Culture Shock


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"I'd hate to be punished. It would mean I'd done something wrong."

"Good. But this is a little different. It's like an understanding between the two people involved. A little provocation means a little punishment. And that's what the sub desires, so she provokes gently. Thus, she's 'being bratty'."

"Okay. I've seen comments about 'brats' in the room before. I wondered what they meant."

"And now you know."

"Yes. Okay. So, given that I'm not being bratty," Elaine typed, uncrossing and recrossing her legs. "If I just made a mistake, would you punish me?"

"Sure. Perhaps not physically. It depends on the nature of the mistake. Most subs are treated stronglyearly in the relationship, to reinforce the Dominant's desire for the submissive to do better, and to reinforce her feelings of submission, which is her ultimate desire."

"But," typed Elaine, feeling a little foolish. "Doesn't it hurt?"

"Yes. As it should. Did your Daddy ever spank you when you were a little girl?"

"Um, yes." Elaine's mouth was going dry again. She licked her lips. "Once or twice."

"Did you ever repeat what you were punished for?"


"Case closed."

"So it's a punishment,and a deterrent."

"Yes. And one other thing too. Once punished, if you are contrite-"




"If you are remorseful, and genuinely appreciative of the correction, then guilt is cleansed and you start again with a clean slate."


"Yes. From my experience, the one thing the submissive cannot stand, is 'indifference'. A Dominant who cares enough to correct her when she is wrong, rather than not caring at all, is one to hold onto. Being thankful for his desire to see you do better is natural."

"I see."

"Do you?"

"I think so. I mean, my experience with men is rather limited. But I know what I want."

"What do you want?"

"I want someone I can respect, who is honest with me and caring. Someone who takes me places I've never been before. Someone I can trust."

"Your expectations are realistic."

"But I've never met anyone like that."

"Yes you have."

Immediately Elaine knew Gary was speaking of himself. She swallowed. She wasn't ready for any of this. It wasn't that things were moving too fast. The fact that things were movingat all was terrifying, but his confident assertion did nothing to allay her fears. All it did was make her hands tremble and her scalp prickle.

Once again she was dumbstruck.

"Um, someone just asked you something in the room," Gary typed.

"They did?"

"Yes. Simone asked whether or not you needed oxygen. Send her a tongue poking out."

Elaine did. It was with relief she realised Gary was letting her off the hook. In the room Simone asked if she was having fun and Elaine replied that it was all very interesting and thatMasterServant was a good teacher.

Gary added, also in the chat room, "I'm only as good as my best student." As other Dominants in the room agreed, Elaine blushed strongly, feeling her nipples throb.Why does he have such a strong effect on me? Would it be the same with any Dom?

She remembered a question and messaged him privately again. "I keep meaning to ask you something, then forgetting. What does your nickname mean? It almost sounds like a contradiction."

"I am both a Master to my woman, and her Servant. I will do everything in my power to give her all she needs to grow into the role I envisage for her. I will nurture her, and encourage her, I will correct her where necessary, I will adore her for the pleasure she gives me, and I will honour her by my actions, both privately and publicly. It says a lot about me, my nickname."

"I can see how it makes sense now."

He sent a smile. "It's getting late. I hope you don't have to be up early."

Elaine checked the time in the corner of the computer screen. She was horrified to see it was twelve fifty-one. "Oh, no. I didn't realise it was nearly one A.M. I really have to go. I have work tomorrow, then class. I'm sorry, I wasn't watching the time."

"No need to apologise, Elaine."

"Thank you, Sir."

"You don't have to call me 'Sir'."

"I know." Elaine sent a smile.

"Thanks again for talking to me," he typed. "I really enjoyed it."

"You sound surprised."

"I am."


"Because I am. I haven't talked like this to anyone in months."

"Like this?"

"Yes, like this. Talking and explaining. And I won't deny liking you. I won't deny I know little about you, either. But what I do know, I like, and I'd like to keep talking to you, for as long as we both feel the same."

Elaine re-read what he'd written, her fingers poised over the keyboard. Taking a deep breath, she typed, "I'd like that too."

"Good. Then I'll see you soon."

"Here?" Elaine asked, immediately regretting having asked.There goes 'not sounding desperate', she thought.

"Sure. Just come. I'll run into you soon enough. If I don't, I'm sure you'll find friendly faces."

Why did he have to seem so much cooler than her? So much more in control. Elaine had been shaking and feeling on edge all night. She wasn't sure why. Where was this going? She putthat question on the back burner.

"Everyoneis very kind. Okay, I better get to bed. Thank you again, Sir. I learned a lot tonight."

"You are welcome, Elaine. Sleep well."

"Goodbye everyone," she typed, sending it into the chat room. "I have to get to bed."

Again the friendly room made her smile with their waves and good wishes, telling her to return soon. She promised she would and she knew it was a promise she would keep. Before leaving, she sent Gary one last message. "Good night, Sir."

"Good night, Elaine."

She switched off the machine. Sitting back in her chair, she uncrossed her numb legs and sighed. Her nipples pulsed they were so hard. Looking downward, she realised they were still quite swollen, which would explain the ache. Opening her legs, she made to stand up and noticed she was wet too. Very wet.

I'm turning into a nympho, she thought, then giggled.

There was nothing she could do about it though. Despite her roommates having already gone to bed, a fact she confirmed when she went to brush her teeth, she wouldn't risk waking them with a masturbation session. Just thinking about being caught made her blush harder. She wondered when next she'd get the chance.

After setting her alarm and lying down in the dark, she was just dropping off to sleep when her eyes jolted open.

Shit! I told him what time it was! He knows I'm in the same time zone!

It took Elaine five minutes to convince herself it was okay. Nothing had changed. She was still anonymous. Should she tell him she lived close by? Surely it would be okay to keep that kind of information private until the appropriate time.

What was it he'd said?

'It means you have to be incredibly careful and sure of a person before you submit to them. Remember to take your time.'

She fell asleep with her hands between her legs, promising herself she would.

Erotic dreams tormented her. Once during the night, she'd woken in a sweat. For a moment she thought she couldn't move. Gary had tied her up and played with her for hours, though in reality it could have been mere moments. He hadn't let her cum. She wasn't allowed. In the dream she remembered begging him, more and more urgently, her spine tingling with the desperate need for release.

Making her way to the kitchen for a glass of water, it became apparent she had to make a detour to the bathroom. Her hands were damp and her juices were running down her legs. Her skin was aglow, tingling all over. Her nipples were rampant and she brushed lightly over them once she'd cleaned up.


She hoped she could get back to sleep.

She had a big day coming up.

Chapter 07

Elaine's mail sorting job didn't require a 'uniform' as such, but she had a standard set of clothes she wore, both to keep things simple and because competing with others in the fashion stakes wasn't her thing. Thankfully it was a pants and blouse set, and her bra was clean after washing it the day before. The pants were black, as usual, and a little low on the hips, but they were loose and comfortable, almost flared. The blouse was a reasonably stylish white 'business shirt' cut, which could hardly be described as pretentious.

She was almost ready to head to work, her hand holding the knob of the apartment door, when Kendra stuck her head out of her bedroom and asked, "Elaine, could you come here please?"

The request was so sweet Elaine became immediately suspicious. "What is it?"

"Just come down here a minute," Kendra said, as though it were a chore.

"All right. But this better be important. I have to get to work." As Elaine got closer, it became apparent that Kendra was naked, though she was doing her best to hide herself behind her mostly closed door. "What is it?" Elaine asked as she stood waiting, her hand on her hip.

Kendra looked her up and down. "You have a bra on."

"So? I washed it yesterday. I always do my washing on Sunday."

"Okay. What about knickers? Come on, checking time. Can't have you going to work and cheating."

Elaine started to blush a little then remembered her shave job. The though made her braver. "Whatever," she said, putting down her bag and undoing the button at the top of the fly.

"What's going on?" asked Chelsea, joining the impromptu gathering. She had a towel under her arm and was heading for the bathroom.

"I'm making sure Elaine is still playing the game," Kendra said, winking in Chelsea's direction.

"You never give up, do you? I suppose you want to check me as well."

"Tadaaaa," said Elaine, lowering her black pants to mid thigh, thrusting her pelvis forward provocatively. She held her breath as she awaited her roommate's reaction.

"Oh myGod," squealed Chelsea, breaking into giggles and covering her mouth.

"It's a Mohawk!" Kendra shrieked, her jaw dropping.

Elaine just grinned, pulling her pants up and tucking in her blouse. "Satisfied?"

"Yeah, yeah. Go on. Go to work, little Miss Conscientious," Kendra giggled, shaking her head.

As she was closing the apartment door behind her, Elaine heard Chelsea yell, "It looks good!"

With a spring in her step, Elaine headed down the stairs to the bus stop on the main road in front of the apartment complex, passing lots of students heading in the opposite direction going to class. She'd be joining them in the afternoon. But for now she had four hours of dull mail sorting to do downtown at the clearinghouse. And with a National Geographic conference approaching, it was going to be hectic.

At least time will fly, she convinced herself.

Hopping on a cross-town bus, she found herself sitting next to a good-looking older guy in a business suit. He smelled nice and Elaine got to thinking.

Imagine if this was Gary. God, I'd just fucking die.She glanced across at him. He was reading a book. If it were Gary, he'd talk to me. He wouldn't be shy, that's for sure. He'd probably look across at me and say something like...

Jeez... I've no idea what he might say...

Elaine sat up a bit, straightening her back.

He'd probably just glance and smile. Though I doubt he'd be on a cross-town bus at 8.30 A.M. I guess he might be. He might have a meeting at the bank. Or maybe an appointment for something. God...

She swallowed nervously. Glancing covertly around the bus, she wondered if there were any other subs or Doms nearby. A guy of about thirty got on and winked at her as he swaggered past. He was unshaven and looked a little dirty.Hmmm...she thought.I doubt he's a Dom. I guess he COULD be though. Probably more likely to be in advertising or something. Maybe a music teacher...

She smiled at her thoughts.Of course a teacher or artist could be a Dom, she reminded herself. In fact, she doubted whether anyonecouldn't be a Dominant. Or a sub for that matter. Not based solely on their job, anyway. It had more to do with their demeanour, she guessed. Like, 'how they held themselves physically, and how they related to others'.

Yes, that makes more sense.

"Er, excuse me," the businessman beside her said, catching her unawares.

"Yes?" Elaine asked.

"This is my stop," he said with a smile.

"Oh. Sorry. I was off with the fairies," Elaine said apologetically, turning her legs so he could exit.

"That's perfectly all right," he said, glancing back and smiling at her before he got off the bus.

Elaine blushed.

Work was okay. Todd Whatshisname from Payroll harassed her again. He was the one who groped her in the supply closet at a weak moment during the last Christmas party. Usually he sickened her, even though she had regularly masturbated to the memory in the past. She just wished it were someone else.

Like Billy.

Billy Cosgrove worked part-time like Elaine did, and they only ran into each other on Mondays and Thursdays. He worked Tuesdays while Elaine worked Wednesdays. Billy was a hunk, even though he didn't know it. Elaine often put Billy's head on Todd's shoulders in her fantasies. But Billy wasn't the type to ask her out, even though Elaine thought she'd accept if he ever worked up the nerve. She figured if she was the virgin, then Billy wouldn't have discovered hiscock yet. That thought kept her smiling through most of the morning.

By the time she'd arrived home, changed and headed to class, she was back in her black skirt and flip-flops. Perhaps the figure-hugging maroon tank was a little risqué without a bra, but she had to save the damned bra for work on Wednesday. Elaine wasn't sure what she'd do Thursday. Maybe wear a sweatshirt and die. She prayed for a cold snap.

One moron in class couldn't help but comment. Elaine was thankful his words weren't within earshot of others. Or the Professor. Why did guys think that observations like, 'Hey baby, you're looking good', would instantly have her running into their arms? Just about any dickhead could tell she was 'looking good'. If he hadn't been looking at her tits when he said it, she may have even enjoyed the compliment. She sighed.

Oh, well.

At least her classes were done for another day. The year was passing quickly.

Damn, I hate these fucking steps, she thought, trudging up the last of them. She stopped three-quarters of the way up the final flight and looked around.Imagine running up and down here naked... she pondered, leaning on the railing and looking out over the quadrangle.

What happens if no one loses this stupid bet?

That's not going to happen. They're going to gang up on me. I just know it.

Pushing open the front door of her apartment should have been a relief, but with her suspicious thoughts, it wasn't. Even once in her room, Elaine couldn't shake the feeling that tonight she had to watch herself. She swapped her tank top for a loose white t-shirt and threw her flip-flops into her closet next to the black sweater that hid her new toys. She almost closed the closet door before she decided to check on them.

They were all there, just as she'd left them.

There was even an aroma of something tasty wafting through the apartment from the kitchen.Chelsea must be cooking something, Elaine thought, remembering Kendra couldn't cook to save her life.

Fuck. I'm being stupid, Elaine thought.

She took a deep breath, again determined thatshe wasn't going to be the one nakedly running up and down those damned stairs. In the kitchen, Kendra and Chelsea were chatting away, Chelsea slaving over the stove, while Kendra had a textbook open and a blank sheet of paper in front of her. They both greeted Elaine normally, which she found quite a relief.

"Hey Elaine, how was work?" Kendra asked as she picked up a pen, though Elaine wasn't sure if she knew what to do with it.

"It was okay." Elaine addressed Chelsea. "Something smells good."

Chelsea smiled at Elaine and asked, "Are you hungry? I've made a ton of this pasta."

"Smells like that chicken and broccoli one. Need a hand?"

"No, it's all right. You could set the table though."

"It could be pheasant's breast for all I care. I'm starved," Kendra said, not raising a finger to help.

I guess she might have asked if she could help before I arrived, thought Elaine, retrieving the knives, forks and cheap paper serviettes. "Maybe you could make that tomorrow night, Kendra," Elaine suggested, smiling to herself.

Chelsea looked at Elaine and they both giggled. "Yeah right," said Chelsea. "Kendra couldn't cook an egg to save herself from starvation." They both laughed but it wasn't spiteful.

Elaine winked at Chelsea as she had an idea. "Kendra," she said, setting up the table for their meal and grabbing her roommate's attention. "I think I'd like to check whether you're wearing panties or not."

Kendra hardly moved except to pick up her textbook for a moment. "Can't you see I'm trying to write a paper?"

"Bullshit," Chelsea interjected. "You've been tryingnot to write that paper for the last hour."

"Well,you haven't been any help," Kendra responded, a little too flippantly.

"Hey," Chelsea said, banging the plastic spoon she was wielding onto the bench. "I always help with your papers if I can."

"I know," Kendra said softly, immediately realising she'd stepped over the line. "Sorry. I've just had a bad day. I didn't mean to take it out on you."

Chelsea made a sound that made it clear she was none too pleased. "Hmmph." She wiped off the bench and ladled out the pasta and sauce without another word. Elaine thought better of interrupting the tense silence. When they'd all finally started eating, under her breath and with a mouthful of pasta, Chelsea said, "We're all gonna get fat."

With a mouthful of her own, Kendra giggled and almost choked. After swallowing and recovering, she started laughing while trying to tell the others what she was thinking. "I was just trying to say... 'Who cares?'... 'Cause it tastes so good," she laughed. "But... I think it's going to... choke me to death!"

All three of them cracked up at that.

Shaking her head but still smiling, Chelsea looked right at Elaine and added, "And yeah, Elaine. I agree. I think Kendrashould show us whether she's still in the game. Only it should be a punishment for being so mean to me." She and Elaine shared a wink.

"Heyyyy," said Kendra, sensing an ambush. Then with a wicked thought, she answered, "All right. But turn about is fair play."

Elaine and Chelsea looked at each other then both said almost simultaneously, "Huh?"

"Well, if we're going to use 'checking', as a punishment, then we shouldall abide by that rule."

Elaine giggled. "But you don't even know what the punishment is yet."

"Exactly," Kendra said blankly, gazing intently at Elaine. Elaine thought the corners of Kendra's mouth were going to turn up into an evil smile at any moment. "I can take anything you could dish out."

Such was her stare, for a moment Elaine thought Kendra was speaking only to her. She felt the blush rising in her cheeks.What am I getting myself into? she wondered. Before she could send a cancel message to her brain, she'd said, "You're bluffing."

"Do your best," Kendra said, slowly turning to Chelsea, who had watched the whole exchange.

"The punishment has to fit the crime though," Chelsea said. "And nothing illegal. We don't want to get in trouble with the police."

"Or campus security," Elaine added.

"Agreed," said Chelsea.

Wracking her brain, Elaine tried to think why this might not be a good idea. Either it wasn't working, or she couldn't think of anything on such short notice. In any case, she submitted. "Agreed."
