Eric's Parting Gift Ch. 03


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"Yes, and more if you move."

She lifted and sank back down, pressing her pussy against me and grinding at the bottom of each thrust. Faster and faster, her motions frantic and her voice getting louder and louder.

"I'm going to cum inside you, Cheryl! A gift for your morning." I shot my load inside her and she moaned and shook. I rolled her onto her back and stood up.

"If we hurry into the shower we won't be late for work." As I turned the door opened and Sarah smiled at us.

"Good morning, my husband. Good morning, my sister."

We showered and kissed before getting dressed for the day. None of us was late for work. At about ten Tom Jacobson dropped by my office.

"Carol and I want to invite you and your new lady for dinner. How's Friday nite?"

"Nope. We are just getting to know each other. It's too soon to go showing her off to my judgmental friends. Maybe in six weeks or so."

"Awe, come on! We aren't like that. We just want to meet her."

"See me in six weeks. Till then, the answer is no."

At lunch both women called me. We made arrangements to meet at the old house and dismantle the play room. Sarah suggested that it would be easier and less costly to turn the garage into a soundproofed play room than any room in the house. It would mean our cars stayed out all the time but since we live in Southern California that wouldn't be so bad. Seemed like a good idea. I told them I would rent a van to transport all the toys and we could unload right into the garage.

By Friday night the old house was empty and ready to be cleaned. A crew of people from an agency showed up Saturday morning and Sarah was there to supervise. A couple showed up from her work to look at the house and rented it. Leased it. Sarah had the lease drawn up .during the week and had it ready, just in case. They agreed to pay the utilities, first and last, and enough rent to cover the mortgage and $500 a month. They wanted to know about painting the inside and Sarah called me. I said we needed to see the colors they choose and that the paint needed to be good quality.

Cheryl got a call on Saturday from her apartment manager. She had found someone to take over Cheryl's lease. The woman wanted to move in the next weekend so we arranged for all Cheryl's stuff to either go into storage, sold or tossed by the next Friday. The same cleaning crew would arrive on Saturday morning and have her place spotless by noon.

At 6:15 the next Sunday morning we needed to be up, dressed and on our way to the airport.

It was a busy week. Everything that needed to get done got done. I turned over a set of keys to Frank, the contractor friend who would build us a great shower while we were gone. I put Cheryl's car and Sarah's car in for service telling the mechanic I would pick them up in two weeks. He wasn't charging me hardly anything for secure storage for the two weeks. We went to the airport in my Honda.

Both women had somehow kept from asking where we were going. When I parked the car they knew they were about to find out. They were wearing light dresses and comfortable sandals. I had on a Hawaiian shirt and Khaki shorts with comfortable sandals. We rolled our luggage to the luggage turn in and I handed the man our tickets. Sarah and Cheryl listened carefully.

"Oh, I want to go with you!" The man said as he looked at the tickets. "Jamaica is one of my favorite places I've never been."

"Jamaica!" They both screamed in unison.

"Looks like my secret is out!"

The man looked stricken. "I wasn't supposed to say anything?"

"You were supposed to be the one to tell them." I gave him $20 as a tip and he handled our three bags for us. He gave us directions to our gate and I walked off with Cheryl on my right arm and Sarah on my left.

Our seats on the plane were three across in the center. We were in a bulkhead row so I had a little extra leg room. As we went to our seats I asked for pillows and blankets for the trip. We got three of each. At our seats I had both women put disposable pads on the seats before they sat down. Sitting bare on their dresses was not a good idea and neither was sitting bare on an airline seat. One of the flight attendants saw Cheryl put down her pad and then lift her dress as she sat. She said nothing.

Cheryl started asking questions as soon as we were seated. She would have asked sooner but I said no.

I gave her a packet and let both of them read everything about the resort and the island that was in the packet. When they had read it all we were an hour and a half out of Los Angeles headed towards our first vacation together. Sarah asked, "Will we have a single room at the resort?"

"I reserved a two bedroom suite. Each room has a king sized bed."

"Near the pool?"

"I think all the rooms are near the pool and the beach. I have also booked us on two excursions. One is a trip down a river and the other is a sailing trip." "The pictures show how beautiful the resort is but most of the pictures do not show people."

"I found out long ago that many clothing-optional or nude resorts do not put many people in their advertising."

"Will we be wearing clothes while we are there?" Cheryl asked.

"Have either of you ever been to a nude resort?"

"I have," Sarah said. "Eric liked going and liked men to look at me."

"I've never even considered going. I always thought they were weird."

"Have you gone skinny-dipping?"

"Yes. In someone's backyard pool and once on a dare in high school we went in the school pool at night."

"Swimming nude is a so much nicer feeling than in a suit. It also does away with tan lines."

The cabin lights dimmed and a movie was shown. We had seen it so I recommended we sleep. Sarah and Cheryl curled up against me and we covered with the blankets we had been given. As they snuggled in they each took one of my hands and tucked it inside their dresses, next to their pussies. They both wore the same perfume so the subtle fragrance I smelled was the same from both of them. We did sleep.

When I awoke the movie was over. The cabin lights were still low. I woke both ladies and recommended they use the bathrooms. As they left to do that I covered their pads. Sarah was back first. I left her with our stuff and I went. Cheryl came out just as I arrived at the restroom.

"See if you can get me a Diet Coke, would you please?"

"Yes, Honey. May I have a kiss?"

"Certainly." I guided her into the galley and we kissed. I almost never have pecked. If I am going to kiss someone other than my grandmother I want it to be a kiss. That one was not a peck. Cheryl held my ass as we kissed and I held hers. The two flight attendants in the galley didn't say anything. When the kiss was over one of them handed Cheryl a diet Coke and asked what she would like. She got two more Diet Cokes and went back to our seats. I went into the bathroom and heard one of the flight attendants say, "I guess we know which one he's with."

I smiled. When I got back to my seat Cheryl and Sarah were sitting with the blankets over their laps. I sat between them.

"I remember," Cheryl said, smiling.

"Remember what?"

She took my hand and it went under the blanket. Her legs were spread and the skirt pulled up out of the way. I smiled and touched her wetness with my fingers. When I pulled them back I sucked on them. We both smiled. Then I turned to Sarah and did the same. She was as accessible as Cheryl and tasted just as good.

"Thank you both. Maybe I didn't need a diet Coke after all. We smiled. I opened the Diet Coke and we talked as we drank.

"Have you been here before, Nick?"

"Never. I wanted to, years ago, but my wife was afraid to fly."

"Can we know about her?" Cheryl asked.

"Yes. We were married the week after she graduated from UCLA. She got a job teaching special ed. in Long Beach and I was already working in Santa Monica. We moved in together during her senior year and a year after we were married we bought the house we live in now."

"What does she look like?" Cheryl asked.

"She looked like a red haired dream when I met her. Natural long auburn hair, wavy, smelled like strawberries. She was five nine, weighed one hundred forty pounds and had my heart from a month after we met."

"What happened? You still sound like you love her."

"I will always love her. We went out one Friday night about five and a half years ago and there was an accident. I woke up in a hospital three days later. She never woke up. Her heart was so damaged it couldn't be fixed and a transplant wasn't available."

They cuddled against me and held on.

Later, when I spoke again I said, "You are the first and only women I have kissed or touched since she died."

Sarah said, "I knew her. Eric and I met Nick when he was married to Patti."

"No kids?"

"No. Patti was born with only one ovary and it didn't work very well. She did get pregnant once but miscarried in the second month."

"There aren't any pictures of her in the house."

"Yes, there are, but not on display. I found it so painful to see pictures that I packed them away and then I discovered that I still think of her often and see her in places we used to go together."

Both were quiet a long time.

"Please listen to me. Neither of you is a replacement for Patti. I didn't go looking for you. I didn't even know what was missing from my life. Eric did. He told me I needed a Sarah in my life two years ago. I knew he was right and I did nothing to change things. I've been dying, slowly, and you both have awakened me. Because of the major difference between our relationship and what I had with Patti I am aware all the time that this is what works best for me. You both scare hell out of me, and I thrive in what we have. I know you trust me to take care of you and you ought to know that in doing that I am honored and drawn to be a better man. Thank you."

I was soundly kissed by Sarah and then Cheryl. Our play might have continued but an announcement had us put our seat backs in the upright position and prepare for landing. A flight attendant stood in each of the openings leading to first class and both glanced at the three of us. Cheryl straightened the pad under her and I saw the attendants eyes widen as Cheryl was momentarily exposed.

We could not watch out the windows as we landed. We had one small carry-on bag and it was in Sarah's lap. When the doors opened we were among the very first off the plane. From the cool air conditioned interior of the plane to the tropical warm, wet air of Jamaica in six steps.

We got our suitcases and found the bus for the resort parked by the curb. The driver loaded our bags in the back and helped both ladies aboard. We were the first passengers aboard. Sarah got paper towels from a dispenser just behind the driver's seat and she and Cheryl were sitting on the towels before the other passengers arrived. There were two couples that joined us on the bus. They checked us out and we checked them out.

As the bus drove the half hour to the resort the couples talked to themselves. Finally, one of the men looked at me and said, "Where you from?"

"Los Angeles. You?"

"We're from Wisconsin. This is our first trip down here."

"Ours too. I'm Nick. This is Cheryl and this is Sarah."

"Mike and Sue."

"May I ask a question?" Sarah asked me. I nodded.

"Mike, are you a betting man?"

Sue nodded even before he answered. "If it's interesting, yes, I'm a betting man."

"I'm betting that you are the only one on the bus, other than the driver wearing underwear."

"Does that count bras?"

"No. Boxers, briefs or panties of any kind."

"How much?"

Sarah looked at me. "A hundred," I said.

"You're on!"

I stood and opened my shorts showing that I was commando. The other man on the bus stood and opened his shorts and his erection popped out. No underwear. His lady stood and the bus lurched a little so she held the overhead hand rail. Her husband lifted her dress and her smooth pussy winked at us. Cheryl and Sarah stood and lifted each other's skirts. That left the betting couple. He stood and unzipped. Sarah said, "Red boxers!"

The man looked at his wife. She stood and unbuttoned her shorts. The zipper went down and she pushed the waist band down. Suddenly she shoved hard and the shorts were at her knees! Her well trimmed bush was right out there.

Sarah jumped up as the rest of us laughed. She put out her hand and took the hundred from the man. She handed the money to me. He looked at his wife and said, "Aren't you going to pull your pants back up?"

"No, I don't think so. Being bare is so much more friendly, don't you think?"

She put her shorts on the seat and sat on them. Sarah looked at me and I nodded. She stood and took off the dress, leaving her with sandals and a bra. Cheryl stood and after looking at me for permission stripped to the same uniform.

The unintroduced couple introduced themselves as Angie and Franklyn. She stripped off her clothes and folded them. Sarah looked at me, then got her some towels to sit on. She handed some to Sue as well. They both sat on the towels.

Angie said, "You've done all this before?"

"Yes. It's always better to sit on something that is just yours. I never wear panties and I either use paper towels, napkins, or something to sit on. You just don't know what was on the seat before you."

Cheryl looked at me and then said, "The towels are good for collecting a lot of wetness too." We all laughed. Sue got up and got two more towels.

Mike turned to Sue and said, "You had panties on when we left home."

"Yup! Somewhere over Kansas I took them off and put them in the backpack. Since Sarah never wears panties I think I'll follow her example and toss all mine in the trash. What do you think?"

"Hmmmm. I think I like that idea."

The bus pulled up to the lobby doors and we walked in to register. The women did not dress. The man behind the desk rang a bell and two more people came to assist us. Ten minutes later we were following a young man and our luggage to our room. I reset my watch to Jamaica time. In our room I recommended the bras get packed and we watched the video telling us everything about the resort. There were rules. No full nudity in the dining room. Genitals must be covered there. No, means no. No radios, music, or loud noises after ten pm. No public sex in the daytime in the general areas or on the grass of the resort.

We went to dinner. I was still dressed and the ladies wore bikini bottoms. The dining room was filled with round tables for eight. A woman in a white wrap skirt led us to a table and removed one chair. We saw Mike and Sue enter. She had her shorts back on but her top was gone and her nice breasts were bare. They were led to our table. The woman who led them said, "It is a kind of tradition that everyone at each table hugs before dinner starts and afterwards as well."

We hugged. Mike was tenting his shorts a little when he sat back down. I looked up to see Franklyn and Angie waved and were led over. Mike stood and said, 'It is a kind of tradition that everyone at each table hugs before dinner starts and afterwards as well." He opened his arms and Angie stepped in. Cheryl looked at me and I nodded. She stood and hugged Franklyn, then Angie. When the hug ended Angie said, "I've never hugged another woman tits to tits before!"

Sarah stepped up and said, "Quick do it again!" By the time we all sat down the servers were at our table with salads. The fish and veggies followed and we talked until dessert.

As the dessert arrived Mike looked at me and said, "If I don't ask I'm going to explode..." "So, ask." I said.

"How is it you're here with two beautiful women?"

"You mean it would be more acceptable if one of them was ugly?" I smiled.

"No! I mean, two!"

"Mike, I think you may have a belief that limits thinking. It isn't a bad belief. You aren't bad for having it. The belief is that one man should only love one woman. He might, under certain circumstances fuck another woman, lust after another woman, fantasize about another woman but he should only commit his life to one."


"And, I don't believe that. I believe I love Sarah and I love Cheryl. I am more than married to both of them. My life is now, and forever more, about having their lives work. We live in the same house, share the same bed, share love and sex whenever possible."

"Is two the limit?" Angie asked.

"Do you mean could I love three?"

"Or four?" Sue asked.

"Yes. And it would depend on Sarah and Cheryl loving the new people too."

It was quiet as we finished the desserts. The table was cleared and Franklyn said, "It took me a year to fall in love with the first woman I ever fell for, and it was Angie. I can't imagine falling in love with another woman."

Sarah put her hand on my arm and looked in my eyes. I nodded. She turned to Franklyn.

"Think about this, please. Have you ever fallen off a bike, a skateboard?"

"Yes, haven't we all?"

"Have you ever fallen on purpose?"

"No. Why would I do that?"

"Which would you rather hear, "Sweetheart I fell in love with you. It was an accident. I didn't mean it." Or "Sweetheart, I choose to love you, devote my life to your happiness and well being. There is nothing you need ever do to have me love you."

Angie and Sue both answered, "The second man is the one I want!"

"That's the man Cheryl and I have. He takes care of us like no other man. I have given him my life, willingly, with my freedom of choice. I trust him completely. If he was with me by accident I could not do that. I would not do that."

It was quiet for long enough that twenty people came in and were seated.

Angie asked, "How long have you known each other?"

I answered, "I met Sarah seven years ago. I met Cheryl, her best friend, three weeks ago."

"Three weeks?" Angie's eyes bulged.

Cheryl looked at me. I nodded, barely. "I have known about Nick for years I knew his best friend very well. When I finally met Nick I was ready to love him. I knew Sarah loved him. I knew Eric, his best friend, trusted Nick more than any other man on the planet. When we met, I decided to love him. I do love him. His happiness is more important to me than anything else in my life."

Again, it was quiet for a while.

Mike spoke, "When does the seminar begin?"

"What seminar?" Franklyn asked.

"The one where Nick teaches me how to love that way. I know Sue loves me. She has never said anything like that about our marriage and we've been married fifteen years."

"And," Sue added, "You've never said the things Nick said."

"I didn't even know it was possible. I kept listening to the love songs..."

Franklyn began to sing, "Falling in love again..."

Everyone laughed. I waited and when it was quiet I said, "No seminar. I don't know enough to teach a class. I have thought a lot about loving and relationships. While we're here feel invited to approach us and ask anything that might help you. Cheryl or Sarah may want to check with me before answering and if that happens don't be offended. You will get an honest answer to your question. There are some areas of our intimacy that we may choose not to share yet."

The staff were standing not too far away, waiting to finish cleaning our table. I stood and everyone else stood. I turned to Cheryl and as we embraced I said, "I love you, Cheryl." Then we kissed. No hurry.

Cheryl turned to Mike and hugged him. They kissed. No hurry. I hugged Mike and sensed he wouldn't want a kiss of any kind. I followed Cheryl around the table, hugging and kissing. When the ritual was over Angie said, "We better come earlier for meals. I don't want to hurry ever again."

Sarah asked on the way out if we could walk around looking at the resort. It was dark but the resort was well lit and we walked. When we got to the first pool there were a few people in and around it. All were nude. Sarah asked, "May we?"