Ed (Bones): Mission Impossible

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Two 18-year-olds try to make it with a ghost.
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[This is a work of fiction. The story is an unadulterated and unabashed attempt to tickle male fantasies and perhaps some female fantasies as well. As such, the story may or may not totally conform to reality. All locations, events, and characters are entirely fictitious and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.]


"I tell you, I did too! I did see her."

"No way, man, no fuckin' way."

"I know what I saw, T.J., I know what I saw. She was plain as day, standin' in the full moon light, naked as a jaybird, up on that fuckin' little third floor balcony. Plain as God damn, fuckin' day."

"Naked you say. Ummm. When did you see this?"

"Two nights ago."

"What the fuck you doin' out there on Three Mile Road in the first place, Bones?"

"I had to run some stuff from the store out to old man Jones. He lives four more miles out on that road. I was on my way back into town when I saw her."

"Well, Bones, I just fuckin' don't believe you. That place is an abandoned junk heap. Haunted, if you believe stories like the one you just tole. I'll tell you what, I dare you to take me out there and show me!"


"You know it's Halloween, Bones. You ain't 'fraid of a haunted house are you?"

"Hell, no, let's go."

So, T.J. and I piled into my '57 Chevy and hauled ass for the abandoned Blanchard Mansion about a mile or so out on Three Mile Road. It was Halloween night, 1958, and we had noting better to do. We would do our own little version of "trick or treating."

T.J. and I were both eighteen and due to graduate from good old CTHS in the spring. Our girlfriends were off doing some "girl thing" with a group of their friends, so T.J. and I were left to our own devices for the night. More like vices."

When we got there, we paused in front of the house and looked it over. The country road was free of vehicles.

"See, Bones, no bodies visible, anywhere."

"But look up at the upper balcony. What's that eerie glow?"

"Just the friggin' moonlight, Bones, just the friggin' moonlight. Jesus."

"If you say so, T.J."

I turned into the decayed and overgrown remains of the old driveway and pulled the car around behind the house to stop in front of the old carriage house. No use in drawing attention of the cops on this night by leaving the car out front on the road. We were between the old carriage house and the newer garage that had been built onto the back of the house in later days.

We got out of the car. There were no doors on the side of the house, so we walked around the garage to three steps that led us down into a little sunken patio area with the house back door close at hand. With a little effort, we forced the door to open, albeit, slowly. The loud, eerie creaking sound of the hinges raised the hair on the back of my neck.

"Creepy, huh J.T."

"Scared, Bones?"

"Me? Not a chance," I lied.

"Me either," replied T.J. in a somewhat shaky voice.

We both held flashlights. We turned them on in a simultaneous click of switches. Shining the lights around, we surveyed what appeared to be some sort of kitchen/eating area.

The large room was empty of any furniture, but filled with cob webs and bits of junk scattered around the room. Dilapidated wall cabinets hung in dejected ruin of their former glory, several doors hanging awkwardly by one hinge. Two doors lay completely loose, one on the counter top and one on the floor.

Avoiding the large hole in the center of the floor, T.J. and I opened the first door to our right. It was a small, almost triangular corner room. The layout indicated a small storage area or possibly a pantry. A large rat scurried to a hole in the wall and disappeared.

"I don't see any naked women yet, Bones."

"Oh shut up. Pay attention to where you step."

The next door opened into a short hallway with a utility room off one side and a half bath off the other side. I was looking into the furnace room when T.J. shouted from the doorway of the other room.

"Hey Bones, quick. I got a naked girl on the pot in here!"

I walked over and looked in as T.J. stepped back. He held his breath for a couple of heartbeats until he heard me open my mouth. then he roared with laughter.

"There's no one in here," I croaked.

"But you sure did get your ass over here real quick, Bones. Ha-ha-ha-ha."

"Shit, man, quit the clowning, God damn it."

A look through the open door at the other end of the short hall revealed a large room with a fireplace dividing it from another room. We retreated back out into the kitchen area when I suddenly heard a car out on the road.

"Douse you light, quick. We don't need anybody stopping to investigate."

Both lights went out and we stood silently listening in the glow of the moonlit room. The car roared on by. As we turned our lights back on, a floor board creaked, loudly. I turned to look in the direction of the sound.

"God damn it, T.J., look at that!"

"Look at what where?"

I thought I had seen a naked foot disappear through the doorway leading out of the kitchen into the rest of the house.

Looking in the direction I pointed my flashlight beam, T.J. said, "Don't see a damned thing. What was I suppose ta see?"

"Saw a bare foot disappear into the next room,. At least that's what I thought I saw."

"Huh, I never saw a foot walking without a leg or a body, Bones."

"Very funny, T.J., I think it was attached."

"To what?"

"Didn't see, but let's keep looking around, maybe we'll find out."

We left the kitchen and entered the near el shaped hallway-come-foyer. It was relatively short and we saw where it ended by the front entrance. On our right rose the stairs leading up and on our left, were two sets of French doors leading into a semi-round area. Only a bit of glass remained in the door frames. Broken glass littered the dinning room floor here as well as over on the other side of the room by the broken out windows.

Evidently this was a dinning room. The huge table, sadly decrepit, still stood in the center of the room with a broken down chair set scattered around it. The tattered, rotting remains of a fancy table cloth lay in place on the table. The cloth was held in place by an elegant candelabra holding nearly used up candles in its tarnished, eight circular sockets. More sad reminders of former better days.

We crossed the foyer into a large room with a fireplace separating in from another large room behind. I recognized the room behind the fireplace as the room I had seen earlier from the open door of the little hallway.

"Hey, T.J. I know what this is. This is the front parlor and that's the back parlor behind the fireplace. Just like at Grandma's house, the one she inherited from her mother. The 'back' parlor was the one used by the family on a daily basis. The 'front' parlor was strictly hands off. No one got in there for any reason except for Sunday afternoon visits, like by the preacher, or for funeral wakes or some other very special occasion. Otherwise, you'd better not get caught in the 'front' parlor."

Two sets of walnut double doors, ornately carved and decorated, framed the fireplace on either side to form a "wall" that separated the two rooms. I could hardly believe those beautiful doors still hung in place as if they had just been installed. Both sets stood open to reveal the back parlor

I turned around and started for the foyer. T.J. was just turning to follow me.

"Fuckin' God damn," I yelled in a hoarse and cracking voice."

"Double fuckin' God damn," echoed T.J. in an equally strained voice.

"Now do you fuckin' believe me?" I managed to croak out.

"Fuckin' God damn," was my reply.

There in the double doorway to the foyer, stood a naked woman of what, twenty something? Fuckin' big tits. Tiny waist. Matching hips. And a bush. A big, flamin' red one. Red as the hair on her head. She held her hand out to us and beckoned us to her with a crooked first finger.

"Shit!" was our chorused exclamation as T.J. and I saw the flicker.

"You can fuckin' see through her part of the time," groaned T.J. "She's fuckin' transparent."

"Believe me yet, T.J.?"

The figure had by now departed.

"Quick, after her!" shouted T.J.

We burst through the doorway and skidded to a stop. Where? We both looked around wildly, looking hard in the darkness.

"There," I shouted, pointing to the top of the stairs, my flashlight pointing the way and spotting on the grinning face of the girl. She again made that universal 'come hither' sign.

We made a mad dash up the stairs, me in the lead. Foolish in that stigian darkness, barely illuminated by our flashlights. The inevitable happened. I tripped and fell backward into T.J. We tumbled in a mixed ball down to the bottom of the stairs. We barely registered the mirthful chuckling from the top of the stairs.

When we bounced to a stop at the bottom, my head was ringing and I saw stars.

"Is there a hole in the roof? Man those are some bright damn stars."

"No, you dumb shit, Bones, there's no hole in the roof. We bashed heads pretty hard in that tumble. I'm seeing stars too. And I'm dizzy as a coot. I gotta get my head back here a minute."

Still more mirthful laughter from the second floor.

"Damn, it talks too," T.J. muttered.

"So I wasn't dreaming, I replied, I did hear it or her laugh. And I got a witness. Are you fuckin' ready yet? Let's get after her."

We got up and tried again. A little more slowly this time, but up the stairs we went, hearts racing. At the top, we stopped to get our bearings. The hall-foyer matched the one below. To our right, at the opposite end, was the door that opened out onto the second floor, open balcony. in front of us, was a circular stairway, leading up, presumably, to that third floor balcony where I had first seen the naked figure several nights ago.

Slightly to our right was a circular room than was above the dinning room. No one in there and it was also devoid of any furniture. We checked out the balcony. The glass was all broken out of the door, so we could exit onto the balcony with ease. Beautiful in that bright, full moonlight.

"Where the hell did she go?" intoned T.J. "Maybe she doesn't really exist. Just a ghost. Maybe not even that, just our overworked imagination."

"Maybe," I answered, sure in my own mind that there was indeed something of substance here yet to be discovered.

We peeked into the remains of a full bath, claw-footed tub and all as we rounded the stair wall and turned right into another hall. This led to a bedroom with a sitting room off to the side. Both were empty of anything other than bits and pieces of trash. As we retraced our steps back to the center hall, we again saw the girl. She stood in front of the circular stairs that led up to a third level. Only now, her left hand cupped her left tit, holding it up with the nipple in her mouth. Her right hand was between her legs and working her pussy with gusto.

We made straight for her, only to see her disappear up the circular stairs. These were in a tight, narrow spiral, making them difficult to negotiate. That meant slow going. No girl in sight.

The floor plan of the hall once again matched that of the two floors below. With no windows or rooms off the sides, it was blacker than pitch. Except at the far end where moonlight streamed in the doorway to that infamous third floor balcony.

We stepped out to enjoy the moonlit view. We turned around at the sound of a gurgling chuckle behind us, nearly bashing our heads again. There stood the girl, barely visible in the darkness outside the reach of the moonlight. She was sucking the other nipple this time, but a hand still busily working her pussy and shwed visibly shiny as our two flashlights illuminated her crotch.

Damn. I don't know about T.J., but I sure was sporting a boner to end all boners at this point. I reached down and rubbed hard on my erection. That brought an outright guff-haw from the girl as she retreated back down the circular stairs. Damn, but I'd like to taste that pussy. Like to dip my wick in it too.

We dashed after her. As we burst into the second floor hall again, a glow drew us around the stair wall towards the front bedroom. There she stood, in the doorway. This time, she was reaming out her cunt with a huge dildo. This time, I really couldn't help myself. Trying not to drop the flashlight, I slid my zipper down and pulled out my naked cock. With shaking hand, I stroked myself as I watched the girl continue to fuck herself on that rubber dick. I heard T.J.'s zipper go down also.

The girl began backing into the room, tilting her neck in that motion that means, "Follow me." We followed, stroking our dicks as we did. The stickiness on my hand told me I was already leaking precum--a lot of it. T.J. just groaned. Damn.

We had not been in this room yet. After leaving the back bedroom, we saw the girl and chased her up to the third floor, bypassing this room. For the moment, the only thing I saw was the girl, retreating slowly backwards to the circular turret area which had a dirty mattress laying on the floor, dead center.

The girl backed down on to the mattress and laid down on her back. She raised her right hand and flipped us a bird and held it for a bit. Then she pointed her finger at herself and then crooked it in that come-hiter sign again. I guess she was telling us to come and fuck her. T.J. just stood stock still, transfixed and stroking away on his pulsing cock that was sticking out of his fly at a forty-five degree angle, rigid in a rock solid erection.

Was she a ghost? Did she want us to fuck her? Can you fuck a ghost? Hell, I don't know, but I sure as hell was going to try. I wasn't about to let this experience pass me by. With all the windows in this turret room, it was moonlit almost as bright as day.

I shut off my light and laid it down. My shirt and tee came off first. Them my shoes and socks. Last to go were my jeans and boxers. My strip lasted all of two blinks of an eye. The girl just smiled. I walked down the single step to the mattress.

For lack of anything else to call her, I said, "Okay, Bitch, are you ready?"

Her smile only got bigger. So did my cock. Christ, I don't think it had every been this big, or pulsed as hard. Precum and more was oozing steadily from my helmet eye. The Bitch sat up. She motioned me forward. She grabbed hold of my cock and engulfed it with her mouth. My cock slipped down her throat as her lips banged my pubic bone.

I could not see through her and that mouth felt like damned solid flesh and real. Her sucking and licking sent me into seventh heaven or thereabouts. In my hyper-horny state, it took only moments before I shot off my load. She swallowed all of it. She came up for air, grinned warmly, and proceeded to clean up my dick.

T.J. still just stood there at the top of the step. He grinned at us, groaned, and shot his truck load of come in great gouts onto the floor in front of him. Some of it sailed over unto Bitch and me. We both laughed.

She grabbed my cock again with one hand and pointed to her pussy with the other. Fuck me. Damned right I will.

She stroked my cock to another erection. I back down and got between her legs. I sank my cock into her pussy slit and, helmet deep, ran it slowly up and down, slicking it up on her copious outpouring of wetness. I circled it around on her large, quite exposed clit at the end of the upstroke. She shivered and squirmed at this

Her hips began to undulate in the timeless motion of eros as I continued to wet my dip stick. Then I dipped it. Suddenly, with force, I dipped it to the hilt. I was well beyond seventh heaven now. Ten or eleve at least. Bitch shuddered and heaved, thrusting harder and faster to meet me stroke for stroke. Since I had already dumped load number one, this could go on for a while. It did. We fucked at the speed of a freight train. Tiring, we'd slow, then speed up again. I grunted, she groaned, we kept fucking.

After what seemed like hours, I felt her pussy clamp down hard. Here it comes. And it did. She shook like an earthquake and then the flood came. Pussy juice in spades. Here it comes again. And I did. Cock juice in spades. The combined mixture leaked around my stiff prick to coat our crotches and the mattress.

T.J. shot another load right after, all over my back. But he still just stood there. He made no effort to join us. Strange. He could talk a good fuck story about the girls he has laid, but he was sure holding back now. Oh well, more for me, I guess.

I backed out of her pussy with a squishy plop and put my mouth where my cock had been. I nearly licked that pussy to death as I cleaned her up. She sat up and put her mouth my crotch to return the favor. Before she finished, I felt my cock swell and pulse even more. Here it comes again. I felt the cream start to rise.

"Ouch, God damn it!" I came rudely to my senses with a hard shaking of my shoulders by T.J. "What the hell are you doing? Where's the Bitch? What the shit am I doing at the bottom of the stairs?

"Wake up, shithead. What Bitch? You're down here on your silly naked, NAKED?, ass with your naked dick pointing straight up at the moon because we must've knocked ourselves out when we butted heads in that fall. Why you're naked beats me."

"Probably for the same reason your cock is at full mast and sticking out of your fly."


"Yeahhhh, Oh indeed. But it was so God damned real. It did happen, didn't it?"

"Did what happen?"

"I just fucked the bitch."

"What bitch?"

"The one we been chasing."

Sure you did."

"No, I really did. I must've. Why else am I laying here bare ass naked on my butt with a hardon?"

Why, indeed!



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AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Good story

Interesting story, I liked it very much.

sacksackover 17 years ago
neat little story....

with the unexpected "tag" ending. Lovely, lovely, I appreciate your great writing!

duddle146duddle146over 17 years ago
Fast Paced!

Yet another Ghost Story. Loved the little twist at the end - did he or didn't he - get it on with a woman from another world. I loved this story! Terrific Write!

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