Mixed Blessings Ch. 04


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Laslie felt the pressure near to bursting within his groin. Her depths pulled at him even as her lips pressed against the base of his lust. He slid effortlessly free, left only the barest tip against her soft gates, before slamming forward once more. With each powerful thrust her screams grew. With each slippery retreat so did the pressure at his core.

Alicia's head spun towards him and suddenly her screams were muted as her teeth sank into his chest. The vague pain shot straight down his body to mingle with the pressure, fire and electricity that raged in his loins. His back arched, tore his flesh from her jaw, as he thrust deeper still. The burning seed raced up his length to flood deep within her.

Laslie fought his body. His hips wanted to push as deep as possible and hold still, until he had spent a quick release. He had other ideas. With unsteady rhythm, he fought the demands of his body and pulled himself free, only to spear Alicia once more. His heart felt light as she alternated reveling in her joy and collapsing bonelessly beneath him. Her constant screams remained his greatest encouragement.

He felt his own climax drift away, but continued to thrust and pull. Alicia quivered beneath him, her screams trickling off, to be replaced by pitiful whimpers. Tears ran from her eyes. "Las, please."

Laslie settled within her. His arms wrapped beneath her, enveloping her in his body as she wrapped herself about him. Her body continued to shiver as aftershocks wracked her system. Her face was buried in his chest and he could feel the tears streaming freely. For a moment, fear invaded his thoughts. Had he hurt her? Had he done something wrong? But her hands, which had balled into fists to keep from flaying his back, opened and pulled his body tighter against hers. Suddenly he felt a need so intense that love and sorrow blended smoothly within it. He had felt these things before and knew instantly that Alicia had shared, through her kind's empathy, her own state with him.

"Please," Alicia's voice was barely a whisper amongst her sobs, "don't ever leave me."

His arms and legs tightened against her, reassuring her of his presence. "Never. So long as I have strength left in my body to fight, I will stay by your side." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The signs were there. The Sidhe knew it and so did Alicia. She did not believe in the Bible's interpretation of the Apocalypse. There was simply too much finality to it. While many ancient cultures and prophecies spoke of the end of the world, there was usually and implied association. To quote a song from the modern rock and roll; 'the end of the world as we know it' rather than simply the destruction of human life on Earth. Perhaps a minor distinction but important in Alicia's mind. If the world was not completely destroyed, she would find a way to survive, so long as she had him with her.

Never before had she understood the Sidhe's fascination with their soul. Any other race would have created a new word for such a meaningful title, and the Sidhe did have a word in their language, but they somehow managed to convey the same meaning regardless of what tongue they spoke. Something of their inflection always came through when speaking of the person who completed them. It was such a profound thing to them that even the humans had picked up on it; and the two races rarely intersected in the old days.

Now she understood. Alicia could not comprehend life without Laslie by her side. He was a caring and attentive lover, but even without that added relationship she felt she needed him, his guidance, his confidence, and his humor. Ironic that I find my soul-mate among the very race that was trying to destroy my kind when I was given the Gift. Or perhaps it was simply fitting.

Alicia snuggled closer to his warm body. She knew she should get up and clean herself. She could feel their combined orgasms drying on her inner thighs. She lavished in the afterglow. Her entire body felt at peace, as if nothing could ever be wrong again.

With Laslie lying comfortably naked next to her, the feeling was nearly insurmountable. His arm curled blithely around her back, the other tucked under his head. Her leg draped over his, and his other leg bent at the knee and lay off to one side. The overall effect was to display his glorious body to her in all its splendor. He did not have the chiseled form of statues or modern supermodels, but she knew of the strength hidden so subtly beneath his firm skin. What many would take for a thin sheen of body fat, concealing a decent musculature, were actually his muscles themselves.

Most prominently displayed, at the moment, was his manhood. Alicia shuddered and pulled herself tighter against him. It hung limp and relatively tiny against his vast form, but she knew the full scope of that wonder. As the humans would say, he was definitely a 'grower.' When fully roused it felt as if he filled her entire body. Occasionally he was a tad too long for certain positions, but otherwise it was as if he complimented her even there.

Alicia sensed the disturbance instantly and was in motion. Off the bed and with her back to a corner. With her incredible speed, Laslie had only just begun to raise his head, to cast about for her, when the nature of the disturbance made itself known.

In the center of the room appeared a Sidhe. The tall woman seemed to step out of thin air, to face the bed. The moment she was fully in the physical reality her head began to turn in confusion. Alicia stood upright, crossed her arms beneath her breasts and confronted the intruder. The warrior was dressed in a strange amalgam of armor. Alicia could see what looked like some form of kevlar beneath close held plates of a much thicker material. The outer layer was obviously intended for more primitive weapons while the inner layer protected from guns and other, more modern, projectiles. The entire outfit was colored black, which reminded Alicia more of an assassin than a true warrior. Alicia still wore nothing other than her bra. Between her legs only a slight, well trimmed, light brown fuzz resided. And that did nothing to conceal her femininity.

The warrior's head finally swung around to find her. In the same, infinitely slow, moment, Laslie's eyes widened in realization and his muscles tensed to push him up the bed and away from the intruder. Alicia sighed in frustration. With her senses and reflexes so heightened, a conversation would be excruciating. Somehow, Laslie was able to bring her to this state whenever he simply made love with her. Her body shuddered at the thought. His already romantically slow rhythm would draw out into infinity. What actually took as much as half an hour, foreplay included, felt as if it took many times that. It was the most exquisite torture anyone had ever devised and his sentimental intent never failed to draw it forth.

Alicia took a slow, deep, breath and time seemed to speed to its normal period. Laslie scrambled to cover himself as he pressed against the headboard. The woman warrior spun to face Alicia and drew a sword. Alicia regarded the weapon with a critical eye. It was well crafted and made of folded steel. Undoubtedly it would be uncomfortable for the Sidhe to wield, especially in light of the fact that this one could still step between the worlds, albeit with difficulty.

Alicia could also gauge that about the woman's skill. The transition had been difficult, although the warrior had done her best to make it look easy. Alicia had been around when even the weakest of the Sidhe would simply fade, or pop at their preference, into existence. This one looked as if she had stepped through some invisible portal.

"How did you get there?" The astonishment was clear in the woman's voice.

Alicia's voice was patient. "The same way that you ended up in the middle of our motel room. I simply used my innate abilities, and walked here. The difference is I did not rip a hole between worlds to do so." She knew that the Sidhe had methods of viewing the world that she could not hope to duplicate, or even understand. Her own ability to taste the aura of those nearby was a paltry thing compared to their other-sight. She wished she knew how they saw her, and determined she needed to ask Laslie to describe the effect at some later point.

All of that was completely irrelevant to the current situation. Alicia's hands dropped to her hips. There was no way she would be able to intimidate the warrior quickly. She was naked and the other fully armored. She held no weapons and the warrior the finest available. She gave up well over a foot of height and possibly as much as a hundred pounds to the intruder. And the Sidhe woman was hopelessly outmatched if it came to a fight. "Who are you and what do you want?"

The sword flew sideways to point accusingly at Laslie. Somehow he had found his boxers and finished covering, at least his wonderful groin. He slid off the bed, away from the woman, with his hands and arms spread wide, to display his lack of weapons. "She is Talianna. She is one of Hunter's pack and greatest of the world-walkers. She is also, typically, his primary messenger. For that reason she is occasionally, and scornfully, known as 'Hunter's Mouth.'"

If this was the greatest of the world-walkers then the Sidhe truly had fallen far over the last millennium. The woman's anger spiked at almost the exact moment a sadistic streak appeared within Laslie. Apparently there was more to her moniker than simply carrying his messages. Alicia also noted that 'Hunter's Voice,' which would be more traditional for his primary messenger, wasn't being used. Another question that could wait until later.

"That covers who she is. Now, about what she's doing interrupting some, quite satisfying I might add, rest and relaxation?"

Laslie actually blushed. The sword never wavered as Talianna looked back and forth between the two potential opponents. "That's right, we got distracted earlier. I never did get around to telling you why we were running."

Talianna finally settled on him. "You should have known that running would be futile. You never trained as a shadow-walker. You cannot hide from Hunter."

"Wait a minute! A Great Hunt has been called on Laslie?" Alicia was dumbfounded. If what she had learned of the Sidhe was true, the Great Hunt occurred on a regular schedule and was only allowed between the Seleigh and Unseleigh.

Talianna's eyes narrowed. "No hunt was called. Those are regulated and restricted. Laslie of the Barren Rock tribe is ronin. He is Seleigh, but has refused multiple edicts of the Lord of the Hunt in time of Retreat. He is Hunter's to punish and Hunter has passed that responsibility, that privilege, to me. Who are you to know so much about our kind. And what are you." That single word was spat with great distaste.

Alicia was beginning to become annoyed by the pup's impudence and arrogance. Her hands dropped to her side as she slowly advanced on the Sidhe warrior. "I am Alicia, and I have studied the Sidhe for far longer than any among you have been alive. I am Dhase."

Talianna's eyes widened, almost imperceptibly, at Alicia's admission of her race. The sword did swing to threaten Alicia, but the Dhase was unconcerned. She simply continued forward until her forehead brushed the tip of the blade. Talianna only then seemed to realize the extreme height difference and the sword began to drop to point at Alicia's chest.

Alicia had only just begun the games, however. Her hand moved so fast that it wouldn't even appear as a blur to the superhumanly quick Sidhe. Alicia reached out to pluck the weapon easily from the warrior's strong grasp, and plant the point in the floor. Alicia took another slow step forward as the change of situation registered with both of the other occupants of the room. Alicia now stood between Talianna and her weapon. Given the strength and speed of the action, Alicia had managed to prove herself far superior to the highly trained, and skilled, warrior before her.

Talianna glanced at Laslie for a moment. He remained in the far corner, tensed slightly and prepared should she challenge him. Alicia knew that to be unlikely. Everyone in the room knew he was the least threat in the room. To challenge him first would only waste energy Talianna would likely need if she was forced to fight Alicia. Both women understood each other.

Talianna's hands dove behind her back, but she froze. At the same moment she discovered her knives and even bow and quiver had all vanished, so had her opponent. She had continued to stare at Alicia as she used every ounce of speed that she could muster from her body. It was as if the Dhase had simply blinked out of existence with every one of her weapons.

Alicia knew exactly what the woman had experienced. The very first, and only, time she had threatened Vasil, he had pulled the same trick on her. As a human, she had been a peerless warrior, and by that time she had already learned much about her Dhase abilities. She had believed that the poet that had given her the Gift would be nothing before her. Her expression must have been quite the same as Talianna's confused and horrified gaze, as it swung about the room in search of Alicia.

The Sidhe found her sitting on the bed. Besides having collected all of the weapons, in the corner behind Laslie, she had also taken the time to reacquire her underwear. Alicia simply couldn't project absolute courtesy with her lust showing and Laslie's seed still leaking down her legs. "You will sit and we shall discuss this as civilized people."

Talianna's head cocked to one side. "And if I choose not to?"

"Then I shall tie you to a chair with an iron padlock." The threat was simple, but effective. Even the Sidhe of old would be unable to travel between worlds while in possession of cold iron. The modern race had lost much of it's vulnerability to iron and steel, but that loss had come in concert with the loss of their ability to travel the worlds.

Talianna sulked as she looked about the room. She finally found a chair and settled comfortably into it. Her body was tense, though she obviously tried to project a state of calm. The Sidhe warrior obviously did not realize that her emotional state was bare to the Dhase's empathy. The poor woman was afraid, both of Alicia and failure.

Alicia glanced at Laslie, as he moved to sit beside her on the bed, and grinned. The moment he sat down beside her, lust began to float through his aura. Alicia had not remained close enough to the Sidhe warrior for her to have smelled their earlier love-making, but his closeness reminded him, and with those memories brought fresh desire.

Alicia broke the silence. "What is the dispute here?"

Talianna seemed hesitant to speak so Laslie filled the gap. "They have declared me ronin for refusing to remain within a Stronghome. At a guess, they have levied additional charges for bringing an outsider to a Stronghome, and revealing the Sidhe to an outsider. Not officially a charge, but no less a crime in many minds would be tainting our blood by consorting with and outsider." The last was said with extreme bitterness.

Alicia shook her head in amusement as she looked to Talianna for acknowledgment. The Sidhe woman nodded as she continued to glare at Laslie. "I think I can clear up the additional charges. I was never brought to the Stronghome. They stopped our jeep some distance from the 'home, and I waited there while he went ahead. As for revealing knowledge of your kind," Alicia couldn't help but laugh, "I probably know more of your traditions and customs than the two of you combined. I have been alive for longer than any three Sidhe combined and in that time I have studied all of the races of the physical realm."

Talianna finally shifted her gaze to Alicia. "You have settled none of the issues. He brought you close enough to the Stronghome that you could find it with enough effort. Furthermore, that you know of the Sidhe at all carries a sentence. That he knew of this, makes him an accomplice. Further, the amount you know, makes it all the more important that you are dealt with."

Alicia knew there was more to it than that. Laslie's final accusation, that he sullied their purity, had hit a nerve within this woman. She hadn't disagreed with the assessment. In fact, she seemed to agree with it very strongly. Alicia concentrated heavily on her empathy and recoiled in surprise and horror. Talianna wanted Laslie. She felt he was betraying his kind. Alicia felt the animosity directed at her, but mostly she felt the thin thread of pure lust, well hidden beneath embarrassment.

"Why is it such an issue?" Both Sidhe looked at Alicia in confusion. "This concept of sullying the purity of Sidhe blood, why is this such a point of contention?"

It took a moment for the two to shift their minds from the official reasons to this unspoken one. Talianna managed more quickly. "We are not the people that once we were. You, who claim to have studied out history, so closely and for so long, would know this! We are a dying race, being transformed from our once proud heritage into a bastard line of the humans! If we let these half-breeds remain, then our proud heritage will be gone within generations."

Talianna dripped scorn. Not just her voice, but her expression, her very aura radiated it. What shook Alicia the most was that Laslie agreed completely. There was a slight hint of self loathing that warred within him because of it. He was only beginning to reconcile this battle within himself. A third thing to mention later.

"Then have no fear," Alicia's voice was quiet with disappointment, "the Sidhe blood will not be thinned by us." Both Sidhe looked at her in confusion. It was a conversation that had yet to come up and one she had put off. Despair settled around her heart as she reopened an old wound for the sake, and knowledge, of the very man she wished to live for. "The Dhase cannot have children."

She felt sorrow flow from Laslie. Much to her surprise, the sorrow was directed at her rather than inward. It was as if he could sense her despair, knew the pain she suffered when she first learned this truth. She had kept her voice matter-of-fact as she delivered the information, but he had still known. She turned a sad smile to him.

"We can work something out. There are some, even among my kind, who do not want to be mothers." Laslie's hand settled on Alicia's, in her lap. "We can adopt, or perhaps even use the human techniques to ensure the child is of my blood."

"No, you cannot." Talianna's voice was low and menacing. Alicia shifted her concentration from Laslie to the other woman and was surprised to discover triumph. She began to stand, to face the woman when she launched her attack, only to fall back as pain blossomed in her chest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Laslie jumped to the side as Alicia began to rise. He could sense the attack building, felt the tension within her. With all of her abilities, he knew Alicia could handle it. His confidence turned to shock as she collapsed back onto the bed. It had been nothing more than a simple astral attack, a mere probe of her defenses. Had she knew of the attack, it should have been simple to deflect. If she was blind to the spiritual realm, as Laslie had been beginning to suspect she was, the attack should have had negligible results. Her reaction suggested a fully conscious psychic.

Suddenly Laslie remembered what Alicia had revealed about the war between the Dhase and the Sidhe. Sidhe numbers and magic could hurt them where nothing else could. The Sidhe had always been known as exceptionally skilled with magic because of their connection with the spiritual realms. She had also mentioned their mutually exclusive, enhanced, senses. If hers was empathy, then the only he could think of for the Sidhe was their other-sight.