Bound For Pleasure

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Carter & Geneva engage in erotic power struggle.
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Geneva knew he was trouble the second her gaze fell on him. Their eyes met and locked, and the sheer intensity of the gaze he held her in sent shivers up and down her spine. She broke eye contact first by looking down and pretending to nurse her drink, thankful that she was sitting at a booth and not at the bar, where she would surely feel naked, exposed to his probing brown eyes.

A momentary conflict of desires made her unsure about whether she wanted him to join her or not. That short time when their eyes locked... she felt an exchange of pure energy between them, something akin to a thunderbolt that struck her, effectively knocking her out of her cozy, comfortable cocoon she'd woven around herself for so long.

Ever since her husband David died of cancer two years ago, she shut herself off, preferring to bury herself in her work rather than make time for a social life. She kept telling herself she was too busy for one, and turned down several interested men just so she could cloister herself in her own safe little world, where she closely guarded her heart. David's death left a huge gap in her, and left her grieving for a long time after that.

Carter let his steady gaze linger on appreciatively at the lovely auburn-haired woman sitting by herself at her booth. He saw her glance at him, and felt that instant connection when their eyes met and locked. The way she broke eye contact abruptly in spite of that connection intrigued him rather than discouraged him, and he decided he needed to get to know her better.

Stopping by the bar, Carter ordered a drink for himself and one for her, then walked over to her booth, where he casually set the drinks down on the table. "Well it seems I have two drinks with me and since one of them is exactly what you're having right now, would you mind if I join you for a bit while you have this?"

Looking up, she was met with the same pair of mesmerizing brown eyes that electrified her a short while ago, and saw the huge, confident, warm smile on his elegantly shaped, beautiful lips. Lips she'd love to come into contact with her own, and get lost in them in a long, sensual kiss... What the hell am I thinking... what? She thought, coming to her senses. "No, thanks, and I don't mean to sound rude, but I'd really rather be alone right now," she said, glancing up at him momentarily before staring down at her drink again.

Geneva felt her heart beating fast, unnerved at this man's ability to excite her just by the mere closeness of him. She breathed in his scent and felt herself going weak in the knees and moist between her legs. Calvin Klein's Obsession, she mused. David's favorite. It instantly brought up memories of her dead husband, and how his hard body used to feel against hers. She hadn't met many men who used that fragrance, so she tended to associate it with him, and now, this mysterious, handsome stranger with the magnetic eyes and enigmatic smile. Oh god leave me alone... please, she silently begged him, yet not really sure she wanted him to.

Carter wasn't about to take no for an answer... yet. He sensed a certain sadness in her eyes, in the way she moved, and in her tone of voice when she spoke to him. He slid into her booth opposite from her, at the same time saying to her gently, "If you don't mind an observation, it seems as if you could really need help with that huge weight..."

"Excuse me?" she asked, not really sure she heard him right.

"The one you're carrying on your shoulders, hon, and apparently, in your heart," he said calmly, nodding as if to say he caught her vibe and understood it, even if she did deny it verbally.

"I don't see how it's any business..."

"It's not," he quietly cut in. "Merely wanted you to know that if you'd like to share that load for awhile, I'd be more than happy to listen. I can see it's wearing you down, and a lovely lady like yourself shouldn't have to do that alone. My name's Carter."

What a lovely voice he has, she thought. Warm, rich, deep, reassuring, and full of sincerity. Like David. Listening to him talk as it washed over her senses had an unexpectedly calming effect on her. "I'm Geneva," she finally said, "And I apologize for being rude."

"No apologies needed, Geneva," Carter smiled, feeling her thaw slowly but surely. "Your name suits you by the way. It's sensual, mysterious and exotic, very much like my first impression of you."

And a smooth, silver tongue to go with his lovely voice, she thought in amusement. Unlike David. Smiling for the first time since he invited himself to sit down at her booth, she replied, "Thank you, Carter." She leaned back and found herself staring at him. Why not? She thought to herself.

# # #

Carter grappled with his keys and the door to his apartment, while involved in an amorous lip-lock with Geneva. After several failed attempts to insert his key into the lock, he very unwillingly broke their kiss and grinned mischievously, "Sorry but I have to find the right hole, or we'll never get in."

Geneva laughed at his double-entendre. "And we wouldn't want that to happen, now would we?" She was surprised at the intensity of her passions, and the way she was responding to him. It was almost as if the dam within her broke, releasing two years of self-imposed celibacy and pent-up sexual energy. She gave him enough time to fit his key into the lock and turn it, before nibbling on his earlobes.

Groaning, Carter grabbed her by her wrists and slammed the front door with his foot. He hurriedly strove to remove his clothes, grinning when he noticed she was already ahead of him and was kicking her high heels off to the side. Oh god... what a body, he thought, feeling his cock standing firmly at attention as he observed her gorgeous breasts, her smooth, firm skin, her nicely rounded fanny, her shapely legs and of course... the very core of her femininity.

The next thing he knew, she pounced on him like a hungry tigress, causing him to almost lose his balance. He caught it at the last moment and steadied them both, while their lips met again for another passion-filled kiss. He didn't mind her aggressiveness at all, as a matter of fact he loved it, but he had something in mind for her. So he fought to regain control, noting with amusement that he was going to have to try harder if he wanted to gain the upper hand because she wasn't going to relinquish control that easily.

Carter finally decided to pick her up, throw her over his shoulder, and carry her to his bedroom, laughing merrily when he heard her mews of protest. He spanked her lovely ass, admonishing her, "Quiet, baby, or I will have to punish you for being a bad, bad, wicked girl!"

Geneva was startled when he suddenly threw her off his shoulder, but relaxed when she realized she landed on his bed. She noticed that his bedroom, like the rest of his apartment, was decorated with warm earth tones, including his bed, with its strong bars and rich copper tone. Even the cuffs with their long chains on each end were a warm brown. Cuffs? She thought. And chains? Mmmmm... this is getting very interesting indeed.

Flashing him her most inviting 'come hither' look, she laughed when he responded by pouncing on her on the bed. She ran her hands all over his hard body, before pulling him on top of her for yet another kiss. She felt his fingers going for her little nub, playing with it while he kissed her, bringing her to her first orgasm in no time flat. "Oh god Carter..." she moaned, arching her back as the pleasure coursed through her entire body while she shuddered helplessly.

"Baby, baby," he smiled. "You're absolutely breathtaking when you come. I want to see that again... and again."

Letting out a loud giggle when his lips fell onto her left breast, she felt his long, elegant fingers sawing in and out of her by now dripping wet pussy. Then, using his teeth, she moaned as he nibbled his way to her neck, before closing his lips over hers for another kiss. A sudden, wicked flash of inspiration hit her and she knew she had to act when he least expected it if she were to succeed.

Slowly, so gradually Carter barely even noticed, Geneva shifted her body until she lay on top of him. She never stopped kissing him, even nibbling on his lips while she pinned his arms down on either side of him. Before he caught on to what she was about to do next, she quickly snapped both cuffs on his wrists and jumped off the bed, her arms akimbo, giving him a Cheshire cat grin.

Carter tugged at the chains attached to the cuffs and returned her grin. "Very good, Geneva... very quick, and nimble too."

"I'm glad you like," she winked, climbing back onto the bed and straddling his thighs, her pussy tantalizingly close to his cock. "Mmmm I was nimble, I was quick... maybe now I should try jumping over and landing on your candlestick?" she teased, leaning backwards on her arms and pulling her thighs together so they enveloped his hard rod.

"Oh god yesss," he groaned, thrusting his hips up so he stroked her inner thighs and her clit. "Especially since my candlestick's already lit!"

"Naah... I don't think so," she shook her head. "Not till..."

"Not till what?"

In response, she moved up his body until the lips of her wet, juicy sex were right at his lips. "Not till you eat me," she smiled, threading her fingers through her hair and rotating her hips enticingly over his face.

"Wicked, sexy tigress," he chuckled. "Bring those pussy lips closer and I'll see what I can do."

From his vantagepoint, Carter could see her very delectable body right over his face and as he licked and sucked on her little bud. He also had a very nice view of her breasts and her lovely face as she clung onto the bars of the bed and looked down at him, her auburn hair falling down so it framed her face. Right now the expression on her face was one of exquisite pleasure so he knew he was pleasing her the right way.

"Ooh yesss," she moaned, gripping the bars, her body shuddering as she hit another peak, and she came.

Carter greedily lapped up her juices and pushed his tongue right into her pleasure hole. He was glad she didn't move away, because he wanted her to cum all over his face again. With his tongue he probed and parted her nether lips until her nub was exposed again, and he lightly nipped on it several times with his teeth. That brought forth an immediate reaction from her in the form of sexy little yelps, and to his satisfaction, one orgasm after another. Her juices tasted so sweet it was like nectar flowing down from heaven.

Geneva looked down into Carter's brown eyes and saw the lust and heated desire there, although she knew he still had them in check so she hadn't entirely broken him down yet. If she wanted that she would have to tease him some more. Right now she found his raw, controlled, animal-like manliness very exciting, which said a lot, since he was the first man since David to awaken her sexual side, and awaken it he did, with a vengeance it seemed. She thought all along that it was a side of her she'd buried with David, but it was there all along, just waiting for the right man to come along and ignite it.

Slowly and deliberately moving down the length of his body, she left a juicy trail as she did so, until her fanny bumped into his hard on. "Ooh yes," she purred, giving him another Cheshire cat smile. "Mustn't forget about 'Jack', your not-so-little candlestick," she giggled. "I think 'Jack' needs a little attention now, don't you think?"

"I would say he'd love a little attention, seeing as he's been standing at attention for quite awhile now," smiled Carter.

Geneva's fanny 'climbed' over Carter's stiff rod until she reached its apex, whereupon she let her nether lips linger for awhile over his rod's thick head. She pressed down on it a little, feeling it enter her just a fraction of an inch, before raising her hips just enough so she still held the head at her entrance. She smiled when she heard Carter grunting, and did that again, but this time she was prepared, waiting for him to thrust up in an attempt to bury his dick inside her. She raised her hips quickly to avoid that, then moved further down his body, so the result was she felt his hardness stabbing at her belly button.

Groaning with mild frustration, he still managed a smile, but he wasn't about to give in to her teasing yet. He had to admit though that she was good, because his control was breaking down fast and he knew sooner or later he would feel a desperate need to be inside her, and shoot his jis into her. If he didn't have the shackles holding him back, that's what he'd be doing now... he'd surely be grabbing her and happily pounding into that hot, tasty pussy of hers.

Instead, Carter watched as she parted his legs so she could get in-between them, then used her tongue to lazily lick his hardon all over, like it was one huge, long lollipop. The next thing he knew, his balls were vibrating, causing him to arch his back at the unexpected sensation. It took him awhile to realize it was her lips on his balls, humming on it so it vibrated. "Damn Geneva," he groaned, pulling on his shackles, eagerly anticipating more.

Geneva continued licking his balls, then sucked one into her mouth, tickling and circling it with her tongue while it was in there, before releasing it, and doing the same with his other ball. His groans told her he liked what she was doing to him and his arousal made that area between her legs that much wetter. She swallowed as much as his length as she could, trying to relax her throat muscles so she could take in more. She paused there for a bit, letting her tongue twirl around his shaft, slowly working her way up to the ridge where his cock head was. She sucked upwards until her lips released him with a plop. "Oh yummy... precum," she winked at him, circling her tongue over his cum hole so she could taste it.

Taking his length again, she sucked up and down his shaft, her tongue constantly moving, while her finger teased and tickled his balls. She heard Carter groaning and felt his hips bucking so he could get more of himself in her mouth. It got to the point where she didn't have to bop her head up and down at all, because he was helping himself to her mouth. Just when she felt him almost at the edge, she withdrew, shaking her head. "No, not yet Carter. I'm not done with you yet."

"You're not, hmm?" he asked, not knowing how much longer of her teasing he could take. His breathing quickened when her teasing resumed, his frustration increasing each time she brought him close to the edge before withdrawing. He was now tugging hard on his shackles, the muscles in his body tensing, his cock pulsing. "Release me," he said shakily, his eyes blazing with desire. "You win. If I don't have you now I'll go insane, Geneva. The key to the cuffs is in the top drawer of the nightstand. Release me... or get on top of me... please."

Carter saw her pausing while she decided which way to go, and actually heaved a sigh of relief when she made her way back up his body. He saw her positioning herself over his dick, first wetting his head with her hot juice. What she did next made him gasp— she sat down fully on him, taking his entire length inside her in one smooth stroke. "Yes baby yes... fuck me with that hot pussy of yours baby! Oh god!"

Geneva didn't realize how much she missed having a rock hard cock inside her. She leaned forward so she could feel his entire length stroking in and out of her, helped in no small part by Carter flexing his hips and thrusting up against her. Another orgasm ripped through her body, causing her pussy muscles to tighten their hold on his shaft, and making her cry out. While it slowly subsided, she leaned over to the nightstand and found the key to the cuffs. Waving the key in front of him with a mischievous smile, she released first one wrist, then the other.

Carter wasted no time, because that was what he was waiting for. He used enough force to push her off him and onto the bed, immediately got on top of her and plunged himself all the way inside her. He pinned her arms down and stroked her so hard and fast that the movement of his hips almost became a blur. Just before he was about to reach his peak however, he withdrew from her, turned her around so she was on all fours, and sank himself into her again. Grinning when he heard her screaming her orgasms into the pillow, he reached down and fingered her clit while wet sloppy sounds of their mating reached his ears.

Holding back his own release as long as he could, he felt her entire body shake as Geneva experienced another one. He could tell it was a particularly intense one because of how hard she shook and how tightly her pussy gripped his cock. That caused him to spasm, triggering his own orgasm, and he groaned loudly, shooting his thick, hot sperm into her pussy. "Oh my... oh god..." he breathed, feeling the rest of his molten, liquid desire draining from his balls and into her.

Collapsing on the bed beside her, his chest heaved up and down, and he tried to catch his breath. Looking over at her, he grinned when he found her doing the same. He pulled her close, kissing her wet, sweaty forehead and chuckled. "That was the best orgasm I've had in a long, long time, Geneva. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Carter," she smiled. "That was the best I'd had in a long time as well. I'm sorry I pulled that thing on you... you know..."

Carter laughed heartily at that. "No need to apologize about that. After all, what goes around comes around," he winked at her meaningfully. "You didn't think our night was over, did you?"

"Ah I see," she grinned. "Ah well... I guess I can stick around and see what you have in mind for me then."

"Wait and see," he murmured, reaching up and snapping the cuffs on her. "That's just so you don't get up and run away while I take a catnap," he grinned. "We wouldn't want that to happen..."

"No, we wouldn't..." she laughed, sighing with delight when his fingers idly played with her clit as he drifted off to sleep.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
joodlejoodleover 11 years ago
Great quickie

Its hard to find a really good quickie on this site I think, at least after so many years reading. This one was intense and naughty but at the same time playful and romantic. It made for a really good pre-bedtime quickie story. My quickie (though thankfully not that quick) in real life is snoring. Many thanks!

GimletEdgeGimletEdgeover 12 years ago
Loved the multiple turnabouts.

I wish you'd let us know where you are writing now. You're too good to miss.

Black TulipBlack Tulipalmost 17 years ago

I'd say there are other stories on this site more deserving of such a description.

I agree there were some glitches, but I enjoyed reading this story very much. Don't let 'anon' keep you from writing another one.

Black Tulip

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago

Can't wait for the next edition. Wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago

this is simply delish... and fits in the bdsm category because of the bondage (which certainly is noted via the pup-tent in my shorts.) Fab ;)

Erotic AuthorErotic Authorabout 20 years ago
Good Writing

The story was not only erotic, but very well written. You caught my attention in the first paragraph. By the way, I knew Geneva was a woman from the first sentence. My humble opinion is I feel it would have been better categorized into erotic couplings rather than BDSM.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
Nice one

I enjoyed this story very much! The fun tease in me adored Geneva! It started off a little sad, but didn't dwell on it...and quickly became some hot wet fun! I hope to read another story where the tables turn on Geneva! Her lover seems to be just as interesting

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
bad way to start

Unfortunately, I can't judge this story...I quit reading after the first paragraph because the editing was so atrocious I thought Geneva was the guy. C'mon, if you want us to read your work, spend a little time to get things understandable.

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