Amber's Enslavement Ch. 03


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Only one thing came to Amber's mind. "Is she being rewarded?"

Garth chuckled at the question. "It definitely looks like it, doesn't it? Listen closer."

Amber looked up at Garth, wondering what he meant. It was then, her attention finally torn from the orgy, that she saw five more slaves standing against the walls, apparently waiting their turn. She listened closer, trying to figure out what he wanted her to hear. Then she noticed the undercurrent to the blue slave's moans. Yes, they were moans of pleasure and ecstasy, but there was an undercurrent of agony as well.

"My God!" Amber whispered, "She's almost in pain, isn't she? Just how long has she been doing this?"

Garth caught the attention of one of the slaves against the wall, motioning him closer. The slave knelt at Garth's feet.

"How can I serve you, Master?"

"How long has Fruella been in pleasure?"

"Three hours, Master. She is scheduled for another two."

"Has she asked for an ending?"

"No, Master. Her training is holding."

"Her training?" Amber asked, eyes wide. "What training are you talking about this time?"

Garth gave a small nod and the slave answered. "Endurance training."

"Do you mean that you train slaves to hold up underhoursof sex with hordes of partners?"

Garth dismissed the slave with a motion of his head and turned to Amber. To his surprise, he didn't see shock or horror on her face, but excitement. Endurance training, being fucked until the slave literally passes out, is usually horrifying to captives. They tend to see it as making something pleasurable into something infernal. "Yes, we do. Owners sometimes make slaves available to others in their houses, or to guests. A slave has to be able to serve a multitude of people for as long as physically possible."

"You mean, until she passes out?"


Under her breath, Amber muttered, "What a way to go." Then she caught herself, looked at Garth in anger and spit out, "Never, I'll never be a slave, not even for this. Take me back to my room. I don't want to see any more today."

"Only because the tour for today is already finished. Remember, Amber, you're a captive and aren't in control here. You'll see and experience what the law says you must. Youwillbe a slave, or you'll be dead. I intend to maximize your chances of living."

Garth led her to the room she woke up in. The chain was connected to her ankle again and her hands released.

"Is there anything you need, other than your freedom?"

"Go away, just go away," she cried out, trying to hold her tears in until he left. Once Garth was on the other side of the curtain, Amber threw herself on the bed, her sobs wracking her body as she fought against the sense of hopelessness that was growing in her heart.


Inclon Meracula, first advisor to Thabian Y'Grantlo, sat back in his chair, his thoughts in turmoil. When the first slave showed signs of non-remembrances, knowing things without the knowledge or memories to know them, it was thought to be an aberration. In the last 20 cycles, it had happened again and again, with increasing frequency. Most slaves still remembered nothing of their past, accepting what Destran had to offer their slaves as the only thing there was for them.

Still, Amber was the fifth slave this cycle to be so sure of things they had no business being so sure of. Inclon was afraid that the Captivity potion was beginning to fail. That however, was impossible. All the laws of magic said a potion would work the same way, every time it was used, for all time. This was true of any magic, but so much more important for alchemy, as alchemy was the only branch of magic that the Guild could not control.

This was because only alchemy required nothing from the practitioner. Every other form of magic demanded that the mage have thespark, that indefinable something that allowed them to tap the mana flows of the universe. Alchemy used the mana stored in the ingredients themselves, freeing the alchemist from having to do so. The only way to change how a potion worked was to change the ingredients in some way. The captivity potion was one of the oldest formulas known to house Grantlo. Even the wizard's guild didn't know the exact combination of ingredients needed to make it. Other houses used an inferior potion mix supplied by the guild. The formula was one of the reasons why their slaves were the best in the empire.

Arguably, the potion still did what it was supposed to do. The captives/slaves lost their memories and their sexual responsiveness was increased. This unknowing knowledge thing that seemed to be on the increase might be nothing, or it might be a prelude to the failure of the potion in some way. At least the sexual responsiveness effect was still intact with no sign of side effects. The only possibility he could think of was that the ingredients themselves were changing in some way. Testing that hypothesis would be well nigh impossible, since he would have to be able to compare ingredients from 20 cycles ago with those of today. Potion ingredients don't keep that long.


"Amber, may I come in?" A woman's voice called softly from the curtain separating Amber's room from the rest of the complex.

Amber looked up to see the female slave that had comforted her earlier, Leesha. Her tear-streaked face nodded. Leesha sat down next to Amber and brushed her hand through Amber's hair.

"You have lovely hair. It goes well with your lovely body. Do you want to talk?"

Amber turned her head. "Did you get aroused?"

"What do you mean? Aroused by what?"

"The whipping?"

"Ah, you were aroused by the punishment." Amber nodded her head at the non-question. "No, I wasn't aroused. I threw up. I've known slaves who have been aroused by the punishment. How are you feeling?"

"Evil. It's like I wanted her to be in all that pain, to be bloodied like that."

"Did you, really?"

"No!" Amber's wail of anguish tore at Leesha's heart. Leesha crawled into bed with Amber and held her as the sobbing continued. Under her hand, Leesha could feel Amber's nipple, hard and erect. The frightened captive was aroused, possibly at the memory of the punishment. Slowly, the sobbing wound down.

Amber sniffed a couple of times. "Can you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Cum from pain?"

"Yes, I've reached symbiosis."

"Will you...?"

"You want to see what symbiosis looks like?"

"No, I saw that with Bressala. I need you to...hurt me."

"Hurt you? Amber. You've haven't done anything that deserves a whipping. You can't, you're only a captive."

"No, you don't understand. I need to know...I need to know if pain turns me on."

"You haven't had any training."

"Please," she begged, tears coming to her eyes again. "If I'm not aroused by being in pain, then I was aroused at the punishment by someone else's pain. Don't you understand? I need to know it was wanting it for myself that turned me on. Then I'm just sick, not evil."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"Please, I need this, I need to know. I'll never choose to be a slave if I'm a sadist. I won't go there."

"I need to think about this. Let me bring you some food. I'll let you know after you eat."

"Please don't tell Garth."

"I'll have to if I'm going to be allowed to use a whip."

"Then don't use a whip. Spank me, just do it hard."

"I'll think about it."

Leesha left Amber alone and went to bring her some food. It was normal for captives to eat in their rooms as opposed to the dining hall. Once she'd delivered a tray of meats, fruits, and cheeses to Amber, Leesha traveled the stone corridors until she reached Bressala's quarters. She walked in to find Yolanda studying an anatomy scroll while several pain pins hung from her breasts.

"Yolanda, is Bressala here?"

"Yes," the trainee said with a grimace.

"Still struggling with your lessons?"

"Yeah. There's so much to know. I'm afraid I'll never learn this."

"You will, we all did."

As Leesha headed to the back room, she noticed that Yolanda had returned to her reading, but her finger was slowly moving under the words on the scroll one by one, and her mouth was moving, as if trying to sound the words out.

In the back room, the training room, Bressala was instructing Thebes in giving pleasure to another male, using a wooden carving of a penis to demonstrate. She waited respectfully for Bressala to finish.

"Okay, Thebes, try it on your own. Remember, the tingling will go away if you're doing it right." Rising to her feet, Bressala greeted Leesha. "Leesha, what do you need? Aren't you supposed to be with Amber?"

"I need your advice. Amber has asked for something out of the ordinary." Leesha looked towards a secluded corner, indicating a need for privacy. Once they were out of earshot, she continued. "Amber asked me to hurt her.

"Hurt? What do you mean?"

"She wants to be whipped or spanked. She's desperate to know that her arousal at the punishment was because she wanted to be receiving it, rather than witnessing or inflicting it."

"You'll need Garth's permission to whip her, and he's unlikely to give it."

"She doesn't want Garth to know."

"I see. This is a dilemma. Even with a spanking, while we're not required to have permission first, it's so unusual to punish a captive at all; Garth would expect to be told, even if it wasn't required. Are you concerned about being punished?"

"No. I'm more concerned about the affect on her willingness to be a slave. She says she would never choose to be a slave if she's a sadist."

"Oh my! If there's one thing Amber's not, it's a sadist. The Venturers screen for that early on. Why does she think she might be one?"

"She was aroused by the punishment."

"I see. Yes, that might create such an impression. I think you should spank her. Use position three. Make sure you can tell if she's becoming aroused. I suspect she will be. Make sure she knows that once you start, she can't stop you, she'll have to bear the entire spanking."

"How long should I spank her?"

"Until she's dripping in arousal." At Leesha's confused look, Bressala added, "Trust me, she will be. I've trained slaves who were aroused by the punishment demonstration; every one was a natural at pain/pleasure symbiosis. They were naturally aroused by pain and only had to learn to ride it to orgasm."

"Thanks, Bressala. There's something you need to see. Be quiet, I don't want her to know we're looking."

The pair walked silently to the curtain separating the two areas. Leesha pulled the curtain a little and pointed at Yolanda. Bressala's eyes went up. When they had backed up, Leesha asked, "Did you see it?"

"Yes, Yolanda can't read. No wonder she's struggling with anatomy. Why didn't she say anything?"

"Bressala, illiteracy is something shameful to many. Every slave she knows reads like it was easy. I suspect we could all read before capture. She probably couldn't. I don't know exactly how the translation function of the collar works, but I suspect it has to have something to work with. I'll bet that if a slave had no native tongue prior to capture, they wouldn't be able to understand speech."

"If you're right, she'll never be able to learn to read. There'll be nothing for her to understand."

"Actually, I don't think she's illiterate. I think she's simply a very poor reader. Still, I suspect she'll never be able to read any better."

"So, she needs to learn her anatomy a different way. Thank you, Leesha. This'll help her training immensely."

Leesha left and Bressala entered the front room. She looked down at her trainee. Yolanda looked up.

"Tell me, my little slave, when were you planning to tell me that you're struggling with reading."

Yolanda's eyes widened in shame. "I...I...I can read, just very slowly."

"And that is slowing your training. You're supposed to be honest with your owners. During your training, I'm your owner. Two things are going to happen. You're going to be punished. Slaves don't keep secrets, at least not secrets that interfere with their service. Then, we're going to modify your training. I'm going to have you taught your anatomy by demonstration, not by scroll."

The look of happiness in Yolanda's eyes was telling. Bressala had already noticed how quickly she remembered things that were shown to her. Her anatomy lessons should go much better now. Fetch the number 2 paddle."

"Yes, Mistress."

Bressala didn't recall ever seeing a slave so happy to be punished before.


Leesha entered Amber's room as soon as she had returned from Bressala's. Amber was sitting up, her tray of food setting off to the side. Amber looked up expectantly. Leesha sat down beside her.

"Amber, if you're sure about this, I'll spank you. Understand that once the spanking starts, you'll have no say in when it ends. It could go longer than you want it to. Are you sure?'

"Yes, very sure." Amber suddenly clasped Leesha in a tight embrace. "I'm frightened, too."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Maybe afterwards. What should I do?"

"First, let me take this tray away. I'll be right back."

When Leesha had returned, she was carrying a small paddle and a chair. "Are you ready?" Amber nodded. Leesha sat on the chair. "Lay yourself over my lap." Leesha guided Amber to the correct position and then locked her legs around Amber's, preventing Amber from moving away. A small cord bound her hands behind her back. The position made sure that Amber's pussy was against Leesha's leg so that the slave could tell when the captive was very aroused.

Knowing that Amber wanted to feel real pain, Leesha started in with a spanking that was frequently given as punishment. The paddle hit each ass cheek with a solid slap, turning the flesh red. Back and forth between cheeks, the paddle fell. Each blow caused Amber to cry out. It only took ten blows for Leesha to feel the first hints of moisture on her leg. She smiled and kept the paddling up. Amber was soon sobbing at the pain, unaware that her pussy was leaking as much fluid as her eyes were, or at least that's what Leesha thought.

However, when Leesha stopped the spanking and rolled Amber over onto her back, Amber was thrusting her hips as if she was fucking someone. Through her tears, she pleaded, "Make me cum, please, I need to cum."

Leesha set Amber on the sleeping mat and bent her face to Amber's dripping pussy. When her tongue made contact, Amber screamed at the sensation and pulled at the bindings on her wrists. Inarticulate gasps escaped as her hips mashed her cunt into Leesha's face. Leesha's tongue delved into Amber's slit, lapping at the primed folds of flesh covered in juice. Amber's clit was erect and extended from its hood. When Leesha took it between her lips, Amber bowed her back, straining for orgasm. Her arousal was so intense that it actually held the climax off for dozens of seconds more. Leesha brought her hands up and penetrated Amber with two fingers from each hand, massaging her pussy lips and pressing against the sensitive spot inside her vagina.

The dam broke and Amber started to thrash in ecstasy. Leesha pushed herself closer, sucking on Amber's clit and pussy with a gentle, yet persistent pressure that prolonged the orgasm for over a minute. Amber received the full attention of a fully trained sex slave who was reveling in the pleasure she was providing. Leesha's own cunt was dripping and she felt an ache for satisfaction of her own. She hoped that Amber would be willing to reciprocate, but knew that any number of other slaves or trainees would be ready and willing.

As the captive's orgasm began to diminish, Leesha eased off, only using light caresses to soothe the excited tissues still quivering in Amber's pussy. Slowly, the climax faded. When Amber's body had finally relaxed, she started crying again.

"What's wrong, dear?"

"I'm so confused and frightened. I'm scared of dying in two days. I'm scared of living as a slave. I'm afraid of how my body is reacting. I wasn't just aroused by being spanked; I was so hot I couldn't stand it. What's happening to me?"

Leesha lay down beside Amber, cradling the frightened captive in her arms. "I know you are, I was too when I was a captive. Amber, you're going to make a great slave, even if you don't want to right now." Amber gave a sob at the comment. "It's okay to be scared. You've lost your memory and you're going to become something you think is horrible. That would scare anyone. I promise you, Amber, being a slave is something wonderful. I know you can't see it right now, but give us a chance to show you what is possible."

"Is it really so good, this being someone else's plaything?"

"It's not like that, really. Yes, we have to do what our owners tell us to do, but, once we're trained, what they command are things we enjoy. Service as a slave is such a joy."

"What's it like?"

"Being in service?"


"The last time I was in service, I was owned by a merchant traveling to Zelaphon. He didn't speak Zelphanese and needed a translator. I sat in on his negotiations and he was able to get a fair price for his goods."

"He didn't use you for sex?"

"Oh, yes, he did. He couldn't take his mate with him and I was able to keep him company."

"You mean he had a wife, and he still had sex with a slave?"

"Does that seem strange to you?"

"I don't know. Maybe. I can't remember."

"It's okay, I can't either. I know that on Destran, men and women only have one mate, but mating isn't all about sex. It's more about sharing lives, thoughts, and emotions. Having sex with a slave is no big deal. In fact, on my last day in service to him, he and his mate shared me for sex. I was so tired when I returned."

"All night with both a man and a woman? I'll bet you were tired!" Amber actually laughed a little. Are they always like that?"

"No, each contract is different. Sometimes it's almost always about sexual service. I enjoy those a lot, but they can be tiring. If the Master or Mistress enjoys slaves in pain, it can be very hard service. Even then, though, the pain is worth the looks of pleasure on a Master's face. There are even contracts where sex is not expected."

"And you enjoy every contract?"

"Yes. Some more than others, of course. I'm not a saint, after all." Leesha's hand moved down to Amber's crotch. It was wet again. "Would you like some more?"

"No, not now. I want to think. I still don't want to be a slave."

"I understand. I'll be out for a while. Will you be okay?"

"Yeah. I'm going to think and then sleep. Will you wake me before Garth shows up?"

"Of course."

"Leesha, what's going to happen tomorrow?"

"You'll have a chance to see the nicer side of slavery. Today was the bad, so to speak. Tell me, do you still feel evil?"

"No, perverted maybe. I'm sure I was aroused because the thought of pain for myself turned me on. If I become a slave, that'll be something potential owners will be told, isn't it?'

"Yes, you're right. They do try to encourage owners to pick slaves that truly enjoy what the owner wants. It makes everyone happier. Don't worry, not only will the collar protect you from serious permanent injury, whippings like the punishment you saw today are very rare and strongly discouraged. If House Grantlo suspects that a potential owner would use a slave in such a way regularly, they will refuse the contract."

"Thank you for talking with me, and for spanking me. Will you get in trouble?"

"No, I don't think so. I'll have to tell Garth about it in the morning."

"I suspected as much. By then, it won't matter to me. I just didn't want to have him do it."

"Until the morning, Amber."

"Good night, Leesha. Leesha?"


"Do you need relief?"

"Yes, pleasuring you has made me needy."

"Would you like me to...?"

"Only if you're really okay with it."