Emily Does Provincetown

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Old desires are rekindled.
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Emily and David return in another story; this episode takes place on the very next day after their "Emily the Demon Barber" shenanigans. While this story was written to be read as a separate piece, if you enjoy it, perhaps you would like to go back and trace the relationship from where it began.

First episode: "Emily the Church Lady"

Second episode: "Emily Goes Door to Door"

Third episode: "Emily the Demon Barber"

READER ALERT... the previous episode, "Emily the Demon Barber" was submitted in the Fetish category. This was likely a mistake on the author's part, as it was read by so few people most likely because of the category, even though it was just as well received as the first two by most of those who read it. It was NOT a hardcore story with any disgusting elements in it. It's just two people having fun, and if you liked the first two, please give it a try.

While this particular story has been submitted in the Group Sex category, it has a dominant Lesbian theme. It also contains a heaping helping of exhibitionist/voyeur as well.

As always, your comments are not only welcomed, but encouraged. It's the continuing support of so many wonderful readers that have helped me continue with this, and I am greatly in your debt for that.


1. The morning after.

I woke up with a mild headache, a case of trench mouth, and my dick in the process of being fellated. The fellator was my beloved Emily, who had apparently woke up a little before me. When she saw my morning wood waving in the breeze, she had taken that as an invitation to begin running her mouth up and down the crown of my swollen member.

Emily being exceptionally petite in every way, including all of her orifices, had become adept at satisfying me orally in a very different way. Having determined that my dick was too fat to allow her tiny mouth to properly do the job, she had devised a method of hand movements to the shaft that, together with the oral antics to the crown, was very satisfying to both of us.

I often thought about how lucky she had been in only being intimate with two (apparently) very modestly endowed men before me. If my thick, but not quite six-inch cock was something she considered huge, I shuddered to think about what she would do with a John Holmes model.

As I felt my orgasm begin to build up, I gave her my usual indications that the end was near. Not that Emily was going to back off in any way, since she enjoyed the feeling of me erupting in her mouth, but I always considered it the gentlemanly thing to do.

"Yummy!" Emily declared after she managed to siphon every drop of semen from my rapidly diminishing instrument.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist it, David. It looked so big and yummy sticking up like that. I just love the new look!" Emily announced as she rubbed the smooth area around my cock.

"Gee, I almost forget" I said, as the events of yesterday and last night began to come back to me.

What had begun with Emily asking me to shave her legs in the afternoon, had ended up with me being tied to the bedposts. From that position, I was teased almost endlessly by Emily in many ways. The finale consisted of Emily doing a masterful job of shaving my entire genital area, from below the navel to my butt crack and everything in between. The encore consisted of Emily continuing the hair removal theme by denuding the hair from under my arms. Just another day with Emily.

I staggered to the bathroom after Emily's wonderful wake up call, pausing to look at my bizarre reflection in the motel dresser mirror. What a sight. My furry body now with a big smooth semi-circle around my dick and silky smooth armpits. I thought of the painful time I spent waiting for those very traits to finally appear on my late blooming body while growing up, and had to shake my head in amazement.

In the shower, I was having trouble holding on to the soap as it kept flying out of my hands when sliding over these smooth parts. This was going to take some getting used to, but it seemed to make Emily happy, and I had to confess it was one hell of an erotic thing to have done to you.

We were to go on a whale watch that morning, and when I went down to the motel's office to grab a couple of coffees, I was pleased to see that it was a much nicer day than yesterday had been. It was foggy, but the sun was beginning to peek through and the temerature was pleasant.

By the time I came back to the room, Emily had gotten dressed and was waiting at the door. She was looking good in a blue windbreaker and matching shorts that showed her curvy petite legs off quite nicely.

"Here" Emily announced. "I'll trade you a coffee for this."

Emily grabbed a coffee and handed me a plastic bag. I opened it up and took out what I think Emily was actually expecting me to wear on the boat. I put the floppy hat on my head and made a face that I figured would reveal my opinion.

"C'mon Emily, I look like friggin' Gilligan!" I protested. "You don't expect me to wear this in front of people, do you?"

"Why not David?" Emily pouted. "I thought you'd like it better than the Admiral's hat I almost got you instead."

"I notice you aren't wearing what I got you" I said, referring two the two skimpy blouses I had gotten her to wear, hoping she would break completely out of her overly modest shell.

"Oh, I guess that means if I wore one of those blouses then you would wear the hat?"

"Right!" I said.

With that, Emily unzipped her windbreaker and opened it up wide. Underneath, Emily was wearing the powder blouse top with the spaghetti shoulder straps. Underneath the blouse was nothing but Emily's petite little treasures, with those strawberry sized aureloas of hers poking out proudly into the soft and rather revealing cotton top.

"When the day warms up, I'll take off the windbreaker" Emily said with a grin. "But, if anybody laughs at me, I'll kill you."

"Trust me dear" I assured her while huggin her tightly. "There will be drooling and gawking aplenty, but I guarantee a complete lack of chuckles.

2. On the boat.

The boat was kind of crowded despite the early time we had chosen, it being a Saturday that promised to be a nice one. I had been on a whale watch with my kids a few years ago, but it was a first for Emily, even though she had spent a lot of time out on the Cape.

It turned to be a warm and gorgeous day, and the ocean was really rough for whatever reason, making the big boat sway and dip wildly. We stayed on the top deck, as the stench of people losing their breakfast was overpowering down below. Always take the dramamine, please.

We were going to go to lunch when the boat got back to Provincetown, but the people that were running the boat were having trouble finding whales. Since you were guaranteed a whale sighting or your money back, they stayed out there longer than scheduled.

We got to see dolphins and sharks aplenty, until finally we came upon a couple of whales and headed back to shore. Emily seemed really concerned about the time, as she kept checking her watch.

"Got an appointment?" I asked.

"Oh, no, just getting hungry" Emily replied.

"Even with the sounds and smells of the vomitorium surrounding us?" I asked, amazed that she could even think of food.

The boat got back to shore eventually and we shuffled down the gangplank with the rest of the mob. Emily walked over to a bank of pay phones and set her purse down. She smiled at me and unzipped her windbreaker, tying it around her waist and smiling toward me.

"Getting warm out" Emily said, as we walked toward town.

She looked so beautiful I was at a loss for words. The blouse was very revealing, and in retrospect I wished I had gotten her something that showed a little less. Her tiny breasts wiggled provocatively under the soft cotton, and the sun made her golden blonde hair seem even more radiant than ever.

"You look unbelievable" I finally said.

"Is that good or bad?" Emily joked.

I gave her a look that expressed my feelings pretty well. Provincetown is known as a place with a large gay population, but there were more than enough admiring looks from plenty of men to probably set Emily's mind at ease.

"Ready for lunch?" Emily asked.

"I guess, but I'm not really hungry" I answered, following Emily who seemed to have an idea of where she wanted to go.

3. Linner.

It was a little after two when Emily found this restaurant she was searching for. I don't know what you eat at that time of day, because it isn't lunch or dinner. Linner? No matter. Emily had to be fed.

Our waitress handed us our menus, and I noticed her looking at Emily very... well, probably just my imagination. We had a nice view of the water from our booth, and while we played footsie under the table our waitress came back.

"Hello. My name is Kyle and I'll be your server this afternoon. Would you like something to drink?" she said cheerfully.

"I'd like a white zinfandel" Emily announced, startling me, as she never drank in the daytime before.

"I'll need to see some identification, sorry" the waitress said.

This caused me to chuckle, as Emily was probably fifteen years older than the waitress, who was about thirty.

Emily stuck her tongue out at me as she burrowed through her purse. I ordered a Sam Adams, or at least tried to, but I don't think the waitress heard me, or even knew I was there. She was busy trying to look down the top of Emily's blouse, and this time I knew it wasn't my imagination. The blouse was barely there anyway, and the sight of this woman gawking down the scoop neck at Emily's goodies was disgusting.

I was so appalled that my erection was threatening to rip through my pants and tip over the table. As this interplay was going on I looked over our waitress. She was a tall, solidly built woman, with short spiked black hair. In my mind, I tried to conjure up what Emily and this woman would be like together, typical guy stuff, while the waitress looked over the license.

"Oh gee, I'm sorry... I thought you were so much younger" the waitress said with embarassment, blushing much like Emily now was and handing her back her license. "Please forgive me... Emily. I love that name."

As the waitress left us, Emily put her wallet back together and looked up at me. I was apparently looking like the cat that swallowed the canary.

"Okay, say it" Emily said. "I look like a kid, and especially in this outfit."

"No, not that" I said while I bounced excitedly in the chair. "Did you see the way she was looking at you? God, she was practically undressing you, looking down your blouse."

"Really?" Emily said. "Not much to see, and this blouse is no help."

"Trust me, she was practically drooling over you" I said. "You watch and see."

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" Emily said.

I made a growling noise as the waitress returned, apparently remembering that she hadn't gotten my drink order. Emily stood up and asked the waitress where the ladies room was, and as she was given directions, I saw her put her hand on Emily's bare shoulder. I could see the blonde hair on Emily's arm spring up as a result, and when Emily left, the waitress took a long look at the rear view as well. Probably just making sure she was headed the right way, I thought.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get your order, sir" Kyle said, the gold name bar on her prominent left boob reminding me of her name.

"Sam Adams."

"That was so embarrasing" Kyle said. "I hope your lady friend wasn't offended."

"No, I'm sure she likes when that happens, deep down inside" I said.

"She's so cute. I hope you won't take this the wrong way, but I thought she might be your daughter" Kyle said.

"Gee no, why would that make me feel like an antique" I said laughing. "I'm used to it by now. After all I am a few months older than her."

She left to get our drinks and I tried to rearrange my pants, which had remained very crowded during all this. Emily and the waitress arrived back at the booth at the same time, and when she left with our sandwich orders, I told Emily of my conversation with Kyle.

"Kyle said she thought you were my daughter" I said while draining half of my Sam in one swallow, the thirst a result of a hard morning on the sea.

"Who's Kyle?" Emily asked.

"Our waitress, you dummy" I said.

"Getting chummy with the waitress, huh David?" Emily said teasingly. "What else did you guys talk about while I was gone?"

"Oh nothing much" I said. "She also said she wanted to rip your clothes off, lick every pore on your body and make love to you all night long."

"Is that all?" Emily said, blushing behind her glass of wine.

"I think that was it" I said.

Our food arrived and we enjoyed another round of drinks with our meal, Emily now fully authorized to legally drink in Massachusetts. Finally, the waitress came back to clear the table and asked us if we wanted anything else. We declined and when she came back with the check, she thanked us.

"David here told me that you thought I was his daughter" Emily said to the waitress.

"Yeah, that was me alright" Kyle admitted.

"He also told me that you said you wanted to rip my clothes off and lick every pore on my bod..."

"EMILY!" I shrieked, hiding my head in my hands and turning what must have been a new shade of crimson. "Shit! No no no, I was only kidding!"

Emily's foot was rubbing my leg under the table as I looked down in humilation, having gotten the attention of the other diners scattered in the restaurant with my outburst. I wanted to go back out on the boat and join the whales, never to return. Emily was enjoying this quite a bit.

"No... I didn't say that" Kyle said while taking my credit card from me, and thankfully not giving me a well deserved smack upside the head.

"I was thinking it, but I didn't say it" Kyle said before turning away.

My eyes met Emily's, and we giggled nervously.

"You can start breathing again David" Emily informed me.

"That was really dumb on both of our parts," I noted, "but I can't believe you said that to her. Geez! And did you hear what she said?"

"Well, it turned out you were right" Emily said. "So, what do you think? Should we invite her back to our motel tonight so you can watch her molest me?"

"By all means" I said, watching Kyle coming back with my check. "The only thing that could top this is to have my credit card be rejected."

I signed for the bill, adding a very generous tip for the excitement and shame factor, and rose to my feet, thanking Kyle for putting up with us.

"If you aren't busy, why don't you come by our room tonight Kyle?" Emily said, handing the waitress a napkin on which she had apparently written our motel and room number.

I stood there numbly as Kyle took the napkin and looked Emily in the eyes.

"What time?"

"Eight okay with you?" Emily asked.

"I'll be there" Kyle responded, and gave Emily's arm a gentle squeeze before walking away.

Me? I was in a state of shock. Mouth wide open and staring at Emily in disbelief.

"Ready to go David?" Emily said.

4. Kyle at eight.

We walked out onto the street and wandered aimlessly. I was numb, still not believing what had just taken place, and was hoping that Emily would be the first to say something. When it seemed like Emily's only comments would be in reference to gulls, I couldn't hold it back any longer.

"I can't believe you did that, Emily" I said.

"Did what, honey?" Emily asked coyly.

"Gave that woman our motel room number, that's what" I explained. "What if she actually shows up there tonight?"

"Well, that was the point of giving it to her, David" Emily explained. "Why would we give her our room number if we didn't want her to show up?"

"WE... didn't give her anything, Emily. You did. I had nothing to do with it."

"Oh come on David, tell me that you don't want to see me with another woman" Emily challenged me. "Tell me that you didn't get excited when I told you about my experiences when we first got together."

While it was true that I had gotten very turned on by Emily recalling those incidents, I was definitely NOT turned on by the fact that she had been coerced... almost forced into it by the jerk she had been seeing. This, I told Emily, took all of the fun out of the stories for me.

"This time there isn't anyone forcing me" Emily said. "Nobody is making me do it, and you will be there every second. I seem to remember you telling me you didn't think there was anything wrong with it, that it wan't even cheating as far as you were concerned."

Me and my big mouth, and Emily with her photographic memory. We had been watching a movie a few weeks ago where a married woman having a fling with another woman, and I had said that I didn't really consider that wrong, certainly not like if it were with a man.

"Well, David?" Emily said, or asked.

"Hey, if it's something you really want to do, who am I to stand in your way?" I finally said.

"Something we really want to do, David" Emily corrected. "If you don't want me to do this, then we'll just go out tonight and not be anywhere near the room."

Why was this my call? More interestingly, why was I having trouble saying what I really felt? Why couldn't I just say to Emily, yes, I want to see you and this other woman make love!

"She was really cute, wasn't she David?" Emily asked as she linked her arm under mine.

"Uh... yeah, I guess so" was my response, as I tried to recall what this Kyle even looked like. My head was spinning so much I was having trouble thinking.

Kyle was attractive, that much I remembered. She had jet black hair, cut short and spiked. She was about thirty years old, I had guessed, and she was a healthy looking gal. Not fat, but tall and sturdy looking, almost the polar opposite of my little Emily.

"You guess so?"

"Yes, she was very attractive" I admitted. "She looked a little like Jennifer Tilly. Exactly what am I supposed to be doing while all this is going on?"

"You can watch... or you can join in" Emily said.

"Do you mean, me with her and you?" I asked.

"Well, it wouldn't be fair for me to do something and not let you do it too" Emily admitted.

"Not interested" I said bluntly. "You're all the woman I need."

"Okay, but someday if you want to do something with a guy and have me watch, that'll be alright with me, I guess" Emily said.

That scenario was not something that was even remotely on my radar, but I nodded in agreement, not wanting to prolong this discussion over this. The more I thought about it, the likelihood of this woman showing up was pretty remote, so there was no point in getting all shook up about it. It was just as much fun for me to just picture the coupling in my mind anyway.

5. Knock knock... who's there?

I remember that we were laying on the bed, watching television. I had gone through a six pack by the time 'Cops' had come on, and as the digital clock turned to 8:05 I began to breathe more easily, figuring that the woman was just having fun with us.

That was what caused me to practically jump into the air when a loud knock at the door brought me back to reality. Emily lept off the bed and went off toward the bathroom, pausing at the doorway.

"Let our guest in, won't you David?" Emily said before closing the door behind her.

I walked to the door with shaking knees and a pounding heart, and looked through the peephole, hoping to see a lost pizza delivery guy or something of that nature. Instead, I saw Kyle, and fumbled with the chain on the door to let her in.

Kyle stepped back onto the front of the building and motioned me to step outside. I moved through the door, keeping my foot in the doorway to keep from getting locked out.

"You don't look so good, are you okay?" Kyle asked.

"Ummm... yeah I'm fine. Must be the lighting out here" I suggested.

"Whose idea was it to invite me, yours?"