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"So I see you didn't have much luck with your father huh?"

I felt the need to cry again. "No, I didn't."

"What did I tell you Lindsay?"

I put my backpack on the couch and began bawling. Steve quickly got up from his chair and rushed towards me. He put his arms around me and held me. I was hurting so much at that moment.

"It's ok honey. It's ok." He assured me holding me close.

"I-I'm such a fool!" I cried out.

"No you're not. You didn't know. I shouldn't have let you go look for that man."

"I'm sorry Steve! I'm so sorry!"

"I forgive you Lindsay." He held me until I finally calmed down. He stared into my eyes and wiped my tears.

For the first time in my life, I really felt like I had a father. I had been foolish to think my "real" father would someday take be back as his daughter. Steve had been there for me, financial and emotionally, even though I never let him get close.

"Now just sit here and I'll go make some more coffee," Steve said. He got up, walking to the kitchen and put on a fresh pot of coffee. I sat on the couch and laid back. My eyes felt heavy, since I hadn't slept. It was good to be home. Everything made sense. Slowly, I drifted to a deep sleep.

* * *

"Wake up sleepy head."

My eyes slowly opened and Steve stood looking at me. He smiled so sweetly and brushed my hair out of my face. "What time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"It's almost four in the afternoon."

I slowly sat up and yawned. "I guess I must have fallen asleep." I realized Steve had thrown a blanket over me since I was still wearing Delilah's black skirt.

"Yeah you did. I could hear you snoring all the way in my room."

I laughed. "I don't snore!"

"Yeah, ok whatever you say," he teased. "I'm going to work in a while but I whipped up a tuna casserole in case you get hungry later."

"I'm hungry now."

"Well dig in whenever you like." His smile was so comforting.

I took his hand in mine and stared into his beautiful eyes. His dark hair was combed neatly and I could smell his aftershave. "Steve, thank you once again. Thank you for being there for me all these years."

He gently squeezed my hand. "That's what I'm here for. I'm"

I gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek, something I'd never done before. His eyes danced as he stared into my face. "Have a good day at work." I whispered.

"Thanks honey. I'll call you later on to check up on you."

He walked away slowly.

* * *

"So what's going on with you and your step dad?" Delilah asked Monday after school.

I grinned happily. "We are friends now. I feel so lucky to have him in my life."

She raised a brow. "Hmm really? Well me and my old man don't get along, at least you and your step dad finally do."

"I finally feel happy for once. I'd been really depressed since my mom passed away, but now I feel content."

"At least one of us does. Speaking of fathers, the school is going to have a father/daughter dance next month. It's sort of a way for fathers to say goodbye to their daughters you know since we are graduating."

"Really? Are you going?"

She scoffed. "Yeah right. My old man would never come to a dance with me. Besides, you know I hate social dances."

I laughed." I know you do. I think I will invite Steve. To show my appreciation."

* * *

Later on that week, as Steve and I had dinner together on one of his nights off, I had to ask him something I had never noticed until that week.



"Can I ask you something?" I asked.


"Why don't you date? I mean it's been over three years since my mom passed away and I have not seen you date."

"I really loved your mother."

"I know you did, but I see so many times men often jump back into dating after their spouses passes away. I think it's easier for men to start dating than women to start dating."

He laughed and took a sip of his drink. "Oh Lindsay, where did you get a crazy idea like that?"

"Well I watch TV."

"Figures," he smiled. "It's not that easy to begin dating again. I actually haven't been interested in any other women since your mom. I loved Pam with all of my heart. I still do. She meant everything to me."

At that moment I don't know why but I felt tears streaming down my face. Steve looked sad and came over to put his arms around me. "I'm sorry honey. I didn't mean to talk about your mom, but I just needed to explain."

I sobbed. "It's not that, it's just...I miss her...and I now realize that you loved her so much."

He wiped my tears and kissed my forehead. "I did love her, I still do and I love you too Lindsay."

My heart pounded. I hadn't heard someone tell me that for years now. I cried more as Steve held me. I wanted to tell him that I loved him too, but the words wouldn't come out.

* * *

The father/daughter dance was getting closer to date and I had no clue how to ask Steve. I knew he was busy with work and also that he always needed to give at least a few days notice that he'd need a night off. I had no idea why I was so nervous to ask him out. It was as if I were trying to ask out a boy at school.

One night after dinner, I finished cleaning up the kitchen while Steve watched some TV. I took a deep breath and went to join him on the couch. He looked up and smiled at me.

"You going to watch TV with me?"

I stared at the TV. "Uh...yeah."

We sat in silence for a while as I twiddled my thumbs since I was so nervous. "Steve?" I finally asked.

"Yeah?" His eyes stayed glued to the TV.

"I was going to ask you if you can...or if you want...if you..." I stopped not being able to get the words out.

He turned off the TV and looked at me. "Yes?"

"I was going to ask you...see there is this thing at school called the father/daughter dance, and I wanted you to...I wanted you to go with me...if you can."

Steve beamed. "I would love to."

I gasped. "Really? I mean are you sure you can get that night off? It's next Friday."

"I can and I will."

I yelped and threw my arms around him. He fell back some and grunted. "Owww Lindsay you almost made me hurt my back."

I quickly released myself from his hold. I was concerned. "I'm sorry. I was just so happy. Are you ok?"

He laughed. "Yes, I'm fine. That was a nice hug from you Lindsay."

I blushed and hadn't realized I was sitting on his lap. I quickly got up and fixed my shirt, which had rode up a bit. "Well I'm going to take a shower and head off to bed. Tomorrow I'm going to the mall with my friend Delilah to look for a dress."

"Very well then," he said as his eyes pierced at me.

* * *

"No, not purple. Purple's not your color. Try a dark red. That's more you're color," Delilah advised. We were at the mall the next day trying to find the perfect dress for the dance.

"Here, this one!" Delilah exclaimed pulling out a stunning spaghetti strap dress from the rack.

"Wow! That's gorgeous. But how much is it?"

She looked at the price tag and smiled. "It's on sale!"

The dress was too perfect. Not too short or too long. It was classy, yet very sexy. "Let me go try it on. I hope it fits."

I headed to the dressing room and after a few minutes of struggling with the zipper, I walked out to show Delilah. She whistled at me and gave me a thumbs up. "You are going to kill. Too bad you're only going with your step dad, instead of a hot guy in school."

I stared at myself in the mirror. I must admit I looked so different. I felt pretty for the first time in my life. I spun around and noticed the dress was perfect for me. After buying the dress I found the perfect red shoes to go with my dress. It was going to be a wonderful night, I just knew it.

* * *

I never showed Steve the dress until the night of the dance. He waited for me in the hallway outside my room. I stepped out slowly hoping he wouldn't think the dress was too much. I saw his eyes widened. He was speechless.

I thought he looked striking in his rented black and white tux. He held a beautiful red and white corsage in his hands.

"Wow! Lindsay, oh my goodness." He said never taking his eyes off me.

I couldn't help but blush. "You look so handsome," I blurted out.

He got quiet again and continued admiring me in my red dress. "And you beautiful."

My heart raced. "Thank you," I whispered shyly.

"Here," He said taking my hand and slipping on the corsage. I smiled and gave him a hug.

"" The words just came out so naturally.

Steve looked shocked. He didn't say anything at first.

"Are you ok?" I asked as we stood holding hands.

"Y-yes. You've never called before."

I gently squeezed his hand. "I know. I'm sorry. But you are in fact my father. You've taken care of me better than my biological father. I love you dad."

He gasped and took me in his arms. "I love you sweetheart. You mean the world to me."

We held each other for what seemed to be forever. The night was young and so much was still to come.

* * *

We got to the dance at eight. I saw so many girls with their fathers dancing, talking and having a wonderful time. I began to regret not being nicer to Steve in the past. I could have been enjoying time with my dad a long time ago. Instead, I was too proud to admit how much he'd done for my mother and me.

"This place looks great," Steve said as we made our way to the back tables. We sat down and watched the people dancing.

"It does. They really went all out on this."

"Are you thirsty? I can go get us some punch?" Steve asked with a huge grin on his handsome face.

"Yes, please."

He got up to get the punch and all I could do was stare at him. I noticed how my female teachers gawked him. He was a gorgeous man, something I had noticed before but never admitted. I now understood why my mother had fallen for him. Steve was everything I wanted in a man.

Stop it Lindsay! Don't think of him that way! He's your father. Even though he's not your same blood, he's still your father! I kept warning myself.

He came back and we sipped out punch while we waited for the food to be served. That night I got to know Steve a lot more. He was so funny, making me laugh with his witty sense of humor. I was probably the happiest daughter in the entire room.

"Lindsay, hi." I heard a female voice talking.

I looked up to see Ms. Webber, my history teacher. She was young at least in her late 30's and very pretty. Her long dark hair was pinned up nicely and her makeup was flawless. She wore a gorgeous dark green dress that brought out her green eyes.

"Oh hi Ms. Webber. This is my father Steve Sayers."

I could see the devious look in Ms. Webber's eyes. "Oh hello Mr. Sayers. Very nice to meet you and please call me Jeannette." She extended her hand for a handshake.

Steve politely greeted her and she began to go on how much she enjoyed having me in her class and how bright I was. Steve listened and smiled as she praised me. "You have such a smart daughter. I know she will be successful in life."

Steve grabbed my hand and held is proudly. "I know she will too."

Ms. Webber watched us enjoy that moment, while Steve and I stared into each other's eyes. He then leaned to kiss my cheek making my pulse race. "I'm very proud of my daughter."

He called me his daughter that word meant so much to me. "Thanks dad. Thank you Ms. Webber."

She smiled and slowly walked away from the table never taking her eyes off Steve. I waited until she was out of sight.

"Dad, did you see how she was ogling you?" I asked.

Steve laughed. "Ogling me?"

"Yes! She was so into you! I think she has a crush on you," I teased.

"No way. She probably has a husband and kids."

"Nope. She single and no kids. Maybe you should ask her out?" I watched the look on his face.

He frowned. "I'm here to be with you Lindsay, not be asking other women out. Tonight is our night."

I couldn't help but smile. "Yes it is our night."

After we ate, Steve and I danced almost all night. I never knew that he was such a good dancer. I felt as if we were the envy of all the people there.

* * *

It was almost midnight by the time Steve and I got back home. Even though I'd spent half the night dancing in high heels, I didn't feel tired. Steve turned on the house lights and I walked in behind him. He threw his keys down on the coffee table, took off his tux jacket and flopped down on the couch. I locked up and turned to see him laying his head back with his eyes closed.

I laughed. "You're already tired huh old man?"

He opened one eye and groaned. "Just because you still have your youth does not give you the right to make fun of me."

I went to sit next to him. "I didn't mean to call you old, I was just playing." He opened up his eyes and stared at me. For a brief moment we were in silence appreciating the moment. He placed his hand over mine and remained silent. I don't know what made me do it, but I leaned over and kissed his cheek softly. He then placed his hand on my face.

"Thank you for tonight Lindsay," he said softly.

"Why are you thanking me? I should be thanking you."

He raised his body up and placed both hands of my face. He cupped my face. "Close your eyes," he said.

I closed my eyes and felt him place a kiss on my eyelids. I opened my eyes and realized we were so close. I could feel his warm breath on my skin. I stared up at him hoping and wishing he would kiss me. I knew it was wrong to want that, but I wanted it. I wanted more than anything.

He gulped and then took his hands off my face. He quickly got up. "I-I better get to bed. Since I didn't work tonight, I will be working tomorrow morning."

I felt disappointed. I wanted a kiss. I never thought I could be so bold with a male but that night I felt so much love. He began to walk away, and I grabbed his arm to stop him. He turned slowly. He was so tall; I knew I would have to tiptoe to place a kiss on his lips. I didn't care though. The heels I had worn that night helped. I reached up throwing my arms around his neck and kissed his lips. My lips pressed against his. I realized I got no response from him. I felt so embarrassed and dirty for even trying to kiss my stepfather. I backed away and didn't say anything. I just ran to my room and locked the door. Tears streamed down my face. Why had I even done something stupid like that? I thought he would have kissed me back but he hadn't. Now I was going to have to face him tomorrow and feel so ashamed.

I took off my red dress and slipped into my pajamas. I cried all night knowing Steve probably hated me. The way he acted earlier had made me feel as if he wanted me as much I had wanted him but I guess I had been wrong. So wrong.

* * *

I got up late the next day. I didn't want to get out of my room but then I remembered that Steve would be working that morning. I cleaned the house up and finished some laundry. I called Delilah to see if she wanted to go do something that way I wouldn't be home by the time Steve got out of work, but she had gone out of town with one of her boyfriends.

I knew I had to face Steve. I would apologize for acting like a teenager in heat and hopefully he would forgive me.

It was nighttime just past eight that night and Steve had not gotten home. My heart broke. I realized he probably didn't want to face me. He was upset at me, I just knew it.

"You really screwed up Lindsay," I said to myself.

I waited for Steve, but he never showed up. I cried so much. I had just patched things up with my stepfather and now things would be complicated again. I headed up to my room to draw and listen to music. I wasn't much into drawing though. My eyes felt heavy and soon enough I fell fast asleep.

* * *

A heavy hand on my body was what woke me up. I slowly opened my eyes and saw it was Steve.

"W-what happened to you?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

He shrugged. "I was going to be a coward and not come home at all, but then I realized you and I have to talk Lindsay."

I raised myself up sitting on the bed and realized it was raining outside. "Ok so let's talk." My stomach was in knots.

He grabbed my hand and held it in his. "I want to talk about that kiss you gave me last night."

"I'm so sorry about that-"

"Don't be."

I was shocked. "What?"

"Don't be sorry about it. I wanted to kiss you back Lindsay, I really did but I had to stop myself."

My heart was pounding. "You wanted to kiss me back?"

He nodded. "Yes. I wanted to so bad. I have to remember though, that I'm the adult here and I need to learn to control myself. You are my daughter, and I don't want to ruin that."

I moved closer to him and touched his face. I looked deep into his eyes and leaned over to kiss his lips softly again. "And you need to also remember that I am now and adult."

He gulped and didn't object when I leaned to kiss him again. This time the kiss was longer and our lips parted. Steve's placed his shaky hands on my shoulders as if he was trying desperately to stop me from kissing him but couldn't. I knew he wanted this as much as I did.

I let my tongue slide into his mouth and he responded. Our tongues touched so gently. I could feel my toes curling. This kiss was nothing compared to the one I had shared with Chris. This kiss was so special, full of love.

I broke our kiss slowly letting our lips part from each other very gently. Steve was panting. "Oh my God Lindsay," he gasped.

"I love you so much." I found myself blurting out the words.

He brushed my hair away from my face and cupped my chin. "You are so beautiful. I love you with all of my heart."

"Daddy, be with me. I need your love," I whispered.

He nodded and slowly laid me back. I stared up at him while he caressed my face. "You know once I start, I will not be able to stop. So please tell me now if you really want to do this."

I smiled up at him. "I do. I want this more than I've ever wanted anything."

He groaned and began to kiss me again. It was all so beautiful. His lips touching mine, our tongues caressing one another, and his hands touching me as they moved towards my breasts. Steve was everything I thought he would be. He was a gentle and sweet kisser not rough like Chris had been.

Steve moved his mouth moved away from mine leaving me aching for more of his kisses. He moved his lips down and began raining kisses down my neck. His hot breath caressed my skin. I felt as if I were on fire!

"Mmmm," I moaned.

Steve lifted up my top exposing my breasts. His mouth clamped one of my hard nipples and he sucked on it. I began to squirm on the bed. I spread my legs knowing very well what all this was going to lead to.

He took turns sucking each nipple and proceeded to move down my body. He pulled on my shorts as he began to take them off. I lifted my hips off the bed letting him remove my shorts. I was only left with my panties and my top that was pulled up. He stared at me in silence.

I looked up at him and knew I'd fallen deeply in love. "I love you daddy," I whispered to him.

He sighed and leaned down to place a soft kiss on my tummy. "I love you Lindsay. You are so beautiful you know that?"

"I do now that you told me. I always thought I was ugly."

He nodded. "You could never be ugly. You're the most beautiful girl in the world. I love you and even if we weren't being intimate I'd still love you, I hope you know that."

"I do."

He grabbed the sides of my panties and began to take them off. Finally I was bottomless. I knew I was wet. Steve slid his hand and placed it between my legs. I shuddered at the touch of his hand.

"Oh baby girl you feel so wet," Steve muttered.

"I'm so hot right now. Daddy, please love me," I urged.

He stood up and began to undress. I watched as he shed the clothes off his body. He had a gorgeous body. His chest was nicely toned and he had a hard stomach. He was down to his boxer shorts and I gulped. I was ready to see his cock. He slowly removed his boxer shorts. Finally I got a view of his hard cock. He was big, probably bigger than Chris.