Every Woman is Desirable

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BBW gets a nice surprise from her daughter's teacher.
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'My daughter has a crush on you,' the large lady who sat opposite Matthew told him. 'That is why her work has not been so good as usual.'

'I had wondered,' Matthew said.

Matthew was a history teacher at a girl's school. He was thirty one, single and presently unattached, and he was handsome. He was the favourite teacher among the girls in the sixth form and the one whose class everyone wanted to be in. And some of those girls were very pretty indeed, but Matthew took pride in being professional, and he valued his career. He desired some of those young girls, and some of them he desired a very great deal, but he was certain that none of those girls that he desired so much could ever detect what he felt and what he would have liked to do with them.

The large woman who was sitting opposite him, on the other side of the desk in his office, was Mrs Allen, or Maria, as she told him he could call her, who was the mother of Sarah Allen, who was the good pupil whose work had gone to pot, because she had fallen for her teacher. Other girls in the class had fallen for him too, but they were a little more worldly and tougher perhaps, and although they flirted with him sometimes, in the gauche and amusing way that young girls flirt, they never expected him to respond. An indulgent smile was enough.

She wore a little more make up than most women would wear, for the time of day, and to meet their daughter's history teacher. Her clothes were stylish and expensive looking, but also hinted a little towards the sexy. Matthew noticed; maybe it's compensatory, he thought, or maybe she just didn't care. He was an amateur psychologist as well as a professional history teacher.

Maria Allen was a large lady, a fat lady, a big beautiful woman, as the euphemism goes. She was big, and she was most definitely a woman, and she was, to a man who understands these things, beautiful. Matthew was such a man. He was not exclusively a big girl man, but he did not exclude the heavy, the shapely, the voluptuous and the fat from the range of women that could fascinate him erotically. But Maria Allen could not have known that; not yet anyway.

'Sarah is not the first girl to have got a crush on her teacher, and she won't be the last, but she is one who is taking it hard. Sarah and I are very close. Her father left us when she was only five, and since then it has been just the two of us. I was young when she was born, only nineteen, and in many ways we are as much like sisters as mother and daughter.'

Matthew did the sums as she spoke. Sarah is eighteen and mum was nineteen when Sarah was born. Mum, then, is thirty seven.

He had not been overly friendly or flirtatious with Maria since this interview had begun; a liaison with a pupil's mother would be as tricky as one with a pupil, even if less ethically wrong. He was surprised though, that she had not noticed the little sparkle in his eyes in some moments, as they had been talking. Yes, he was talking about a problem of misplaced attraction with the mother of the girl in his class who was suffering from that attraction; and at the same time he was talking to a woman he found highly attractive. It might be another case of misplaced attraction, but one that he would be able to handle. She had not noticed though.

'I can assure you,' he said, 'I am not the kind of man to take advantage of a situation like this.'

Maria looked a little awkward and quickly told him that she had not been worried about that, and then went on to say

'No, I'm worried about her school work suffering. She wants to go to university and she is bright, but this could ruin everything. I'm also worried about her, though. She has not had a boyfriend at all and I think that she believes that no boys will ever be interested in her. She thinks that her size puts them off.'

Sarah was the best pupil in the class. She always got the highest grades. She was popular with her classmates, but it was true that she was not popular with the boys from the nearby boys' school. She was the only girl in the class who had not had a boyfriend; not even one. Like her mother, she was big.

Knowing what Maria meant, and wanting to make the necessary and reassuring remarks, and wanting also to indicate that not all men were adverse to larger women, Matthew said

'She will find someone, probably when she gets to university, which will be better, because she will be busy with her exams in the next few months. A boyfriend would be a distraction that she is better off without for now.'

'And her crush on her history teacher?'

She will get over that too, in time, just as she will discover that not all men find larger women unattractive.'

He looked at Maria for a long moment as he said that. That she did notice. The ghost of a blush came to her cheeks.

Maria rose to leave and thanked him for his time and understanding. As she turned to go, Matthew said

'Let me know how she is when the exams are coming up. I'd like to talk to you again.'

It was subtle enough not to jar, and direct enough for Maria to have understood.

Matthew knew that the problem with Sarah would solve itself; at least the part of it that concerned him. His mind did not dwell on her. His thoughts were on her mother. He thought that he would like to get to know this woman more. She had struck him as intelligent as well as nice. He thought that the story of her life would be an interesting one and that she would tell it well. He desired her and his thoughts wandered to imagined images of her naked and lying on a bed as he knelt over her, ready to make love to her. He felt the twinge of movement in his loins and then remembered that he had to go to class in a few minutes, so he thought about the shopping he had to do on the way home that afternoon instead.

Maria thought of him as she drove home. That young man likes me. And he is very good looking. If I put myself in his way, and he invited me to, with what he said as I was leaving. And we might go out. And eventually it would lead to my bedroom or his. I wonder. She felt a mixture of excitement and dread. But then he would see me naked, and my horrible stomach, and that would be the end of that. And I must think of Sarah. I have no time for men.

She described Matthew as 'that young man.' He was only six years younger than her.

Two months passed and exam time approached. Maria had not been obsessed by the idea, but she still would have liked to put herself in Matthew's way. Matthew had not been thinking about her the whole time either. Sarah's school work had picked up again, but there was more to it, as her mother had told him. He was still hoping that she would come and tell him how Sarah was getting along.

Fate took a hand. One afternoon, as Matthew was leaving school, he saw Maria sitting in her car outside the school gate. He decided to go over and say hello. She returned his greeting and told him that Sarah was at an after school club and she was waiting to pick her up. Matthew was secretly pleased to have Maria alone again. They chatted and he remarked that Sarah's work was back to normal and Maria said that she seemed fine again now. Then she said

'And she seems to be over her crush.'

'That's good, and I said it would pass.'

They smiled at each other and there was a feeling of expectancy between them. The conversation had reached that point where it must be moved up to a new level or the moment, and much else that might rest on it, would be lost.

Matthew's fast wit saved it.

'Maybe sometime a lady more suitable will get a crush on me.'

Maria seemed to be about to speak, but she didn't.

'Could I ask you for your phone number?' he asked her.

She hesitated for a moment and then she said, very nervously

'No, but if you would give me yours? I wouldn't want to get a call when Sarah was around. Let me call you.'

'And you will call?

'Yes,' she said.

He wrote his number on a piece of paper and gave it to her. She slipped it into her handbag. A moment later, Sarah emerged from the school gate. Matthew said hello to her and then good bye to them both, as she got into the car.

He wondered if Maria would call. Three days past. During those three days Maria tortured herself. How she wanted to call him and how she did not dare. He was her daughter's teacher. He was younger than her. She had not been on a date for so long. She had not had sex for four years. She had watched herself in the mirror as she had grown heavier; and she had focused all of her attention on her daughter, and not on herself. But her daughter would soon leave for university and she would have her life to herself again. It was not a prospect she was relishing. She would no longer have her daughter to focus all of her attention on.

Finally, on the fourth day, she made the call. Quickly conversation began to flow. She relaxed. His easy way made her feel comfortable. When he asked if they could go out for the evening the following Saturday, she said 'yes' without thinking about it. They agreed a time and a place to meet. It was a restaurant out of town. She did not even think of what she would tell Sarah. She only thought about that later. In the event, she said she was going out with a couple of her female friends. It was not that unusual for her to do that. Sarah also decided that she would do something with some of her friends from school.

Saturday evening arrived. They met. It was a great success. Conversation flowed easily, as it had on the telephone. At the end of the evening Matthew offered to see her home and she accepted, but she asked the taxi driver to drop her off around the corner from her house. Matthew understood.

They saw each other again the following Friday. It was another successful evening and this time he kissed her as they were leaving the bar they had met in. He invited her to come to his house for dinner. She objected at first:

'Sarah will begin to wonder why I'm going to go out so often lately.'

He was about to say 'Sarah will be ok, and if you're worried about my being her teacher, I won't be for much longer', but he judged that the time for that conversation had not yet come. Instead, he said

'Ok, come for lunch. On Tuesday, Sarah has her history exam, but I don't have to supervise it. My classroom assistant will do it. The exam begins at two. Come then.'

She agreed to come.

Would this be the moment, she wondered? The moment when she would have to face him, and herself? She had not been sure of him at first, but he was capable of being sensitive, and he had picked up on what need to be picked up on. At first, on the first evening they had spent together, she had liked him, but she had sensed that he had known a lot of women. She thought that a man who had known a lot of women was probably not very sensitive. Matthew was sensitive, and that was why he had known a lot of women. She was too inexperienced, despite her age, to realise that. He had convinced her, though, that he was sensitive and decent and not just a womaniser, even if she still thought that he had known a lot of women. She wanted him enough for it no longer to matter to her. She wondered if she was ready for whatever might happen at his house after lunch. She decided to trust him.

Matthew did not have a rule about it, though most often he did not make a move the first time he was alone with a woman at his house or hers. It was a tactic that had brought him good results. It made them wonder why he hadn't tried. It surprised them, and a woman surprised is ready for the taking. And she will like a man more for not trying at the very first opportunity, and when he does move, she will be ready to be taken.

She arrived and he greeted her with a kiss. The lunch he had prepared was excellent. He liked to cook for women, because he knew that a man who can cook gets a woman into bed more quickly than one who can't.

After lunch they chatted and drank more wine. She needed the wine, because she knew that if he made a move, she had to be ready. She was ready; as ready as she could be. It had been four years and she was horrified at the idea of him seeing her naked. She still had not realised that if he did not desire her, and just as she was; they would not have been there together in his house, sitting together on his sofa, while the tension rose and the air in the room seemed to grow hotter.

He came towards her and in the befuddlement of wine, she returned his kiss. She returned it with a passion and a hunger that surprised her when she came to herself. But she did not stop and she did not want him to stop.

He took her hand and made to rise and said

'Let's go to the bedroom.'

He had judged rightly that she was not ready to be taken there in the living room. She would have to be worked up to that.

They were barely in the bedroom before they were without their clothes and their hands were exploring each other's bodies. Without thinking about it, she had reached down and taken his cock in her hand. She only realised what she had done when she felt its hard length throbbing in her palm. She thought that she must not have expected him to be hard. She liked it that he was. She felt his hands over her breasts and his fingers caressing her nipples. They fell into the bed and he pulled the duvet over them.

He was so hot for her that he wanted to fuck her immediately and she was so wet that she was ready to receive him. He controlled himself, though, and instead of getting on top of her, he ran his hand down from her breasts over her stomach and towards her pussy. She felt herself shudder as his hand passed over her stomach. She knew that he must have noticed her shudder. She hoped that he would think that it was a shudder of pleasure, in anticipation of where his hand was heading. It was really a shudder of fear and it made her remember herself again. She hated her stomach and she could hardly bare to look at it. It reminded her of her conviction that she was not attractive anymore. She had forgotten herself in the excitement of the moment when he had been undressing her. He had done it so quickly. She was glad that she had forgotten and she wished that she had not remembered now, but then she felt his fingers on the lips of her pussy and the head of his hard cock pressing against her thigh, and she forgot again.

She was wet. She was soaking.

'How long has it been?' he asked her, as his fingers began to explore the shallows of her pussy.

'Too long, too long,' was all she could say.

He pushed two and then three fingers into her and she gasped with pleasure. She knew that she would come soon and so did he, so he kept on slowly finger fucking her. When she came, she did not cry put or even move much, but there was no question that she had come. He imagined all of those nights alone, when she had been frightened to cry out, in case her daughter heard her. And he believed that he knew the other reasons why she was silent.

After she had recovered from her orgasm, she reached for his cock and gently stroked it. She was about to start wanking him in earnest, but he had another plan. He made his way down and threw off the duvet. He ate her pussy. He ate it for ten minutes, until she came again, and then he went on eating it until he could not wait any longer. He moved up so that his face was looking down at hers and his cock was poised an inch from the lips of her pussy. He entered her without the aid of his fingers or hers.

He was there. Hs cock was in her pussy and he was supporting his weight with his hands resting on the bed either side of her. Her eyes were closed. It was delicious. She excited him. Her size excited him. The sight of her stomach filled him with lust. But for a woman who had not had sex for four years, as she had told him, she was strangely reticent. She was holding back. Among the things she had told him about herself, she had said that when she was young, she had not been fat. She was never skinny, but after giving birth, she had never lost the weight that she had gained, and then as the years had passed, she had got bigger. And there had been that shudder. It was obvious to him what her problem was, and he knew exactly what to do about it; and in administering the cure, he would be ministering to his own fancies too.

Instead of continuing to fuck her, he withdrew and took his cock in his hand. It was wet with a film of her pussy juice. She opened her eyes in surprise. She knew that he had not come yet. He moved from between her legs to her side. He knelt there for a moment and then he swung one leg over her. He stayed still, the leg over her bent at a right angle and his weight on the other leg that was folded below him. His balls rested on her stomach right on her navel and his cock stuck out and pointed upwards.

He reached for his cock and pushed it downwards, so that it rested on her stomach. He had always wanted to do this. He lifted himself a little, so he could move and he began to rub the tip of his cock over the rolls and folds of her belly. Her juices on his cock provided lubricant and allowed his cock to slip smoothly across her flesh.

She felt surprise, horror, elation.

He looked at her and said

'I have always wanted to do this. A stomach like yours is heaven.'

She could not say anything, so she just waited for him to continue.

He pushed his cock gently between the rolls and folds and made fucking movements and as he did so, he reached down with his other hand and fingered her pussy again. Finally he brought his cock to her navel and held it there with its head embedded softly in the little well. He stayed like that until she said 'come,' and beckoned him to her.

She had never enjoyed doing it in the past, not even with her husband, but she wanted to suck his cock. She wanted to feel its hardness in her mouth and to taste its head and shaft with the tip of her tongue.

He moved up towards her and knelt over her face and she took his cock and directed it into her mouth. She moved her head up and down and felt its hardness and its length and tasted it on her tongue and he gasped and sighed as she sucked his cock. She wanted him to come in her mouth and she sucked him faster and faster to bring the moment to its crisis, and soon she felt that he was about to get there, but as his balls churned in their sack and the come rose in his cock he quickly moved away and positioned himself over her stomach again and held his cock and pointed it at her navel. A moment later his come shot out in three or four spurts and each of them went into her belly button.

There was so much and a woman's navel is not large and it overflowed and ran slowly over the flesh of her stomach. With the tip of his cock and then with his fingers, he smeared his come over her stomach, as far as it would reach.

'That was unbelievable, he said as he looked down at her.

'I don't believe it either. I hate my stomach,' she said.

'And I adore it,' he said, 'and I'm pretty keen on the rest of you too!'

'I'm ready for you to fuck me again,' she told him.

'I'm ready to fuck you,' he replied, and with that he got between her legs and pushed his cock into her again. This time his hands ran all over her stomach as his cock slid in and out of her pussy, stroking and kneading and caressing her soft and generous flesh, and her hands joined his there. He did not stop until he had come inside her pussy, and she held nothing back.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
I love tummy fucking!

I have been looking for a story like this and can't find too many. I'd love to read more!

sexi_soprano87sexi_soprano87over 16 years ago
Very Nice

As a bigger girl myself i know how it is to feel insecure about my body in front of men. i really liked this story....great job!

mrskelleymrskelleyover 16 years ago
Loved it!

More Please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

I loved it and I shared it with the woman I truly love. She's of a generous size and I find her absolutely delicious. She loved the story and I think she has a greater appreciation for my love of her heavenly hot sexy body. PLEASE LET THERE BE A CHAPTER TWO

sharonasharonaover 16 years ago
Very nice

This was a nice read and I'd love to see more of the characters. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Hope that there'sa next chapter

Great story. Hope that there's a next chapter. I think that BBW are are really sexy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Very nicely done

Yes, thankfully, there are different strokes for different folks. As a 20-something, I was a thin little thing and had lots of fun. Then in my 30's, became more of a curvy handful, and when I reconnected with an old love, was so worried he would not be turned on. It was such a wonderful surprise to find that he loved my new larger size.<br><br>

Now in my early 40's, I recently had an experience with a man who loves BBW, and wow, was it absolutely delicious! <br><br>

Really liked your story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Hot large flesh

I really like this story because it shows that all women are good for loving and that a man can show his love for a big woman's flesh.

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