Jamie's Pool Party Ch. 02


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“Oh Great Big World of SUCK!!!” Jason cried suddenly as Will wrapped his mouth around Jason’s cock instead of keeping it licking Jamie’s ass. Jamie jerked out of her orgasms with a feeling of disorientation. She looked down and smiled vaguely. Will had his left hand wrapped around Jason’s balls and his right hand around the bottom of his shaft. His mouth was wrapped firmly around the length of his cock and he was deep throating Jason with praticed ease. It was one of the horniest things she had ever seen.
“Ohh g..GOD! Oh man!” Jason exclaimed behind her. He tried feebly to get away from the hungry mouth but Will was simply better positioned. Jamie stood up and slid off Jason’s lap. This she had to see better. As she stepped around and was about to kneel next to Will she noticed that Will had taken his trousers off earlier and now his cock was in full view. It was long and veined and thick as her wrist while the head was a deep purplish red. It looked so thick that she figured that she wouldn’t be able to fit it in her hands. She had to try though.
Jason was still groaning and seemed oblivious as to who was sucking his cock. He had his large hands around the back of Will’s head and was guiding him closer to his cock every time Will slid the massive rod into his throat. She crawled behind Will and lay down on her back on the shagpile carpet and slid underneath him. The thick cock was staring her in the face and she grabbed Will around the upper legs and lowered his cock into her mouth. Precum was already coating the head and she quickly licked it off. It tasted delicious. It tasted kinda like Miro’s had.
She licked the head a couple of times and then slid it into her mouth. It was a very tight fit. She held it there for a few moments and sucked it gently while she lubricated the rest of the shaft with her saliva.
She felt him starting to fuck her mouth more and more until he was fucking her throat like it was her pussy. Slow yet deep.
She heard a great groan from above followed by a moan and quickened breathing and she opened her eyes. Looking up she saw that Will had started to pump Jason’s huge cock furiously with his own mouth, willing Jason to cum in his mouth.
“Oh god, Jamie I’m gonna cum!” Will groaned between sucks and Jamie quickly wrapped her hands around his balls and pumped them as she pumped his cock.
With a great groan and a tremendous shudder Will’s cock exploded into Jamie’s throat. Jamie fought off the reflex to gag and found that if she swallowed in quick succession that Will’s cum was still threatening to stream out of her mouth. It was a positive flood of cum that Will was pumping into Jamie and Jamie found that the taste was very very similar to that of her brother’s. With a final spurt of cum Jamie took the still semi hard cock from her mouth and licked off all the excess cum she might’ve missed.
“My god Will you taste great, you taste like Miro though, how do you do that?” Jamie asked breathlessly.
Will gave no response. She looked up and found it hardly surpising. Will was still pumping Jason’s rock hard cock into his mouth and Jason seemed to be concentrating all his efforts on not cumming.
“Jason,” she said mock-threateningly, “Cum for me now please”.
Jason shook his head frantically, his eyes still screwed up against the impulse to cum.
“Why not?” she asked sweetly as she got out from under Will.
Still Jason refused to speak.
With a great gah sounding sound Will popped Jason’s cock out of his mouth and motioned for Jamie to join him. Jamie shook her head. She had other plans. She whispered, “fuck me,” to Will even as she lowered her ass onto Jason’s wet and slick cock. With a groan she wriggeled until she felt that now familiar filled-up sensation through out her body. She let herself relax and lowered herself the rest of the way down until all of Jason’s cock was inside of her.
That was shen she opened her eyes and looked blarily at Will who was standing infront of her with an amused expression on his face.


“You remind me of your mother,” he said quietly.
Jamie however failed to incorporate that startling piece of information seeing as Jason had just started to pull his cock outward again, filling her mind with an immensely satisfying buzz.
Will positioned himself between Jamie’s legs and slid his by now rock hard cock deep into her very wet yet still tight pussy.
He hadn’t actually fucked a girl for over six months, he’d been with men more often than with women but there was one fact that penitrated his mind. Jamie was every bit as horny as her mother, except that Olivia’s pussy had tasted better. He’d have to give Jamie a list of things to avoid to eat and drink.
Will had had sex with Olivia seventy times over the last four years, all without her children knowing about it. Olivia for that matter had been very surprised that Will had been her son’s roommate for the last four years. That hadn’t stopped her from calling him again and again. Her husband George however knew all about their little get togethers. George was infact the person who’d introduced them in the first place. George had also invested a lot of money in La Lune and was therefore a man Will wanted to keep in his good graces. His one weird condition on continued cooperation was that Will would have to keep both him as his wife satisfied. Will had been all to happy to do so. George was a thirty nine year old man yet looked not a day over thirty. His body was toned, tanned and in Will’s opinion very tasty. His cock was thick long and veined, much like Will’s own and Will had found himself longing for the next call from Olivia, which usually came just after George’s call that they would want to meet with him again soon. Their threesomes had been the joy of his life for the last three years but they’d suddenly stopped calling six months before. That was when Will had decided that he’d have the entire family. Miro he’d already had once after a night of drinking. Jamie he had tonight for the first time.
“Ohh Will! Oooh GOD!! Jason fuck me faster! FUCK ME FASTER, BOTH YOU BASTARDS!!!” Jamie yelled in a tremendous voice for such a small girl. Both Jason and Will did so at once causing Jamie to cum wildly.


I meanwhile was having the life sucked out of me by Alyssa and I couldn’t have minded less. My god, this girl could quite literally suckstart a windtunnel. My mind was registering something else though, we were being watched. I opened my eyes and looked sideways over at Sonja, she was still gazing into space and seemed unaware of us. For a moment I thought we’d broken her but then she too looked up and glanced in my direction. I nodded and continued my sweep around the sauna. There outside in the hall an elongated shadow was flickering against the wall. I tapped Sonja’s feet and pointed towards the door. She nodded, got up silently and quickly made her way to the wall. Alyssa was oblivious, her full attention on my cock. Sonja stopped, took a breath and stepped out the door.
“Ahh!!” I heard a voice cry out.
There was a short scuffling sound and a moment later Sonja came back in with a boy of about Alyssa’s age. He had semi long ruffled hair, dark brown eyes and a great tan. He had on a white beater top. What was somewhat amuzing though was that his shorts were around his ankles and his uncut cock was rock hard and glistening with precum. His face however looked utterly embarressed and I felt a certain simpathy for him. For the first time Alyssa looked up and noticed something, she refused to let my cock go though and after a moment she shrugged and continued her tremendously fantastic job.
“Hello,” I said pleasantly, “Enjoying the show?”
His eyes went wide and he tried again to make a run for it but Sonja still had his arm in her grip. Then realizing that he wasn’t going anywhere he nodded in an embarressed way.
“What’s your name?” Sonja asked him.
“None of your business,” he said suddenly defiant.
“HazRobunmybjozer,” Alyssa mubled incoherently with her mouth around my cock.
“What?” Sonja and I said at the same time.
With a wet slurping sound Alyssa let me cock out of her mouth and said quite conversationally, “I said, that’s Robin my brother”.
Robin looked as though he’d quite liked to have evaporated on the spot.
“So Robin, you like watching your sister having sex eh?” Sonja said trying not to grin.
Robin looked shocked for a moment and then he squared his shoulders and said, “I didn’t know that was my sister!”.
“Oh please Robin you’ve been watching me masturbate or have sex for the last three years back home!” said Alyssa in a bored voice.
Robin flushed furiously and gaped at his sister.
“You knew?!” he exclaimed, his eyes wide as dinner plates.
“From the time you drilled that hole through my wall. You should really have had the sense to turn off your light those first few times. But no matter, I quite enjoy having you watch me,” she said and looked around at her brother and smiled wickedly.
“Wow! And I thought my sister was a perv,” I said laughing.
“I know she is,” Sonja said laughing aswell, “a very very good one!”.
“I hope Will knows what he’s doing,” I said.
“What do you mean?” Sonja asked.
“He’s been waiting for a chance to fuck her for a while now,” I said not wanting to explain further.
I knew about his escapades with my mom and dad. I’d known for about a year now when I’d walked in on them in our dorm. Afterwards Will had explained everything. My parents didn’t know I knew ofcourse but I didn’t mind. My mom was a big slut but my dad seemed very pleased with that fact so I wasn’t going to say anything. That my sister had wanted to fuck me however had come as somewhat of a surprise, that I hadn’t known.
“Alyssa, would you like him to fuck you?” Sonja said carefully, nodding towards Robin’s thick cock.
“YES!” Alyssa said hungrily.
“Oh good!” Robin said sounding thoroughly relieved.
It was then that I heard the intercom buzz telling me that the phone was ringing.


Olivia sat naked in their room which looked out over the white palm beaches of Hawaii. She heard the telephone begin to ring. She gently rubbed her breast and pinched her nipple. George sat in the chair across from her reading his paper and drinking his coffee. He was fully clothed or as fully as you can be in 35°C.
With a loud click the phone was answered.
“Yo! I’m here!” said a breathless voice.
“Miro?” she asked uncertainly.
“Oh hey mom, how’s Hawaii?” her son said, still out of breath.
“Oh great, hot and humid but the people are very welcoming,” she said, embellishing the truth a bit. Fact of the matter was that she’d just had her brains fuck out by the bellboy.
“I bet,” Miro said, as if he’d seen through her vagueness.
“You just come in from running?” Olivia asked changing the track of the conversation.
“Oh no just excersizing by the pool,” he said vaguely. Just as vaguely as she herself had answered. She suddenly remembered Marissa’s message and wondered if he’d been having sex aswell. She stopped the thought just a little too late.
“Sonja there again?” Olivia asked, castising herself.
“Err...yeah,” Miro said slowly, “did you by any chance call last night?”.
She had.
“Yes just to ask how everything was going and Sonja caught me up a bit, she said you were already in bed,” Olivia said not wanting to let her son know that Sonja had told her quite a lot more than that.
“Alright, I admit that I was just having sex with Sonja in the poolhouse if you admit that you’ve been having sex again with someone other than dad,” Miro said surpising her so much that she let the phone drop to the floor.


HA! She’d not been expecting that one, I thought triumphantly as I listened to the phone tumbling across the floor.
“George he knows,” I heard my Mom whisper urgently.
“Well...he was bound to catch on sooner or later. He’s a smart kid remember,” my father said calmly as I heard him turn his paper.
There was a dead silence after that and then I heard my mom sigh close to the receiver.
“Yes I’m back. I’m sorry Miro but you caught me quite off guard,” she said, sounding just as out of breath as I was.
“Oh I imagine that I did. Before I tell you what I know I must ask you if you knew that Marissa Watson and her new husband just moved in next door,” I said, curiously. I had had a years long and very passionate sex relationship with Marissa when I was in highschool. She was a few years older but she was still hot as hell. When I saw Alyssa and Robin I knew that Marissa was their step mother. I knew she’d married a man named Dave McCoy who had two kids and one of them was named Robin but I didn’t know that Alyssa was her step daughter. I wondered if Marissa still had a thing for younger guys or girls for that matter. She always had when I’d been in highschool and being a super sexy sex-ed teacher certainly helped her in that department. I still don’t know if the schoolboard found out about us and fired her or if she left on her own after the football coach had caught the two of us having sex in the gym showers. I decided then and there that I could tell my mom this fascinating little fact and did so. She listened intently, occasionally gasping when I detailed what Marissa and I had done.
“My God! I always thought you were the responsible one,” she groaned.
“Oh yeah that! Well ... that was just my little fascade,” I said grinning from ear to ear. What was she gonna do kick me out of the house? I didn’t live here anyway.
“Where’s Jamie?” she asked as if suddenly concerned for her daughter.
“Having sex with Will RedGrave and her boyfriend Jason probably,” I said jokingly.
“Will? My baby girl can’t handle that thing of his, she’ll break!” Olivia gasped.
“Oh she’ll do fine. Jason’s cock is bigger than Will’s, trust me I’ve seen it,” I said, wondering suddenly why I felt so comfortable telling my mom about this fact. I decided that it was because I knew her dirty secrets and she had a right to know mine. Plus the fact that I’d already had had sex with my sister seemed to have desolved some walls.
“Bigger than Will’s? My god I must see that,” my mom gasped.
“I could arrange that ofcourse. When will you be back by the way?” I asked.
“Oh we fly home tomorrow, something to do with a stormfront that’s approaching,” I heard my dad say and I realised for the first time that I was on the speaker phone.
“Oh hey dad, so who did she fuck this time? Bell boy or the maid?” I asked jovially.
“Oooh the maid, we haven’t had her yet. We’ve done the bellhop, the concierge, the manager and several of the poolboys and all the bar tending staff,” George said quite as jovially as me as he counted off the people they’d fucked since arriving there two weeks before.
“So enjoying yourselves then eh? Anyways dad I think I’ll go and see if Sonja’s out of the shower yet so we can fuck the kids next door,” I said as I heard Sonja calling from the shower.
“Okay son have fun and see you day after tomorrow. Love to Jamie! Bye!” he said and put the phone down.
I sat back and let a heavy grin wash over my face. I had just about opened pandora’s box but had refrained from letting all the secrets out. Still their reactions were much better than I’d anticipated. Much, much better. Especially the news about Marissa. My train of thought continued on towards her stepkids and I knew somehow that this summer was going to be greater than even I had dared imagine.

2 B continued...

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IJS0904IJS0904about 3 years ago

I'm really having fun with this series. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Learn to edit your story, you dumb bitch.

MisstooyungMisstooyungover 18 years ago
Loving Neighbourhood eh?

Hey love! I have to say again that I loved it...you nailed Miro LOL! Yeah so I know that you had trouble with the 1st and 3rd person switch but I think it paid off. It gives the reader a better understanding of the rest of the characters and I must say that I enjoy it. If you get everything from one persons point of view things can get a bit dull as Mr Anonymous from Germany below said but this doesn't. Lil my love, I loved it. Keep it up and see you tonight, Love, Tiff

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
excellent story!

don't know where to start the praise, this series is going to be one of my all-time favourites! chapter one was non-stop action yet well paced . usually stories with a lot of characters tend to get boring after telling for the tenth times how everyone came to orgasm. not here; well done. chapter two surprises with new turns and makes ch. 1 even more pleasant. i espeacially liked the different perspectives the story was told, though i think you should stick to either first or third person view. but as you already started this way, you can also stay on the road you picked. good work, lillian, keep it up!

obiwan9962obiwan9962over 18 years ago
well worth it

long wait

long story

so many twists and turns

but very hot

i love everyone doing everyone :P

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