Intended Outcomes, Donna

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One evening. Denver. 1986 and one intended outcome.
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[One evening. 1986. Denver. Colorado. An evening that changed everything, just as I intended it would. This is not a stroke story. There is no explicit sex in the story. In real life there was lots of sex, I just don't tell you about it here.]


When I knocked on the front door of Donna's parent's home her Dad opened the door so quickly I assumed he was standing just inside, holding onto the knob. He smiled and said, "Right on time. I like that about you."

The door opened wide and I was motioned inside. I'd been in their home ten or fifteen times over the last year that I'd dated their daughter. I liked how warm and welcoming the home felt. Mr. Wells was dressed in his I'm-not-at-work uniform: a polo shirt, khaki pants and loafers.

We headed for the dining room and could smell the smells from the kitchen. If I would have guessed at that moment I would have guessed lasagna.

Mrs. Wells and Donna came into the dining room carrying a big lasagna and a salad. Mrs. Wells always reminded me of June Cleaver. Whenever I was invited over she was in a dress and heels, no matter what the weather was like. Every dress was the same kind, a shirtwaist of a gentle print. No loud colors or wild prints for Mrs. Wells. And, all the dresses were modest, very modest. No hint of even a bra showing through. I was almost convinced Mrs. Wells didn't have nipples.

Donna, on the other hand, seldom wore dresses. She often wore white pants; white Capri's or white shorts. She loved bright colors and her blouses were usually solid bright colors. That evening was no exception. White Levis and a royal blue scoop necked t-shirt. It fit just perfectly, in my biased opinion. It drew my eyes to the stretched material between her ample but not overabundant breasts.

We sat and the salad was passed around. It was my favorite kind of garden salad, filled with chunks of iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, a few radishes, a few black beans, tiny pieces of green onion and a good strong Italian dressing. Mr. Wells took a bite and then added more dressing. I thought the amount was just right.

As we ate Mr. Wells began the table discussion. I knew what it would be when I was invited. I had invited Donna to live with me. On top of that I had invited her to move away from Denver with me.

"So, Donna tells us you've asked her a pretty serious question."

"Just might be the most serious question I've ever asked anyone."

"Her Mother and I have some questions, if you don't mind."

"I hope I have some good answers."

"You want her to live with you, but you didn't ask her to marry you. Why not?"

"I thought a lot about that. Our friends John and Kathy got married a couple months ago. I helped John with all the stuff he needed to do before the ceremony. I watched closely and listened carefully during the wedding. I don't want all that, not for me and not for Donna."

Mrs. Wells asked, "You just want to live together, with none of the responsibilities of being married?"

"And, all the privileges?" Mr. Wells added.

"Not at all. Why would I need or want a contract with Colorado or the federal government to love Donna? Why do I need their contract or consent to care for her, love her, and protect her for the rest of her life?"

"That's the way the system works."

"A hundred and twenty years ago the way things were done was that two families got together and married their children. It wasn't about love, or even knowing each other. Someone changed the system. You didn't call some other parents when your daughter was six and make a contract to marry her off to a boy who was ten. Less than a hundred years ago women couldn't vote, in some places they couldn't even own property. Someone changed the system. Someone said there's a better way. I'm glad we don't still do things the way they were done in the past. I'm not willing to go along with something just because people have done it for many years."

"The church teaches that we should marry." Mrs. Wells injected.

"If Donna and I write the vows I am more than willing to hold a special joining ceremony, a wedding, and have three hundred people witness our statement of wedding ourselves together. What I won't do is make a contract with Colorado or a church."

"There are tax benefits to being married."

"Probably. Would you ask someone to go against their moral beliefs for money?"

"No! I wouldn't." Mrs. Wells answered.

Mr. Wells thought a few seconds and said, "I might. I don't like paying taxes that go for things I don't want or use. I still pay them."

"Mr. Wells, I have two thousand dollars in my wallet. If you will stand here beside the table and undress I will give you the money. Will you do it?"

"Certainly not! That's rude even to ask!"

"It goes directly to what I said before. I won't do the things that are against my moral beliefs. I won't ask you to either. I withdraw the offer and apologize if the offer offended you."

Mr. Wells looked at me for a few seconds and said, "If you won't marry her, how do we know you won't run off and leave her?"

"If I do marry her, what guarantee do you have?"

Donna had not said anything. Her head had turned from looking at her Dad, to her Mom and to me. It was almost like she was watching a tennis match. Finally, she spoke.

"I don't want a guarantee. God, what a disgusting idea."

She reached across the table and took my hand, looked me in the eyes and said, "Nick, I want a guarantee that you'll live with me, pay for my life, even if I'm a bitch, even if I refuse to have sex with you, even if I steal from you. I want a guarantee you won't leave."

I pulled my hand back slowly and said, "No."

She continued, "Mom, you have no guarantee that when Dad goes to Casper to the convention next month that he won't meet up with some hottie and spend the three nights in her bed. And Dad, you have no guarantee that while you're gone Mom won't invite someone over to give her something new. There are no guarantees!"

"You want something like a guarantee? Donna and I have talked about it. She deserves to know that I back my statement of commitment with something besides words. We can write a contract between us that I will pay her to live with me, with a bonus for being with me for ten years and another bonus for having children with me, if we decide to have children. At the end of ten years she can decide if she wants another contract, or she can pack up and go."

"Or, I can stay without a contract. I think I'll know at the end of ten years exactly who Nick is and what is predictable in our future."

"This conversation isn't what I envisioned when Donna told us what you had asked her. I need to think." Mrs. Wells said.

"Nick, you haven't said anything about loving her."

I looked into Donna's eyes.

"Love isn't enough. I love her. More than loving her, I am committed to her life being extraordinary. I want to spend my life clearing the way for her to achieve every goal she has, now and in the future. I have decided that whenever she laughs from yesterday on into the future, it's because I'm doing something right. Every time she is touched, inspired or moved it is because of my commitment and my actions to have her life work. My life has always been about me, my life, my goals, my everything. I willingly and without duress give that up. My life is about having her life work."

"God! No wonder Donna loves you. I believe you mean everything you just said." Mrs. Wells said. A tear slid down her cheek. Donna shed a few tears but never broke eye contact while I spoke. It was quiet around the table. No one had eaten any of the lasagna, yet.

Mr. Wells used the hot pads and lifted the lasagna. He took a good sized piece and put it on his plate. He held the lasagna for Donna and she took half as much as her dad. He turned to me and extended the dish to me. As I spooned a good sized portion to my plate he said, "Ok. Where are you moving? When and how can we help?" Mr. Wells was all business and he was in.

"I have a job in Seattle beginning on the first of the month. Our plan is for me to go start work, settle in a bit and at the end of the month I'll fly back here and we will drive Donna's car back to Seattle."

"So soon?" Mrs. Wells asked.

"We still have six weeks together, Mom."

"Five." I said.

"Five?" Mr. Wells asked.

"The week before I start work Donna will fly to Seattle and we'll find a place to live. That gives us a chance to find a place together and few days to get a little moved in."

We spent time sitting at the table making plans and quietly celebrating. When the grandfather clock in the entryway chimed ten o'clock Mr. Wells stood up, then he sat right back down. When he stood the rest of us stood as well and when he sat back down we all did too.

"You two have already slept together?"

"Is slept what your asking about?"

"Have the two of you had sex together?"

"Yes. Is that a problem?" I asked.

"No. Actually, it makes things easier. Tomorrow is Saturday. None of us work in the morning. If you'd like, I think Donna ought to go home with you tonight."

His wife smiled and said, "That's like giving the cat permission to taste the cream after it's happened, isn't it?"

I smiled. "May be, Mrs. Wells, but I appreciate the gesture."

"Don't move! I'll be right back." Donna disappeared upstairs. When she came back down she had a day pack in her hand and a blush on her face. She kissed her Dad and then her Mom, said Good-Night and opened the door for us to leave.

Mr. Wells put his arm around his wife's shoulders and they waved at us as we went to my car. I opened Donna's door and she got in. When I got in I started the car and pulled away from the house.

"That went better than I hoped." Donna said.

"I think I really like your Dad."

"I'll bet he's undressing Mom right now!"

"You think?"

"Dad's a randy guy. I've been listening to them do it for years. They both make noise like I'm deaf or something."

"Tonight they can make all the noise they want."

"So can we!"

Half way to my apartment Donna said, "I have a present for you."

"In the back pack?"



"In my jeans. I shaved it smooth for you."

"Oh, Thank you. I hate getting hairs caught in my teeth!" I mimed pulling a long hair from my teeth. We laughed and Donna said, "My hair wasn't that long!"

We laughed some more and cuddled as I drove.

"When did you shave?"

"About an hour before you came over."

"You figured to come home with me?"

"I hoped it might happen. If it didn't, I have a dildo under my bed."

"I put new sheets on my bed this afternoon. I cleaned the apartment too."

"Did you buy supplies for breakfast?"

"Lucky Charms and whole milk."

"No! Don't you have any real food?"

"I bought a dozen eggs, a bell pepper, some shredded cheese, some turkey bacon and English muffins. How's that?"

"You planned to bring me home tonight too."

"I like how that sounds. I planned to bring you home tonight."

Inside my clean apartment Donna went to the fridge and checked to see that I had the things I said I had for breakfast. She checked that the doors were locked and drapes closed. I handed her four clothespins.

"What are these for?"

"You can use them to make sure that no one can peek in on us tonight. I know after your Dad does your Mom they'll drive over here and attempt to spy on us." I was smiling as I said it. Donna hit me.

I fell to the floor as though wounded and moaned. When she moved I sat up, grabbed her and pulled her to the floor next to me. We both laughed and then Donna said, "We can do it here and it'll be fun or we can go to your bed and be even more comfortable."

"Please to be taking off all your clothes. I will carry them to the bedroom. I want to watch your naked body walk into my bedroom."

Donna stood and kicked off her sandals. "Is that enough?"

"I'd like to carry your pants, too."

Watching her wiggle to get them over her hips and down was fun. Almost as much fun as seeing her thong, and then seeing her lower it. When she stood back up I was treated to a nice view of her freshly shaved pubes.

"Is that enough?"

"If I may, I'd enjoy carrying your shirt."

"I'll be almost completely naked!"

"Oh, just a sec." I went to my stereo and put on a favorite CD.

"What good is that?" Donna asked.

"You won't be completely naked, you'll have music on."

As we laughed she pulled her shirt up and off, followed quickly by her bra. She handed me the bra, completing the bundle of her clothes in my arms.

Faking ignorance she asked, "Which way to the bedroom?"

I pointed and she slowly walked to the bedroom door. It was closed.

"Here?" I nodded. She bent at the waist and opened the door. Her cute ass pointed at me. As she stood back up she asked, "See anything you like?"

"You have a little of my interest."

We entered my bedroom and she sat on the side of the bed. I stacked her clothes on top of my chest of drawers and took off my shirt. I pulled my tee up and off then threw it to her.

"Please put this on. It's nasty to see you sitting there with everything showing!"

"What if I'm in a nasty mood?"

"Then show me your pink! Be really nasty!" I kept undressing. Donna leaned back and spread her legs.

"Does your momma know how nasty you are?"

"As a matter of fact, I think she does. She walked into the bathroom while I was shaving this afternoon."

"She saw your bare pussy?"

"And, after we talked a few minutes, I helped her shave hers for Daddy."

"Oh my God! That's so hot! I'll bet Daddy is face first into it as we speak."

"Stop talking about it and follow his example! I want to be eaten!"

She was. She was eaten, kissed, licked, sucked and penetrated for a good portion of the night. At nine the next morning my phone rang. I handed it to Donna without answering. She sat up and said, "Hello?"

Seconds later she was laughing. Fifteen minutes later she hung up the phone. I had been playing with her breasts while she talked to her mother.

"Mom wanted to thank me for shaving her. She thinks Dad wants to thank me too, but he won't. She said it made sex even more fun."

"Do I really want to know this?"

"Women talk about this stuff all the time."

"So you've told your mom how much I love eating you?"

"Sure! I've told her how you like me to suck your balls and to shove a finger in your ass too!"

"You've never done that!"

"Mom thinks I have."

"Jesus! How'm I ever supposed to look her in the face again?"

"I told her that, months ago. She hasn't treated you like a leper yet."

"Do I have any secrets?"

"Yes! You know that cute little birth mark on your dick? She doesn't know about it."

I started to say something when she said, "Yet!" I pounced on her and we wrestled for long enough for both of us to win. We showered and as we dressed Donna said, "Oh yeah. Mom wants us to come over for dinner. I said we would."

"This is how it'll be? You make plans for us without asking?"

"If you'll do this for me I'll have sex with you tonight."

"Oh. Well, Ok then."

That was the beginning of the best twenty years of my first forty-five years on the planet. Tomorrow begins my forty-sixth year.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
humorous but telling

''If you fo this for me, I'll have sex with you tonight''

The quid pro quo that wives demand!

I recall the English language has words that relate to the required exchanges of gifts and or services for sex.

Tongue in cheek....BUT TRUE

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
nice one

a nice read about two people loving each other and committing to each other....

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 13 years ago
Simple - beautiful -

The ideal life and love -

Ah well maybe they are out there -

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
An enjoyable little story

Just one question - why are you so obsessed with shaven pussy? It happens in most, if not all of your stories, women are either shaved or soon get it done. What about us guys who like to suck on a hairy pussy? It is the sexiest feeling when it tickles your nose or you rub your face in it and, besides, it is there for a purpose - it cushions the bodies when fucking - it provides an air space between the vagina and panties so it doesn't heat up and cause infections - that's why humans have evolved to have hair there - and, believe it or not - humans have more body hair than a chimp has. Hairy pussies are for real men.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
I enjoyed it

I like the twists and turns in your stories. They aren't predictable, like most others on this site -- boy finds girl, boy has sex with girl, the end. Too bad more authors can't be more imaginative, like you. Thanks for the story -- it was enjoyable.

incubus666incubus666over 15 years ago
One of Your Better Stories

I have given the vast majority of your stories 5s and this one is another.

I will say it seemed to be a bit hurried, the apology to the mother I think could have been done a little better.

Still it is one of your better stories. Thanks.

Mike S.

PAPATOADPAPATOADover 15 years ago
Nice Read

Very laid back. A smooth comfortable story. Thanks

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