One Whore's Town Ch. 01


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She didn't even remember the drunken hump, but considering the mess they'd made, it must have been good.

A loud knock sounded on the door, and she realized that an earlier knock was what had awakened her. Ghent stirred and groaned next to her.

The voice of the innkeeper sounded from the other side of the door, "Hello?"

"The fuck?" Ghent muttered.

"Honey, could you go see what he wants? Please?"

Ghent answered, "Uh huh." When another knock sounded on the door, he called, "Coming, damn it," while he slipped out of the bed.

Ghent located his pants on the floor amidst the rest of their discarded clothing, pulled them on, and stomped toward the door. He waited for Betty to pull the linen sheet over her, and then opened the door.

The innkeeper cleared his throat and said, "I need to ask you to leave."

Ghent snorted and asked, "What? Why?"

"Someone attempted to rob your wagon and vandalize it last night."

Betty saw red, and though it made her head pound, she threw off the sheet, popped out of the bed, and stalked over to the door. "Are you kidding me? Someone tried to rob us in your place, and you're throwing us out?"

"I... I..." the wide-eyed proprietor stammered as he stared in disbelief at the naked, disheveled prostitute staring him down with her hands on her hips. After a pregnant pause, he shook his head and looked down the hallway. "I'm sorry, but I have to." He then whispered out of the side of his mouth, "The thief was one of hers."

Betty asked, "Hers? You mean Miss Golden Pussy? Josephine?"

The nervous innkeeper said, "Please, keep your voice down. Yes. They all are. I cannot afford to cross her."

Ghent growled, "Listen you yellow little bald goblin shit—"

Betty laid a hand on his arm and interrupted him, "Honey, calm down." She then asked in a quiet voice, "So, she's got the law and the cutpurses sucking her tits?"

"Yes. Please go. This place is all I have. I'll give you your coin back, but please go. I am truly sorry."

Betty sighed. "Get us some warm water to wash up with, let us have something to break our fast, and we'll leave."

"Of course. At once. Thank you," the nervous innkeeper said with obvious relief, and then hurried down the hall.

Betty said some very unladylike words under her breath as Ghent closed the door.

"What now?" Ghent asked.

"I don't know."

"I'm gonna go check the wagon as soon as he brings that water."

Betty nodded and said, "Be careful."

"And you stay in here until I get back."

"Bring the girls in here too."

Another knock sounded on the door, and Lana called, "Miss Betty?"

Ghent opened the door and let the girls in.

"We heard," Lana said. "At least the part about throwing us out."

"I'll tell you the rest later. For now, bring your things in here."

Not long after, the innkeeper arrived with their warm water, and the coin they'd paid for the rooms, horse, and wagon. He apologized once more, said there would be breakfast waiting for them downstairs, and then left.

Ghent quickly washed up — purposely dripping on the floor out of spite — dressed, and went down to the stable.

While she cleaned up the mess from the previous night's passion and dressed in clean clothes, Betty told the other two prostitutes the rest of the story.

"So what are we going to do?" Jan asked, looking nervous.

"Same plan for now. We'll head down to the main road and try to hook up with someone with guards headed toward home."

Lana responded, "But, what if nobody comes along?"

"I'll figure something out."

Ghent's coded knock sounded, and Jan let him in. Betty raised her eyebrows when she saw the stableman holding a hastily tied bundle and standing at Ghent's side.

"Bald jackass sacked him," Ghent explained.

Betty asked, "What for?"

"Because he chased off the cutpurses. Go ahead and tell her what you told me, Pallah."

Pallah cleared his throat and with an apologetic look on his face, he said, "Well, my pallet is kinda flat and lumpy, so I thought I'd sleep in your wagon, since it's got that mattress."

"That's perfectly fine, honey," Betty assured him with a smile.

The stableman's demeanor brightened from her words. "I got woke up by your horse stomping and snorting, and I saw people dressed all in black in front of the wagon. I guess they didn't see me. One was poking around under the seat, and another was messing with the harness."

"Picked the lock and was getting the crossbows," Ghent added. "The other was starting to cut up the harness."

"Well, I wasn't going to let them rob you on my watch. I've got this little cudgel I sleep with, just in case. I crept up on the one under the seat, gave him a whack on the head, and started screaming thief. Well, he fell down, and the other one grabbed him to get him up. Your horse got riled up and was making almost as much noise as me screaming. The one I whacked could barely walk, so the other half dragged him out."

Ghent's voice was thick with venom. "The bald fucker came out and sacked him for it. Didn't even call the law."

Pallah shrugged. "Sorry I couldn't do more. I stayed outside to make sure they didn't come back, even though Mr. Foster didn't like it none."

"You were sleeping in the stable?" Betty asked.

The young man nodded.

"You don't have anywhere else to go, do you?"

"No, Ma'am."

"Well, we're not sure where we're going to land either, but you can come with us."

Pallah blinked, shook his head, and asked, "Really?"

Betty chuckled. "Yes. Really. Who knows what would have happened if you didn't do what you did. It's the least we can do to repay you."

"Thank you, Ma'am."

"Ghent, take the girls downstairs, and tell that bald prick there's going to be one more for breakfast."

The big man let out an evil chuckle and nodded. "Sure he'll hate that."

Pallah turned to follow Ghent and the girls, but Betty said, "Come here a moment, honey."

The young man turned and pointed at himself with a question in his eyes.

"Yes. You," she said, and then beckoned him with a wave. Ghent closed the door behind him as Pallah came to stand nervously in front of her.

"I wanted to thank you. What you did was very brave — and dangerous," Betty said while reaching out to cup his cheek.

Pallah's face turned bright red and he shifted from foot to foot. "I just... Uhm..." He trailed off and his eyes widened when she cupped her breasts in her hands.

"You like these, don't you? Would you like a better look?" When he stood as stiff as a statue, staring at her, she reached up and pushed on his chin, making him nod. After a few times, he nodded himself.

His mouth dropped wide open when a couple of tugs freed her breasts. He nearly swooned when she lifted his hands to them. All the blood drained out of his head to regions lower, and he began to fondle her.

"There you go," she cooed. "That feels so good."

"They're so big," he muttered while exploring them with his hands.

"Let me do something for you, too."

Pallah whimpered when she reached between his legs to find a rapidly swelling erection — but his hands never stilled, and his eyes remained fixed on her breasts. It took only a quick yank on the tie holding his pants up for her to reach inside.

He gasped and then groaned when she curled her fingers around his cock. She stroked her hand up and down the shaft, feeling him throb, and asked, "Feel good?"

"Uh-huh," he answered in a voice an octave higher than normal.

Betty offered a sultry chuckle, squeezed a little tighter, and started jerking in earnest. She stroked his turgid shaft, gave little twists of her wrist, and moaned encouragement all the while. Pallah's breaths were gasps followed by noisy exhales, and in less than a minute, she felt him begin to swell in her grip.

His hands remained on her breasts for as long as possible when she sank to her knees in front of him. Her lips barely closed over the head before he erupted with a broken grunt.

Betty moaned around him as he pulsed, filling her mouth with cum. She kept her lips sealed around him, and let his bucking hips do all the work. When he ceased to spurt and began to dribble, she sucked on the head, draining every drop he had to offer.

It didn't take much of that for him to begin making pained sounds while his legs wobbled. Betty sucked back to the tip one last time, let it slip from her lips, and then looked up into his eyes while tonguing the purple head.

Though his mouth worked, none of the sounds were even close to articulate.

Betty winked at him and then pulled his pants back over his twitching organ. She stood back up, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and whispered in his ear, "Just a little something to tide you over. I'll have Lana or Jan give you a proper thank you tonight." She leaned back and asked, "Would you like that?"

The ridiculous grin on his face as he nodded made her giggle.

"Good deeds aren't always rewarded, and they should be," she said while stuffing her breasts back in her dress. "Sit down for a minute, catch your breath, and we'll go have some breakfast."


Though she maintained a mask of reassuring confidence as the wagon rolled out of the stable and down the street, Betty was worried. She should have found out more about the town before coming with only one guard, and no backup plan. They were in trouble, and it was all her fault.

For the time being, all she could do was pray to any god who would listen that a caravan with guards passed by on the road. Barring that, she even considered asking any passerby that Ghent approved of if they wanted a job as a guard. She was willing to pay them in coin, flesh, or both. Whatever it took to deliver them safely home.

Before she knew it, they were passing out of town. The thief's lookout wasn't sitting there, but she felt eyes on her anyway, and her lip curled in anger for a moment. As they approached the big house where Josephine plied her trade, Betty saw her leaning against the doorway.

The woman was wearing a diaphanous dressing gown that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. She may as well have been completely nude. Betty was certain that she could have counted every bump on the woman's areolas, and every hair in the triangle above her sex.

The local whore was wearing one other thing — a smug smile.

All of their troubles had one root — beyond Betty's lack of foresight — and that root was standing only a short distance away as the wagon rolled in front of the house.

"Stop the wagon," Betty said, making a snap decision.

"Betty..." Ghent began.

"I'm going to go see if I can barter a truce until we can get out of here. All of you stay in the wagon while I go talk to her."

Ghent voiced his concern, "Don't like it."

"I don't either, but if she knows we're leaving, maybe I can bargain with her to leave us alone until then."

The horses slowed at Ghent's urging, and the wagon rattled to a stop. Betty made her way to the back, hopped down, and walked toward the house. Josephine remained in the doorway, posing seductively and staring at Betty approaching on the brick pathway to the door.

"Leaving so soon?" Josephine said with acidic humor when Betty was a few feet away.

"Trying to. Look, I get it. This is your town, and you're not standing for anybody else humping your boys."

"Smarter than you look."

Gods — this bitch, Betty thought, but kept her face passive. "My girls are keeping their legs together. I'm just trying to hook up with some wagons heading west, toward home."

"I don't care what you bitches do, as long as you keep your cunts shut."

"I want to cut a deal. If you call off your boys, I can give you potions that will keep you from coming down with anything, or getting pregnant."

Josephine shrugged, reached for an amulet hanging around her neck, and pulled it outside her dressing gown to absently stroke it. "You can keep your witch's brew."

Though she'd easily seen the amulet through the filmy gown, it was only when the other whore called attention to it that Betty recognized it for what it was — a holy symbol of Erotine. She had the blessing of the Goddess of Lust, which meant she would never catch any of the diseases that came with whoring, or have a man get one on her, so long as she maintained the favor of her goddess. If she was especially favored, she would keep her youth and vigor far beyond the natural span.

Betty's shoulders slumped when she realized her best bargaining chip was gone.

Josephine let the amulet fall between her firm, abundant breasts and laughed. "Get it, bitch? You've got nothing I want. Stay out of my town, or you'll regret it."

Her bully boy appeared in the doorway on cue, wearing an evil smile. Betty quickly lifted a hand behind her and waved it, knowing Ghent would be preparing to jump out of the wagon.

The smug whore then turned away and stepped inside. She looked back over her shoulder and said, "Now get your saggy old ass away from my door. Your nasty cunt is stinking up the place."

Her bully boy laughed as he slammed the door in Betty's face.


Hope you've enjoyed the opening of the story! Please do take a moment to vote. ( once per reader, no stuffing the ballot box! ) Comments and favorites are a nice boost for us poor starving artists, and they raise the profile of the story, which attracts even more, so they're much appreciated. I know I write at a glacial pace, but there's always something brewing ( including SOTM )

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TalusmanicTalusmanic2 months ago

Solid writing. The story is engaging, and I like the magical element to it. I'll be reading more.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago


Out gunned, outplayed, out prostituted, outmaneuvered, Outnumbered by Ms. Joesphine?

I think not Ms. Joesphine, this isn't over and somehow, someway Ms., Josephine is going to get what's coming to her.

Madam Betty is going show how a real professional escort, does it Ms. Uppity Queen B in the brothel business in this town.

Let the games begin.

We're just getting warmed, Hehe!

continue on


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