Family Ties that Bind


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He felt so tingly. His brain all foggy. So hard to think. Ten seconds. Such a short time. Surely he could make it. If only she would let his passions ebb.

"Yes..." Marks said. "But only...only if you let me catch up. I'm too close right now."

"Take as long as you want my precious boy," Mrs. Stern said. "My only condition is that you stay right there until you are ready."

It seemed as fair a deal as Mark had received in weeks. He waited nearly two minutes until his back began to cramp.

"Okay..." Mark said, looking down at his flagging manhood. It was nearly flaccid. Yes, this was going to be a cinch. "I'm ready."

"When I take it in my mouth," Mrs. Stern said, as she took hold of the base and his balls. "Start counting. One mississippi. Two mississippi. Okay?"

Mark nodded his head.

Mrs. Stern smiled wickedly. She might just lose this contest, but she doubted it. She took his soft member in her mouth, sucking, bobbing. She tightened her grip on his balls and lightly twisted them.

"One Mississippi....two Missiissippi..erm...ahhh God....three..."

Oh was this possible? He was nearly ready to come. Even though he was flaccid. He counted faster, Faster still. He was still mostly flaccid, only slightly swollen, and yet his balls were contracted and near to bursting. Faster he counted. Yes, he was going to make it. He felt certain.

Then he felt something he'd never experienced during a blowjob or any other job for that matter. A finger, worming it's way into his anus. Being penetrated by Mrs. Stern's index finger. It went in him like silk. It caught him off guard. It pressed against his virgin prostate. So full, so eager to give up its contents. The merest brush of the finger was all it took. But she pressed hard, just to be sure.

Mark gave a gasp of surprise. Then a moan. "Oh No! Oh No!" He spewed over and over again. Every contraction of his balls made his sphincter tense, to make him feel this very personal violation all the keener.

"Oh God," Mark moaned...and meant it. He slid down the wall, down further and further to at last coming to rest down on the toilet...he legs splayed and his body akimbo. He'd never felt the like of such pleasure before, that velvet mouth, that silky tongue, that exquisite finger, pumping him, probing him, robbing him of all thought and volition.

Mrs. Stern had sucked him dry. Had sat down on his naked lap and captured his chin in her hands and lifted it for a kiss. He had lost the bet, but at that moment he would have kissed her anyway. He was aglow. Sated as never before. He looked at Mrs. Stern as if for the first time. She was older sure...but not quite that old. And she was fine featured. A firm chin and high cheekbones. A slim pointed nose and eyes that were large pools of blue that a man could drown in.

He turned his head to accept her kiss. She moved in...then back out again. Teasing him. She made him come to her. Only then did her lips touch his. Her tongue snaked out and tickled his upper lip. His tongue met hers. And then without warning, she was on him. Mouth to mouth. Tongue to tongue. Mark gasped. He'd never been kissed like this before. Then he gasped intake of breath as he realized what she had done. His bitter salty brew filling his orifice.

She was feeding it to him...God, giving him back his salty nectar. He gave a grunt of protest, but it was short lived. Her mouth so hungry. So possessive.

He gave in. His tongue dancing with hers. Then she broke the kiss, leaving him waiting. His mouth full. Looking at him knowingly. Expectantly.

He swallowed for her. His cheeks hot. His cock beginning to swell again.

Mrs. Stern smiled, then cleaned his seed from her fingers. She took his head in her hands and kissed him again. Doling him his seed with her silky tongue.

"I bet Julie has never done it like that has she?" Mrs. Stern said, breaking the kiss a second time. "You don't have to answer. It was a rhetorical question anyway."

Mark didn't answer, but he knew the truth. No Julie had never given him a blow job like that before. Or a kiss like that either. No one had. He looked in Mrs. Stern's eyes. He could still feel the kiss on his lips. He was very confused.

Mark wasn't the only one that was confused. Mrs. Stern had similar feelings. She too could still feel the phantom of the kiss. His tongue. His lips. Ah the taste of him. And what a kiss it was!

This wasn't part of the plan. Why did she have to go and kiss him? A bet. A stupid bet!

The kiss changed everything. Now she didn't have what it took complete her revenge. To dress Mark up in drag. A little school girl. To have him suck cock. To send pictures to his old man.

It had been such a good plan. Till that damned kiss!

She couldn't do that now. The thought of having to share Mark with anyone made her very very angry. Speaking of sharing...there was still that little bitch of a fiancee. She began to make plans again. New plans.


Life was so different now, Mark had difficulty remembering what it had been like before. He'd been content...but now he thought that maybe he'd do things different if he had to do it over again.

He'd take better care of himself..of that he was certain. He'd been terrified at first, with the new hairstyle and stylish clothes. But now he liked the attention he received. Girls flirted...shamelessly. There was only one problem...guys did too. And they were doing it more and more now ... he was sure it had something to do with Mrs. Stern's latest request. A mustache. A pussy tickler as she liked to refer to it.

Thinking of it, he couldn't help but to take a deep breath. Inhaling...he could smell her musky scent all the time now. She made sure of that. After servicing her...he was permitted to clean his face...but not the 'stache.

"So you can remember me," Mrs. Stern said. But there was more to it than that. If Mark was smelling her and tasting her, he wasn't thinking of that little bitch. To make damned sure, she kept that smooth cock of Mark's working overtime. Either kept it all teased up, so that only the smallest touch was required to cause him to explode or fucking...sucking...and masturbating it until he couldn't get it up again no matter how much he wanted it.

These things served their purpose well. When he made love to Julie, it was with fear and trepidation. Would he come too fast this time? Or would he be limp...struggling to get it hard enough to put in?

The rest of the time, the mustache was always there. When he inhaled. He inhaled Mrs. Stern. When he ate...he ate Mrs. Stern. So far he'd always remembered to stop and clean it off on the way home. But tonight he'd worked late. Mrs. Stern had gotten happy with her camera again and wanted some pictures of him. Naked pictures. It had been humiliating showing himself off in such a fashion...stroking his cock, getting it hard for her. Oh God..for the camera.

But she liked it. So much so that she had two orgasms as he licked her after. Already late, Mark flew directly home. Only this time Julie's car pulled up as he was going into the house.

Once she was inside Mark hugged her. It was part of their tradition. So was a kiss. It was then that Mark remembered the mustache. That it would smell and taste like Mrs. Stern.

Mark couldn't think what else to he did the only thing that came to mind. He knelt down and pulled down her shorts.

"Stop it Mark," Julie said. "I figured you'd be I went to work out after work."

"I don't mind," Mark said, and he was persistent. He worked down her panties and moved to kiss her. She held him at bay.

"I don't want to now." Julie said.

"Come on Julie..." Mark said. "Let me kiss you. Come on ...please. You've had a hard day is all. Let me help you relax."

"No!" Julie said. "I don't want to now. What is wrong with .." Then she stopped when she caught Mark's shocked expression. He had smelled. He had seen. Her cheeks turned red. Then she thought the better of it. She had been driven to it. It wasn't her fault. Not one bit. It was his.

"That's right Mark," Julie said. "I'm fucking someone else. Someone who fucks me. I don't know what is wrong with you lately, but you have changed. It started with your new job. your hair. The way you dress."

"But I need to dress that way for work," Mark said by rote. "You only have one chance to make a good first impression. "

"Your underwear. How do you explain that?"

"The others show a line in my pants." That was what Mrs. Stern said. Besides all the hip guys wore them.

"The old Mark wouldn't have worn them. They make you look ridiculous. Like a fag. And your hair...where did it go? I want a man with chest hair. With leg hair. Pubic hair for fucks sake. I don't want some androgenous man/boy."

"But it's the style. It's very metro-sexual. It shows my definition." Mark said by rote. He'd repeated the lie often enough that it spilled out whenever she mentioned it. "And it...increases my sensitivity."

"Fuck your sensitivity. Maybe you don't need so much sensitivity. Serge fucks me. Fucks me till I'm all sweaty. You and your sensitivity ... you last less than a minute."

"But I'm always make sure you are....taken care of." Mark said, his chin beginning to tremble.

"You mean lick me. Oh and at first it was wonderful. You were so sensitive. You made me cum. You'd lick me and lick me. Like a love struck puppy.

Have you had a hard day honey? Let me help you relax. I've never been with a man who would go down a woman like you. I've told all my friends about your transformation. Angela is convinced you are gay.

But all the rest think I'm crazy. They wished their husbands noticed what earrings they wore. If their hair was styled different. That they would go down on them while they watched TV....with no thought to their own sexual gratification.

Well maybe you should give them a call. I want a man who'll pull my hair when he fucks me. Who'll put his cock in the window of my car and tell me to suck him. Who'll wait for me after work, then bend me over in an alley and fuck me against a building.

A real man. A man I say, no, my husband is waiting for me at home. And he takes me and cums in me and sends me home to you. That's the kind of man I want."

"I ... I could ... do all ... those things." Mark whispered. But deep inside he knew that he couldn't. Maybe at one time. But not anymore. He didn't know why but he just couldn't.

"No you can't." Julie said finally. "And I want you out. You know something else...I want the sort of man who wouldn't take me back after fucking around on him. Cuckolding him. I want you out."

Mark's head hung down as he shuffled to the bedroom and he got some of his things and put them in the trunk. He'd get the rest later. When he drove off, he didn't know where to go. He wanted so very much to call Mrs. Stern, but he didn't dare. Perhaps he'd check into a hotel and decide what to do tomorrow.


"Hi Serge," Mrs. Stern said. "Ahhh....that's good news. Thanks for calling. She wants to meet you? Oh I know. Here's what you do. Call her back and have her meet you at the Hilton. I'll charge a room and put it in your name. Oh I know you can't leave tonight. Just tell her you want her naked when you come to her. Naked and ready for you. Yes..yes...I'm a sadist, but you are the biggest horn dog in the city. Yes, the very best. And thank you. More than you realize."

Ah, it had happened. She had tolerated the little bitch of a fiancee long enough. Every day she sat and stewed knowing that she was sharing that cock, those lips, and that sweet tongue with that little blonde bitch. She'd done everything she could to end the relationship. Long hours. Keeping Mark hot and horny so much of the time his body jumped at any chance to orgasm. On Friday's she fucked him over and over again to drain his cock, until he couldn't get it up no matter how hard he tried. Then she'd put some stripes on his ass for good measure. Knowing full well he'd have to hide the evidence. But nothing worked. With a tongue like Mark's, she could understand why.

But then she found Serge. Had enlisted him in her cause. Had pointed the horny Spaniard in Julie's direction and sent him off. It had only taken two short weeks, and now finally...Mark belonged to her. And no one else.

She made reservations at the hotel and then called Mark.

"Mark, I just had the strangest feeling come over me," Mrs. Stern said. "I felt ... as if you needed me. Call me a silly woman. I'm sorry for disturbing you at home."

Marks chin trembled. He couldn't find his voice. It finally came out as a croak. "I do need you."

"Well you come right here," Mrs. Stern said. "Or would you like me to come and get you."

Mark moved in with Mrs. Stern that night. She consoled him. Dried his tears. Took him to bed. Rode him to sweet oblivion. The lay down it each other arms. It felt right. Well...almost perfect.

"Mark honey," Mrs. Stern said. "You've made a terrible mess down there. You know how I hate messes."

"Yes ma'am." Mark said as he slipped obediently beneath the covers.

"Mark honey," Mrs. Stern said. "If you are going to live with me, you better start calling me Cheryl."

"Glom-glom," Mark's muffled voice sounded like the sweetest candy. "Yes Cheryl."

"And you are living here with me," Mrs. Stern said. "I insist."


Six months later.

"Hi dad," Mark said breathily into the phone. "Look...I'd to get together...and let you meet my fiancee. I sound funny? I ah...just got in from...ah...mowing the lawn."

Mark moved as far from the receiver as she could and looked back imploringly. "Cheryl, gently...please..." he mouthed.

Cheryl put her finger to her lips and smiled wickedly. She eased the dildo from his ass ever so gently. All the way until it pulled from from his cute little crater.

"Yes dad. My new fiancee. Not Julie. She was my ex-fiancee. I left. Yeah I know what you say. Keep 'em engaged for as long as possible. But it isn't like that with my new fiancee. Cherahhhhhhl."

Cheryl had picked her moment. The perfect one to take him firmly by the hips and impale him fully. Pushing the purple strap-on into his tight little hole.

Mark looked back again. His cheeks blushing. His eyes so large and fearful. "Please" he mouthed. He tugged experimentally at the scarves binding his hands and feet to the corners of the bed. He looked at the phone lying on the pillow, wondering if he could push END with his nose to cut off the conversation. Cheryl smiled wickedly, stuck out her tongue, and batted her eyelashes.

"Cheryl...ah...her name is Cheryl," Mark finished.

"But you used to call me Cheri Frank," Cheryl said loudly.

"Yes dad," Mark gasped. "I'm marrying your ex-secretary. No dad. No dad. I love ah her. No dad, I'm I'm not having sex with her right now."

"Tell the truth Mark," Cheryl laughed.

Mark cheeks burned in shame. His eyes trembled in their sockets. "We are ah...okay we are having sex."

"And your son is twice the lover you ever were," Cheryl said. "Oh give it to me you stud. Give it to me." And while Cheryl said it she stuck it to him. Reached up and hung up the phone. Then gave Mark a fucking he wouldn't soon forget. Moved her hand around his hips and jerked him off at the same time. Made him cum like crazy.

It was fun. It wasn't the revenge she'd planned, but it was fun all the same. And she wasn't done. Not by a long shot. She'd make Mark's dad green with envy. Make him spend his nights wondering what his son was doing. What she was doing for him. What he missed out on and would never have a chance of getting again.

-The End

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 2 years ago

good revenge, female Dom story. what happens with Julie naked at the hotel?

fastrsxdudefastrsxdudeover 7 years ago
Good read! very erotic

wow. Very good story.

dacoach44dacoach44almost 11 years ago
Good seduction

Nice work; was great fun to see the older woman dom him.

lastjuanlastjuanover 11 years ago
Very nice

A different tale from your usual wonderful tales. IMHO, it shows that you have a knack for writing romance that I was unaware before. Any similar tales?

jane marwoodjane marwoodabout 12 years ago
you write really well

very enjoyable 5* story.

MildmanInVAMildmanInVAabout 14 years ago
Exceptional story 5 stars plus!

Super Hot Story. What an incredible boss, and an incredible writer. Loved it

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Squirted lots!

Oh my god!!! by the time I got to the end of this story I was sooo horny, squirted lots! The finger up the anus against the prostate at the beginning of page 3 had me crazy with lust. mmmmmmm

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Lol yea that tiny 5 inches

You do know that 5 inches is the average length.

Just another size mean everything story yawnnnn.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Hell hath no fury......

Brilliant! Though I am male, this is the best revenge story I've ever read. Well done! Write more ( though it may help if you put it in the man's perspective.)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Good story

I enjoyed this young man's slide from manhood to her play thing; it's a shame you didn't feminize him though.

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