Jack's Place Ch. 03

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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/20/2023
Created 08/16/2023
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This the final chapter of 'Jacks Place'.

Rita said that Joe her ex-husband found her. He and another man pushed their way in and asked Jill what she did with the money she stole from the till. When she told him she didn't take any money he started slapping her leaving her face badly bruised. The other man roughly held her back so she couldn't help Jill. Thank God the kids were out with their friends.

Jill spoke, "Jack, I never took any money. I just signed the papers he asked me to sign, then I left. The man with Joe was a bookie, his name was Harley something. I remember seeing him at the bar. Joe gambled all the time. I believe he owed this man a lot of money and told him that I took it. I swear Jack, I never took any money."

"I believe you. Where are they now and what did they say they were going to do?"

"They said they would be back tonight to collect the money or pimp out me and Rita. We don't know what to do Jack. We don't have any money and we're worried about the kids."

"Trust me Jill, I'll take care of it. I want you and Rita to take my car and go to my home and take the kids with you. Stay there and don't let anyone in. I'll contact you later tonight."

"Jack, Joe said that we were still married, that he never turned in our divorce papers. He did say that he did register the ownership of the bar papers, that he is the sole owner."

"Do you have the name and number of the lawyer he used. I'm going to have my lawyer call him and find out how much truth there is in what he told you."

She gave me the lawyers name and number and I called my lawyer Sally Hawk. She's the best damn lawyer in the state and is very well known. I called Sally and explained the situation. She said she would call this Stan Eberwine and find out what's going on. I then called Will and told him to call Harry and tell him to run the bar the rest of the day.

I had damn good employees that I truly trusted. I told Will to get his ass over to Rita's house as soon as he could. I'd explain everything when he got here. I made one more call to a couple of my best friends that were in the service with me. They got in trouble a couple of times and I bailed them out of jail. I hired them as bouncers for the bar when we threw large parties. They looked like football linemen and just as tough.

Will showed up and ran over to Rita, who had been crying and asked her if she was alright. She said one of the men roughed her up a little but she was okay. I told him all the things Jill had told me and I was waiting to get a call back from Sally Hawk. He was busy hugging Rita and I told him there was time for that later. He said he was really pissed that some asshole manhandled his woman. It made Rita smile. Will wasn't usually that outspoken and had only gone out with Rita the one time.

The phone rang and it was Sally. She told me that this Stan Eberwine tried to tell her he wouldn't give out the information she wanted. She told him who she was and would be all over him like a cat on a rat if he didn't start talking. She told him she was representing Jill Bishop and she wanted her information now. He recognized her name and told her everything she wanted to know.

He explained that Jill Bishop's divorce went through over a month ago. He didn't have an address for her so he sent it to her ex-husband and he said he would see she received a copy. Sally asked him about the bar and he said Jill signed it over to Joe six months ago. He was the sole owner. Sally had him fax over all the papers related to the divorce and had copies for us at her office. I thank Sally for the fast efficient service that she always gave.

Things were moving so fast. There was a knock on the door and Jill got worried. I opened it and it was Oscar and Bud, my two friends. I invited them in and introduced them to Jill and Rita. I then told the girls to go pick-up the kids who were at their friend's house and take them to my home. I gave her forty dollars and told her to buy them a pizza and let them rent a movie. We would see them later.

They wanted to know why they were taking my car. I told them that when Joe and his buddy came back, they would see the girl's cars. They asked what we were going to do and I told her we were going to talk to them and hope they had the common sense to listen. I kissed Jill and told her to keep an ice pack on her cheek. Will gave Rita a kiss which surprised me a little.

I explained everything to Oscar and Bud. They were really pissed that these two guys had pushed our women around. I told them that I was going to talk to them first and if they didn't listen, they were to take them back to Kentucky and I never wanted to see or hear from those two assholes again.

Towards evening the doorbell rang, I answered it and this guy asked who I was and where was Jill. I told him to step in. He did and his friend followed him in. His friend had a gun in his belt but didn't pull it out yet.

"Where the hell is Jill? She is still my wife you know. She took off with my money and I want it back. Who the hell are you anyway. Tell Jill to get her ass out here or we're going to have a problem." About that time Will came in the room. The Harley guy pulled out his gun but didn't aim it at anyone. "Who the hell are you," asked Joe.

"Joe, just so you know I'm Jack and this is my brother Will. We are good friends of Jill and Rita. I suggest your friend put his gun away before we make him eat it." Both Joe and his friend laughed.

"What the fuck are you going to do? You don't even have a weapon," he laughed.

About that time both Oscar and Bud stepped into the room with their guns aimed at both men. Harley set his gun on the end table. "All we want is my money," replied Harley.

"Harley, Jill doesn't have your money. Your buddy Joe lied to you. Jill signed over the bar and all its contents to Joe. I had my lawyer, Sally Hawk, call Joe's lawyer, a Stan Eberwine, and he told us that the bar was under water when Jill transferred it over to Joe. He also informed us that their divorce went through over a month ago."

Joe started yelling, "You're lying! Harley they are lying to you. Jill and I are still married and she took all our money".

I walked up to Joe and slapped him as hard as a man can slap another. He staggered back and almost fell down. Oscar kept his gun on them as Bud put them both in handcuffs with their hands behind their back.

"What are you going to do with us?" asked Harley.

"I tried to talk some sense into both of you. My friends are going to drive you back to Kentucky. I told them I never wanted to hear or see either of you again. If I see you again, I will kill you and I don't make idle threats."

Will walked up to Harley and punched him in the face. "That's for messing with my girl," he said. Oscar put gags over their mouths and took them out to his van. They had flown to Ohio and rented a car. Bud dropped it off at the dealership and joined Oscar in the van. Last we heard they were headed for Kentucky.

We called the girls and told them all was well and that they wouldn't be bothered by Joe or his friend again. I drove Jill's car to my house so she could take Rita and the kids home. Will stopped by my house to make sure Rita was okay. He talked to her for a few minutes, gave her a tender kiss then went over to close up the bar.

I told Jill she didn't have to come in tomorrow if she didn't want to. She could take another day to rest and recuperate.

I got to the bar at nine the next morning and Jill was right behind me. She had powder on her bruised cheek but it covered it up quite well. If anyone asked, she told them she walked into a door in the dark during the middle of the night. When we entered the bar, she gave me one very long kiss and went back to the office to catch up on her bookkeeping.

We didn't hear anything from anyone. I stopped by Sally's office and she gave me the divorce papers and the bar transfer papers. I gave the papers to Jill to file away. Business went on as usual. I saw Oscar and Bud and everyone knew better than to talk about that night. I gave them each an envelope with two thousand dollars for taking care of business.

A couple of weeks went by and my daughter Kim came in. She came over and kissed me on the cheek and asked if we could talk about the wedding reception. I told her of course we could, so I called Mary, our cook and Jill in to our meeting. I told Kim that Jill was our bookkeeper as well as my girlfriend. Jill didn't really have to be there but I wanted to introduce her to Kim.

Kim and Mary talked over the different meal plans. They decided on three different meats and quite a few side dishes plus desserts. We were going to buy the four-tier cake from the bakery down the street. Jill and I sat to the side and discussed prices. I told her it was for Kim so prices didn't matter. Mary was cooking the food and knew I would pay her well. The waitresses would all be getting paid as well as the bartenders.

Everyone wanted to attend Kim' wedding anyway. My part of the wedding was to close the bar early on Friday for decorating, and all-day Saturday for the wedding. The whole reception was my part for the wedding. They set the date and it would be in two months. Kim had one big problem to discuss with me.

"Dad, I have to choose who to walk me down the aisle. Jim, my step-father has been there my whole life. You are my biological dad and I owe so much to you. When you were in the service you visited whenever you could, and never missed a child care payment. Ever since you got out of the service you were always there for me in so many ways. I just don't know who to choose without hurting the other."

"Honey, let me take care of it. I'll talk to Jim and we'll decide."

"Thank you, Dad, I love you so much."

That was a problem but I may have the answer for it.

It wasn't easy, but I knew I had to do it so I called Jim. When I brought up Kim's dilemma he graciously responded, "Well we appreciate all you have done over the years for Kim and know you love her. Of course, I have come to deeply love her, too, and care for her as if she was my natural daughter. Why force her to make a choice? We can walk her down the aisle together, you on one side, and I on the other. Okay?"

Wow! We both had the same solution. Problem solved so simply just by a little open communication.

A month went by and everything seemed to be going fine. Jill and I were dating regularly and Will and Rita were a couple. Jill called me and said Sally Hawk asked her to come see her and to bring me with her. She didn't want to discuss it over the phone. We set up an appointment for the next day. I asked Sally what this was all about.

"Jack, Jill, your ex-husband has been found dead. He was killed in a boat accident. He was on the Ohio river when he must have ran into one of those barges that clean scrap out of the river."

"What does that have to do with me? You sent me the papers that said my divorce was final," asked Jill.

"It was but his old lawyer Stan Eberwine said he had an insurance policy and he never changed the beneficiary. So, since you are the sole beneficiary, you will receive the payout."

"How much are we talking about?" asked Jill.

"The policy was for one hundred thousand dollars, but it had accidental double indemnity, so the payout is for two hundred thousand dollars. The insurance company had no proof that it wasn't an accident. They have been investigating it for quite awhile now. I don't know when the accident occurred."

"Oh my God, didn't he owe everyone money?"

"Yes but only a beneficiary can receive the money and you have no obligation for his debts since you're divorced. We'll be receiving the check tomorrow if you want to stop in and pick it up."

We thanked Sally and Jill said she would pick it up and put it in the bank. She told me she was going to pay off Rita's house to help make it easier on her.

The time for the wedding was getting close. I made sure the cake was ordered and got a good band lined up. All my employees wanted to help out in some way. Mary had the food ordered that she was going to make. She mentioned that Kim said they had returned reservations for two hundred people. Jill was making out all the checks for everything for the wedding. She mentioned that Kim was a very lucky girl to have a father like me.

It was funny but I felt nervous. I sat down and thought about my life and all that I have been through and now my little girl was getting married, I helped put her through college and she now was a nurse and was marrying a male nurse who she went to college with. I met the man, he seemed to be a nice guy. All I could tell him was to love my daughter and always treat her right. He quickly promised to do so.

Jill went shopping for a dress along with Rita. The two sisters were really close. Will had asked Rita to go with him to the wedding, Kim was his niece even though they were never real close but were friendly toward each other.

The day of the wedding I went and picked up my white tux, Kim wanted the men in white, I saw her mother Cathy who said she was a nervous wreck. She was still a beautiful woman and did a great job raising Kim. I met Jim, Kim's stepfather in the foyer, he had on a white tux also. We were both helping seat family and friends. My only relatives there were my mom and dad, along with Will. Most of my employees were busy helping at the reception.

I seated Jill next to mom and dad, they really loved her. They left an aisle seat for me. Cathy sat on the aisle in the front pew with her family, she had two other kids with Jim. The wedding was ready to start and I walked back to the foyer. Jim was there also. The attendants were walking down the aisle and it was now our turn. Kim came out and I stood on her left and Jim on her right. We both walked our little girl down the aisle. Everyone was standing and smiling as we walked by. When we got to the front, we each gave her a kiss and then moved to the front row on each side of the aisle.

When the preacher said, "Who gives this bride away?" we both stood and I said, Her mother Cathy and we do!" I know I had tears in my eyes. Jim and I then both sat down. He was next to Cathy at the end of the pew and me on the other side of the aisle next to Jill.

After the wedding they wanted the wedding party to stay for pictures. Jill rode over to the reception with Will and Rita. I showed up about an hour later with the wedding party. My employees had decorated the bar fabulously. I felt so proud.

Everyone sat down and I chose not to sit at the head table. I sat with Jill, Will, Rita and my parents. The food was fantastic. After eating we cleared out some of the tables for dancing. The band was one of the best I could find. They played music from all generations. The beer and non-alcoholic beverages were free but for those that wanted mixed drinks we charged half price.

The music started and Jill and I got up and danced to a slow number. We danced to all the wedding songs, the Bunny Hop, YMCA, Hokey Pokey and even that crazy chicken song. When it came to the line dancing Will and I sat out and watched our ladies shake their booties.

For the father, daughter dance Jim and I each took a turn. For the husband-and-wife dance Jim danced with Cathy and I danced with Jill. While we were dancing Jill mentioned to me that we didn't have our own song. I told her I had a song that I thought about when thinking of her. She asked what it was and I told her I would have the band play it.

We stepped out on the dance floor and the band said that I had asked for a special number for a special lady. The song started and they had a female singer sing the song. We were the only couple on the dance floor.

A little love that slowly grows and grows

Not one that comes and goes

That's all I want from you.

A sunny day with hopes up to the skies,

a kiss and no goodbye

That's all I want from you.

Don't let me down,

Oh, show Me that you care

Remember when you give,

You also get your share.

Don't let me down,

I have no time to wait

Tomorrow might not come,

When dreamers dream too late.

I watched Kim and her new husband come out and join us, then Will and Rita, and pretty soon the dance floor was full. The singer sang the song through a second time.

A little love that slowly grows and grows

Not one that comes and goes

That's all I want from you.

A sunny day with hopes up to the skies

Not one that comes and dies

That's all I want from you.

Don't let me down,

Oh show Me that you care

Remember when you give,

you also get your share.

Don't let me down,

I have no time to wait

Tomorrow might not come,

When dreamers dream too late.

A little love that slowly grows and grows

Not one that comes and goes

That's all I want from you.

Jill had tears in her eyes as she kissed me. "Jack, that definitely can be our song."

It was a beautiful wedding. We thanked everyone for coming. Jill stayed by my side most of the night. My friends that hadn't met her told me she was a keeper. Even Cathy, Kim's mom, said she thought she was good for me.

My employees said they would come in Sunday and clean the place up. I told them any food that was left they could divide it up and take it home. I did get a piece of cake for Jill and me. We left the bar and went to my home and ate our cake.

I had drunk a little too much and told Jill how much I really loved her. We made passionate love that night. There wasn't a whole lot that we didn't do. I woke up in the middle of the night and we went at it again. In the morning Jill took a long shower and I took one right after her. We had coffee and decided to go out for brunch, it was already past breakfast, we slept in and got a well-deserved sleep.

We stopped by the bar and it was all cleaned up. You would never know there was a wedding reception there the night before. We went over to see Rita and was surprised (not really) to see Will had spent the night. The kids had stayed at a friend's house.

Jill and I wanted to do something so we decided to go see a movie. We asked Rita and Will if they wanted to come along. They told us that they were tired and thought they would just stay at the house and rest. We smiled at them and told them we would see them tomorrow.

In the weeks that followed things went great. Business was good and my personal life had never been better. We noticed that Will and Rita were getting really close. About a month later they told us that they were engaged. They had talked to the kids and they were happy for their mom. They liked Will a lot but would still call him Will.

The wedding would be in about six months. Will said he wanted to talk to me and Jill about his schedule at the bar. He wanted to be able to go to the kids' school functions more often and be with Rita. We told him we would be able to work something out.

Jill told me that when Rita and Will got married, she would have to find another place to live. She wasn't about to live with Rita and Will. I told her I knew a place she could live and it was close to work. She kissed me and said, "I love you Jack".

"I love you too Jill".

Our future was looking very bright.

Thank you for reading my story.

Comments are welcome and appreciated.

DG Hear

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

THANK YOU DG! Second time through, 5 stars

somewhere east of Omaha

DINGDONG33DINGDONG3310 months ago

Very good story about life and four simple people that take life and live it. I like the way DG told the story and how he didn't go to the extremes jus a simple Romance and lots of love. Very very good story. 5 stars all the way.

KRD19254KRD1925410 months ago

Just a nice story about life, nothing more nothing less. It is nice that Jack had such good friends, but being a decent respectful responsible man what would one expect from Jack - he took care of those he loved.


4.4**** Hooyah, Salutes for the whole saga.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

DG knows how to write a realistic story, this time a great little Romance

RanDog025RanDog02510 months ago

Excellent story DG, excellent! 5 BIG ASS FUCKING HUGE FLAMING NOVA STARS! Thanks.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill6910 months ago

A very enjoyable story as always.

DG HearDG Hear10 months agoAuthor

Thank you all for taking the time to comment. I always try to give you my best. Sometimes I fall a little short. haha Some stories can go on for ever, it's hard to end them sometime. Thank you all for staying with me and reading the whole story. I'm just an armature who writes for the fun of it.

With respect

DG Hear

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Though I loved this it is really the outline for a full length novel. The best advice I can give to you is to get writing. There are plenty of publishers who would be happy to publish it.

olddave51olddave5110 months ago

Great story right up to the end but still a 5 STAR STORY.

"Our future was looking very bright." How about the actual moving in together and Jack and Jill getting married! I just like to have the ending tied up in a bow.

I know it is hard to continue after the crescendo I'm having the same problem with the story I'm writing now.

Buster2UBuster2U10 months ago

Another Big Winner for DGH, What a nice story. Full of the challenges of life yet ending with a smile. Basically just a sweet story, with a very lovely happy ending. Thank You my friend for a good read, good story, good plot, good effort. 10 big blazing stars for this effort! Thanks, Buster2U

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