Remembering Becky Ch. 07

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Soaring with eagles, skinny-dipping with strangers.
6.5k words

Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 09/20/2004
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Thanks again for making this story easier to write than I had thought it would be, due mostly to your enthusiastic responses, generous voting and many words of encouragement.

Chapter seven finds Becky and David exploring new territories...


We slept surprisingly well in the tent, although Becky's first middle of the night foray into navigating to the outhouse with the lantern proved an experience for her, although she initially declined to elaborate. I later learned that someone from the adjoining campsite was coming out when Becky was headed for the door, providing a rude awakening for both of them.

After a breakfast of campfire toast, granola bars and coffee. we enjoyed another beautiful warm and sunny day. We rented a canoe and explored the island in the middle of the pond, a mysterious place that I had always found to be enjoyable. I found it fascinating how such a small and hilly chunk of land could have so many points of interest. Becky was fascinated at the difference between the grassy side of the island which faced our campsite, and the opposite side of the island, which ended in a sheer rockface about fifty feet above the water.

Becky wanted to dive off of it, or at least claimed that she wanted to, which was most likely a bluff designed only to scare me. Who knew what was waiting underneath the surface there? After getting back in the canoe we spent a long time playing hide and seek with a loon. Becky got to see one fairly close up as we floated to within about twenty feet of one several times before it would dive underwater again, only to resurface twice the distance away and floating off in another direction.

"God, loons are so beautiful" Becky said as we tried to quietly paddle nearer only to have the loon dive down again. "Too bad we can't get really close to it."

"I think the loon is telling us exactly how close he wants us to get" I suggested. "We might think we're playing with him, but it's really the other way around. Besides, the elusiveness is part of their beauty and mystery, I think. As long as we don't go near the shore where their nest is, it probably doesn't mind playing out here with us."

After an extended play time with the loon, it apparently got bored with us and took a mighty dive that propelled him an exceptionally long distance from us, which was the signal that the game was over. We contented overselves with another lazy circuit around the perimeter of the pond before finally returning the canoe to the swimming area and walking back to camp.

That night after dinner we got the fire raging again and enjoyed another beautiful evening under the stars. I cracked open a bottle of champagne that I had buried in the bottom of the cooler and we enjoyed the bubbly as we threw the last logs onto the fire.

"We'll have to get more wood for our last night Dave" Becky said, the nightly fire clearly becoming a high point of the experience for her.

"We won't be here tomorrow night, if the weather permits that is" I said while declining to elaborate. "And speaking of the weather, I wouldn't be surprised if we got stormed on tonight. I've never gotten away without getting rained on up here before, and the weather's been just too perfect so far."

I would have liked to been wrong, but I wasn't. At least Mother Nature was considerate enough to wait until we had made our final trip to the facility. We brushed our teeth and enjoyed a primitive bath in our makeshift sink before the first raindrops started to fall.

We quickly got into the tent with some liquid refreshments as the rain grew steadier and harder. The coals in the fire hissed loudly as the rain grew in intensity. My tent was fairly large, as it was billed as being for six people. I had always gotten a kick out of that claim, trying to figure out how you could ever jam six people into this tent and actually sleep. It was similar to trying to get the sixteen servings out of a half gallon of ice cream that the nutrition label suggests. Still, the tent was almost tall enough for us to stand up in, and served our needs well. Our main need at this point was to stay dry and it was doing fine in that regard, despite the deluge from above.

We sat on our bed in the faint light of the lantern and listened to the rain persistently beating on the roof of the tent. Becky looked over at me and smiled ever so sweetly, her hand roaming under the sheet.

"You know what the sound of the rain makes me feel Dave?" Becky asked shyly.

"Sleepy?" I offered innocently, knowing full well that was not the case.

"No, you turd" Becky said sharply. "Does this give you a hint?

As she peeled off her sweatshirt and kicked of her pants, I got the hint.

"Too bad there's no shower around here. I tried to take a bath in our little sink-bowl but I probably smell like a monkey" Becky said while sniffing her underarm.

"There's no way I could tell if you stink or not, because I smell the same as you do. Probably we both smell like smoke from sitting so close to the fire. I'll prove it to you" I said and with that leaned over and buried my face in her armpit, my tongue dancing lightly over the lush forest and extracting a squeal of delight from Becky as usual.

"You smell fine and you taste great too" I told Becky as we tore off our clothes and made love to the rhythm of the falling rain.


The next day at camp, which unfortunatly was our last full day, was spent lounging around and swimming off our little beach. To be honest, Becky swam and I was content to wade around near shore, even going so far as putting my lawn chair out into the water at one point and sitting in it with the water up to my neck while watching Becky.

Becky was wearing a bright lemon yellow one- piece bathing suit which made her look amazing. I had suggested we go down to the public beach but Becky made a face and pointed at the crimson curls peeking out from the crotch of the suit. There was only the tiniest wisps of hair visible but she was adamant, so we stayed around the campsite.

As the afternoon grew late, I announced that we would be going out to dinner, and as Becky got dressed in the tent I packed my backpack with the things we were going to need.

"We aren't going anyplace fancy I hope" Becky said as she emerged from the tent in sweats.

"No, what you're wearing now, that's perfect" I assured her. "If there's anything you are going to need before tomorrow morning, grab it now."

"Another David adventure looms on the horizon, I fear" Becky said ominously as she gathered up a couple of things before we headed out.

We drove down the long bumpy road and then over to Old Forge, the largest town in the area. We went to Slickers, a tavern painted a garish yellow, located right on Fourth Lake. We devoured a pizza, some chicken wings and beer, and enjoyed being back in civilization for a brief period of time.

It was getting close to six o'clock, and I encouraged Becky to use the rest room. "After all, when's the last time you got to flush a toilet?"

We drove back toward our campsite but after leaving the paved county highway and driving about halfway down the washboard road that led to the campground, I had Becky turn off into a small parking area which, to my chagrin, already had a car in it. We grabbed the backpack out of the trunk and I led Becky down a grassy trail.

"Black Bear Mt. 2.8 miles" Becky said while reading the sign at the trail entrance. "Are we going mountain climbing Dave?"

"I thought it would be a great idea to work off dinner, don't you agree? I asked. "Ever been mountain climbing before Becky?"

"Umm, Whiteface Mountain" Becky answered.

"Well, this is nowhere near as big a mountain as that one" I assured her.

"I was in a car that time Dave" Becky retorted.

"If you'd rather not... " I suggested, offering her a way out while praying she wouldn't take it.

"You know best Dave" Becky said. "You've done a fantastic job on this trip so far so I leave my ass in your hands. You seem to be carrying a whole lot of stuff though."

"All part of the plan my dear" I said as the trail turned right and started the lazy incline that would lead us to the summit. Just then I looked ahead of us on the trail and grabbed Becky's arm to stop her.

Just ahead in a clearing, a deer was standing across the trail, about a hundred feet away from us. Seconds later, another came into view behind that one and they both stood staring back at us. Becky's face was full of awe and amazement as we walked slowly and quietly toward them on the trail.

We got to about twenty feet of them, almost close enough to touch them, or so it seemed. They looked at us, tilting their heads to the side almost in unison. They then decided to move on, doing little ballet leaps over the brush as they bounded off unhurriedly. We watched them as they departed, until they finally disappeared deep into the woods, the rustling and crackling sounds slowly fading as they left.

When I looked at Becky there were a few tears trickling down her smiling face.

"Are you okay?" I asked, enjoying what had obviously been a magical moment for her.

All Becky could do was nod and hug me for the longest time, as I felt the emotion charge through her. I knew how she felt, because it wasn't like watching a circus, or looking at deer at a petting zoo.

We moved on up the trail, which became a little steeper and rockier as we climbed higher. I had no doubt at all that Becky could handle this. Black Bear being only 2,488 feet in elevation meant this was only marginally a mountain. The climb was still a workout though, especially if you weren't used to it. Becky paused about halfway up and took off her sweats.

"Hope you don't mind, but I'm starting to get hot" Becky said as she tied the shirt around her waist and took off her pants which I stuck in the pack.

"No, I don't mind at all" I assured Becky, "but I insist you lead the way from here on."

"Why, so you can look at my ass all the way up?" Becky said impudently.

"What do you think?" I asked her, knowing full well that was exactly what I planned to do, now that she was down to a tank top and shorts.

Indeed, the sight up Becky's impossibly long and shapely legs in front of me inspired me to climb better, even though the pack was starting to weigh me down a little. Just watching those muscular thighs and calves rippling just before me as she climbed was more than enough to keep me going.

We passed an older couple coming down as we neared the summit. They must have been well over sixty but were looking sprightly as we passed on the trail and exchanged greetings.

As they disappeared down the trail, Becky shook her head.

"Boy, I'm glad I didn't complain about the climb. They were old enough to be our parents" Becky said grinning.

In moments, after a bit of a scramble over bedrock we were on the summit, and while it was only a tiny mountain in the grand scheme of things, the view was spectacular, and even more so when you considered the relatively short climb to get there. From many painful past experiences I had learned that you could climb far bigger mountains for twice as long for a fraction of the visual payoff you got from the top of Black Bear.

Thankfully we were alone on the summit, and we had made it with still almost an hour of sunlight remaining. I pointed out to Becky the various points of interest, with Cascade Mountain, Seventh Lake, Raquette Lake and Blue Mountain all layed out around us, and she seemed fascinated as she took it all in.

"I can't believe how far you can see from up here" Becky remarked, as we watched the sun beginning to set. "Let me guess, are we staying up here tonight?"

"No way we could make it down before dark" I told her as I looked for a place away from the summit. "Well, actually we could get down if we really hustled. It's up to you. Staying up here overnight is just something I've always wanted to do from the first time I climbed this."

True to form, Becky embraced the idea and helped me find a place to set up our very basic camp, which consisted of a ground cover and a sleeping bag.

"What else you got in the bag Dave?" Becky asked as she emptied the backpack. "Hmmm... here's a flashlight. That'll be good in case it gets dark I guess. Candy... yum. A can of cashews and a two liter 7up."

"That's fortified with vodka" I informed her, and she gave a thumbs up to that news.

"I approve" Becky announced. "Now what do we do if one of us has an appendicitis attack in the middle of the night?"

"Good question," I admitted as I pulled out the little swiss army knife from my keychain and looked at it dubiously while holding it up for Becky's inspection.

Satisfied with the emergency provisions, we relaxed on the makeshift bedding that we had set up on a bare patch of ground on a gentle incline facing the panoramic mountain view before us.

That wasn't what I came up here for, however, and hoped that the skies would remain clear as night came fast to us on the summit. If Becky thought it was dark in the campground at night, well even I was amazed at how dark, dark could actually be.

I lit a match and fired up the little votive candle which gave us a chance to at least see each other's faces. Behind us in the trees that grew along the slope of the mountain, we heard rustling and scraping noises.

"Um Dave, please explain the origin of those noises" Becky asked with her eyes bulging in mock terror, or perhaps semi-mock.

"There's probably a reason for this place being called Black Bear Mountain" I suggested. "Then again, it's probably some little nocturnal guy hunting around. Either way, I'm going to stay right here."

As the skies became blacker with each passing moment, the constellations became more and more obvious, and even at this modest elevation appeared to be so close you could touch them. Mercifully the skies remained clear as we reclined and absorbed the view.

We had polished off the two liter cocktail and snacks, and I was just making sure that the flashlight was at hand if needed, when out of the corner of my eye I saw it. Becky had noticed it first and grabbed my shoulder as she gasped.

A minute later, we saw another streaking across the heavens. The Perseids meteor showers occur around the same time every year, and these conditions were excellent for viewing. We sat up watching and waiting while the show continued, as these shooting stars would sizzle across the sky. We eventually stopped pointing them out to each other and just sat enthralled.

It must have been around midnight when the clouds began coming in, which effectively ended our astronomical adventures. The night had been remarkably warm and relatively bug free so far, which made it exceptionally pleasant.

"Was that meteor shower part of your plan too?" Becky asked.

"Well, I knew it was the time of year for the Perseids to be visible, but it was just sheer luck that the clouds held off as long as they did" I told Becky.

Just then, I heard the unmistakable sound of thunder south in the distance. Faint at first, the sound grew louder as the thunder rolled north toward us, sounding like a bowling ball going down a phenomenally long alley.

"Is that part of your plan too, Davy boy?" Becky asked as the sound echoed around us.

No, this was absolutely not part of the plan. A storm was not part of the weather forecast, but that meant nothing in these parts. Thunder storms would pop up out of nowhere without warning and leave just as fast. As for us, I had no clue what we would do, because there was nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. This had the potential to get quite ugly, not to mention a little dangerous, as we were potential lightning rods up here.

Becky was not as concerned as I was, or if she was she didn't show it. The thought of getting drenched and sitting in the rain until the sun came up was not going to ruin Becky's night, so I was not surprised when Becky started peeling off her clothes as the rolling thunder intensified with such volume you could actually feel it. In the spirit of the event I joined her in undressing.

"Making love in a storm will be really awesome Dave" Becky said as she grabbed my cock, which was in the state of rising anyway.

Becky went down on my cock, sucking furiously while working my balls. Over her shoulder I saw a another flash of lightning and a few drops of rain began to fall. The storm seemed to be coming from the southwest and I prayed that it would stay west of us. The light and sound show was more than exciting enough for me.

Becky rolled on top and put me inside of her as the rain sprinkled down on us. The lightning was the only illumination as Becky continued to ride me, and I could see her flailing her arms in the air as the thunder bellowed around us. She seemed like a female Thor, as the heavens seemed to erupt in response to her wild gestures.

Becky then spun around on me so that she was facing the light show that had been going on over her shoulder. She continued grinding into me as she watched the skies come alive above us, periodically emitting yelps of delight, caused only partly because of me. I was content to hold her hips from behind as she gyrated.

Becky came first, howling into a particularly deafening thunderclap, and I followed her soon after. The sprinkle of rain had pretty much stopped by then, leaving us only slightly damp as the rolling thunder revue seemed to fade away.

"Ooooh that was so cool Dave" Becky said as we hugged each other. "Too bad we didn't really get a wicked one."

"That was more than fine the way it was, thank you very much" I answered. "I thought you were the one controlling the elements, the way you were waving around."

"I felt kinda like that" Becky said, as we put our clothes back on and got our bedding straightened out for the night ahead. "That was the most unbelievable experience ever. Thank you so much for showing me all of this Dave. It's a whole new world for me and I don't want this vacation to end."

"It doesn't ever have to end" I told Becky as we held each other.


We awoke very early in the morning soaked with the morning dew and finding the summit enveloped in a dense fog. We waited around for a brief time until the sun gradually burned off the fog, which enabled us to begin the descent off Black Bear.

Upon our return to the car we made a short trip out to the main road and stopped at a little coffee shack in the village that made their own donuts. Since we looked as ratty as could be, we ate at the picnic table and tried to avoid being seen in our present condition.

After breakfast, we drove back to our tent at the campground and broke camp, very slowly and reluctantly. It was going to be another scorcher if the morning heat was any indication, and Becky mentioned how she would like to stay and swim all day.

"I've got a better idea" I announced, and after we checked out at the ranger's cabin, we drove to the trailhead of Cascade Lake, located on Big Moose Road. To my delight, the parking area was almost deserted despite the great weather, although perhaps it being Tuesday was a factor.

We packed some of the remaining snacks and Becky's bathing suit into my pack and headed down the trail. It was getting warm as it approached noon, and was promising to be yet another hot one, but the trail was mostly a gentle stroll through the woods with no climbing involved. We did the two miles to the one end of the lake in no time and surveyed the scene.

The were a couple of people camping at this end of the lake but I was more interested in the other end of the water so we continued on the trail that wound along to the right. This part of the trail was a little more difficult to hike, as it was not traveled as much, but Becky had no trouble at all climbing over and around the various obstacles we encountered.