How To Deal with Negative Feedback

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One author's suggestions for others.
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As a writer I usually enjoy only positive feedback from my stories when I get it. But there are occasions when I get those emails or feedbacks that say, “You suck,” or “You are one twisted sick fucker and everything you write is a piece of shit and you’re going to burn in hell.” Now the question is how does one react to this.

I personally find myself growing angry every time I read one of those type of feedbacks. Simply because it is normally done anonymously and the person never has the nerve to put their name on it. Then I find myself chuckling because hey it means they read or at least scrolled to the end of the story to send this.

I try and never send that kind of feedback or if I am going to send negative comments I include positive ones of what an author did right and suggestions on how to improve in my opinion. But what should the average joe that doesn’t have many submissions on here and rarely gets feedback do the first time he receives a negative one.

Well you can do a number of things. First you can simply delete it and chalk it up to some chicken that doesn’t want you to email them back. Secondly, you can just laugh it off and if they provided any constructive criticism take it and learn from it. Maybe they are pointing out something about a style or wording that could help. Also another choice is to just give up writing or strive to do better.

Some people attack the higher ranked stories and send negative feedback to make themselves feel better. Making it look like it was a phantom striker and not someone of stature on this site. Others and there are a few out there attack the higher ranking stories because they hate to see anyone succeed. I have no idea if this is an author who just can’t produce anything better than average scores or if it is a rabid fan of one of the better author’s and they are trying to secure a spot for their favorite.

Who knows what leads to this. But if you get negative feedback I suggest you do what I do. I have a separate folder for just those feedbacks and I save them all and go back and look over them when I need a laugh or I get to high and mighty about the work that I am doing and need a reality check. It means someone hates your work and you haven’t succeeded in pleasing everyone so you have to strive a little harder to make them enjoy.

I also like to print the most recent ones off and read them to my significant other and listen to what she thinks. Sometimes she will tell me yes, they are right you screwed that story up by doing this or that. Or she will just let me know that in retrospect I have only gotten ten pieces of hate mail for about every 20 stories. Most of them coming for one story or another. But best of all she will slide over and kiss me and tell me that she loves what I write and since it makes me happy don’t worry about one or two hateful people and think about the many others that send feedback positive and with there names in hope of a response or just letting me know that they loved the work.

I must say one of my greatest pleasures in dealing with negative feedback is to converse with other authors on this site and having a giggle over them. We all get them at least once and it shouldn’t bring anyone down. Even the bible has received negative comments from different fractions over the centuries. So see anyone can find something negative with any work.

But as I said I look through all the positive feedbacks I have saved from my stories here and they outweigh the one or two negatives. I am lucky in the respect that an author I truly admire, is a big fan of my work and never fails to let me know what she thinks of each piece. She has also thrown in her negative comments where she saw something wrong but always in a positive manner.

To her, Maggie thank you for being a constant stable in my education and writing on this site without your positive feedbacks at times I would feel useless. And to all the fans that will send negative or positive feedback for my works this included thank you. I just love those feedbacks.

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CockholeCockholeabout 5 years ago
Delete the Trolling Comments

Good essay. I don't surprise my readers with any content that is not tagged or not to be expected as part of the category that the story is found in. I also write a disclaimer at the top of my stories that have triggering content (incest, interracial, cheating wife, etc.). Because of my painstaking efforts to inform my readers, I can now delete the trolling comments that pertain to the content of my story. I sometimes get "Just another cheating wife story written by a cuck- 1*" . I delete these comments because I've already tagged the story and wrote the disclaimer so this comment has to do with someone who simply does not like the content and is trying vote the story down or just shame me. A negative comment that lets me know that there's not enough character development, for example, I leave on the message board as I want others to see that I don't delete the comments I don't like or disagree with. I learn from the CONSTRUCTIVE negative comments, but I also learn from the positive comments- I know that I am on the right track and to continue with the style I'm writing in for that story and category. The trolling comments don't bother me like they did when I first began writing.

LaGazzaLadraLaGazzaLadraover 8 years ago

I personally find positive feedback largely useless. It doesn't tell you what could be improved. But there's a distinction between negative feedback and trolling. Negative feedback is 'your story sucks, because...', whereas trolling is 'your story sucks, do us all a favour and stop writing'.

It's a bit like walking down the street and seeing an attractive person of the appropriate sex. If this person checks me out, it means I must be doing something right. If I don't get more than a casual glance, it means I should do something about my appearance.

Now, the difference between feedback and walking down the street is that you can't exactly run after a person and ask 'but why don't you find me attractive?' It would likely end up with the police being involved, and a rather unpleasant interrogation.

So this is why I welcome negative feedback, provided it helps me become a better writer. Positive feedback doesn't do that, it just polishes my ego.

JinkiesFarieJinkiesFarieover 12 years ago

thank you! My first story on here was approved last night and my first and so far only two comments have been that its too short and I'm guessing boring because they're all like this guy's going to be old when the story's done. Bum me out a bit and no real constructive feedback. Bleh. This makes me hopeful

SensualdreamerSensualdreamerabout 14 years ago
Thank you :)

As a recent contributor of stories on lit, I also dealt with some harsh feedback. I suppose some of my stories may have struck a nerve somewhere, with some of the readers. I was almost at a point of not wanting to write again, until a fellow member kindly pointed out that while it seemed the attacks were against my character, that those attacking me were also on Lit, and were likely not at the pinacle of morality themselves. Anyways, I walked away from your post with a smile on my face...thanks :)

Alpha2BravoAlpha2Bravoabout 14 years ago

Best advise YET!

BriteaseBriteaseover 15 years ago
How true

Absolutely true.

Sometimes negative feedback is very useful, and in fact I discovered to my surprise through one comment, that the spell checker doesn't check words in capitals unless you reset it!

Some negative feedback is just so hilarious that you have to leave it, but my general rule is that if they've put a name to it, then I leave it, and if they haven't got the guts to put their name up, then I delete it.

The thing that surprises me, is just how many e mails I get through the site, rather than public comments. Often I get more e mails, (almost always positive) than public comments. Is this normal???

OneWhoKnowsOneWhoKnowsover 17 years ago
Well written

As a fellow author here on Lit, I too, have received anonymous negative comments. It is true, that you can't please all the people, all the time. If my stories have been read and enjoyed by the majority of readers, then I feel I've done a reasonably descent job in writing my stories. Almost all of my stories are based on true happenings in my past. And sometimes the truth isn't as exciting as fantasy. But, if it gives you an idea on something new to try, or reminds you of something in your own past you had sort of forgotten about and makes you smile, then my story was a success. It always amazes me that most, maybe not all, but certainly most anonymous negative comments contain numerous mis-spelled words and bad grammer. It just shows their mentality. I enjoyed your take on the subject.

Hornyman69WithUHornyman69WithUover 17 years ago
Depends on the Type

You do not make a distinction as to what is or is not constructive criticism. Personal attacks, illustrated perfectly by your first example, are in no way constructive. They are merely the words of some poor soul venting anger. Don't succumb to letting such feedback anger you. The best response is none at all. Ignore it.

On the other hand, we should all welcome constructive criticism, that which has reasonable basis and specifies the problem(s) with your story. Oh yes, it can get me riled for someone to lambast a story I've so carefully written, but then I take a deep breath, and ask myself, "Does (s)he have a point here?"

Do answer that, determine if the criticism is purely subjective, i.e., based on personal preferences. For example, in many of my stories, my ejaculation, be it oral coital, anal, or otherwise, is precipitated by the girl tickling my balls. I've been criticized for that, and it's legitimate criticism, for it demonstrates a lack of variety, a samo-samo, stuck-in-a-box writer's mentality. I did not realize how often that scrotal stimulation appeared in my stories until someone pointed it out. But I left that aspect in anyway, for all my stories are from real-life sexual experiences, and those chicks really did tickle my nuggets to send me over the edge.

On the other hand, I have changed the length, ratio of dialogue to exposition, and amount of humor, among other things, in my stories based on reader feedback. I remain my own toughest critic, however, and I write not only to entertain others, but also to relive those sexual experiences and cement the memories.

Finally, the most effective way to give feedback is to first point out what worked and why, then specify what did not and why, giving specific examples along with recommendations. People are just more receptive to criticism when it's delivered in this fashion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Thanks from New Author

Good recommendations. I'm just going to leave the negative feedback there and laugh about it. How does someone who remains anonymous have the right to tell me that my stuff sucks? It's funny when you think about it. They are criticizing an author, but don't have the balls to step up and be accountable for it.

The Gentle Man06The Gentle Man06over 18 years ago
Thank You!

Thank you for your advice. I too found your suggestions very helpful. Negative feedback unfortunately is something that we as writers have to learn how to handle but I think your advice is right on target. Thanks again!!!

fakers51fakers51about 19 years ago
Thank you for that advice

Thank you for that advice. You said something about separating the good from the negative and from time to time look them over. I do that now and it give me time to reflect before I say od do something on the spur, without thinking now

Lia MondeLia Mondeabout 19 years ago
Good Reality Check

Nice advice to keep in mind in the face of unanticipated or overly harsh criticism. Perspective is important, but often difficult in the moment. Thanks for the helpful guidance.

ThreesheetsThreesheetsover 20 years ago
Negative Feedback

Even if they make a comment it can be construed as constructive if they point something specific.

As an author here on Lit, I just let them go and figure the ones that are not signing a name have no clue and usually can't construct a sentence.

Fight the good fight and one of these days we'll be able to see the jokers with no lives and spam the hell out of them.

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