Consequences - Shelly

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He was an obsession she couldn't explain, until too late.
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Why do people do the things they do when they understand that the consequences of their actions can be so devastating? No one really knows, and the reasons they give are always so foolish. In this case, what was in Shelly's mind?

Thanks as always to LadyCibelle.



Shelly Spalding

Shelly raised herself up from the bed on her elbow to watch his naked body walk toward the bathroom. She had to admit that his finely toned muscles and tight ass were something to look at: his wide shoulders, covered by well-developed muscles; his long legs with the solid calves; the narrow waist that seemed almost too small to support his upper body. As if he could feel her gaze on him, he looked over his shoulder to flash her a grin. She smiled back as the door closed and the sound of the shower carried through into the room.

She rolled over onto her stomach and thought about the feelings that were just now beginning to fade. The feel of his body on hers; his strong arms folded around her. The feel of his mouth on her breasts and especially on the nipples, which were still tingling from his assault. The feel of his cock as it slid inside her, reaching depths that had never been touched before. It all seemed like a dream, one she had only now experienced. It couldn't be real: but it was and that was a problem.

Shelly Spalding, thirty six year old wife and mother, was just now beginning to come to the realization of what she had done. She had been unfaithful to her husband Jerry Spalding for the first time in their fifteen-year marriage. She had betrayed him and her daughter Tracy and the sanctity of the wonderful family that they shared. And she had done it without a second thought. Until now.

As the thought of what she had done made its way into her sex-clouded mind, she began to shake. Her hands, the hands that had so recently held his hot and very hard cock, were suddenly clammy. Her mouth, which had so willingly tasted that hot and very hard cock was suddenly dry. Her body, that had welcomed his intrusion into that hot, wet place that until now had been the property of her husband and only him, was no longer relaxed and sated. Now she felt the need to get up, get dressed and get away!

Panic was beginning to take charge and it was driving her to move. She slid off the bed, searched frantically for her panties and bra, donned both; then the same with the skirt and the blouse, and finally the shoes. She stood, looked for and located her purse and her jacket. She grabbed them, rushed to the door and yanked it open just as the sound of the shower stopped. She went out, pulled the door shut, making no sound that would draw his attention. She moved quickly down the hall and took the steps to the first floor and the lobby. She looked around carefully and saw no one. She went through the door and out the front, looking neither left nor right. She got into a cab that took her back to her car and then she drove away.

The dark blue Cadillac Escalade that Jerry bought her for their fifteenth wedding anniversary carried her in soft, plush silence toward the large house on Scotland Drive in a very well-to-do section of Scottsdale, Arizona that was home. She pulled into the drive, waited until the garage door opened and drove inside. She turned off the ignition and sat there, letting her heart stop pounding and the perspiration dry on her face. The tick, tick, tick of the cooling engine relieved the silence but it did nothing to relieve the pain in her gut. She felt sick; the twisting pain playing havoc with her stomach. She sat still, waiting until it all passed and she was able to gain some sense of control.

She exited the car and walked inside to find the house quiet and empty. Her daughter Tracy was not yet home since she had cheerleader practice tonight. Jerry wasn't scheduled to be home until sometime the day after tomorrow. Both facts were known to her when she agreed to meet Reed Cunningham at the hotel that afternoon. She knew that she had no one waiting for her and no one she had to lie to. She was free to do exactly as she did: betray everyone who trusted her!

Shelly walked into the large open great room and dropped into one of the soft leather chairs that faced the fireplace that took up the entire south wall. The stone-faced wall rose two storeys to disappear into the beamed and vaulted ceiling twenty feet above. It had appeared as one of the features in a recent issue of House Beautiful. Their home had been featured as one of the most beautiful in Scottsdale. The architecture was praised as 'innovative and inspiring'. None of that registered on her consciousness however, as she stared at the now dark ninety inch, flat panel television centered in the entertainment center that flanked the fireplace.

Shelly worked as a receptionist for Walter Kincaid, a candidate for US Senate from the State of Arizona. She had been volunteering for his candidacy for the past five months and two months ago, she met Reed Cunningham at one of the many fundraisers she hosted. He had been very charming, very good looking and he had made no secret of the fact that he wanted her. She knew it, found it amusing at first and then later, she found it to be stimulating. She couldn't answer why and that bothered her.

His visits became more and more frequent, his attention to her more open and more demanding and through it all, she responded. At a word from him, her stomach did flips; a casual touch caused the skin where his fingers slid softly across her flesh to tingle; a smile or a glance caused her temperature to rise. She had never felt this way before, even with her husband! She should have stopped it immediately when she felt the desire begin to increase but she didn't.

The obsession that was Reed Cunningham began to grow inside her and to become all consuming. When she was at home, she thought of him. When she was in bed with her husband, she thought of Reed. And the most damning part of it was that her feelings for Jerry, her husband changed. She was short with him, the idea of making love with him was revolting all of a sudden. The man she loved and who had been her one and only for the better part of her adult life, was suddenly a stranger. She hardly recognized him when she looked at him. In place of the love she should feel, all she felt was the emptiness that was filled only by Reed. She felt itchy all the time, itchy to do something that she knew was wrong,

All she knew was that she was getting dangerously close to giving in to his request to meet him outside the campaign. That danger was realized today when she said, "yes!"

What happened today was still a mystery to her. She was answering phones when he came in. She smiled at him and he came over to talk to her after speaking briefly with several of the publicity people. She took a break and the two of them went outside to get a breath of air. Reed made his usual pitch, reached over to stroke her hair and touch her cheek and for some reason, something inside turned over and she was no longer able to say no. She found herself following him to his car and back to his hotel.

Once in his room, all thought of Jerry and Tracy was cast aside as his hands worked their magic. He stroked her arms, then her shoulders, then she was turned around and he wrapped his strong arms around her as he nuzzled her ear and that spot just below her ear and above her shoulder that made her weak in the knees. As she closed her eyes in pleasure, he unbuttoned the blouse she wore and pulled it aside. His hands then cupped her breasts and she leaned back against him, wanting only that he continue. She found herself wanting more and reached back to feel his erection pushing against his pants front.

She turned in his grasp and began to work on his belt and the button to his slacks. Once she had them open, she slowly pulled the zipper down and reached one of her small hands inside to grasp the blood-filled cylinder she knew was there. His groan of pleasure spurred her on and she dropped to her knees to assist her efforts to pull his trousers off and expose his cock to her attention. She had to taste him, just once. She opened her mouth and took him in, the soft skin in contrast to the iron hardness more than she expected. She closed her lips over him and slid her mouth down as far as she could go before it began to enter her throat. She moved back, her hand following. She wanted to bring him off, to taste the salty bitterness of him, but he had other ideas.

Reed lifted her to her feet, holding her close, letting her bare breasts press against his own naked chest. She could feel her own wetness now, so wet she was dripping. She reached down to pull his hardness against her own soft lips and sighed deeply when she placed the engorged head against her slit. She lifted one leg and placed it around his waist, giving him room. He pushed against her then and slid inside, his hard cock filling her completely. He drew back then pushed again and again. He fucked her standing there, one leg wrapped around his waist as one of his arms grasped her ass. She felt wild, wanton and daring. She grunted with the force of his thrusts but she wanted him to take her even harder.

They rutted like crazed animals for a few minutes before he let out one loud guttural sound and came inside her. As the hot sperm coated her insides, she climaxed and her moan of ecstasy was almost as loud as his. They stood together as they came down from their high of lust and finally, Reed pushed her back onto the bed. He climbed between her legs and entered her again, his engorged cock still hard and throbbing. She welcomed him inside her again and this time, their fucking was slow and steady. She came several times before he climaxed once again.

Reed was still not done and they took each other several more times that afternoon before she rose, dressed and drove home.

It was almost five thirty when she was brought back to the present by the slamming door, indicating that Tracy was home. She sighed once, raised herself up from the chair and went in to be a mom again. She felt a twinge at that thought but then she forgot as Tracy began to tell her about her day and the new boy that had asked her out. She was well into her story as Shelly began to pull things out of the freezer to make them a late dinner. Shelly worked steadily at fixing dinner, her thoughts elsewhere as she daughter talked on and on. Fortunately, Tracy was not paying attention to her mother and failed to see that, at times, her words were falling on deaf ears.

The two of them sat at the table and just talked as they ate the simple dinner she prepared. It was so pleasant, she thought, spending this time with Tracy as they chatted away about things that concerned only them. She watched her daughter and felt the love that she had for her blossom. She loved her daughter and her life. She loved the things they shared and the adventures her daughter had. She thought then about Jerry and how he had worked so hard to provide these things for them all and that thought brought about a flash of pain and an instant regret for the things she had done that afternoon. But then the face of Reed Cunningham filled her thoughts and all guilt fled. Her daughter's words faded as well.

Tracy didn't notice the sudden change in her mother and the silence that descended, until she had stopped talking, expecting her mother to come back with some comment about her story of Jason, her crush at the moment. But she looked up and saw that her mother was staring out the window, her mind clearly somewhere else. Hurt, Tracy stood, took her plate to the sink and walked out of the kitchen. Her mother hardly noticed and that hurt Tracy more than she would have believed. But then, her mother had been this way for months now and she was becoming concerned.

She decided to wait until her dad came home and then talk to him. He would know what to do: after all, he was dad and he could fix anything.

Jerry Spalding

Jerry Spalding was one of those rare young men who, in high school, discovered a very important secret. He had attended many speeches in the high school gymnasium about getting an education, finding a good job, working hard and getting ahead. It was necessary to impress those who were above you so that you, in turn, could advance yourself. He listened to every single word but didn't believe a single one of them. He didn't want to impress those above him. He wanted to work, yes, but not for others. His attitude was entirely different. Jerry knew what he wanted to do: he wanted to get rich by working for the most important person in the world; himself!

Instead of going to college and learning a trade or a vocation after graduating from high school, Jerry went to the library and haunted the self-help section. There he learned of buying and selling real estate and doing it in such a way that it took little money but had the potential of making a lot. He read, he learned, he investigated more and then he decided to give it his best shot. He found an old two unit apartment complex that someone wanted to sell because they had depreciated it down to almost nothing. They wanted to unload it at a bargain price and Jerry decided to make his first deal.

He lived at home with his dad. His mother had died of cancer when he was fifteen, and Jerry and his father had found a way to get by living alone. Although he was eighteen and could enter into a contract, he had no credit history so he had to get his dad to cosign for him. His dad was a very smart individual and saw exactly what his son was up to. He approved completely and cosigned with only a minimum of resistance. He kept his eye on his son but he saw very quickly that Jerry knew what he was doing. In less than two months, Jerry turned the property over at a nice profit. He paid the loan off, quickly found two more properties and did the same thing. Again, he turned them over and now had the money to go off on his own without his dad. Jerry was on his way to becoming rich! He never looked back.

When he was twenty two, he was already a millionaire and on his way to becoming even more wealthy. His company was into larger and larger deals and his name was well known around Scottsdale. He was often invited to parties where the rich had fun and contacts could be made. He was attending one such party thrown by someone of importance when he met Shelly Lambert. He fell hopelessly in love that same night and he went after her like he did everything else: with everything he had. His only purpose was to make her his own.

They dated for almost a year before Jerry proposed. Shelly was ready and accepted his offer of marriage. Her parents were both school teachers and they were impressed by Jerry's wealth and his personality. They gave their blessing and Jerry's dad had already fallen in love with Shelly. He said he would be delighted to have her as his new daughter. They made their plans and were married three months after Shelly turned twenty one. It was fortunate that Tracy was late in coming into the world since Shelly and Jerry knew she was pregnant before the wedding. Everyone else accepted the timing, or at least pretended to.

Time passed for the three of them and they went on to become one of the wealthier families in Scottsdale. Jerry and Shelly purchased the home they now lived in when Tracy was two and had lived there ever since. They expanded a few times, put in a pool, a large patio with grill and all the trimmings, a large koi pond with water plants. All the things that made it into one of the showplaces that ended up in House Beautiful. While they made no effort to avoid Shelly getting pregnant again, they were not successful a second time. When they checked into a clinic to find out what the problem could be, they found that Shelly was unlikely to conceive naturally and, as a matter of fact, they were told that Tracy was almost a miracle.

Jerry continued to make deals and made more and more money. Shelly stayed at home with her daughter and became involved with local charities and politics. When Tracy was older and spending more time away from the house, Shelly became more involved. That was when she decided to volunteer in the political field and then later on, for Walter Kincaid, a candidate for US Senate. That happened just three months earlier.

Jerry's Deal

Jerry Spalding was pleased with his day. He was in Denver and had spent the better part of the afternoon going over the contracts that he had agreed to with the consortium that owned the piece of property he wanted. They were sharp; he had to give them that. They caught a couple of the things he put in for that very purpose, but they didn't realize that they were supposed to catch them. As a matter of fact, there were several red herrings that they missed and he felt obligated to point them out as if they were a surprise to him as well. That established the feeling of trust that he needed to make this deal go as he planned.

The best part came when they all signed the contract and the secretary who acted as a JP notarized it. That made it legal and binding and he had exactly what he wanted! The property itself was not worth the money he paid and that made the consortium happy that they had pulled one over on the outsider. Jerry let that impression stay with them as he took his copies and left. He knew something they didn't: that property lay in the direct path of an expansion that the largest car maker in the world intended to make right here in their city. He now owned the most important piece in their expansion plans and he knew how to get exactly what it was worth.

Riding back to his room in the rented limo, Jerry calculated that he stood to make a bundle on the sale of that property. Once the expenses were satisfied, his investors paid back, he should easily clear a cool two million and perhaps more. And it could turn over as soon as a month from now. That would piss off some locals and please him enormously. And it would make Shelly very happy as well. He thought that something like that should snap her out of the blue mood she had been in lately.

What it was, he had no idea. He had tried to mention it several times but she refused to respond, telling him it was just his imagination. They hadn't made love together for almost six weeks. Oh, they had fucked on two occasions, when he made an issue of it, but it wasn't love making. It was just plain sex. She let him do it, making an effort to hide her lack of interest. He was angry enough to just fuck her, caring only for himself. She hadn't complained and pretended to care that he was satisfied, but he knew better.

The limo pulled up, let him out and he told the driver that he was finished for this trip. He tipped the driver a hundred dollars and made sure he knew his name by giving him his card. He knew he would be back and he liked to leave behind satisfied people who could be of value to him in the future. He went into the lobby of the only hotel in this small town and checked at the desk to see if there were any calls. There were none and that saddened him. But then, he hadn't expected her to return his calls. She hadn't bothered lately.

Once in the room, Jerry began to make his obligatory calls. He called his partners to let them know the deal was done and accepted their praises. They were the money guys and at one time he needed them more than they needed him. Now, things were different. In order to keep doing business with him and make a lot of money as a result, they had to buy shares in his corporation; the corporation he started himself that specialized in real estate, but not the kind that dealt with homes or even businesses. Jerry bought and sold parcels of land that had potential for huge profits. He was good at it and had an uncanny knack of knowing which parcels would move and which were dogs. He had made a small fortune in just a few years and he had parleyed that into even bigger gains.