Mixed Blessings Ch. 07


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Her eyes flared for a moment and he blushed as he realized the potential double meaning of his last words. “I think I have.” Her hand disappeared behind her back and came back with a large silver cuff. There seemed to be no true design behind the dents and dings in it, aside from the fact that they were clearly made in the creation of the, obviously, costume jewelry. If he had seen it on the shelf at a store he would have thought it gaudy junk. However there was a power radiating from it that anyone, with any gift, could sense.

Even with such a wondrous display surrounding it, as Talianna cupped it to her navel, he could not look anywhere else but at the artifact. “Is that what I think it is?” Laslie sensed, more than saw, her nod. “How did you ever get your hands on an Akashic power band?”

The Akashics were human mystics. They had the ability to manipulate the very essence of magic as no one else could. They could reach into the very heart of a spell and control it; depower it, or even amp it up. The catch was, they were all dead. The Unseleigh had wiped them all out after the last war between the Unseleigh and Seleigh. They dared to side with Hunter. Akashic artifacts were as immensely powerful as they were rare.

“Did you bring the money?” The simple question brought his eyes back to her’s, or rather, her mouth. He had never noticed how delicate it looked. She had added light pink lipstick which somehow complimented her features. He could imagine those lips wrapped around his...Wow! To far! Laslie pulled the prepaid card out of his pocket. Talianna’s lips pursed, her head cocked to one side in confusion and those thoughts of her mouth came flooding back in full force.

“It’s a prepaid credit card. The newest thing in human ingenuity. Easier to handle and less traceable than a briefcase full of cash. And certainly less cumbersome than a sack for of gold and jewels.” Laslie looked at the card briefly before he returned his thoughts to the proper uses of that delightful little mouth. “And it’s value is set, unlike those jewels. No matter what we say about the humans, their money can buy a whole lot of comfort.”

Talianna’s eyes sparkled with greed. Laslie noted how much greed and lust resembled each other and twirled the iridescent card to watch her eyes glitter in response. He could see the muscles tense in her arm. She wanted the card. He held his own hand out, palm up. The message was clear; ‘cuff first, then card.’ She glanced at the overlarge bracelet in her hand and quickly placed it in his. If this had been a trap, it would have been sprung before he got the artifact.

He gazed at the amazing find, the card almost forgotten. With hisother-sight the thing glowed with the white energy. It wasn’t all that much more power, certainly not enough to allow Laslie to match Hunter. The beauty of an Akashic artifact, unlike most others, was that anyone could use and recharge it without the need to consecrate it, unless it was specifically made with the new bearer in mind.. Unfortunately, with most magical items, the spell was all but depleted of power upon consecration. There were plenty of ways to build the energy needed to charge this until he could overpower Hunter, should the need arise.

“Laslie?” He glanced up to meet her suspicious expression. She wondered if he would double cross her. While their first fight had been inconclusive, the second clearly proved he could best her in astral combat, and both already knew she was no match in physical if prepared. He could take both, but he wouldn’t. With two fingers he held the card towards her slightly and forced her to close the distance to get it. A thrill rushed through his body when she didn’t just reach out, but rather stepped in.

“You never answered how you managed to get your hands on this.”

Talianna’s smile was as enigmatic as it was suggestive. “It wasn’t hard. It was given to me as a matter of fact.” Laslie’s eyes widened in shock. Such a powerful gift would carry much meaning. “As I said, I’ve set my eyes on another. It’s not even an antiquity. Brand spanking new. That’s why there’s so little charge.”

Laslie had assumed that the charge had been lost as the previous owner fought to protect himself. But being new would also explain it. “But that would mean...” Talianna’s smile broadened as she nodded. “An Akashic has been found?” Her teeth pulled back in a feral smile. “My, my, my. Youdo set your sights high.”

The smile disappeared in an instant, to be replaced by rage. Talianna spun away from him and stalked over to rest her hands on the back of a sofa. “No. I have other plans now. Hunter and the Akashic will both be dealt with, but not before...” Her mouth snapped shut with a click.

For the moment he let her half-spoken thought go. “Have you tried it out?” He received the slightest of nods in response as he slipped the band on his own wrist. The power rushed into him. There had been much more in it than he had though. Somehow, it masked it’s true power. He looked back up to see her lean heavily forward. As Talianna bent over the pants once again dipped. This time the lighting was better, now he could see where the thong disappeared between her firm cheeks. “”If you tried it, why not keep it for these new plans of yours?”

Talianna’s head hung. “My abilities cannot be augmented by pure power. Sure it could make my sword stronger in astral, but without the skill and speed to match, that just delays the inevitable.” There was weakness in her voice. Laslie’s body was drawn towards that weakness and he found his hand rested on the kama at his back.. “I know of your abilities. Mostly too low level for Hunter to have considered, but such a diversity. With that,” her hand waved absently behind her, at him, “you will be much stronger.”

“You have no idea,” Laslie mumbled. He let the newfound power flow into his body. He had been practicing this trick since he discovered it, in the jeep, fleeing the Stronghome. He could now enhance his own physical abilities to near the levels of Alicia.

The kama cleared his belt and he rushed forward in an instant. Talianna appeared to move in extreme slow motion. Her eyes widened in terror. Her mouth dropped open in shock. Her muscles tensed as she tried to bring her body upright and around. He led with the blade, a single quick slice down her back. Right behind the attack came his left hand. Fingers wrapped in her hair. At first he simply held her head facing forward, then a light shove sprawled her over the back of the couch.

Her shirt had only fallen to her elbows as he dropped the spirit blade to the ground. It’s job was done. The precision strike sheered through the back of the thin fabric, snapped the thin red band beneath and scored the waist of the pants. The only thing that held the clothing on the lower half of her body was her own weight, as she trapped the material against the couch.

Laslie allowed his sense of time to return to normal but kept the enhanced strength. From his angle behind her, slightly to the side, he saw one of her tasty breasts as it hung beneath her. Her hands grasped for his, only to be captured by his right, now free of the weapon. She continued to struggle for a moment before she realized this was more than Sidhe strength. She was helpless. Cautiously, he released her hands. She placed them on the cushions of the couch; wide enough to demonstrate submission but close enough to help support her weight in the awkward position.

Talianna couldn’t hide anything from Laslie now. Along with the increased strength, automatically came enhanced senses. He could smell the juices that began to soak her thong the moment he had overpowered her. Where before she had lusted for him, now she needed him. Unlike the time in the jeep, this time he could control himself. “You stopped before you mentioned the Akashic’s crime?”

“Bad timing!” Her voice was a barely understandable growl. The hand yanked her head back slightly. The resulting sound was pure animal and anger. But her hips shifted backwards to grind against his loins. The shift released the tension on her pants, but Laslie didn’t think she noticed her completely naked state. His grip tightened. “The half-breedbitch who spurned Hunter found the Akashic!”

In reward for the answer, Laslie loosened his grip and let Talianna’s head dip forward into a more comfortable position. He could see the cream flowing down her legs. It was an invitation he couldn’t refuse, especially since Alicia had banned the position. From the moment he crossed the room he had planned this. Alicia had taught him well that it was possible to collect energy through these means. His hand worked the buckle, button and zipper even as she responded to his question. Although the answer had been interesting, it had been nothing more than a distraction for her.

Talianna’s knuckles whitened as she gripped the cushions. Her head fought his grip as the tip of his lust pushed at the gates to her depths. Her growl was pure desire. His right hand pushed her hips heavily, probably painfully, into the back of the couch. He threw his body forward, to bury himself in her, in one slick motion. She screamed as he thrust home. Her hips fought to shift back to meet him. Unlike Alicia, she wanted this, wanted the pain even.

He pulled free entirely, but continued to hold her in the uncomfortable position. “PLEASE!!” He grinned as he slowly lined up with her once more. She fought him constantly, not for escape, but for release of another kind. His body delighted at the futile struggle. It was a sensation that only enhanced the others. Once more he pierced her. This time he felt himself push against something at the back of her. She screamed louder, but no less happily.

He leaned over her, as his hips began to crush against hers. His hand moved to her breast while the other continued to push her head farther and farther towards the cushions. With just the second of his rapid thrusts he felt her tense with explosion. When her breast filled his hand, he squeezed hard and twisted. Her screams grew, but it was the increased pressure, as her deep muscles heaved and tugged at him, that revealed to Laslie exactly how much Talianna needed to give herself to a man’s not-so-tender mercies. Laslie had to trick or surprise Alicia to force her to submit. Talianna would have no choice, but would struggle anyway.

The hot, wet, grip was too much for Laslie. As the burning seed shot forward, his arms jerked backward. Pain would be tearing through her as her body was pulled straight back by his grip on her breast, her head yanked up and his hips crashed forward. He pushed himself as far as he could and swore he would burst through her lovely navel as he filled her with his desire.

Laslie continued to hold the position as he felt himself grow soft within her. All the while her body clenched and milked every drop from him. The power cuff fed greedily of the energy that pulsed from her, as her body crashed through so many levels of orgasm. Talianna hadn’t given much energy to it, but he was sure it wouldn’t take long for numerous small sessions to bring the band back to full potence.

Finally, he stepped back. She sprawled against the couch as he tossed her forward and free. “You know what else I need.”

He began to secure his pants as she answered him. Slight sobs filled her voice, but as she slid down to sit on the floor, to lean against the back of the couch, her expression was of complete contentment. “Anything.”

Alicia felt sick. Her plans meant nothing, but then, so did her world.

It hadn’t taken long to find another Dhase. He had been draped on a porch, basking in the aftermath of feeding. Given her age, convincing the youth to spread the word was relatively simple. Among the Dhase, elders were respected. Not only were they infinitely more powerful than the youths, but were also required for granting the Gift to others.

Even more convenient was the fact that she had found one in the suburbs. Of course, most Dhase lived in the anonymous ‘burbs when they chose to settle down, but it was useful that this one happened to be blocks from the site Laslie had chosen for his meet. Most likely, he would already be done, proudly wearing his new artifact, or anxious to give it to her as he had the medallion. She hoped to get Talianna’s phone number from him and set up some form of meeting.

Because of the delay in explaining the situation to her lethargic ‘brother,’ she decided to use her speed to move about the suburbs. She saw Laslie’s jeep sitting in the driveway and thanked her luck that he was still there. Because it had never dawned on her to measure her speed, she didn’t realize she could run much faster than a car on the crowded streets.

She had gone up to the front door to knock when she noticed movement inside, through a window. She needed to pull herself up to the sill and hold herself, being too short to look in. Laslie had the artifact and slipped it on to his wrist. She didn’t know what he was feeling, as usual he masked his emotions, but his smile was enough to know he was pleased. Talianna’s presence was actually a relief, it meant Alicia didn’t need to try to contact her, she could go in and ask.

Then Laslie rushed forward. Alicia could only assume, as Laslie swung the blade and wrenched the Sidhe woman into an obviously painful position, that he had been betrayed. It wasn’t until he began to unbuckle his belt and free his manhood that Alicia realized it was she who had been betrayed.

Throughout, she could not break away. She couldn’t help but watch as Laslie, the love of her very long life, took his liberties with the Sidhe warrior. Worse, Talianna, for all of the obvious pain and discomfort, wanted more of it, of everything, of Laslie. While he could mask his feelings, she couldn’t. Talianna gave herself over to the pain and triumphed in his acquisition of her. She needed him to desire her enough to take her by force. Her joy was complete as he exploded, painfully deep, within her.

Alicia collapsed into a ball beneath the window. Her sobs were silent. She swore the two would not find her there, and when the jeep pulled away and she felt reality rip once more, she knew they hadn’t.

This had been her fault. She had to have driven him to this by denying him a position he needed. She hadn’t been able to be a true enough submissive for him. She was too powerful to legitimately fight him and too small to take him as Talianna had. No, that wasn’t true, she simply could not bear the pain as the Sidhe had. She hadn’t been able to embrace it. Alicia had forced the man who had called her his soul to find someone else to fulfill his other needs.

Alicia stood and firmed her shoulders. She needed to show him she could be everything he wanted, everything he needed.Then everything could go back to the way it had been. The way it was.

Thank you for reading Mixed Blessings. As always, your comments are appreciated. If you enjoyed Alicia, you might also enjoy my Gifting Night series for the adventures of other Dhase. The Dhase are a creation of my muse and anyone wishing to use them should contact me for more information. Thank you, once more, for reading and, again, please vote.

Copywrite January 2007, by Deathlynx

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AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

... I could practically feel the hurt roll off alicia and feel so sorry for her, the cheat!!

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