Soiled Panties

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He finds his wife's cum soaked panties...
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"I'm going out tonight with Lina." Rachel said.

Dave looked over at his wife of 3 years and smiled. "Lina again." He said. "You two spend an awful lot of time together."

"She is my best friend." Rachel said with a laugh. "You knew that before we got married!"

"Yeah, yeah." Dave smiled. "Go have fun. Where you girls gonna go?"

"Oh, just for a quiet drink. Give us girls a chance to catch up. Maybe gossip about you!" Rachel laughed. "Im gonna go jump in the shower."

"Want me to join you?" Dave asked hopefully.

"I'm running late babe." Rachel said as she slapped his hand playfully. "I'm gonna be quick and I need to put on my face too."

"I swear you pay more attention to how you look when you go out with the girls." Dave said, almost complaining.

"It's a Gal thing! You'd never understand!" Rachel laughed as she skipped up the stairs.

Dave shook his head in amusement and focused back on his Ipad, looking up news about his favourite football team. It was football night tonight anyway so he was pleased to be able to have the house and the TV to himself.

After about 30 minutes he heard Rachel walking down the stairs and he turned to look at her. At 28, Rachel stood 5'6" tall. She had long legs that tapered up to an almost flat stomach and womanly hips with a firm ass. Her boobs although not big, fit rather snugly into a 34B bra size. She had almost flawless skin that was smooth and ivory. Dark auburn hair framed her face and cascaded down to her shoulders. She was definitely pretty without makeup but with full makeup on, you would say she was more than attractive.

Dave did a wolf whistle. "You look good. Sure you meeting Lina and not some guy?"

"I'm meeting Lina..." Rachel laughed, "But you never know. Cant help it if guys find us attractive!"

She leaned over to kiss him softly on the lips before heading out the door. "Enjoy your football. I might be late."

"Yeah, yeah!" Dave replied. "Youre always late when you and Riiina get together." He elongated the Lina in jest.

Dave watched as Rached walked out. Lina and his wife had been best friends for years. They were remarkably close and seemed to know everything about each other. He remembered the first time he had met her. She was black with a lovely chocolate tan and she was tall at 5'8" but extremely slim. She had extra long, slender legs that extended up to almost boyish hips. She had a perfectly flat stomach that she loved to show off in crop tops and you could see she worked out. Her breasts were also something else that she loved to show off. They were full and ample and Dave estimated that they would fit at least a 38C bra size. She was almost always fully made up with lots of makeup but done very tastefully. There was something almost masculine about her features, kind of like in a Serena Williams kind of way, but she was still beautiful and sensual. Her well toned body and arms just added to her appeal. She had presence and everyones eyes would turn to look at her when she walked into a room. You could say that she was the epitome of grace and feminity. And she had presence.

Dave felt a stirring in his crotch as he thought of Lina and he remembered that same feeling he had the first time he met her. She was charming and witty as well and she had a voice that was almost husky yet so sultry. He remembered how he had fucked Rachel with wild abandon later that night as he also imagined that he was ploughing into Lina. He had felt a little guilty about thinking of Lina while fucking Rachel but there was just something about Lina.

He shook his head as if to clear it and turned on the TV. He opened a can of beer and settled in to watch the game.


It was just past ten-thirty when the game ended. 8 empty cans of beer lay on the coffee table and the ashtray was overflowing. His team had played like shit but had still managed to squeeze out a draw. Dave didn't realise how much he had drunk and smoked and he was suddenly tired. He cleared up the empty beer cans and ashtray and took them out to the garbage bin immediately. He found himself stumbling and he cursed quietly to himself. Rachel hated when he drank too much and he was glad that she wouldn't be home at least until midnight so that he could catch some rest in his inebriated state and sober up.

He rinsed his mouth out and lay on the bed, placing a book beside him so that he could feign that he fell asleep while reading in case she came home earlier. He quickly dozed off.

He awoke after what felt like an hour and looked across at his wife's side of the bed. She wasn't home yet. He looked at the clock and saw that it was just past 3am. Where the fuck was she? As if in answer, she stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in her bathrobe.

"Oh! Didn't mean to wake you honey." She said.

"You just get in?" Dave said, his voice thick with the after effects of smoking and drinking.

"How much did you drink and smoke? The hall smells like a chimney." Rachel said, not answering the question.

"Why are you picking on me? You know I smoke during football. Why you back so late anyway?"

"Oh God! Lets not fight. Lina had a bit too much to drink so I took her home and stayed with her a while. Had coffee and made sure she was okay before I came back." Rachel replied. "Sorry about picking on you smoking. Do what you want."

Rachel climbed into bed and turned on her side, facing away from Dave. "I'm gonna sleep. I'm tired."

Dave felt a mix of remorse and anger. He didn't want to fight with his wife and he was angry at himself for jumping at her. He was also angry with her dismissal of him and turning her back on him.

"yeah. Goodnight." He growled. "I'm just gonna go have a pee."

"I don't need to know when you need to pee." Rachel said dismissively.

Dave made his way to the bathroom and stripped off. He was still wearing his shirt and pants that he had fallen asleep in. He changed into a t-shirt and pair of shorts and let loose a long stream of pee. It seemed to go on forever and he realized that he hadn't peed since drinking all that beer. He flushed and turned to make his way out of the bathroom when his eyes fell on the laundry hamper. Under the black dress lying on top of the hamper was a bright shade of pink. He moved the dress and found a pair of lacy, bright pink panties with black trim. Damn, they were sexy. He had never seen Rachel wear these before and his cock lurched in his pants. For some reason he bent to pick them up.

They were wet! More than wet, they were soaked at the gusset. Dave felt his heart start to beat faster. He drew the panties up closer and inspected them. They were definitely covered in juices. What had gotten Rachel so worked up? His cock lurched in his pants again as he raised the panties to sniff it. He could smell her pussy on them mixed with her pee. He could smell... Oh no... he could smell cum. The bleachy almost chlorine like smell was unmistakeable. He looked closer and he could see lumps of cum on the gusset where they covered her pussy. His hard on immediately deflated and he felt sick to his stomach. His wife of 3 years was fucking someone else.

The sick in the stomach feeling slowly turned to rage and he was in half a mind to wake up Rachel and throw her semen filled panties at her and demand and explanation. He had always been level headed and realized that she would just make some story up. That he was imagining it, that it was just her pussy juices. No, he had to catch her in the act. He had to get proof.

Dave didn't sleep the rest of the night. His mind was working on overtime. Had she really gone to see Lina? Did Lina know the man that was fucking his wife? Should he call Lina? No, he realized that Lina was too good a friend to ever take his side. He had to hatch a plan to catch her in the act. Then he would throw her good for nothing cunt and ass out the door.

By daybreak he had formulated a plan. The first thing was that he wasn't going to fuck her. He couldn't bear to fuck her pussy knowing that another cock had deposited its cum inside of it. It wasn't as if they fucked so often now anyway, maybe once a week. It was Sunday and she may want to fuck so he would feign a stomach bug. Then he would need to go on a work trip. That would also give that slut an opportunity to fuck whoever it was that she was fucking. But what if it was just a one night stand? Sigh, there were just too many questions. He had to go with the flow.

First things first, feigning a stomach bug.

He lay in bed till he felt Rachel stir. He rolled over on to his side. "Morning sleepy head." She said softly.

"Hmmm... morning" Dave replied, again almost growling.

"You still not pissed with me about coming home late last night are you?" Rachel asked.

Dave detected animosity in her voice, which only served to further fuel his own anger. This was not the time to be angry though. He needed to play his cards right. "Noo honey. I just don't feel too good."

"What's wrong?"

Again, Dave felt there was no compassion to her response. "Dunno. Stomach hurts. Feel nauseous."

"It's all that booze you drink. And those cigarettes. I'm not surprised." Rachel replied, almost haughtily. "You stay in bed and rest then. I've got to go do groceries and then maybe I'll go visit my parents."

"Okay Honey." Dave replied softly, playing his game. "Let me just rest."

He lay in bed and waited till she dressed and left the house. Then he got up and went back to the laundry basket. He picked up the panties again. The cum had dried up now to a thick crust. He felt that familiar sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. He threw the panties back in the hamper and covered it with the black dress. "Food bug indeed, I feel sick to my stomach because of you, you filthy pussy."

Dave plotted the second half of his plan. He would say that he needed to go on a work trip for a week but instead would book himself into one of the cheap motels just outside of town. He would rent a car so that he could follow her unnoticed and move around as he wouldn't have access to his own car.

Next he fitted a GPS tracker into their car. He would be able to track her movements and see where she went. He also installed tiny IP Cameras around the house so he could see what was going on.

Time passed quickly and by evening, all the necessary arrangements had been made. He had rehearsed his story too about where he was going and why he would be away for a week. He hoped that she would fuck whoever it was she was fucking in that time.

Rachel got back just before dinner.

"Hey you. How you feeling?" She asked as she touched his cheek softly. Hmmm... That was the Rachel he knew.

"Still a bit nauseous. But better." He replied. Lets get the show started, he thought to himself. "Look, I just got work from the office. There's an urgent project that I need to handle so I'll be away for a week. Leaving tomorrow."

"Oh no! One whole week?" She pouted. "What am I gonna do with you gone so long?"

"Sorry babe. But work is work." He said, almost matter of factly. "I'm sure you'll find something to do. Maybe you can spend more time with your Lina."

Her eyes seemed to light up. "Yeah, that might be fun! Maybe I'll go over and spend time with her for a few days."

Hmmmm... she seems to relish the idea, Dave thought to himself.

Rachel sidled up to him and pressed her bosom into his chest. "Feel like some loving? You aint getting this pussy in a week? Want some??" She teased.

"I'm really not up for it honey. I still feel queasy and unwell. Raincheck?"

"Awwww...okay babe, I understand." She said. Dave felt that she said it a little too quickly.

"Who's gonna fill my little kitty up then the whole week?" she went on, shaking her ass a little.

Filthy teasing slut. I'm sure that filthy cunt of yours is going to get filled up soon enough. Dave smiled back at her, resisting the temptation to tell her what he was thinking. He had to stick by his plan and play the unsuspecting husband.

"When I come back baby. When I come back."

The rest of the day went off fairly quickly and Dave went to bed early, realizing that all the planning had taken its toll on him.

The next morning he woke early and kissed Rachel softly. She stirred awake.

"leaving now babe. You take care. See you in a week."

"love you hon" Rachel replied and attempted to get up.

"Sleep in, it's okay. I'll see myself out." Dave said, not wanting a long goodbye. His mind was already working on his plan.

Dave stepped into the Uber he had ordered and got dropped off at the motel. Once there, he set up his laptop and switched on the cameras in the house remotely. After the connections was established, windows popped open on his screen, showing the bedroom, lounge and dining room. These were the only places that he had managed to install the cameras. The resolution was actually pretty decent and he could see things with enough detail. He tested the pan and zoom of the cameras and got used to the controls. Rachel was nowhere in sight. He sat and waited, surfing the web every now and then to pass time.

About half and hour later she came into view, in the bedroom camera. She had obviously stepped out of the shower and was buck naked. Dave watched as she stood in front of the mirror, inspecting herself. She moved to the dresser and started to get dressed. First a lacy bra, one of his favourites and then a matching pair of lace g-strings.

The bitch is dressing up, he thought to himself.

She walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out a short pullover dress that showed off her figure. Pulling it on, she went back to the mirror and turned this way and that. He saw her pick up her phone and start texting. She sat on the bed and carried on texting. He thought he could see her smile. She picked up her bag and dropped her phone in it and then walked toward the door. She disappeared from the screen and a short while later, reappeared in the lounge camera. He saw her walk out the door and he switched his main computer window to the GPS Tracking software.

The light blinked at their house address and then slowly started moving. He contemplated jumping into his car and using the GPS tracker on the phone app but decided to just wait this one out. He had no idea where she was going yet and didn't want to ruin things with his impatience.

Patience is a virtue Dave, he said to himself quietly.

He tracked the car as it moved out of his suburb and down the highway. Less than 15 minutes later it had stopped outside a house on Oak Street. He wasn't familiar with the area and didn't know anyone that lived there. His heart beat a bit faster. He was about to pick up his keys to go to the address when he noticed the car was moving again. He sighed as he sat back down and tracked the car again.

It moved on and back on to the highway. It took the exit to his home but moved further along and then stopped at their local safeway.

So she was shopping. But who did she pick up?

Dave lit a cigarette and watched the screen. 20 minutes later and the car started to move again. He expected the car to return home and he wasn't disappointed.

Let's see who the bitch picked up, Dave thought to himself. He maximized the lounge camera window and watched, his heart quickening. The door opened and Rachel entered carrying two bags of groceries, following behind was Lina. She was wearing a long, one piece lycra dress that accentuated her figure.

Damn. It's only Lina. Dave felt a twinge of guilt at his expectation that Rachel would be bringing her man home to their house. He had to admit he was kind of relieved. He relaxed a bit. He sat and waited as the girls disappeared from the camera. They were probably in the kitchen.

Dave realized he hadn't peed and his bladder was suddenly bursting. He went to relieve himself. When he got back, the girls still weren't on the screen. He quickly checked the GPS tracker and the car was still there.

He switched his view back to the camera and he saw the girls in the bedroom. Rachel was sitting on the edge of the bed and he saw Lina push her so she was lying on her back. Lina dropped to her knees and pushed Rachels dress up. Her hands went up to Rachels hips and pulled her panties down.

What the fuck??

He watched Rachel squirm as Lina ran her hand up Rachels thighs. He mouth then moved up to Rachels quim and he watched Rachel buck up against her.

Shit! Lina was eating Rachel out!! So the bitch is not only fucking someone else but she likes women as well?? Dave's emotions were in turmoil. He felt his cock stiffening and he could only wonder why Rachel had never said anything. Heck, he was more than happy to have a beaver muncher join them. Hell, he would even had fucked Lina!!

He kept his eyes riveted on the screen. His cock was lurching against his pants and he pulled them down to release his cock. It sprung up hard and rigid. Rachel's body suddenly arched upward and she convulsed. Shit, she had come really fast. He had never got her off so quick before.

He watched as Lina got up off her knees and moved toward the bed, gently caressing Rachel's face. Rachel raised herself and got off the bed. She moved toward Lina and started kissing her passionately. They moved so Lina's back was facing the camera. He saw Rachel slide Lina's dress down to her hips and then unhook her bra, which she then flung across the room. They moved again and their bodies were pressed close together. Rachel moved and pushed Lina down to a seating position on the bed.

Dave stared at Lina's firm big breasts. They were tight and firm with hardly any sag. His hand moved to his turgid cock and he started stroking it. He was already leaking precum and his eyes were fixated on the scene unfolding before him. Rachel was sucking on Lina's breast and her hand was buried between Lina's thighs.

Lina stood up and moved so her back was facing the camera again. He saw Rachel drop to her knees and pull the dress down. Lina was wearing black boyshorts and that was the next to be pulled down, showing off her tight supple ass.

Rachel was still on her knees and he couldn't see what was happening with Lina's back blocking the camera view. Rachel got up and lay back down on the bed. She lifted her knees up and pulled her legs apart. Lina moved to the front of the bed, in front of Rachel

"What the fuck!" Dave said aloud.

A huge cock, at least 9 inches long stood proudly erect between Lina's legs. Dave peered closer at the screen, making sure of what he saw. It was definitely a cock. A real cock.

"Holy Fuck!" Dave said loudly to himself. "She's got a cock! She's a fucking Tranny!!"

Dave's cock was harder than he had ever remembered it being. He was super turned on by this turn of events.

He watched, almost spell bound, as Lina lined her cock up against Rachels pussy. She pushed in slowly and he could see Rachel rolling her head back in ecstasy. Dave considered rushing over to interrupt the scene but he was worried they would be done by the time he got there. He decided he would just watch his own private porn show!

Lina started to fuck Rachel with wild abandon. Again, Dave wished he had audio. He was transfixed by what was going on screen. Lina was thrusting hard into Rachel, whose tits bounced up and down in time with each thrust. After a few minutes of pounding her, Lina pulled out and tapped Rachel on her arm. Rachel then turned around and got on her fours, pushing her ass into the air. Lina entered her again swiftly, taking her doggy style. She wasn't gentle at all and pounded Rachel's pussy hard. Another few minutes of this and Lina withdrew again.

This time she climbed on top of Rachel and took her missionary style. This time her strokes seemed long and slow and Dave watched both of them kissing as Lina fucked Rachel. Soon the thrusts became quicker and quicker and Dave timed the stroking of his cock with Lina's thrusting. He could feel his orgasm approaching and he controlled it.