Cael's Star


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"What was that about?" he asked in that mild-mannered way of his.

"That guy… he approached me last night when I was going to my car. He wants to go out with me." She heaved a sigh, glancing at Stan's face to see if he was angry at her blow up. He wasn't.

"I'll ask him to leave." But when he turned, the table was empty, and a twenty dollar bill was placed under the still full glass he'd abandoned.

"Maybe he got the message," she said quietly. Stan just nodded and went back to flinging dough.

Closing time came, and Star peered out a crack in the back door nervously to make sure no one was leaning against her car this time. Assuming she was safe, not seeing anyone, she slipped out the door and walked toward her car.

"Star, wait," Stan said, coming out the door. "Let me walk you to your car." It was a sweet gesture, one geared to make her feel more comfortable and safe working for him.

"Don't worry over it, Stan, I'll be fine," she said, casting him a brilliant smile. He nodded slowly but didn't move from the doorway.

Unlocking the car door, she slipped inside without incident.No strange handsome man tonight. The thought almost made her sad, but that was foolish, and she knew it. She pulled out of the driveway and sped home, feeling tired and grimy and wanting nothing more than a shower.

The moment her apartment door opened and closed she was pulling off articles of clothing, kicking off her shoes and heading for the bathroom. She turned the knob for hot water, watching the steam mist through the room with a satisfied sigh. Once it was hot enough, she turned the cold water and tested till it was just right then slipped under the thrumming stream.

The apartment was small, but she loved it. She had a large bathroom with a huge tub and perfect tiny little kitchen. But what she loved the most about her apartment was something she'd never admit to El, although her world-wise friend was quite aware, was the detachable shower head that had adjustable strengths. Turn the knob for harder, or turn it the other way for softer. Tonight was just one of those nights.

After getting thoroughly wet and washing her body and hair meticulously, Star stepped on the stopper so that the water would begin to fill the tub. She unhooked the showerhead from its perch, then lay down gingerly, resting her back against the cold tile with a little hiss.

Spreading her legs, she let one rest along the edge of tub, then turned the knob on the showerhead to come in a hard thrumming spray and pressed it to her inner thigh with a little sigh of anticipation. She let the showerhead slide down her thigh slowly, finally coming to rest against her clit, letting the warm water massage all around her most intimate place, eliciting small whimpers and moans from her throat.

She bit her lower lip, letting her free hand slide along her own stomach, then up to lightly caress her breasts, pinching and tugging at her own nipples to heighten the sensations in her body. She shifted position a little, letting the water more directly hit her clit, causing her to whimper a little louder, enabling her to release her hold on the showerhead so she could slip two fingers into her pussy while the water played wonderful havoc on her clit.

Star let her mind wander as her hands continued their wicked work on her body, her thoughts inevitably flitting to and finally landing on the strange man who'd been invading her space the last few days. She focused on his piercing eyes and those perfect lips. She imagined his lips on her breasts, his hands caressing her stomach and impaling her so fully, his voice begging her to climax. That rich, slow, and oh-so-sexy voice telling her desperately he desired to hear her at the height of passion.

Her fingers worked inside of her, moving a little faster as her body began to tighten in response to her erotic imaginings, as if he were really there, begging these things from her. Closing her eyes with intense pleasure, Star arched her back slightly as she crashed down over that shining edge of orgasm, and a small cry ripped from her throat with the intensity of her pleasure.

She lay there, spent, breathing heavily with each little aftershock that ripped through her body. After what must have been about ten minutes she finally turned the water off and stood up on shaky legs. She pulled back the shower curtain and reached for a towel from the rack, then froze, her eyes on the tall figure in the doorway.

Cael leaned back against the doorway, watching her with those startling eyes of his and a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Mmm, my small exotic orchid, you sound better then I could have imagined." He let the words drip from his lips, slow and erotic and colored by his desire. Pushing away from the door, he took the few steps to the bathtub in slow stride, relishing the shock and fear that crossed Star's features.

"No… no!" Star seemed to find her voice, snatching the towel and holding it as protection before her naked body. "Get out! Get out or I'll call the police!" Her voice sounded panicked even to her own ears.

"No, you will not," he said, raising a hand with the slow precision he did everything to lightly touch her wet hair, then her cheek. She pulled away from him, shrinking against the corner, eyes wide with fear. "I will not hurt you, little love," he said softly, but she remained unconvinced.

Heaving an exasperated sigh, he let his eyes roam quite hungrily along the length of her body. "This fight you are putting up is quite alluring," he commented, reaching out to wrap his hand around her shoulder, drawing her prone body slowly into his embrace.

She remained unmoving for a few moments, letting his unbelievable strength draw her close against his body, giving her just the moment she was waiting for. She brought her knee up hard into his groin and clawed at his face with her fingernails, leaving a bloody streak against the paleness of his cheek.

He gave a little grunt and it didn't have quite the desired effect, but Cael was startled enough that he released his grip on her. She wasted no time, letting the towel drop as she bolted to the door. She did manage to make it to the main room, almost reaching the door, but before she could reach it he was standing in front of her, the wounds she'd made on his face fully healed.

"What….?" She looked at him in utter shock, backing up slowly.

Cael smiled slowly, fangs obviously visible where she had noticed none moments before. "What are you?" she asked in a frightened voice, backing herself against the wall with no notice of the fact she was utterly nude.

He noticed the intense fear in her voice, and quickly stopped smiling. "I'm sorry, young one," he said soothingly, not attempting to move any further forward. "You know what I am," Cael began slowly, waiting patiently for the light to dawn on her.

She laughed, a sound void of humor. "You are not a vampire, there is no such thing, 'Cael.'" Star spat his name like a curse, and a little frown creased his handsome forehead.

She blinked and he was suddenly on top of her, pinning her to the wall in a way that let her know exactly how happy he was to see her. She shrieked, and he covered her mouth with one hand, leaning his head down to her neck, flicking his tongue teasingly against her fluttering pulse. She fought against him, struggling against his inhuman strength to no avail, then bit the edge of his hand hard, tasting blood and eliciting a soft moan from her attacker.

"The more you struggle, the more I want you, little love," he whispered against her ear, letting his sharp fangs lightly graze her neck, bringing a muffled screamed from her throat. "I do not wish to harm you, but you severely test my control." He let his words come out smooth as velvet and just as soothing. "I know you want me, Star," he continued in that soothing voice. "I can smell it on you, I can almost taste your desire on my tongue. Desire and fear; by God's grace, you are intoxicating!" He took himself in hand, almost physically shaking himself before the last shreds of his control vanished.

Slowly, he removed his hand from her mouth, and the sight of her lips smeared with his own blood causing such a reaction inside his body that he could do nothing but capture those lips in his, drawing her into a deep and luxurious kiss. So caught up in the heat of that kiss, Star slowly began to relaxed, his obvious experience coaxing her gently from the mindless fever of fear, bringing her to the edge of the much more carnal and fiery emotions of lust and passion.

Cael drew away from her just enough to whisper, "Yes, my little love, let your body respond to me as I know you want so badly." As he spoke, he raised his hands to her sides, lightly caressing with oh-so-gentle fingertips, the touch at war with the steel-strong way he had pinned her to the wall only moments before.

Star shivered in response to his touch, feeling suddenly self-conscious and terribly vulnerable in her naked state. Pulling away from him proved fruitless, and would likely get her hurt or worse. Slow tears began to trickle down her cheeks, tears that he caught on his tongue while his hands continue to caress their way along her outer thighs.

"Do not cry, little love, I will not hurt you," he repeated again, breathing in the scent of her fear and lust and the sweet smell of her shampoo, and under it all, the scent of her blood.

"Yes, you will," she managed, her entire body dissolving into uncontrollable shivers. What she wouldn't admit even to herself was how badly she wanted him, how badly she wanted his hands on her body. It seemed like a dream, a wicked wet fantasy that she was unable to wake from. Yes, she was afraid of him, but the truth was that for some reason she didn't really think he'd harm her. She was afraid because she'd never been with a man, and this was a man was obviously much more dangerous then she could even imagine.

"You don't believe that," he whispered, bringing his lips back down to her neck to feather against her rapidly beating pulse. She tensed against him, releasing a soft whimper as fear gripped her again.

"Don't… please…" Hesitantly she brought her hand up to his shoulder, applying a little bit of pressure to push him back. Cael allowed himself to be pushed, raising his eyes to meet hers. "Don't, your scaring me." She repeated her plea, "Please go…" she began to slide against the wall, trying to get out of reach from him. He simply stood there, watching her in a frighteningly still pose.

"You do not wish me to leave, little love." Cael said softly.

"Yes, I do," she replied emphatically.

"I can taste you on my tongue; you do not wish me to leave." He moved to pin her against the wall once more, letting his hands roam along her stomach and up to gently cup her velvet-soft breasts in his hands, rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefinger.

Star whimpered softly, biting her lower lip and looking away, shame and embarrassment causing color to creep along her neck as his continued attentions gave her such intense pleasure.

"There is no shame, little love. Your body knows what you need." Cael wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close against his body while he released her breasts and slid his hand slowly and teasingly down her stomach to the damp curls between her legs. Before she could protest, he slipped one finger inside and slowly massaged her aching hard clit.

Gasping uncontrollably, Star wrapped her arms about his waist to steady herself, feeling as if her legs would buckle if given half the chance. She could feel the color along her neck deepening with embarrassment as she gave little whimpers of pleasure, wishing she could keep silent.

Smiling quietly, he leaned forward to gently kiss the top of her head, then pull back to gaze into her face attentively, the smile stretching wider at the look she gave him, his fangs becoming visible once again. He continued to caress the area around her clit, bringing her closer to climax and coaxing more small sounds from her throat.

When Star's legs did give out, forcing her eyes closed with a small moan, he lifted her gently and carried her toward the bed, laying her out against the cool sheets.

"I will not rape you," he said softly, leaning over her to place a firm but tender kiss against her lips, letting his fingers continue to massage and explore her clit and the area surrounding it, however, oddly avoiding entering her completely. She arched her back slightly, the caresses driving her absolutely mad, her fear being driven down into the depths of her mind, as he continued his experienced work to pleasure her. "Do not hold back your sounds." Cael commanded softly, gazing down at her face while bringing his other hand up to her breasts once more, rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, eliciting another soft moan from her throat.

"I will not rape you," Cael repeated, hesitantly pulling his hand away from her, gazing down at his incredibly aroused Star. "I must go, or you will not be safe." He whispered softly, leaning down to kiss her lips once more, the coppery taste of his blood still on her mouth.

"You're going to leave me like this? The moment I stopped struggling?" she asked in a wavering tear-filled voice once the kiss was broken, sitting up in her bed and pulling her covers up around her body.

He gazed at her for a quiet moment. "You requested I leave many times," he said. "I was amiss in not listening to you when you first asked. You are incredibly desirable to me, but I do not want you against your will." Cael stood there, startlingly still as he watched her. "And when I am aroused or hungry… my fangs extend, they appear to scare you."

"What are you feeling now?" she asked softly, swallowing hard.

"Both," he responded with all honesty.

"And you'll… you'll feed off of me?" she asked, voice wavering with fear again.

"If I take your body, yes."

"I don't want to die…" Star said in a tone that held pure misery.

"You would not die, little love. It would take more then one vampire to drain a human body to the point of death, or one vampire over many nights. I would not drain you to the point of death nor make you terribly ill." He stood stock still while she contemplated his words.

"I … I don't want to…" She began softly, keeping her eyes averted.

"You do not wish to make love," he finished for her, looking thoughtful. "I am unsure I would be able to control myself. But I will stay if you wish it. I will not harm you." She raised her eyes up again to meet his.

Nervously biting her lower lip, she gazing down at the covers in her lap with a puzzled expression. "Oh… you'd better go. I am no good at … at making love."

"I highly doubt that, Star," he replied with complete sincerity, bringing his hand to caress her hair lightly. "Would you permit me to feed off you?" he said.

"Would it hurt?" she asked quietly, almost whispering under her breath, eyes wide.

"No, little love, it should be quite pleasurable." He began to lean closer to her, letting gentle fingertips feather along her vulnerable throat. Unconsciously, she brought a hand to her neck in a protective gesture.

Star was afraid, yes. Who wouldn't be? A strange man claiming to be a mythical vampire was in her home, wanting to make love to her and drink her blood. Who wouldn't be scared? But the truth was she was curious, and she wanted him to touch her again, more then anything she could possibly think of. His hands were incredibly soft and gentle against her skin; he was so attentive and one could even go so far as to say loving. But he wasn't human—he was wild, and wild things could turn at any moment.

"You won't hurt me?" she asked again, looking into his eyes.

"If I wanted you without your consent, Star, I would have had you already." He spoke the words with sincerity.

"How?" She glanced curiously at his eyes.

"I can control most human feelings, and emotions, and even erase memories I do not wish them to have."

"Have you done this to me?" Star became suddenly guarded, not liking what he was saying.

"No, but I will when I feed off of you, to make the bite pleasurable."

"Alright… This is insane, but alright." She flushed deeper, suddenly feeling very vulnerable again under his motionless gaze. Her body was tense, tight with anxiety and anticipation.

"You are still frightened," he stated softly, letting his hand drop to caress her shoulder and arm.

"Yes, I am."


"I don't know you, but I feel like I'll die if you don't touch me again. I was afraid that if you walked out that door I'd never see you again. And for some reason, that was the most horrifying thing I could think of. You're frightening because I'm loosing my inhibitions, and because you're so incredibly stronger then I am."

"I will always come back, little love." He let his hand trail up to her face, caressing her cheek tenderly. In an unconscious gesture, she rubbed her check back against his hand, sighing softly at the pleasure of his touch. "I will fulfill your desire, and you will see me again." And he lay down on his side, pulling her down against his chest while stroking her body in a relaxing manner.

Slipping his hand between her thighs he began stroking her teasingly, letting his hand caress the coarse pubic hair before sliding a finger back between her hot wet lips to massage her clit, loving the way her eyes closed and her back arched the moment he touched her. He moved his fingers expertly against her, leaning his head down to flick his tongue against her nipple before taking it between his teeth and gently tugging.

Star moaned with pleasure, letting the fingers of one hand tangle in his hair and pull his head closer, trying to tell him without words how much she enjoyed what he was doing. He moved his hand so that his fingers could push their way into her slick pussy, but her other hand moved to stop him, whimpering softly while pulling it back to its previous position. He didn't press the issue, but rather redoubled his efforts, moving his caressing fingers faster, knowing that it would bring her to climax as quickly as the other, if not as fulfilling.

Releasing her captured nipple from his mouth, he nuzzled her face against her neck, nipping at her ear as he whispered, "That's it, little love, let me hear you. Do not be ashamed, there is no shame in making love." He let the words fall from his lips like velvet petals from a rose, immediately soothing her anxieties.

Star's hips moved against his fingers, her breathing becoming heavy and irregular. Her hand fisted in Cael's hair, tugging enough to let him know how well he was doing, and causing him to give a little gasp of pleasure at her response. She pressed her head hard against her pillow, baring her neck as she began to top that shining edge of orgasm for a second time that night, her body tensing with anticipation and pleasure.

Cael chose that moment to strike, his fangs extending to their full length, his own breathing a little unsteady as he sank his teeth into her neck. There was a moment of sharp pain, then unending waves of pleasure crashed repeatedly over her, ripping a scream from her throat that was a sound of pure lust, pure carnal pleasure. Her hand tangled in his hair, inadvertently pushing him closer to her throat, goading him to take in more of her, drink more from her. The pleasure was so intense that she was unable to see; it was as if the orgasm started, but was held there in the most carnal moment for as long as he kept drinking, drinking her life-blood.

Giving a soft moan above her, he pulled his head away from her neck, letting his tongue lightly caress the pinpricks his sharp teeth had made in her soft, perfect flesh. Slowly, he pulled his hand from her pussy, cradling her in his arms.