Rider Ch. 18-21


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She thought for a moment then said. 'I've got a better idea. I'll tell Mum I'm going straight from dance class to the yard. 'I'll skip the lesson, like I did last week, there'll be a bit of flack but nothing serious. That way we can have a couple of hours together. But more importantly, will Ros mind us doing that?'

Again I was amazed at her maturity, her appreciation and consideration of how another might feel about what we were planning to do.

'We've talked about that, in fact she sort of expected you to want to see me again before we leave. She said, well what she actually said was that it would be a small price to pay.'

'Ah, I can understand that. But when you see her and tell what's happening, ask her if she'd mind if, I mean once you are settled-in together, if you'd both mind if I paid a visit sometime.'

'In the city?'

'Mmm, I'm sure there'll be something I need to go up for. You know, something educational, to do with the final exams. I'll need to stay over of course, and I'm sure Mum and Dad would be pleased if they didn't have to fork out for accommodation.' she said with a mischievous grin.

'But about tomorrow, I might get spotted if I come to the motel in broad daylight. Can you do what we did the other morning, pick me up in the lane by the post office?'

I said that would be no problem and as by then we were close to the stable-yard, having confirmed what time she expected to be there the following afternoon she blew me a kiss and hurried off to meet her riding companion.

The dining room was pretty full that evening so Ros and I had little chance to talk, which in a way wasn't a bad thing. She said she'd join me when she had finished, then raised my excitement even higher by telling me she had brought some over-night things with her.

Although it was less than twenty-four hours since we had last made love when she came up to my room neither of us wasted any time in what would have been an unnecessary preamble, literally falling into bed together. But once we had somewhat reduced the heat of the fires we each had burning inside the first thing she wanted to know was if I had been able to see Mandy.

I gave her a virtually word-by-word recounting of what had initially happened, and told her how amazed I'd been at Mandy's maturity. She didn't seem too surprised, but then wanted to know if Mandy had expressed a wish to see me again.

I was naturally reluctant to answer, but of course had no choice but to tell her what Mandy's idea had been. But then added what she'd also said about maybe coming up to see us sometime in the future.

Her reaction astounded me as much as Mandy's original proposal had, she laughed. 'Oh what a darling girl! So what did you say?'

'Actually I don't think I said anything at all. You don't really mind if I see her tomorrow evening?'

'Rob I told you I expected her to want that. I mean obviously I'd be happier if it were me you were spending the time with. But I have a stack of things to do before Saturday morning, I'll be too busy to worry too much about what's going on. And now I'll have the prospect of her joining us sometime for another threesome to think about. So no I don't really mind, you go ahead with what you've arranged, and I'll get started on some packing.'

So that was that, and although Ros's beautiful body and her enthusiastic approach made our later love-making exhaustingly satisfying, from time to time I still couldn't prevent myself thinking about what was going to happen the following afternoon.


Chapter 20

Just Au Revoir

Before she left to go down to the restaurant to start preparing things for breakfast Ros told me that apart from in the dining room, she wouldn't see me again until we were ready to go on Saturday morning. She brushed my protests aside by saying I simply had to understand just how much she actually had to do to get ready, that she couldn't just walk out of her house.

'Even if it's only to be for the couple of weeks I have a lot to do Rob. But I think we both hope it will actually be for a lot longer, and although if all does go well between us I can come back down to fix things permanently, there's still a mass of things that can't wait.

So just be patient with me. Anyway, you never know, Mandy might be able to join you on Friday too.' She added as she headed out of the door.

Somehow I managed to fill in the day, I returned the keys to my aunt's house and spent an hour or so with my cousin, then went down on the beach for a swim and after that lay in the sun for a while.

I thought back over the incredible events of the last ten days, then tried to imagine what my new life would be like, with Ros. Just having her with me would certainly create some dramatic changes, and I felt sure that her personality and attitude to life would bring about many more. But far from worrying me, the prospect of that was exciting. And I felt sure that the changes she would make to my previous adequate, but relatively unpredictable sex-life would be even more so.

And of course from time to time I also found myself thinking about Mandy. About the possibility of her visiting us at some time in the future, about the idea of a repeat of the things we had done to and with each other. And about seeing her later that afternoon.

And of course found that all that thinking had given me a somewhat embarrassingly solid erection that only subsided after another, more vigorous swim.

But eventually it was time to go off to meet Mandy and having parked where I had before, and left the rear door slightly ajar, I waited for her to appear. Through the rear-view mirror I saw a couple of dozen boys and girls passing down the main street, then nothing for several minutes. I was just beginning to think something had happened to make her change her plans, when she popped into view, glancing nervously about before turning into the lane, then scurrying for the car.

'OK let's go.' she said as she pulled the door shut behind herself and slid down onto the floor. 'I'm a bit late because I waited until I was sure everyone else had gone, so they wouldn't see me.' she explained.

As I drove off I heard her fumbling with something and when we got back to the motel I found she had put a raincoat on over her school uniform. 'Just check that the coast's clear please Rob.' she said, then when I assured her it was, she scooted up the steps that led up to the veranda.

I followed just as quickly and it was only when I'd shut the door that we both realised just how laughable our actions must have seemed to anybody who might have been watching, and we both had an uncontrollable fit of the giggles.

'I don't think I'd make a very good spy Rob.' she said as our laughter subsided.

'Nor I, I think if anyone had been watching us we just managed to make ourselves look even more obvious. But I'm sure there was nobody around, so let's not worry about it. You're here now.' I said, helping her take off her raincoat.

'Yes I am, and I've brought several days' pent-up frustration with me.' she replied as she reached around me and pulled herself close.

As we kissed I slid my hands down her back to her buttocks, gripping the delightfully tight globes and pulling her even harder up against myself. The scent of her filled my nostrils as our tongues snaked and twined, the feel of her body squirming itself against mine set my pulse racing, and I got an almost instantaneous erection.

'Ah yes, that's what I want.' she whispered when we eventually broke for a gulp of air, wriggling one hand down between us to find the swollen length of it.

'All in good time, let me get rid of some of that frustration some other way first, then we'll both enjoy what my friend here can do for us even more.'

'Oh I like that idea.' she said excitedly, immediately starting to undo the buttons down the front of her uniform.

'Slow down a bit.' I said, stopping her. 'Let's not be in such a rush Mandy, you'll find everything is even better if you give yourself time to enjoy it. Let's undress each other first, take it in turns to do one bit at a time. OK?'

'OK.' she answered in no more than a low whisper. 'Teacher knows best.'

'Shoes and socks first.' I said as I went down on my knees.

She dropped a hand down on to my shoulder for support as I lifted one foot and eased the shoe off, then I felt her fingers gripping me more tightly when, instead of immediately taking off her sock, I slid my hand slowly up and down her calf a few times. I did the same with the other foot, but that time let my hand move higher, to her knee, then up under her skirt to the even smoother, even more stirring soft firmness of her thigh. And when I'd taken off both shoes and socks I remained kneeling for a few moments, running both hands up and down the backs of her legs and pressing my face against the gentle curve of her stomach.

The thought of what lay beneath that thin layer of cotton fabric made my head spin, and I felt my cock surge even higher. But I resisted the temptation to do anything more and dropped my hands, then stood up. 'Now it's your turn.' I said, noticing how flushed her face had already become.

As wearing trousers stopped her from doing exactly what I had, she improvised, taking off my shoes and socks then glancing up momentarily before unfastening my trousers and tugging them down off me. But then she did what I had, in her case pressing her cheek against the solid bulge in my underpants as she ran her hands up and down the backs of my thighs.

I had never thought of my legs as being secondary erogenous zones, and maybe it was just because that time I also had her head pressing against my slowly pulsating cock, but her fingers seemed charged. From the moment they made contact I felt a tingling thrill, and as they moved over my skin the tingling feeling strengthened, rippling straight up my spine. I reached down and stroked her soft hair, at the same time pressing her just a little more firmly against myself. 'That feels really, really good. You've become an expert.' I said. 'But too much more of that will bring on a much too hasty conclusion.' I added, reluctantly pushing her head back a little and then pulling her to her feet.

But as she rose she slipped her hands up under my shirt, so although the source of the tingling thrills changed the effect continued, and when she turned her hands and ran her nails lightly down my back I felt myself shuddering. Not that I was inactive, once on her feet I finished what Mandy had started, undoing the rest of the buttons down the front of her uniform, then bending to kiss the nape of her neck as I pushed it down off her shoulders.

'You'll have to ignore the undies, I didn't have a chance to change into something more sexy Rob.' she whispered between soft gasps of pleasure as my hands ran slowly up and down her back.

'It's the contents, not the packaging that I'm really interested in.' I replied as I fumbled with the clip on her bra, then adding. 'Just move over there and sit down on the bed, I want us both to enjoy this.'

As she went across to the bed I took my shirt off, but didn't take my eyes off her. Even the regulation white cotton briefs couldn't detract from her beauty, her pale, completely unblemished skin, the line of her back, the sensuously curving shape of her slender waist and rounded hips. Then she turned and sat down and my eyes dropped to the even more stunning beauty of her breasts.

By comparison with Ros's magnificent pair they were of course relatively small, but their tautly upcurving shape more than made up for any lacking in sheer size. And at that moment I could neither recall nor imagine a picture or painting of a more mouth-watering example of youthful feminine loveliness.

I knelt down in front of her and cupping my hands I slipped one up under each breast, taking their weight and gently grazing their tips with my thumbs. 'You're going to be told this many, many times Mandy, but you really are stunningly beautiful.' I said softly before bending to kiss one of the already stiffening nipples.

Just the feel of her breasts in my hands and the scent of her in my nostrils sent my pulse racing, and when I felt my cock straining against the confine of my briefs, I wished I'd taken them off too. But doing my best to ignore what was happening to me, I concentrated on what I could do for Mandy.

I lost track of how long I spent fondling, kissing and then sucking her breasts and nipples, using every technique I knew, alternating feather-light licking and finger-tip stroking with occasional nibbles and squeezes. But it was obviously effective because her initial sighs of pleasure gradually turned to soft moans of more deeply felt excitement. Then, some time later, after a good deal more fondling, licking and nibbling, those changed to lower, almost plaintive mewling sounds.

Hearing those reminded of something she'd said, about how close to orgasm she'd got from me doing that the other time, and, wondering if this time I could actually get her there, I gradually intensified what I was doing.

By then, her nipples had become more swollen and much stiffer, and as I squeezed her flesh more firmly, I sucked harder than I had previously done. But even though it was what I had been trying to do I was still amazed when, after a few minutes of that she gave a sharp grunt. Then, the fingers that had been running through my hair suddenly tightened their grip, her entire body seemed to tense, and she gave a surprised, much shriller cry. 'Oh Rob! Oh, yes! Yeeesss!'

Although frankly astonished at the intensity of her response, once I realised that she was actually starting to climax, and while I continued squeezing one breast with my hand, I took as much of the other as I could get into my mouth, and sucked even harder.

I had to lift myself as she arched backwards, and then she clamped one hand over her mouth to muffle her cries of delight, and I felt her thrusting the other down between her legs as her entire body began a series of shuddering convulsions.

'Oh that wasn't fair! But it was fantastic! And even more so because it was completely unexpected.' she gasped a couple of minutes later as the shuddering began to subside. 'But now it's my turn. So get up please.' she added as she firmly pushed my head away.

As I did so she ran her hands down over me, then hooked her fingers into the waist-band of my briefs. 'It's nice to see you got excited from doing that for me.' she said, eyeing the damp spot made by the pre-cum that had been oozing from my cock. 'But they're nowhere near as wet as mine are.'

I was thankful that she didn't try to yank them straight down, instead pushing one hand inside and keeping the rigid length out of the way as she tugged with the other. 'And it feels very hot too. Hot, hard, and obviously ready for some TLC.' she said as she pushed my briefs down and I stepped out of them.

When she took her restraining hand away my cock sprang upright, my excited anticipation at what she was about to do making it quiver. 'I always forget just how big it is, and how magnificent, how powerful it looks.' she said in a husky, and barely audible voice. Now let's see if it tastes as good as it looks.' she added, reaching one hand around behind me to urge me forward, while the other pressed it down level with her waiting mouth.

The feel of her lips slipping moistly down over my cock-head was sheer bliss, and I felt muscles tensing as her fingers tightened around the shaft and she pushed slowly forward until she'd taken about a third of the total length. 'Mmm!' she gurgled, looking up with mischievously sparkling eyes as she began to move her head back and forth. Then she slid her hand down between my legs and began rolling and gently squeezing my balls, all the time continuing to stare up at me, obviously watching the signs of my steadily increasing tension.

I sensed she'd have been happy to take me all the way to a climax and although that wasn't what I wanted, the thrills she gave me was so strong I was certainly tempted to let her continue for much longer than I did. But I suddenly got another idea, about how we could both get equal amounts of enjoyment. 'Hold on a minute Mandy.' I said after a few minutes, pulling my cock back out of her mouth and reaching down for her.

'Why?' she protested almost angrily.

'Try it this way instead, it'll be better, for both of us. Slip your panties off.' I replied getting up on the bed and stretching out across it.

At first she thought I wanted her to just kneel between my legs, but when I tugged her around the other way she quickly got the idea. 'Ah, sixty-nine, yes I like that idea. Just shows what a good teacher can add to things.' she said with a giggle as she got up on all fours above me.

Her pussy still showed all the signs of her climax, the outer lips puffy and swollen, the cleft between them wet with her juices, and as she lowered herself down the acridly musky scent of her arousal was strong, excitingly strong. I reached up for her hips and eased her just a little lower, then slid my tongue up into the cleft, my taste buds tingling as I licked and swallowed the surplus. And at precisely the same moment she lowered her mouth to my rearing cock, re-starting the blissful feelings she'd been giving me before as she began moving it slowly up and down.

Somehow we each managed to control the urge to hurry through to a quick, but dramatically explosive finale, pacing ourselves, picking up and following each other's changing rhythms. And so both extending and heightening the stimulation we were giving one another, thrilling at both giving and receiving equal amounts of incredibly intense pleasure.

But of course neither of us could hold back forever but, just as I felt the pressure inside me rising close to its critical point, Mandy stopped what she was doing. 'Not that way Rob, I want to feel you coming inside me. And I want to watch your face too!' she gasped breathlessly as she lifted herself off me.

It took her only a matter of seconds to swivel and turn herself around, and then replace her mouth with her pussy. 'You don't mind, do you?' she asked anxiously, her face and neck flushed a deep red.

'Of course not.' I mumbled, thrusting my cock up to meet her downward push.

Although what she had been doing with her mouth and tongue had been spectacularly wonderful, the feel of the moistly clinging velvet of her pussy was ten times more so, and I heard myself letting out a long, gasping groan as my cock pushed deeper.

Mandy must have been even closer to her climax that I had been because just feeling the hard length driving up into her triggered its onset. 'Sorry!' she gasped, then rocked herself back and forth, again suppressing her cries by clamping her hand to her mouth as the tremors surged up through her body.

Although she wasn't actually moving up and down I could still feel the effect of her orgasm, her contractions making various muscles flex, including those that were gripping my cock, giving me the feeling it was being rhythmically squeezed by a number of tiny fingers. The effect was so strong I couldn't help myself, thrusting upwards, so powerfully I literally lifted Mandy up off the bed.

Then, although she was still shuddering from her continuing climax I felt her knees and thighs clamping tight, restraining the urgency of my actions in exactly the same way as she would control those of a feistily bucking horse.

Somehow I managed to hold myself back, doing my best to relax while her spasms slowly tapered off. 'Phew! That was even more of a surprise, sorry Rob.' she croaked between panting gasps for breath.

'You've nothing to apologise for. I nearly lost it then too. Thank goodness for the thighs of steel.' I added with a grin.

She smiled back at me. 'So, now let's concentrate on you.' she said in a more determined tone, pressing down on my chest as she added. 'You just lie quite still, I'll do the next bit.'