Rose Liked To Watch

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An everyday housewife with a special interest.
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Summer 1970 in my old neighborhood. A story partly based in fact, and the rest....


Thirty eight years old but she felt like she was fifty, Rose Blaine thought as she looked out the front window of her nondescript house. The house was as bland as her life, as plain as she was.

Rose had been married for seventeen years to Henry, a long haul trucker who was frequently gone for weeks at a time, not that it was much better when he was home. No kids yet, not that they hadn't tried real hard in the beginning, but they certainly had been trying a whole lot less as the years passed. Their marriage had survived one (that Rose knew of) infidelty of Henry's and they had since settled into a steady peaceful life of relative happiness.

Their home was on a rather busy street, next door to a small grocery store, separated only by a driveway. Rose had never thought their small house was an ideal place to live, as the store did a healthy amount of business which made it a little noisy, but at least it was real convenient in case you needed something. Watching the people coming and going was also an interesting way to pass the time, and Rose would often sit on her porch on nice days and pretend to read the paper while people watching.

It was a hot July morning, already seventy three degrees and it was not even noon yet. The porch was still in the shade so Rose threw on a t-shirt and went out with the morning paper and plopped down in her favorite chair.

One of the bread delivery trucks had just pulled in front of the door and the guy was pulling the tall rack of assorted breads and pastries down the truck ramp. Oops! The delivery person was a woman, not a guy, Rose noted. Another victory for women's lib, Rose thought.

It seemed like you would have to be strong to haul those racks up and down all day in this heat, but the woman seemed like she was up to the task. With her big broad shoulders and short black hair she looked kind of butch to Rose. Her light blue uniform top was soaked with perspiration down from her neck to the small of her back and under her arms.

The assistant manager of the store had come out to talk to the delivery woman. He was a kid named Paul, probably not even twenty years old, who all the local girls seemed to be crazy about. Paul was kind of cute in an offbeat sort of way, Rose thought.

Paul was about six foot tall and skinny, and had long dirty blonde hair that he wore in a ponytail at work. Paul was as interested in the ladies as they were in him, as Rose had observed him eyeballing the girls that frequented the shop. Rose even thought he was checking her out once.

That proved to Rose that he was hopelessly horny, because she had never been anything much to look at even when she was his age. Not that she was unattractive, she was decent enough looking, but very plain. Now that she was old enought to be his mother, there would be no reason for him to give her a second glance.

Paul was holding the side door open for the delivery woman and Rose watched him check out the woman's ass as she went in. He looked up and saw Rose on the porch and waved sheepishly. Rose smiled and returned the wave. That kid must walk around with a hard on all day, Rose thought.

Rose saw a couple of the neighborhood girls coming up the street toward the store, a blonde and a brunette. These two would really get Paul's interest, Rose figured. The brunette's name was Diane, a daughter of a friend that Rose had gone to school with, and she was really built. The blonde with Diane was named Debbie, and Rose didn't know much about her.

They waved and greeted Rose as they went past the porch. Rose congratulated them on graduating from high school last month and told Diane to say hi to her mom for her. Rose wondered if her friend knew that her daughter Diane was going out dressed like that. She was wearing a white tank top that showed a lot more than it hid. Boy, that Diane was real busty, just like her mom Rose observed. She had to be a D cup for sure. Her friend Debbie had to be as big as Diane, maybe even bigger. Oh, to be eighteen again.

Bullshit, Rose remembered. When she was eighteen she wasn't doing anything that was worth remembering, although she wasn't walking around with bait like those two had either. If she had it though, she would have flaunted it just as much as they did, if not more so.

The day went by slowly and when the sun started hitting the porch, Rose went in and watched some TV. That got old fast, so Rose decided to have a beer. This decision came with greater frequency when Henry was away, and earlier in the day too. Of course there was no beer left so Rose went next door to the store.

Paul was working the register when she went in and headed to the beer cooler in the back of the store. Opening the cooler door, Rose felt the cold blast out at her and she stood for a minute to enjoy the refreshing frosty air.

As Rose reached in for a six pack, she happened to look down and suddenly realized she hadn't put a bra on. Her nipples were as erect as could be from the cold blast of the open cooler hitting them, and although Rose was rather modestly endowed on top, her nipples were quite large and thick, and they jutted out sharply against the t-shirt.

Rose closed the door and walked around the store idly looking at things while waiting for her nipples to calm down, because she wasn't going up to the counter looking like that. It was very fashionable for the girls to walk around braless these days, but it was not really the look Rose felt comfortable with. It was a good thing it was quiet that time of day in the store.

From around the front of the store, Paul came down the aisle she was in, returning some items to their proper place on the shelves. He smiled when he saw Rose.

"Far out! That looks really good Mrs. Blaine" Paul said with an grin on his face that continued to grow wider by the minute. "What I wouldn't give for a couple of those on a day like today!"

Rose laughed and told him he was too young for such vices, while shifting the beer from one hand to the other. Just then Rose realized that he hadn't been looking at the beer, but at her chest. Rose flushed with embarassment under Paul's persistent gazing and walked around him toward the checkout counter.

Rose set the beer on the counter and waited for Paul to come back up front. Looking at the mirror set up at the store's entrance, she saw that her nipples were harder than ever. That little exchange with Paul had only made the situation worse.

When Paul came up to the register to ring her out, he was still all eyes, making some more small talk but still staring at her chest. Everything he said was something you could take another way, not dirty or rude, but certainly suggestive. When Rose handed Paul the money, she saw her hand was shaking.

"Mr. Blaine on the road again?" Paul asked as he took the change from the register.

"Yeah, he left yesterday and he's gone for a week or so" Rose replied.

Rose took her change from Paul, and jumped a little when his hand grazed her own. Good grief, what was wrong with her? Rose thanked Paul and got out of the store before she managed to completely humiliate herself.

Rose went home and put the beer in her refrigerator after taking one out. She cracked it open and took a deep swallow of the frosty Rolling Rock, draining half of it while walking into the bedroom. Rose peeled off the t-shirt and dug out a bra from her dresser.

As Rose straightened up in front of the dresser, she paused and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her hands went up to her breasts, cupping her small round globes, her nipples still rock hard. It had been a long time since anybody had looked at her the way Paul had just then. Even if he was a goofy kid, Rose had to admit to herself that it was exciting.

Rose took her hands off of herself and put the bra on and replaced the t-shirt. No sense getting all hopped up now because Henry had only just left yesterday and would be gone for at least eight days more.


Rose had fallen asleep in front of the television and awoke to the sound of a rattling in the driveway. Rose squinted at the clock while fumbling for her glasses, 9:30 it read. She got up and went to the back porch to see what was happening in the back. Probably a cat had knocked over the garbage can again.

Rose took the beer bottles out with her, all six now history. Rose stumbled a little coming out of the doorway and onto the screened in back porch, the bottles clinking softly. The back was dimly lit by security lights at the side door, with shades on them to keep the light from shining towards their house.

Rose looked over and saw that Paul was standing near the side door of the store. Businesses like this store worked these kids crazy hours, Rose thought as she set the bottles down. They give them a title and then make them work long hours for short dough. The store closed at 9:30 so Paul was probably locking up. She was going to say good night to Paul when she saw someone come down the driveway to meet him.

It was that Debbie girl, the one with the blonde hair and big boobs. She went up to Paul and threw herself into Paul's arms. His hands grabbed Debbie by the butt cheeks and they embraced. Rose was going to go back inside but for some reason stood there frozen as they necked passionately.

Rose found herself actually feeling jealous as Paul and Debbie went at it. His hand were all over her, reaching under her blouse and groping those massive breasts. Rose wished she could see better, because the light was dim and she was looking through the screen window.

It must be the beer, Rose figured, as her fingers unclasped her jeans. Rose could not believe she was doing this, even in the dark. What if he could see over here? Rose's hand went under the elastic of her panties and slid through her dense bush, finding the opening moist and ready.

Debbie suddenly went down to her knees in front of Paul, pulling his pants down to his knees. His underwear came down next and then it was obvious Debbie was giving him head. Rose walked closer to the screen, desperate to see. All she could see was the back of Debbie's head, moving slowly up and down, and Paul holding her head with the hands.

Paul was running his hands through Debbie's curly blonde hair as she sucked his cock. He occasionally looked down the driveway, and one time Paul seemed to be looking right at Rose, who stopped and stood as still as possible until he looked away.

Debbie's head began bobbing even faster on Paul's cock while Rose's fingers worked with increasing intensity. She wanted to get a better look and had worked her way right next to the screen window, but could not see any better. Rose wanted to see Paul's cock, wanted to see what it looked like, wanted to see Debbie's mouth sliding up and down his shaft.

Rose came before Paul did, and she thought her knees would give out when she did. As her orgasm ended, Paul's began and he moaned as he grabbed Debbie's head. It looked to Rose like Debbie took his load right in her mouth, continuing to drain Paul long after he erupted.

Debbie got up and they embraced once again and after exchanging a few words Paul pulled up his pants and Debbie began walking away down the driveway. Paul grabbed her from behind and while kissing her on the back of the neck, reached underneath her arms and squeezed her breasts. This was only about ten feet from Rose now, and she held her breath. Her hands went to her own breasts and squeezed like Paul's hands were fondling Debbie's globes.

Paul's hands went down to the bottom of Debbie's blouse and pulled it up over her breasts. What a huge pair of breasts Debbie had on her, Rose marveled, as Paul's hands clutched at the teenager's enormous tits. Debbie laughed while pulling down her blouse and skipped on down the driveway.

Paul said good night to Debbie softly before turning back toward the side door of the store. Rose watched him unlock the door, her eyes on his firm buttocks. As he opened the door Paul turned back and looking directly at Rose, smiled at Rose and waved before closing the door behind him.

Oh my God! He couldn't have seen me, Rose insisted to herself. It was pitch black over here, there was no way for him to have seen her. He didn't wave at her, he was just swatting at a mosquito or something, Rose told herself as she pulled up her jeans and went back inside the house.

Rose knew better though, and was now faced with the prospect of facing that kid whenever she went to the store.


Rose didn't go to the store the next day, barely ducking her head out to get the paper off the steps. She looked out the window a few times and one time saw Paul sweeping the front of the store. Rose jumped back from the blinds when he looked over toward her house. After that Rose stayed away from the windows, and even though she needed butter, she went without rather than go next door and face Paul.

Around five o'clock Rose heard footsteps on the porch. Rose went to get her pocketbook, assuming it was the paper boy collecting for the week. When Rose opened the door there was nobody there, but as she was closing the door Rose happened to look down.

There was a small paper bag on the welcome mat. Rose opened the door and picked up the brown sack that was a little heavy. Rose closed the door behind her and brought the bag over to the table and opened it.

There was a note inside, resting on top of a six pack of Rolling Rock beer. Rose's hands were trembling as she opened the note and read it.

"Tonight the drinks are on me Mrs. Blaine" it read. "Nine thirty. I'm really looking forward to seeing you seeing us once again."


Rose nervously paced the floor. Her head was spinning in so many directions and her emotions a whilwind as well. She was filled with shame, anger, fear and lust and incredibly lust was the prevailing emotion. Rose had no idea what was going on inside of her, but it was something that was either brand new, or had been there all along and had chosen to come out of her now. The only thing Rose knew for sure was that she would be out on the porch at 9:30 tonight come hell or high water.

Henry called home at around nine that night. Rose found it difficult to talk to him and hoped he wouldn't go on and on like he often did. He babbled on about Chicago, how he had to pick up a load in the morning going to Wisconsin and might have something waiting for him there. If so, he might be a couple days later than he had expected.

Fine, fine Rose answered while looking nervously at the clock. Please shut up and get some rest Henry, she thought to herself. He went on and on about picking up some hitchhiking hippie to help break up the monotony of the trip, even though it was strictly against the rules. The kid had an American flag sown on the butt of his jeans and another patch that said Impeach Nixon. Imagine wanting to impeach the President! Henry continued chattering non-stop, with Rose half hearing and half watching the clock.

Finally around 9:25 Henry ran out of wind and Rose was able to break in and wrap up the call. "Fine, yes talk to you later... be careful driving... yes dear...yes dear..okay honey... goodbye!"

Rose dashed into the bedroom and got ready. She was going to wear a thin bathrobe and nothing else. Rose got the last two beers out of the refrigerator and went out to the back porch. It was dark and quiet back there, even the security light was out.

Rose settled into a comfortable chair and waited. Rose lit a cigarette, one of the five a day she had allowed herself in an effort to quit the habit slowly. What if this kid was just screwing around with her? Making her sit out here like an idiot like this while he's hiding and watching someplace with his friends.

Just then the security light came on and out came Paul, who first looked down the driveway and then glanced over at Rose's direction. Rose had made sure it was as dark as possible, but for some reason she could not explain, picked up her cigarette and took a deep inhale.

The burning ember of the cigarette lit up Rose's face as she took the drag, then dimmed as she took the cigarette away and put it in the ashtray. Rose saw Paul smile and he gave a little wave and the sound of footsteps grew louder in the driveway.

It was Debbie, wearing a bright red tube top that drew even more attention to her bust. She skipped into his arms and they began to neck excitedly. Rose reached down for a beer with one hand while dropping her other hand down on her thigh.

Paul put his arm around Debbie's waist and started leading her over to Rose's back yard and to Rose's amazement sat Debbie down at the picnic table. Debbie pulled down Paul's pants and underwear and began sucking his cock.

Although they was closer than where they were last night, the lighting was worse in her yard and Rose could not see much, but could hear plenty. Rose could hear the slurping sounds Debbie was making as she energetically sucked his cock. Rose could hear Paul moaning and encouraging Debbie as she worked on his dick. From what Rose could make out in the shadows, it appeared that Paul had a pretty big one.

"Oh that's great Debbie...that's it, now work my nuts too baby. That's it, you know what I like don't you? Go down further on it baby, take in as much as you can" Paul groaned as he pushed Debbie further down his staff.

Debbie made a little choking sound and pulled off his cock for a second, still stroking him with her hand, while Rose longed for a better angle.

"It's too big Paulie" Debbie hissed "and you know what I want you to do with it tonight, so don't you cum. I need you to fuck me baby!"

Rose's hand had found her pussy and she gently stroked herself, trying to hold back despite how excited she was getting just listening to these two. Paul pulled Debbie off his cock and she pulled her shorts off and hopped up on the picnic table, laying down on her back. Her legs were hanging off the end of the table as Paul moved between her legs with his cock in hand. Rose wanted so badly to turn on the porch light so she could see better.

From the loud groan that came from Debbie, it was obvious that Paul had put his cock in Debbie and he was wildly pumping in and out of her while standing at the end of the table. He held her legs up in the air and thrust savagely into her, relentlessly pounding into the girl. He went on like this for what seemed like ten minutes, never slowing or stopping.

Debbie had at least two orgasms and Rose had just had her second when Paul hit another gear and was drilling into her like a jackhammer. The still of the night was only broken by the sound of their bodies smacking together. Rose listened in awe as Debbie started whimpering in response to Paul's fierce pounding before finally orgasming once again, while trying to muffle herself as best she could.

At last Paul pulled out of Debbie's pussy and stroked himself a few times before groaning and shooting his load off to the side. As quickly as it had begun, it was over. Debbie put her shorts back on as Paul pulled his pants back up. They left Rose's backyard and Rose listened as their footsteps got fainter as they went down the driveway.

Rose was drained, feeling like she had been the one getting screwed instead of Debbie. That had been amazing to watch, and Rose couldn't believe how long Paul had managed to keep fucking. It must have been twenty minutes at least without so much as a let up. Rose was used to the three minute variety, and to make it worse it happened so rarely these days.

Rose stood up and lit her last cigarette and looked out to her backyard. Opening the screen door, Rose walked over toward the picnic table. The night air had turned noticeably cooler, and Rose felt the chill under her thin robe, which was thoroughly drenched with her sweat. As Rose got closer to the table they had used as a bed, she could smell the lingering aroma of whatever cheap teenager perfume Debbie had been wearing.