Remembering Becky Ch. 06

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A camping adventure with David and Becky.
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Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 09/20/2004
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That was how we began, and we became a couple after that weekend... sort of. As Becky had warned me, there was only so much of her to go around. Although her oldest was off at college, Kelly was graduating high school and shopping around for a college of her own.

Then there was this Jerry, whoever the hell he was. How did he feel about this arrangement? Who knows? Probably not over-enthused, I would imagine, but never having met the guy I was only guessing. How would I feel if the roles were reversed and he moved in on Becky?

Then there was me. Funny how before Becky and I established a relationship, I would have given anything, ANYTHING, for just a few minutes with her. Now that phase had passed, and naturally I wanted more. Much more.

How much was there to be had? She had her daughter all but one weekend every other week, and while she was certainly very mature and responsible, Becky would not leave her on her own for any amount of time, and didn't want to either, knowing she would be gone all too soon as well. While part of me didn't like that, but I wouldn't have respected her otherwise.

Then for the every other weekend that Kelly was gone with her father, there was the competition with "Jerry" for Becky's time. I knew better than to complain because I knew this was the way it was going to be right from the start, and if I didn't like it, well...there was no gun being held to my head. That was never said in so many words, but that was the situation, and I was free to handle it however I chose.

Including seeing other women, Becky once said without hesitation. She was not asking for any more from me than what she was giving, so if I found someone I wanted to spend time with also, it was fine by her.

Only problem was, I didn't want to be with anyone else. There was no line of women waiting for me anyway, but it didn't matter if there were or not. I was simply not interested. What it came down to was, I was in love with Becky. Madly, head-over-heels, weak in the knees in love with that crazy amazon.

When I wasn't with Becky, I was thinking about Becky every waking hour. Dreaming about her when I was asleep. Planning what we could do the next time we were together. It was truly all about the girl as far as I was concerned.

I would send out feelers of sorts in the beginning to determine when she would be free, but after a while I just came out and asked her, which was the way she wanted me to be.

One advantage I had was that apparently this "Jerry", in addition to having a regular job, was also an artist who occasionally had to go away for shows and sales. I had no problem filling in when those occasions arose.

That was also a disadvantage, I figured. He was an artist, that meant he was creative. Probably a more interesting guy than me, I figured, which kept me on my toes. This was actually a good thing the way I looked at it. How many relationships go sour because one person takes the other for granted? That was not going to be the case with me. Everyday, every minute with Becky I treated as an audition, a tryout, with my goal the eventual demise of "Jerry" and my elevation to "the man".

Becky, to her credit, never treated me like that. Never played me against him, never mentioned him or anything related to him. The one time I remember drawing Becky into a conversation about "Jerry", she was very diplomatic and honest about it.

I asked Becky how she was able to handle this relationship, as I thought it was not only tough schedule-wise, it had to be difficult for her emotionally.

"No actually, I'm having the most wonderful days of my life now" Becky said happily. "You and Jerry are both great to be with. You're both so very different yet for whatever reason, you both care about me. So I'm the lucky one. You two are the ones that have the tough parts."

"Aren't you ever tempted to tell one of us to hit the bricks?" I asked.

"I've been tempted to tell both of you to shove off from time to time" Becky said chuckling. "I think that one of you will be the one that ends up telling me that you've had enough. Until then, what's that pretentious and corny saying... you complete me? That's what both of you do for me. You both have such wonderful things to offer."

So with that in mind, life went on. During the summer, her ex took her kids Kelly and Eric to Florida for a week. I asked Becky if she would like to go camping for part of that time. She had never been, but in typical Becky fashion, she was game for just about anything.

I still had a tent, coolers, camp stove and sleeping bags from my previous life, so we had virtually everything we would need except food and drink. I asked Becky if she had a preference on where to go. She left it up to me so I took a bit of a risk and chose a very primitive campground up in the Adirondacks.

It was about a two hour drive to Brown Tract Pond, a state campground located near Raquette Lake in the Old Forge area. The weather was always tricky up there, and the old saying "if you don't like the weather now wait a few minutes" must have been coined in that region.

Fortunately, the weather was great as we arrived at the campground. It had been wickedly hot back home in recent days, with highs in the 90's. It never got that hot up in that region, but even there it was easily in the low 80's. Becky drove up the road that lead from the village, which was bumpy and straight up in many sections of the unpaved road.

"Good grief, what the hell kind of road is this?" Becky howled as her car navigated a crazy hairpin turn and found a deep pothole enroute.

"I'm glad we took this way in then, because it's only two miles this way" I informed her. "The other road in is level but it's seven miles and much bumpier.

We made it without mishaps and checked in at the ranger station. Being familiar with the place, I was delighted to see that there was a great water site available. This being a primitive campground, all the sites were private, but this site was more private than most.

We drove back down the dirt road and pulled into our new home for the next few days. It was just as beautiful as I remembered, well hidden from the road and right on the water, with a tiny beach of our own. Despite Becky's grumblings along the way, I could see in her eyes that she was in love with the place. If her eyes didn't give it away, the way she jumped out of the car and flew down to the water surely did.

"Oh Dave this is beautiful!" Becky exclaimed with an exuberance that was almost child-like. "We're all alone out here" she chirped as she jumped into my arms.

"There's other campsites around, but they're hidden by the trees between the sites" I explained, pointing out a tiny part of a tent visible through the cover about a hundred yards away.

"I'm surprised there aren't any yahoos out on the lake with jet skis and stuff" Becky noted while looking out at the water.

"No motors allowed" I said. "That means quiet, which is why I love this place. We can rent a canoe one day and paddle around the pond, or go out to the island" I told her, pointing to the hilly football field sized island in the middle of the almost mile-long pond.

"Oooh I'd like that," Becky said, "but first I have to go to the bathroom. That road rattled my kidneys pretty good!"

"Okay" I announced somewhat warily, and led Becky through the trees.

I wasn't quite sure how she would handle this part of the place. Primitive camping means primitive facilities, and that's what we had... an outhouse.

When we neared the wooden closet I watched for Becky's reaction. It wasn't nearly as bad as I feared, but it is a shock to the senses when an extremely fastidious woman realizes that she is going to be going to the bathroom in a hole for three days.

"Oh, isn't this... quaint?" Becky offered with an upraised brow as she opened the door and made a gagging sound. "Gee Dave, the light doesn't work."

"No lights my love" I told her. "No lights, no running water no luxuries of home out here. Sorry you came?"

"Not yet Dave, but give me some time. There's a spider eyeballing me in here that's as big as a mouse."

"Wait till you see how big the mice are" I warned Becky as I heard her talking to the spider in threatening tones.

I went back to the campsite and started unpacking the car while Becky enjoyed the chemical aroma of what was likely her first outhouse function.

"How was it dear?" I asked cheerfully.

"As good as it gets Dave" Becky responded. "At least there was plenty of TP in there. I thought maybe we had to use leaves or something. What do we do about water for washing hands and the like?"

"Right, I'll get some water. There's a spigot out on the road and up a few yards" I said but then I remembered who I was with, and handed Becky the five gallon plastic water container.

"You want to get it while I get the tent started?"

Becky cheerfully complied and headed out to the dirt road. My ex would have never been able to carry a heavy filled jug like that but I didn't think Becky would have any trouble with it at all. My suspicions proved correct as she returned moments later carrying it like it was a light as a loaf of bread. The weight of the vessel did make the muscles in her bicep bulge, which always turned me on as well.

The tent hadn't been out of it's case in years but it went up in a matter of minutes. I filled the air mattress with the car cigarette lighter adapter, set up the bedding and put the lantern by the tent door. Done.

We hauled the lawn chairs out next to the cinder block fireplace, cracked open a couple of beers and sat down and surveyed the scene while we patted ourselves on the back for our great work.

"Hey that was pretty quick buddy" Becky said approvingly. "I figured it would be a big production number."

"Tents are made to go up a lot easier than they used to" I noted. " Plus I didn't bring anymore stuff than we absolutely needed, trying to keep it simple and all. So what do you think of the place?"

"I love it!" Becky declared. "Talk about the middle of nowhere. No phones. No lights at all here either?"

"The ranger cabin way back at the entrance has a generator so she has lights but the rest of the place, no. Not for at least a five mile radius around us either. We can go into the village later for some ice and buy some firewood. After all, we have to have a raging campfire every night. It'll keep the wolves away" I noted.

"Wolves?" Becky said meekly.

"Well, not wolves" I said to her relief. "Bears. It might keep the bears away."

"Bears?" Becky asked. "There are bears around here?"

"Of course there are" I said. "It's the woods. Where else do they have to go but here? Don't worry, as long as we keep the cooler and food in the car we'll be fine. Black bears are just scavengers, not killers. Stay away from their cubs and they'll leave you alone."

"I'll try to remember that while I watch them gnaw on your ass" Becky said.


We went into town and replenished the ice in the coolers, and then filled the trunk of the car with firewood before heading back to camp.

"It sure feels kind of goofy buying wood when we're surrounded by it doesn't it?" Becky said as we unloaded the wood back at our site. "You should get yourself a hatchet and go do a Paul Bunyan number out there."

"Well, you can't cut down trees on state land for one thing" I told Becky. "It wouldn't burn that well anyway most likely. There's downed wood around that we can grab off the ground for kindling, but as far as chopping, that's never interested me. Too much like work, and I still remember the first time I went camping. There was a guy at a site nearby us that was chopping away. All of a sudden there was this blood-curdling scream. Turns out he missed the log and got his leg."

"Yuck!" Becky said with a pained expression.

"Yuck indeed" I agreed, "and being as we're at least twenty miles from anything remotely resembling medical help, I would rather pay one of the locals for wood and relax. Would you like to walk around the campground and get the lay of the land, so to speak. Snoop around and see how the other goobers live?"

"Okay Dave, uh... what should I wear?"

"Wear what you've got on" I said, smiling approvingly at the yellow tank top and shorts she had worn on the way up.

"You sure? Becky said with real trepidation.

"Wear what you're comfortable wearing" I told her. "God, I wish you could see yourself the way others see you. You're an absolute knockout!"

When Becky started to speak again I cut her off with "and don't you dare give me any of that crap about embarrassing me. I'm so proud and happy to be seen with you that I can't even describe it. Besides, who knows you up here?"

She smiled, bit her lower lip shyly in reaction to my little scolding, and we headed down the road. As we passed the other campsites widely scattered throughout the grounds, I couldn't help looking at Becky.

She always seemed so self conscious about her appearance, and I'm sure that being almost six feet tall and with an amazon like build, she did get a lot of looks from people. I would have guessed that most of them were admiring looks, but who knows how she took it?

As for the hair, the fact of the matter was that the hair on her legs was so pale and light that it was hardly noticeable, only really visible under bright sunlight. While it had thrown me off initially, I had come to accept it and even enjoy it, actually finding it far more pleasant to the touch than the inevitable stubble.

The hair under her arms was certainly very noticeable, but she never drew attention to it and like she had told me, the only people noticing it would be looking for it. My theory was that if they were looking for it, they were liking what they saw, but that was just my opinion. She was the one that would have to hear the comments, although if anyone ever dared say anything negatively about Becky around me I don't know what I would have done.

After our long walk through the campground, visiting the public beach at the other end of the pond and weaving our way around the winding gravel roads, it was getting a little late, so we headed back to our campsite.

We started a fire as we debated what we would have for dinner. I had brought enough for very simple meals, so the choices were limited.

"You know what I would like to do Dave? Becky asked.

"Go into the tent and make mad monkey love?" I asked hopefully.

"Later for that babe" Becky said. "What I have always wanted to do was to cook hot dogs on a stick in a campfire. I saw people do it in a movie once and it looked like fun."

So after hunting down some good and sturdy hot dog cooking sticks, that was exactly what we did. Sadly, we lost one weiner, who fell off into the flames to his untimely demise, but all the other ones cooperated. Becky pronounced them the finest franks imaginable and I had to agree, although the company was what made them special.

As night fell, I brought out marshmallows, that we were able to use our sticks on. And although we both agreed we were not all that crazy about marshmallows, they smelled great and it was a blast setting them on fire. It was also amazing to look at Becky's face lit up by the fire glow. She never looked more beautiful.

"I love you" I said. There it was, out there for the first time, the words I had wanted to say from the very first night we were together.

"I know you do David" Becky said. "Your face is an open book."

"I just thought I would tell you" I said awkwardly.

"That was nice of you to say Dave" Becky said, "but it wasn't news to me. Just like it shouldn't be news that I love you too. I thought it went without saying."

"You do?" I croaked.

Becky looked at me the way she always did when she thought I was deranged, called me a turd, and sadly shook her head while taking my hand and squeezing gently. We sat and watched the fire slowly burning down, now almost down to glowing embers, as Becky marvelled at how dark it got without any lights from civilization.

"Want to go for a swim?" Becky asked.

While it was not a uncomfortable night, it was still fairly warm and while I was not much of a swimmer, I cautiously agreed and we went down to our little beach.

Away from the glow of the campfire it really got tough to see, as we gingerly went down the short path to the water. Now free of the trees overhead that had blocked our view of the skies, we were treated to a spectacular view of the heavens. Stars and constellations covered the pitch black sky above and around us in this big natural bowl we were located in, with only the crescent moon providing the illumination. A spectacular sight like this you would never see in or near a city, unless you were in a planetarium, because of the artificial light that's always around us.

"Oh my God, this is amazing" Becky whispered as we took our clothes off on the shore. "The stars, I can't believe how many there are. Standing under all this makes you realize how small and insignificant we are when you look up at this."

We stepped out into the water which was brisk. Very brisk. The cold made me feel very small and insignificant in one area in particular as we got out to waist level, and I mentioned the shrinkage factor to Becky in passing, along with the fact that I didn't want to go out in the pond much farther.

"I won't let you drown" Becky assured me as we reached chest level. "Besides, how would I find my way out of this wilderness without you?"

We were up almost to our necks now and all of a sudden I felt a familiar hand probing around my genitals, which warned them up and helped them grow back to respectability.

"Uh, I think I'm being attacked by a shark or something" I said cautiously.

"Oh no! Becky exclaimed, and then suddenly plunged her head underwater. Seconds later her hands were replaced by her mouth, and although it only lasted a few seconds before she came back up for air, the feeling was beyond description.

"False alarm" Becky gasped while choking a little bit and hacking up some water. "Maybe I scared it off, 'cause all I saw was an eel down there."

"I appreciate your efforts on my behalf" I said while moving my hand between her legs, feeling them part with my touch. "Oooh... you're really wet down there" I said.

"Oh brother" Becky groaned at my lame attempt at humor. She was not put off enough to keep from grabbing my cock again and slowly pumping it as I continued my digital manipulations inside her.

I was just about to suggest something when I heard a slight slapping sound. Becky heard it too and we both stopped our playtime. Seconds later a canoe quietly glided past us about fifty feet further out in the pond, the paddle making tiny waves in its wake. "Somebody fishing most likely", I whispered to Becky as we giggled like kids, not knowing or caring if we were noticed by the canoeist.

Just when we began to play with each other again, we heard the sound of muffled voices, and looked down the shore a bit and very faintly saw the people from the next campsite standing on their shore. Apparently they wanted to take in the astronomical view as well, and although they were a fair distance away and we couldn't actually see them, they could likely see our heads out in the moonlit pond.

"What is this, freakin' Grand Central Station?" Becky hissed in disbelief, as we waited to see what they were going to do. The voices continued for a few minutes until we finally agreed, the hell with them. I maneuvered Becky so her back was facing the shore, making her a little taller than myself.

Becky caught on immediately and parted her legs as I rubbed my cock between the lips of her pussy. Amazingly enough, we managed to actually achieve penetration, and we quietly ground into each other. Becky took advantage of the bouyancy by hopping a little, forcing me to hold on for dear life.