Billy Ch. 01


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Pete asked me if I was in a hurry to get back and I told him no, but without any explanation. He invited me to have dinner with him and his wife and I accepted. I spent a very pleasant evening with them and didn't leave until very late. Pete took me back to the hotel after telling me that it was his recommendation that got me the job. He told me he had known Ryan for years and that Ryan asked for his recommendation. He wasn't aware of the VP offer though but was thrilled for me just the same. I was very grateful and told him so. We parted as usual, friends and professionals.

I went up to my room to find the phone message light blinking. I wondered who it could be since no one knew where I was except for Ryan and Paula. I got the message and it was Paula. There were several items on her list.

"Stu, it's Paula. A few things. First, Mark is up to speed on the proposals and he can make the presentation tomorrow. Second, he wanted to talk to you but I told him that I didn't have your number. Actually, I did. I got it from Georgina but since you hadn't called me, I wasn't sure you wanted him to have it. And finally, Billy called at least 5 times today wanting to talk to you. Now Stu, what's going on? Do I give her your number or not? And what about Mark? Call me, first thing tomorrow."

That was Paula. She was always looking out for me, even with my wife and my second in command. If I didn't give them the number, she wouldn't either, regardless of what they said. She was something and I was going to make sure she remained with me if she would relocate. I knew she was widowed so maybe. I somehow felt better after her message and I thought maybe I could sleep tonight. At least, I could try.

The next morning, I called Paula just after 8:00 her time. I knew she would be at her desk and she answered on the first ring.

"Hi Paula, it's me. Thanks for the message last night and thanks for not giving out the number."

"Stu, what's going on? Billy has called twice already and she is really beside herself. She's angry at me for not giving her your number and she was crying during the last two call. I don't like being in the middle of something I don't know about."

"I'm sorry Paula. It's personal and I didn't mean to get you involved. I'll talk to you when I get back but for now, no one gets this number. OK? That's an order so you can tell them it isn't your fault."

"I don't give a hoot about that, I just wanted to be sure you were OK. And by the way, congratulations on your promotion and your new assignment. Way to go!"

"Thanks. And by the way, how do you feel about moving to Denver? Would you?"

"Maybe I would. We'll talk when you get back. By the way, do you want to talk to Mark? He asked me to let him know when you called."

"No, I don't want to talk with him and don't give him this number either. He'll understand if you tell him I said that. Only Ryan. I'll be back in the office Monday. I need a few days away without anything to worry about. Can you handle the office for the next two days?"

"Take all the time you need. I'll deal. Call me tomorrow or Friday. OK?"

I agreed and hung up. I had decided on the spur of the moment to take the rest of the week off. I wanted to spend the time looking around Denver and this was as good a time as any. Ryan wouldn't care and I didn't want to face Billy or Mark right now. Let them enjoy each other while I was gone. They deserved each other.

I spent the next several days just looking around. I found a really neat little apartment downtown and close to the plant with a nice view of the mountains. I put a retainer on it and made arrangements to move in at the end of the month, just a couple of weeks from now. It was just right for one. I also found a couple of nice restaurants and one particularly nice bar. I was very relaxed by Saturday evening. I thought it was time for a phone call.

At about 7:30, I called home, or what used to be my home. I didn't think it was going to be that much longer. Billy must have been waiting since she answered on the first ring.

"Hello? Stuart, is that you? Stuart?"

"Hi Billy, yeah it's me. Paula said you called. Did you want something?"

"Stuart, where are you? Why did you leave like that and why haven't you called to let me know where you were? It's been days and I've been going crazy!"

"Didn't seem to bother you Tuesday evening. I wasn't home then either but you weren't expecting me were you? I guess that was the problem. I didn't keep to the schedule so it was my fault that you got caught."

"Stuart, please. It's not what you think. I was angry and Mark was there and it just happened. It was nothing. Honest! Please come home and let me talk to you and explain what happened. Mark doesn't mean anything to me. Please Stuart, come home."

"Billy, if you think that this is the way to get me to come home, you are sadly mistaken. You and Mark made me into a fool, but he at least had the courage to tell me the truth. You seem to want to continue to lie to me and treat me with a total lack of respect. Well, I won't accept that so I guess we have nothing left to talk about. When I come home, I'll arrange to have my things moved out of the house so you can stay there and do whatever you want to do. I don't care anymore."

"Stuart, no! You can't mean that. I'm not lying to you. I don't know what Mark told you but it's not true. It's not. Come home: let me prove it to you. I love you Stuart, not Mark. Never Mark! Just you!"

"Goodnight Billy. If you're interested in being honest with me, I'll be home Sunday night."

I hung up feeling satisfied with my performance. I had kept my cool, I hadn't yelled or lost my temper and I had hung up without giving her any more chances to lie to me. It hurt to know that she was going to continue to lie rather than be honest and try to find a way to work it out. Maybe she didn't want to work it out. I took a nice long shower, climbed into bed and was asleep before my head hit the pillow. I needed the sleep.

The trip home was uneventful and I got my car with only a minimum of delay. I drove home with mixed feelings. On one hand, I wanted a confrontation with Billy, if only to allow my anger to find an outlet. On the other hand, I wanted to play the cool customer and let her wring her hands and cry bitter tears begging me to take her back. I was all mixed up and the time away hadn't given me any answers. I needed to face reality in order to move forward.

I pulled into the garage next to Billy's little two-seater. The sight of it brought a surge of anger. It was something she just had to have and she hardly ever drove it now. I guess she had no reason to go out if she was fucking my best friend here at home. I got out, grabbed my luggage and went in.

She was waiting for me, sitting in the kitchen so she was the first thing I was. She had on a soft pastel blouse that fit her like a second skin and a skirt that was probably way too short. It was an outfit that I used to like her to wear when we were alone and in the mood. I wasn't in the mood now and I thought it a very poor choice. I just looked at her and turned away to put my overnight in the laundry room. I laid the suit carrier over the chair.

"Hello Billy. Ready for some action I see. Is Mark on the way over?"

She broke down in tears and ran out of the kitchen into the family room. For a minute I was ashamed of myself but then my memory of her and Mark kicked in. Rather than follow her into the other room, I walked over to see if there was any coffee. There was a fresh pot so I poured myself a cup and sat down to enjoy it. I added sugar and cream and sat back in comfort. Billy did know how to make good coffee.

While I waited, I glanced over at the phone on the kitchen wall. The call log light was blinking. It had a feature called 'call directory' that recorded the number of any incoming call that was answered. Fortunately, Billy never learned how to work it so it was full now. I pushed the c/d button and saw the last number calling was Mark's cell phone number. I scanned down to see what other numbers were recorded and found that she had answered at least seven calls from Mark, three from his office and four from his cell. I guess they were trying to get their stories straight.

I was enjoying my second cup when she came back in the kitchen wearing a sweat shirt and jeans. I thought this was more appropriate and just nodded my agreement.

"Can we talk now? Will you give me a chance to tell you what happened?"

"I don't want to hear your excuses. What I saw was very clear. You and Mark were in our bedroom, both of you in the middle of a great fuck, yelling so loud with your passion that you didn't even hear your own husband coming up the stairs. I believe you were both just about in the middle of a climax. If you hadn't been fucking him, you might have heard the car pulling in and me yelling. Now, tell me where I'm wrong."

"We just made a mistake and it was the first time for us. You have to believe that. I love you and only you. Mark is a friend but I don't care about him that way. I'm sorry it got out of hand but it doesn't mean anything. It will never happen again. Please Stu. You know I love you."

"I don't believe you. I don't believe this was the first time. I don't believe that you haven't fucked him before and if I hadn't come home, you probably would have continued for several more hours until I was scheduled to come home. I don't believe you love me or you wouldn't have been able to do this to me. You have torn my heart out and tossed it away like garbage. I don't trust you anymore and I don't know if I can ever trust you again."

"Stu, please. I haven't talked to Mark since you left. He means nothing to me, you know that. He's your friend and I never really cared for him. You know that to be true."

"I know that you and Mark have talked several times since I've been gone. Was that to get your story straight or were you making arrangements to get together again? If what you say is true, how can you fuck someone you don't even care for? What the hell kind of woman are you?"

Billy was now crying and shaking her head back and fourth. She was trying to deny the things I was saying but there was little she could say. The trust was gone, the love may still be there but it was struggling to survive the betrayal and the pain. The dark anger that I had the night I found them together was fading, replaced by a hollow, empty feeling. I was trying to find another emotion to keep me going but I couldn't. Pain and emptiness were my constant companions now.

"I'm going to put my things in the spare room. I'll sleep there for the time being until I decide what I want to do. I'll leave the master bedroom to you, cause I sure as hell will never sleep in that bed again. I'll get my stuff and leave you to it. Maybe your memories of your lover will keep you warm at night."

"You aren't even going to let me explain are you? You've made up your mind that I've been cheating on you with Mark and you're going to punish me aren't you?"

"I'm not punishing you. I came home with the intent of letting you tell me the truth and then try to decide if we could work this out. Instead of being honest, you tried to seduce me when I walked in the door and then you lied to me at least twice since we started to talk. You're the one doing the punishing. You really socked it to me. I'll give you credit. I don't know of any way you could have hurt me more than you did. Congratulations!"

I heard the sobs as I walked down the hall to the spare room. I shut the door on the crying, lying bitch and sat down on my bed. Tomorrow was a very important day for me. I had to begin to put things in order and I had to face Mark. I was not changing my recommendation of him as my replacement. Since I was going to be running the division, I needed people who knew their jobs. Mark was one who did. He and I would interact professionally but no other way. We were through as friends. Someday the chance to pay him back for his betrayal would come and I was a patient man.

I waited until I heard the door to our bedroom shut and then I walked down to the spare bathroom and washed up. I put my toiletries on the sink and went back to the bedroom. I shut and locked the door. I needed time to think. I didn't want to be distracted by Billy or by anything else. I knew what I was going to do.

I left the house quietly at about 5:30 that afternoon to go out to get a bite to eat. While I waited, I called my dad at home. I asked him if he could meet me for dinner and he agreed. I wanted to talk to him to get some sort of perspective. I wasn't thinking clearly so I needed help. Dad was always straight with me and wouldn't sugarcoat anything. That's what I needed now.

Dad and I had a good meal and we talked. He was great and took everything I said seriously and never once tried to patronize me. We talked for about an hour and then went back to his place and we spent the rest of the evening talking and drinking beer and just being comfortable with each other. I hadn't spent enough time with him since mom died. I regretted that but vowed to make amends.

It was clear to me that dad preferred that I try to make things work with Billy. He was very fond of her and was quick to forgive her transgressions. I argued with him but he was adamant. He blamed me in part for working too hard and giving her too much and spoiling her. He likened her to a spoiled child who was really a good person. I listened but couldn't quite accept his opinions.

I told him about Denver and he was excited for me. I suggested that he consider moving but he told me he had friends here and didn't want to leave them. We both promised to get together more often and we both pretended to believe it. He wasn't sure about the apartment though and told me so. He said it was like closing the door and having no intention of opening it again. I told him it was something that could change if need be. But in the back of my mind, I doubted it.

I went home just after 11:30 to a quiet house. I didn't know if Billy had stayed in her room or if she had finally gone to bed. I went up to my room and closed and locked the door. I lay down on the bed and passed out from exhaustion and depression. I slept the night.

Monday morning I was up and dressed and ready for work by 7:15. When I went downstairs I found coffee and toast waiting and Billy dressed and sitting at the table. I picked up the coffee and got a quick fix of caffeine but didn't touch the toast. I said nothing to Billy and she seemed inclined to let it go. I grabbed my briefcase from the hall and left without a word.

At work, I called Paula in and told her to close and lock the door. She sat down waiting for an explanation. Even thought she already knew about it, I told her first about the promotion and suffered through her congratulations and 'I told you so's'. I then told her that I would be heading up the division from Denver and asked her again if she had considered moving. She shrugged her shoulders but gave me no answer yet. I finally told her about Billy and Mark. She was angry at first, especially at Billy, but then she calmed down and wanted to know how I was going to deal with Mark. I told her that nothing was going to change except that we were no longer friends and he no longer had unrestricted access to me. He would go through her like everyone else. She would decide whether what he had to say was important or not. When I asked her if that was OK, she just smiled and said to let her handle it.

We talked some more, making arrangements and I did tell her that this was not common knowledge and to keep it to herself. Mark didn't know about the change yet but I would deal with him myself. I also told her I would accept no calls from Billy during working hours. Other than that, it was business as usual for the next two weeks. I dictated a couple of memos to her that had to go out and we were finished. She left the office and shut the door.

I worked intently and solidly for the next 3 or 4 hours and fielded a couple of phone calls from Pete Higson and Ryan. Pete and I worked out some arrangements and things seemed to be going perfectly. Ryan called once to congratulate me on the closure and see how things were going. I assured him and went back to work. I asked Paula to have some lunch sent in from the cafeteria and worked straight through.

It was just after 1:30 when Paula buzzed to tell me Mark was here and that I should probably talk to him. I told her to send him in but to leave the door open. She chuckled and showed him in.

Mark came in and shut the door, intended to have a conversation with me about his affair with my wife. I was not about to have it but before I could say or do anything Paula opened the door and glared at Mark.

"Leave the door open please. Mr. Davidson prefers it that way."

Mark looked back at her angrily and asked me.

"Do you want the door open Stu?"

"As a matter of fact, yes I do. Is that a problem?"

"Not for me but I thought maybe you might want to talk to me privately."

I looked at him standing there, waiting for me to agree to discuss his affair with Billy. I was in no mood to discuss it with him now and without bothering to wave him to a chair, I left him standing as I delivered my instructions.

"No, I don't want to talk to you about anything that is not business. I do want to go over some things with you since you are here. I want to let you know that you will be taking over most of the day to day affairs of the office beginning this week. You will be taking over for me immediately and then Hugh's position soon and will have full authority to make decisions about projects and priorities. You will continue to report to me just as you do now, but I will not be here in Pittsburgh much longer. None of this is for public knowledge. Do you understand?"

Mark was looking at me like I had lost my mind. He had no idea of what I was doing or how to respond. He was shaking his head back and forth as if in denial.

"No, I don't understand. Where are you and Hugh going and why would you give this responsibility to me?"

"Is there someone else who could do my job as well as you? Don't you think you can handle it? If not, say so. Otherwise just pay attention and do your job. Can you do that, al least?"

Mark looked stunned as if I had slapped him. But to his credit, he straightened his shoulders and replied.

"I can handle it. I'm sorry for interrupting. Go ahead."

"Thank you. I'm transferring to Denver. The company has made an acquisition there and I will be heading that operation as well as the Research function here. Hugh is going to retire very soon leaving his position and mine open. Ryan is choosing to combine them into one, reporting to me. That will be you. We have just two weeks to make the move. Is that clear?"

Mark nodded, accepting the news but not yet comfortable with it. But he was a professional, so with that, we went over the current projects, the department priorities and some of the more important personnel issues. We spent at least the next two hours going over those things, not much different from our normal routine but this time there were several differences and Mark understood.

When we were done, I told Mark to begin as acting department head immediately. I would not be making any formal announcement until later. Any problems with personnel, he was to have them see me. He rose to leave and then stopped.

"Stu, when can we talk? I am so damned sorry for what I did to you and I want a chance to explain it to you. Could we have a drink after work?"

"I told you I never wanted to see you outside of work ever again. Nothing has changed. If you have anything to say, say it now. Otherwise get out of my office."

Mark just stared at me with his face flushed and his eyes showing anger. He hesitated until I stood up, then he quickly turned and left.
