.

Tammie was herself very nervous. She now had him alone but she didn't know how or where to start. Well, the easiest thing to do would be to follow the lead of Miss Harding. "Um, well, I was wondering if, first, you could, um, show me your, you know, your thing again."